Funny Things Dancers Say...
I've known many dancers that for one reason or another aren't the most educated women in the world. A lot of them haven't finished high school... of if they had, they obviously didn't pay much attention.
My ATF had to drop out of school when she was 15, but surprisingly, she is very intelligent; you'd never suspect that she wasn't a COLLEGE graduate.
On the other hand, there's a certain dancer that I'm close to. She DID graduate from HS, but she doesn't possess much of a vocabulary. Frequently, she will say something that takes me a moment to figure out what her intended meaning was... it sometimes takes quite an effort to keep a straight face, once it dawns on me what she was trying to say. Her most recent word... "conversate".
She called me, saying that we needed to "conversate" about something. I said, "what?!" She repeated what she'd just said - yeah, I DID hear her correctly. Of course in her mind, "conversate" meant to have a conversation about something. Cracked me up! Still makes me smile when I think about it...
My ATF had to drop out of school when she was 15, but surprisingly, she is very intelligent; you'd never suspect that she wasn't a COLLEGE graduate.
On the other hand, there's a certain dancer that I'm close to. She DID graduate from HS, but she doesn't possess much of a vocabulary. Frequently, she will say something that takes me a moment to figure out what her intended meaning was... it sometimes takes quite an effort to keep a straight face, once it dawns on me what she was trying to say. Her most recent word... "conversate".
She called me, saying that we needed to "conversate" about something. I said, "what?!" She repeated what she'd just said - yeah, I DID hear her correctly. Of course in her mind, "conversate" meant to have a conversation about something. Cracked me up! Still makes me smile when I think about it...
My ATF also dropped out of high school at 17 (she got pregnant). On one hand, she is very street smart and very savvy when it comes to her finances (she is 26 now), but on the other hand, her vocabulary is also very limited. I cringe at the way she butchers the King's English. A word she often uses is "tooken" for "taken".
And some of her spelling in text messages is laughable. It goes beyond the ordinary abbreviations some use in she uses "to" when she means "too".
But do we REALLY care how smart our favorite strippers are? LOL !!!
On the other side of the coin, I don't think of my C-Fav as being uneducated. She does have a more urban way of talking, and maybe her vocabulary is influenced by ebonics. I certainly don't look down on her because of the way she talks. I actually find it endearing, for the most part.
I had never heard that before.
On the other hand, about a year ago in court, I heard a young lawyer say "allegate" when he meant "allege", so maybe the level of formal education isn't determinative in all cases...
I usually don't talk in a stilted manner, so I haven't really need to consciously select the words that I use to make sure that I'm understood. Personally, if I felt like I needed to, it would probably drive me crazy.
ta learn how ta speak properly. :)
Don't ever dumb it down ya'll...
You'll also find that a lot of slang phrases are regional - if you're from somewhere else they really sound stupid to you (like that annoying "wicked good" that you hear in Boston) or you have no idea what they mean.
I don't ever try to dumb down, if she has trouble understanding me I'm not going to be interested in her anyway.
I probably know more Spanish than I know hip hop slang, but I am learning. A couple of weeks ago, I learned a new phrase -- "to hook me up" -- it's not what you would think. It's to give a dancer (or anyone else) some money.
One of my favorite moments with a stripper was when she told me I was worse off not smoking because while I was breathing secondhand smoke, she was breathing firsthand. I laughed (on the inside) and then explained to her that when she wasn't taking a drag, she was breathing the same air that I was. Wow, when I flipped the switch on that light bulb... She honestly had no idea.
Sort of like to "axe" a question.
If you are hearing people say "conversate" you aren't talking to educated people ;)
I've been partial to the black clubs lately myself, so I've gotten quite an earful of ebonics; it's funny how different speech can be, like "where you stay at?" rather than"where do you live?" or "I ain't seen you in a minute" for "I haven't seen you in a long time." However, the speech seems to infect strippers (and other uneducated types) regardless of race... I was amazed once when I got a voicemail from an Asian stripper I know and, if I hadn't know otherwise, I would have assumed the voice was that of a streetwise black girl ("yo, wassup, jus' wanna give ya a holla, you know what I'm sayin? gimme a call back, peace...")
She meant it to be funny. I think.