
Comments by ozymandias (page 13)

  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Possible scenario, dancer needs a place to stay, would you let her stay with you
    Never in a million years. Always remember the adage about whores: you don't pay a whore for sex, you pay her to *leave afterwards*. Part of the luxury of strippers is you can just get up and leave when you're tired of her! Not if she's sitting in your living room (with no makeup, wearing sweats, her hair piled up on her head and secured with a big claw-like clamp, smoking a cigarette while watching "Jerry Springer" and simultaneously arguing with her "friend" Damon on the cell phone that you last series of lapdances paid for) though! O.
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    17 years ago
    Book Guy
    I write it like I mean it, but mostly they just want my money.
    How fast can genetic progress move?
    There is a male counterpart to a stripper : the "band member" And stripper "stupidity" isn't a genetic trait, it's a memetic trait. Incidentally, modern humans are about 100,000 years old, by current consensus, though there could be a big +/- in that figure. O.
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    17 years ago
    off topic - KENNEWICK MAN
    Actually DNA contamination is a very, very big problem in paleobiological research. To have a really clean sample, the remains would have to be excavated in a "clean" environment, but because of the uncertain nature of paleontological exploration (ie. you never know when a bone is going to turn up) that's just impractical. Contrast it with forensics at a crime scene - at least there, the investigators are heading to a site with the awareness that a body is there, and they can set up clean facilities "on site". Quite a different set up, in practice, from what you can do in paleobiology. Funny, I was just discussing this problem with a paleontologist yesterday! O.
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    17 years ago
    How old is too old /
    My favorite strippers are the young wild ones who are just doing it because they want to party and make some fast money - slender, tight, slutty and willing to party. Let's call 19-24 the "sweet spot" for this category. After that, they start actually becoming "strippers" and worse, having kids and being "stripper moms". At this stage they're even more likely to be a whore (I'd say the young MILFs are by far the easiest to arrange OTC with) because they have a kid to support (alone... let's face it, these are baby daddy situations). I'd say desirability caps out at 30, tops. An over-30 stripper is a career stripper who's by then spent years around smoke and booze, and frankly is just used goods... or, worse, they are women driven there by desperation (husband left, lost a job, ete etc). Give me a hot, tight, stupid nineteen year old looking to party and do anything for money, and I'm happy! O.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    OTCing... The Future Of Clubbing?
    I really just think the younger generation of women sluttier than ever... the current crop of strippers simply reflects this. I mean, check out a college campus sometime, or a high school for that matter. The Sixties had nothing on the "Naughts". Probably can chalk that up to television and rap music, to some degree anyway. O.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    What is the largest sum you spent in one night at one or multiple club(s)
    My max for one club in one night was $3700 - would have spent more but the club closed. I had run into a guy earlier who owed me $7k that I never actually expected to see again, and to my surprise he gave me $5k in cash, so it was "free" money anyway. Probably about $1k of the money I spent was giving money to girls to tip other girls for me on stage. I have to say, it was loads of fun! Nowadays I'll pretty much cap it at $600 or so, probably spending an average of $300 on a typical visit. I was a Cheetah in Atlanta once when Motley Crue dropped $20k there, though - they tipped their waitress $1,000 - it was a pretty crazy scene. O.
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    17 years ago
    strip clubs book adina howard freak like me to come to your club.
    As a media professional who deals with press releases and promotions on a daily bases, I can offer a few helpful hints: 1. Learn English. 2. Use grammar. 3. Punctuate. I won't even bill you for this. Good luck with your bookings! O.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Younger Dancers vs. Older Dancers
    I like the impossibly tight, smooth, young bodies: 18-25 is pretty much my range. And nothing beats a freaky 19yo... I'm still sore from last night.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Barter for lap dances?
    I haven't bartered for lap dances, but I have won them. Last night, this tight, slinky 19yo ebony dancer I'm sitting with (and we've been getting along really well, have that good dancer-customer chemistry going on) says "let's play pool" (meaning literally, not figuratively LOL) so we go to the pool tables, and I jokingly say "so what do I get if I win" and she replies "two free dances". Now, I'm a good player, but there are some pool-shark strippers out there, but it turns out shes a newbie, and I win the first game easily. "Double or nothing?" she asks, and I agree, and I win again. And again, surely knowing she's going to lose, and I win again easily, and now am up 8 free dances. She offers to play again, but this time I insist "just for fun" (though I was tempted to go for a free VIP at this point hehe). Interestingly the dances were even hotter than the ones I'd paid for earlier (and they were plenty hot) - funny how it works out that way. O.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta has a new ordinace starting next week
    Mental note: this might be a good time to start as escort agency. Those 18-20 y.o ho's gotta do *something* to make ends meet ;)
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    17 years ago
    is this a classic stripper boyfriend or what?
    In my experience, the "classic stripper boyfriend" is a young, unemployed guy who is "forming a band soon". O.
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    17 years ago
    Getting Taken with Dance Overcount
    I always prepay for a few dances at a time. "Here's $60, so just dance the next 6 songs you like" Been doing that for years. O.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    What makes customers most irritated with dancers?
    What irritates me most is when "be right back" stretches out into ten minutes. Don't bore me is all I ask! O.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Club race problems?
    The only "problem" I've had as a white guy in a "black" club is being swarmed by the dancers - I can almost see their eyes light up, like I'm an ATM machine with legs lol. Also OTC is pretty much there for the taking, so if anything I have the opposite of "problems" in a black club. Now, at a white club once I got very interested in an Asian dancer, but she wouldn't fuck me because I wasn't black - she only did black guys. So not quite what you were looking for, but racism takes some odd forms at times ;) She was a hot little spinner too :( O.
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    17 years ago
    Has an ATF type dancer "fired" you " for turning cheap?
    It's a business. If I had a client who decided we had become "friends" and was trying to occupy a lot of my time gratis, I would certainly explore the possibility that maybe he was no longer a customer worth servicing. It's a pretty important issue, especially in a fundamentally social business, because you have to weigh the value of a client against his networking value. I can certainly understand a dancer "firing" a no-longer-paying customer though. O.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    How to date a stripper...
    I guess my view is: 1. Why on earth would I want to date a stripper when I can rent one? 2. I don't have time to waste sitting at a table bored and waiting for my mark to happen along. I go in, grab the one I want, and get to it. 3. I don't go into a restaurant, try to be charming hoping they'll eventually feed me. I go in, order what I want, pay a fair price for it. A strip club isn't much different. A stripper fuck-buddy is one thing - done that a few times - but date? Why? Never understood the appeal. O.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    I just got my ass chewed out by a stripper at my favorite club.
    I have a rule that I never, ever discuss one stripper with another. That includes telling one stripper what another told me - I just keep it to myself. I might use the information to manipulate her (if I knew a certain thing was a big turn-on for a girl, for example) but I'd never actually mention it. I also never, ever kiss-and-tell. Basically, "don't get involved" is my mantra in clubs. So far, so good ;) O.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Dancer Desperation
    This has nothing to do with financial difficulties - it's a trend that has been evolving for a number of years, girls are just getting sluttier. And not just in clubs. In high school now, "the thing" is for girls to shave "porn style"... not to mention how much more advanced sexually they are. Check out a current prom some time (especially for black high schools) and you'll see grinding worthy of a VIP room. It's not such a huge step from being in AP English class at 17 to straddling a regular for FS in VIP at 18. It's the ho-ification of America, and we the customers are it's beneficiaries. O.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    First, if she's giving up to you, she IS giving it up to everyone. Just assume that. Secondly, if you read up on it, you'll find that for the most part DATY is much less likely to give you something REALLY bad (like HIV) than actual fucking, though it can be a means of transmitting herpes, which would (no pun intended) suck. I'll agree a dental dam is about as unsexy as it gets (at least as unsexy as those horrible clogs liberal women wear, or whatever the Hell those clompy shoes are called), and I'd rather eschew DATY than munch on a piece of latex. A good alternative is to finger the girl - in VIP I'll have her laying back on my lap, legs spread wide open while I play with her clit and lips and finger-fuck her to a few orgasms. If she licks her juice from my fingers, that's always a plus too. Yes, I've eaten my fair share of pussy in VIP rooms (and OTC) but let's face it, that pussy is public property. And frankly eating a girl out in VIP - which practically guarantees that you're in some weird position - is a good way to injure your neck ;) Fingers are just easier. Obviously with a dancer you're in a good position to judge at least the apparent health of her pussy (it's shaved and spread inches from you, after all) and if there's the slightest smell or any sores, steer clear of that thang! O.
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    17 years ago
    Thoughts on Dancer contact
    I have to confess, the only reason I go to clubs is to find girls to fuck. You can see them naked, so there are no surprises - I like to check out anything before purchase - and you can gauge their personality, look for that chemistry. Then close the OTC deal, whether it's pay-for-play or she's just looking for something too. Point is, no strings attached fucking with a young, fun chick with a killer body is a good thing. I'm not sure exactly what happened to dancers, but 20 years ago dancers were "strippers" - that was really there profession - and it was very uncommon to have much contact, especially lap dances and the like. Now, they are pretty much whores - even the "conservative girls" will let you finger them and suck their tits in VIP. Most of the others will suck you off or fuck you. I regard it as progress ;) O.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Meeting Billy Joel
    I'm usually good at discerning the nuances of netspeak, but "a billy joel" is over my head. I assume it's something sexual though, from context. I've had a number of BBBJs in clubs, including a good number with the load swallowed (though nearly all that was an Asian chick at Flashers) and a couple of times have had a dancer just straddle me and start fucking me uncovered. Did I worry? no... I'm too much of a mathematician to actually worry about picking up as STD from the occasional unprotected contact (direct innoculation with HIV has about a half a percent chance of causing infection, for example), but I do test periodically and have always tested after risky behavior. Considering the sheer amount of public pussy I've plumbed over 20 years, including in places like Thailand and Cambodia, it's amazing I've never caught *anything*, but again, I don't believe in luck and am generally vigilant. Stuff is going to happen (condoms break, whatever) but you just hedge your risk when you can.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Any worries about the economy and it affecting your strip club visits?
    I knew one dancer - of hundreds I've know, there was one - who actually did manage her money and got ahead stripping. She kept a record of her daily earning, filed quarterly estimated taxes and reported ALL of her income, kept to a strict budget, and in fact entered dancing with a specific termination date in mind. The reason she reported all of her income was so that she could safely bank it, and she used dollar cost averaging methods to invest it, maximizing her Roth contributions annually and putting money in other vehicles, including using hedge options to cover risk. And she bought a house. She also "only danced", ie. no VIP extras or OTC stuff, and kept everything strictly business. She didn't socialize with other strippers, except one... which was how I got to know her, the other girl was also a friend of mine. She danced exactly two years - and THAT is what all dancers should be doing. I don't know how much she banked or what she did after, but she was very smart so I'm sure she's well on her way. Literally every other dancer I've ever known basically managed money about as well as a retarded junkie. O
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Why so many little clubs?
    Any service business in the right location that offers good service over a long time and doesn't try to fuck around doing anything unethical will pretty much be a gold mine. Some of the richest people I know are own popular restaurants, for example. You'd be surprised at some of the little hole-in-the wall businesses that are making their owners a mint - dry cleaners, frame shops, insurance and financial planning offices, you name it. If you want to see some sick earnings, check out an AMP like Gold Spa in Atlanta - that's pulling in $20k gross a day, easy... even paying half out to the girls, that's a $3.5 million dollar a year business. That's as much as a Borders or B&N near a major mall pulls in annually. There's a goddamn ton of money moving around out there, just be smart, work hard, and manage risk and it's hard not to make a mint. O.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Customer Rights?
    RomanticLover I meant, obviously. Damn this forum and it's lack of an edit feature! O.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Customer Rights?
    It's been a good read. All it needs to be really complete is for RomanticJester to weigh IN with his OPINIONS. O.