Sweet smell of strippers

avatar for SammyGold
I'd forgotten it since I haven't been hobbying for awhile until recently but ...

I really kind of like that sickeningly sweet smell that hits you when you walk into a club. It must be Pavlovian or something.

And it's always the same at every club. I'm guessing it's just the mix of every brand of cheap perfume on the market lingering in the air.

The only problem is how to get it out of your clothes. Avoiding lap dances would be a good first step I suppose - not. :)

I'd stop in more often on my way home from work but I don't want to walk into the house with that smell. My wife knows I hobby on occasion, but coming home smelling like bubble gum isn't exactly keeping things discrete. Plus I don't want my boys associating the smell with their father. When they're older, there will come that aha moment when they first walk into a club themselves!



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avatar for jablake
17 years ago

I usually smell like stale cigarettes after visiting a strip club. :( In fact, that is one of the turnoffs I've just learned to live. Furthermore, it seems like the hottest looking strippers like to smoke more than the fatties.

So my stereotype is that fatties are generally nicer and don't smell as much of cigarettes.

BTW, I should get a free pass on being harsh sounding towards fatties cause I'm regrettable overweight. Maybe I need to start smoking cigarettes. :)

Lastly, strip clubs may be gone by the time your boys are older. It wasn't that long ago that hookers--very hot, white and black--were pretty much allowed to work on Biscayne Blvd. Then the government started stealing motels and engaging in other criminalty all in the name of protecting the public or similar sounding shit.

avatar for ozymandias
17 years ago
I hate the smell - it's a blend of cheap perfume, cigarettes, baby oil and horny, sweating men. Yuck.

First thing I do after a club is shower and change - and I have to admit, there are times I'm thinking of going to a club but then realize I'm meeting people later (or whatever) and, since I don't want to stink, I pass on it.

That's what I love about the AMPs - you actually leave cleaner than when you got there. Now, if there were a strip club where you had the option to shower with your girl before you left - well, that would be JUST FINE!

avatar for CarolinaWanderer
17 years ago
I keep a spray bottle of Fabreeze and a spray can of Oust in my vechicle. First spray with Fabreeze to kill the smoke and perfume smell, then with Oust to kill the Fabreze smell. Try it , it works!
avatar for FONDL
17 years ago
Cheap perfume, smoke and sweat. Just wouldn't be the same without it.

Incidently, the PA legislature is wrestling with a public places smoking ban law. The current version would exempt bars and private clubs, so I'm not sure what effect it would have on strip clubs, but it sounds like places that serve alcohol would be exempt while NA places wouldn't unless they were set up as private clubs. But what's interesting is that that law would also prohibit cities from enforcing anything more stringent than the state law, which would reverse parts of the smoking ban that Philly passed a couple years ago. There's a lot of opposition to smoking bans at the state level. There are also a lot of small tobacco growers in rural PA (who tend to focus on the cigar wrapper market.)
avatar for quimby
17 years ago
Cigarette smoke would be a big improvement for my club. They had a break-in or two over the winter, so they got some (after hours) guard dogs that they lock in the place after closing; the dogs wiz on everything and the place smells like it...

(By the way, how do you spell "wiz" ??)
avatar for jablake
17 years ago
Whiz or Whizz

5. intransitive verb offensive term: an offensive term meaning to urinate ( slang )

avatar for looker123
17 years ago
I have 2 clubs that I visit the most. On allows smoking, one does not. I don't usually need to worry what the wife will say if I come home smelling of smoke, I work with people that smoke and our afterwork bar allows smoking so I'm covered there. The other makes me worry, anyone that is married knows women have an unatural sense of smell. I'm going to have to try the fabreze/oust combo! Thanks CW!
avatar for hornytoad085
17 years ago
I'm with ozymandias--I can't stand the smell--body lotion and B.O. (both male and female)--cigarettes are an improvement that cover it up, although I don't really like girls who smoke.

There have been times when I've walked into Flashdancers in NYC (below street level, which I think adds to the funk)--the only phrase I could think of to describe the aroma was "trapped beaver".
I generally love the smell of strip clubs and strippers. But I am single. I do not have to worry about going home. I have walked into a couple of really bad clubs where you could smell the urine coming from the mens room. I have smelled a couple of dancers with really bad B.O. I'll always remember a quote from a review by StripShopper. "She stuck her pussy in my face and it smelled like ass." She is still working there but I avoid her. I have been a smoker for over 50 years so cigarette smoke does not phase me but cigar smoke does. My favorite club not only allows it but promotes it. They have a price list of their cigars above the urinals in the mens room. Damn expensive too. I once had a dancer brushing glitter off of me from a previous dancer. I told her not to worry. Once while unloading my AWOL bag, I showed my son (26 yo) the lip stick on the front of my shorts. He just smiled. I don't have to worry about lip stick on the collar, hickeys, love bites or back scratches or bringing home gifts. I intend to stay single.
avatar for David9999
17 years ago
http://www.enviroscent.com/com… - many clubs today use these commercial grade scent machines to induce the right mood, one that will help you spend $$$, which pipe certain smells in, often vanilla and similar smells. If its non-smoking club, it doesn't smell bad and will not get in your clothes or anything.
avatar for shoeshow
17 years ago
Hey, don't forget to add the smell of *money* to the formula!!

When I work, it takes two days to wash the smell out of my hair. Yuck.
Are you one of those dancers that walk around in lighted shoes?
avatar for 4SCMan
17 years ago
I spray a bit of that "BOD" spray on myself, which is the teal bottle, after work before going to my local club, just so I smell good. Who know's, it may just get you 2 dances for the price of 1. It has worked before.

As far as smell in a club, this chick I always have preform her dances for me, and also kicks some butt in Pool, she has this awesome smell of perfume or some kind of cream, almost like a marshmellow smell. she told me that for a guy who works Physical manual labor at my Warehouse, I sure know how to be kind to my surroundings and must admit that made me feel pretty good.

Very interesting topic brought up.

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