
Do you play cards or games involving dice? In S.C. it's illegal in your home.

Saturday, April 26, 2008 11:11 AM
Yes, it's illegal to play any card games or games with any cards or dice in South Carolina. Apparently at some point in the past, our legislators thought it was immoral to do such a thing and passed a law making it illegal to play a game of cards in your own house. Fortunately I haven't heard about them using the police to bust into people's home and make arrests because someone was playing backgammon or a card game like spades. Recently some legislators here tried to make it legal to play a game of poker in your own house. The bill failed to pass. It's still illegal here. The reason I'm posting this is to point out that I disagree with legislators trying to enforce their religious views on the rest of society. The latest case in point was the bill that did pass the house in South Carolina to restrict all strip clubs with a 6 foot rule that would be enforced through police enforcement along with a ban on lap dances. We don't need that. We don't need religious views getting put into law. I should be able to legally play a game of backgammon or cards or whatever game I want to in my house if I'm not threatening the public. Actually I'm not even opposed to gambling even though there are a few people who do not know how to exercise control and limit their gambling to disposable income. I guess some argue that the extreme gambling losses would cost society a lot more money than it creates. Someone tried to use the same argument to pass the strip club bill arguing that dancers performing lap dances and getting close to dancers is a public health hazard. Apparently they disregard the fact that the same people are in constantly touching getting change in grocery stores, shaking hands in church, brushing up against other people in bars and nightclubs. If the attack against strip clubs is solely in the name of public safety, all public meetings need to separate the people so that contact isn't made because shaking hands in church for example spreads diseases and we all know that getting sick is a big loss to society, you miss work, etc. etc. Don't you just love how progressive your local politicians can be?


  • casualguy
    16 years ago
    I know religious viewpoints already determined many of the laws we already have on the books but imposing new additional laws because of one groups religious views I am opposed to that. If it's public safety, then the safety issue needs to apply to all public meetings not just strip clubs. Tell the politicians that the 6 foot rule will also apply in the state house and the police will fine them $1,000 each time they violate the law by getting too close to another representative and see how fast this stupid bill gets dropped. PS. I think the bill got set aside for further review so I'm guessing we won't hear too much about it for at least several months. If you live here, I would vote out of office all incumbents in the house of South Carolina unless you know they were against the bill.
  • jablake
    16 years ago
    At Angels some years back I would play guess a card with the dancers sometimes. The game just didn't have enough zip or zap or zup. Basically, the dancer would pick a card and if she could make a lucky guess identifying her pick then I'd give her $50. Because it was too difficult sometimes I'd offer the $50 if they could merely guess if it was hearts or diamonds or etc. That did give some excitement, but that is too easy to win and also the game goes too quick regardless. One time the poor dancer was guessing all night and just given the number of guesses she should of been able to hit pay dirt. She started to get down on herself so at the end of the evening I gave her the $50. Her smile was worth a lot more than the $50 to me at that moment. Confelicity and macarism are more than good words or good synonyms they are good living. :)
  • jablake
    16 years ago
    casualguy, It seems sorta like you don't believe it is the governments sacred duty to improve society? :) You want people to think for themselves and make all manner of destructive brian deficient choices? News flash: Most people need government to spell out what is right and what is wrong, what is attractive and what is ugly, what is intelligent and what is stupid, what is torture and what is enhanced interogation, what is affirmative action and what is reverse discrimination, who are extremists and who are moderates, etc. etc. etc.
  • quimby
    16 years ago
    Jablake - My impression from some short time in South Carolina is that "true believers" run the state government. If you are convinced that your viewpoint is the only correct one, and that you are the moral force in a sea of iniquity, then you start forcing your enlightenment on the non-geovernmental masses... (for their benefit, of course)
  • jablake
    16 years ago
    Yes, I think it gets down to if there is a perceived or actual wrong then of course the law/government is the proper remedy. :( Many years back an abortion rights advocate was extemely distressed when I informed him that I considered most abortions whether sanctioned by government or not to be murder. Well, he goes on this long rant about how criminalizing doctors and poor women would create so much misery and be so expensive and etc. When he finally allowed me to speak I informed him that just be I viewed a certain activity as a serious heinous crime didn't mean I automatically approved of laws enforcing my viewpoints. He was shocked and says if there is a crime then there *has* to be a LAW! I explained the old saw about the cure being worse than the alternative. Of course, he didn't care for my idea that women get the opportunity to see what they're aborting. Got keep people in the dark or as he put it you don't want scare or confuse vulnerable women especially since a fetus is nothing. They he starts yapping about the death penalty as if he knows what I believe. :)
  • ozymandias
    16 years ago
    I've played D&D with friends in S. Carolina, in private homes... damn, I'm such an outlaw. O.
  • casualguy
    16 years ago
    I got a feeling that South Carolina if full of outlaws, even among the police force, lol. :) Of course if no one knows is that like asking if no one heard the tree fall in the forest, does it even matter? Why should our politicians make laws if it doesn't matter? I don't think it matters if someone plays a game of cards in South Carolina or if they get closer than 6 feet to a dancer. Do lap dances matter? Only for those visiting a club unless a politician is thinking about his wife doing a dance in his bedroom and thinks she should never do that again. Then he should immediately propose a bill to ban wives from dancing in the bedroom. Then when the politician shows how he is wasting taxpayer money on frivolous issues, the people can vote him out of politics.
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