
Will the convention at the Columbia Platinum Plus be a bust?

Thursday, April 24, 2008 12:34 PM
Will April 25th & 26th at the Columbia Platinum Plus in SC be a total bust? I can't wait to see the bullshit and lies that the old man comes up with but the responses he is receiving in that thread make me optimistic that he will be standing in a big empty room wearing his famous pervert pants hearing nothing but the echo of his lonely sobs. But don't take my word that his little ego party is going to implode, check this out: “Sounds more like shilling than bragging. If I didn't know better that's what I'd think. But the sad truth is this senile old pervert just wants to wear his shorts and pop a nut in front of his buddies. Nothing gay about that is there Shadowrat?” – parodyman--> “LOL...glad to know that I finally got under scat's skin...the truth hurts sometimes, but oh well. I'm sure someone's told him all that stuff before. I don't expect someone his age to change his ways, ever. It's almost as if he thinks that HE's running the PP or something like that...that's just weird. I really hope the latest AARP convention at the PP goes well...be sure to take your pills guys...” – Mister Guy “Hope you're there by your fucking self! Maybe even the dancers won't want anything to do with you-here's hoping!” – Shekitout “I am no longer a promoter of this convention. Too many guys have backed out. Guys that I counted on. And bad vibrations that I am getting on this web site from other TUSCLers has led me to want to participate less. I will be there for those of you that want to party but I will only be there as a customer to visit my favorite dancers.” – Shadowcat Sounds like it's all doom and gloom until you read this. Our hero has a plan to turn his trip around. “My daughter made a special trip to my house this evening to give me some photo's of me with my grand daughter. Born on Apr 9th. Weighing in at 9lbs. She knew that I wanted to shared them with my favorite strippers tomorrow. Women eat that up. Even some guys. It may not get me laid but I will bet that it lossens some thongs. As she left she told me to have a good time. I'll bet that I do.” – Shadowcat I can't fucking imagine why people from this board and in your real life want to distance themselves from you Shadowcat. That last bit shows how truly amoral and fucked in the head you are.


  • Dudester
    16 years ago
    1) I have seen a few passing references to a convention, but I hadn't received any information and I felt slighted. 2) Too late now for me to make any plans. 3) What I have learned from the net over the years is that the majority of visitors to any site are lurkers. The tiny percentage who actually post are strong willed people. 4) You cannot put strong willed people together in the same room and not have trouble. I have seven siblings and we are all managers and supervisors at our jobs. Put us in the same room and soon after World War 3 breaks out, because someone will try to be in charge, and someone else won't like it.
  • IDleStripper
    16 years ago
    Maybe this will give Shadowcat and Shekitout a chance to make up, and then make out(in the mens room).
  • jester214
    16 years ago
    Parody, you're so much worse than shadowcat, or anyone else for that matter... What does this post have to do with SC's? What is the purpose at all? Damn, I'm starting to understand why people ignore you. Atleast the others who don't like shadowcat keep it to the occasional comment...
  • ozymandias
    16 years ago
    Okay, this anti-Shadowcat thing is getting creepy and obsessive. parodyman-->, for all I know you may have a legitimate beef with Shadowcat (I don't know, because I didn't visit this site for a couple of months), but if so it's time to man up and let it die... cyberstalking him and forum bullying is just kind of weird and pathetic. Worse, it's boring and no fun to read. O.
  • parodyman-->
    16 years ago
    Jester, Can you read? This is about the "convention" at platinum plus. The basic question was will it be a bust? Then I gave some reasons why it may not turn out so well. If Shadowcat's bizzare behavior ruins his little ego party that too is strip club related and fits the "strip club related" genre. Ozzymandis, If this is boring for you to read, stop here. Move on to the next topic, no one is forcing you to read this. Otherwise, yes I have a long standing beef with that old bastard. His days of bullying this board look like they are coming to an end. In the future please remember although I welcome criticism or dissenting opinions, I do not like to be told what to write. (Part of Shadowcats problem.)
  • jester214
    16 years ago
    ^^^Ahh so we're getting rid of shadowcat bullying people and putting you in his place? And don't give me that shit, the convention basically = shadowcat... This isn't about the convention, it's about you being an asshole.
  • jester214
    16 years ago
    And what "resaons" did you give... three quotes insulting him, and one from himself saying he's done with it, aren't "reasons"...
  • arbeeguy
    16 years ago
    Let's start a wonderful thread on cyberbullying. I will have a few things to say once it gets going. But I'm not clever enough to start it myself. Personally, this is by far the stupidest thread I have ever read on TUSCL but I read em all, whether stupid, witty, informative, raucous, whatever. To the vast majority of Posters who provide original, funny, useful information -- my hat is off to you. And I can put up with the few exceptions, NO PROBLEM.
  • parodyman-->
    16 years ago
    Jester, No I wouldn't want to take his place. And if this thread is going to make you cry like a little bitch then skip over it by all means.
  • casualguy
    16 years ago
    I haven't checked on this site in a while. I forgot all about the convention. I don't think it will be a bust. I think it will be a breastful. Don't you just hate it when you can't see the dancers because someone put their breast in your face?
  • parodyman-->
    16 years ago
    Well casualguy, I haven't seen one post about what a great time the convention was. With the low turn out I guess Shadowrat sat there all alone looking like a fool most of the time.
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