
Comments by easyed14 (page 2)

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    19 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    Odd Local Customs
    I only know of one club out here in So. Calif. that offers annual memberships. It's Larry Flynt's Hustler's Club. It's a good deal for a fairly nice topless club. You can pay a $15 annual membership fee and they provide you a membership card which gains you free entrance for an entire year. Otherwise you'd have to pay $5 admission fee each visit. The only thing I don't like about it is you have to sign a log sheet each visit and provide your membership card and identification. I really don't like providing my name and providing my signature in establishments like this.
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    19 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    Club Websites with Scary Looking Dancer Photos
    My experience has been the opposite. I'll visit a club's website where they have photos of the most beautiful, Playboy material type girls then you show up to the club, pay your cover charge, and discover there's nothing but old, fat, fuglies dancing there. I have also experienced occasions where I've met a stripper who I've found to be stunningly gorgeous and had a great time with her in the club but I'll see her outside the club and can't believe it's the same woman. Through experience I've discovered that lighting, make-up and alcohol can seriously affect the "eye of the beholder."
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    19 years ago
    Joke Exchange!
    Mexican Women Three men were sitting together bragging about how they had given their new wives duties. The first man had married a woman from Alabama and bragged that he had told his wife that she was going to do all the dishes and housecleaning. He said it took a couple days but on the third day, he came home to a clean house and the dishes were done. The second man had married a woman from Georgia. He bragged that he had given his wife orders that she was to do all the cleaning, dishes, and the cooking. On the first day, he didn't see any results, but the next day it was better. By the third day, his house was clean, the dishes were done, and he had a huge dinner on the table. The third man had married a Mexican woman born here in the States. He boasted that he told her that her duties were to keep the house clean, dishes washed, lawn mowed, laundry washed, and hot meals on the table at every meal. He said the first day, he didn't see anything. The second day, he still didn't see anything but by the third day, most of the swelling had gone down and he could see a little out of his left eye. Enough to fix himself a bite to eat, load the dishwasher, and telephone a gardener. Gotta love those Mexican Women!
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    19 years ago
    Joke Exchange!
    I know you have read or heard this wisdom before, but I have not seen anyone explain it as well as the almighty wise Cliff Clavin, on the sitcom Cheers. One afternoon at Cheers, Cliff was explaining the Buffalo Theory to his buddy Norm. And here's how it went: "Well you see Norm, it's like this...A herd of buffalo can only move as fast as the slowest buffalo. And when the heard is hunted, it is the slowest and weakest ones at the back that are killed first. This natural selection is good for the herd as a whole, because the general speed and health of the whole group keeps improving by the regular killing of the weakest members. "In much the same way, the human brain can only operate as fast as the slowest brain cells. Excessive intake of alcohol, as we know, kills brain cells, but naturally it attacks the slowest and weakest brain cells first. In this way, regular consumption of beer eliminates the weaker brain cells, making the brain a faster and more efficient machine. That's why you always feel smarter after a few beers."
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    The tread where we post quotes from other people's reviews
    This one had me rolling. This was posted by phil55 on 9/28/05 reporting on the Flamingo Theater in Anaheim Ca. The next night was weird. I came in about an hour later then anticipated so I only got to spend a little bit of time with Diana before she had to split. It was even greater than the night before. Less nasty but more sensual. After she left I danced with a friend of hers named Danger. Nice girl, nice personality with some chat before the dances. Then things got out of control. An older, chunkier blonde came over. She said her name was Stella and she said she wanted to 'finish' what Danger had started. I don't know why but I agreed and behind the VIP curtain we went. She told me that she had been away from the club scene for a while and was using the Flamingo to get back into the swing of things. Stella had worked at the Hawaiin Theatre in the COI before so I knew what I was in for. I told her I wasn't into paying for any extras so don't do anything beyond the standard. I guess her standard is different as she went straight for the crotch. She unzipped my pants and tried to get me off by hand over my underwear. Not unpleasant but I was a little nervous about club mgmt looking to see what was going on. She pulled my hands over her boobs and apologized if I felt scars as she had just had reduction done. I hadn't felt scars but now felt repelled and afraid of causing pain. She then moved my hand down to her pussy and told me to make her come. I'm ashamed to say that I went to work and she faked (I'm pretty sure) a pretty good orgasm. Despite all the hand action, I wasn't going to do the same. In the course of events, she then turned her ass towards me and OH BOY the bitch had swamp ass! GIRLS PLEASE if you read this, you must remember your HYGIENE! If you drop a deuce before your shift or during it you must whip out the Spinctereine (www.mintyass) and use it. Nothing will cause a dick to go limp like the smell of shit. Around then I was figuring that God was punishing me for even being in that booth with such a skank. I had to swallow the bile rising in my thoat and retrict my breathing to mouth only and pray for the session to end. She was asking if I was married and if I wasn't could I give her my phone number so she could call me to tell me where she would be working next so I could come see her. I told I was (not true) so she said no problem she'd give me hers. The dance ended, I gave her a $100 bucks and she asked if I had given her a big tip and I told her I paid the price of admission and not to get greedy. She told me to stick around so she could give me her number and we could go again and this time I was going tinish for sure. I waited for her to turn around and I high-tailed my ass out of there in two seconds flat.
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    19 years ago
    If She.....
    If it's within a tongues length distance, I consider myself invited. Of course, it has to pass the sniff test first.
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    19 years ago
    I have to agree with lopaw, pussies are "fukin gorgeous!" And much like snowflakes, no two are alike. I personally prefer a nicely trimmed pussy. I enjoy the tickle of a little bit of hair on my nose plus it's easier to find your way around in the dark. lol
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    19 years ago
    Just thinking, but technically, can you still call it a beaver once it's shaved? I believe it's called a "beaver" because of it's resemblence to the furry little creature? So to be politically correct, we need to name it after something more appropriate such as, I don't know, a hairless Chihuahua?
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    19 years ago
    How much money do you take with you?
    I don't usually go to a club unless I've got at least $500 on me. I rarely spend that much usually around $300, but I like to be prepared just in case. Oh, I usually go to SC's 2-3 times per month. Just out of curiousity, how much is the most any of you guys have spent in a club on any one evening? I once went through $1200 in Vegas at the Crazy Horse Too. I did pay for a lot of extras and was overly generous partly because I had been pretty lucky on the black jack tables and mostly because I was pretty wasted the entire weekend.
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    19 years ago
    Interesting mix
    I am a Program Manager of Construction Projects for a large Municipal Government in So. California. I have a Business Degree with several years experience in construction trades. I also spent several years as a Materiels Manager in aerospace.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Do you ASK a stripper if she has a BOYFRIEND before spending MONEY on her?
    I thought we were going to ignore all of RL's posts? What happened to "the best way to get him from posting is to ignore all his posts?" I was ignoring this post just like all RL's other posts unti I saw this one keep getting bumped to the top of the page. What's going on?
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    AN, you're right, this is a much better topic than pickled eggs and IMHO, much tastier. I'm assuming your question is based on punani inside the SC and not in the bedroom? Although I tend to frequent a local titty bar most of the time, in the nude bars I prefer to see it up close, spread open and the bigger the lips, the better. I don't however want it in my face after it's been in several other losers faces prior. Now on a date, I love spending time eating at the 'Y" it's almost as good as playing hide the weenie. I know a lot of guys here on another post stated that they thought the vagina wasn't particularly attractive but I find it much more alluring than the breasts. Give me a nice round butt and a nice pussy with a small landing strip and I'm in total bliss. Breasts are nothing more than speed bumps on the way to heaven.
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    19 years ago
    LA Clubs
    Chitown, I can agree with most all of Lopaw's suggestions except for the Wild Goose Topless Club. I've been there several times over the years and have always been disappointed. If you are going to want to drink, then you'll have to do a topless club and I'd highly recommend Fritz That's It about 15 miles east of LA in Bellflower. The nude clubs she mentioned are great with a special recommendation for the Jet Strip and 4 Play. Jet Strip for mileage and 4 Play for the best looking women in LA. If you want high mileage though, nothing compares with the clubs in the City of Industry. Usually the Spearmint Rhino has the better looking women with usually very high mileage whereas, the Hawaii Theater always has ultra high mileage but it's usually hit or miss on the quality of dancers. Both clubs usually have either white or latina dancers and full service is normally available. Most dancers will quote you their menu prices before the dance. Highly recommend you refer to zbone.com not just for the reviews but also for club addresses and mapquest directions. Let me know if you have any other questions. I've lived out here in So. California for all but two years of my life and I've visited 90% of the clubs in the area at one time or another. Go USC Trojans! Sorry, had to throw that in!
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    19 years ago
    LA Clubs
    Chitown, I've never been to a Hostess Club so really can't recommend any. I do know there are several in the downtown LA area. Best I can do is once again refer you to zbone.com. At the top of the home page there is a link for a Hostess Club Review and Forum. Sorry I couldn't be of any more help on this one.
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    19 years ago
    Bikni Bars& Topless bars vs Full Nude Clubs who has the better looking girls?
    Personally, I can't say that I really care whether or not a dancer is wearing shoes or barefoot on stage. When I'm looking at a naked or half naked woman, my eyes don't normally go down any further thant the knees, if that low. I think a woman's feet are probably the most unattractive part of their bodies. I don't understand foot fetishes but to each his own. What was this post about again?
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    19 years ago
    More cowbell
    I'll probably regret asking but, okay guys, is this an east coast thing? What the hell do you mean by cowbell?
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    19 years ago
    More cowbell
    Told you guys I'd be sorry I asked!
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    19 years ago
    Day vs Night Girls
    At the club I frequent, I find that the day shift tends to have the better looking women although the day shift also tends to have the more mature women as well. I don't mind older women, late twenties-late thirties as long as they take care of themselves. They also tend to have better personalities and the ability to carry on intelligent conversations which is one of the reasons I'm there. I also prefer day shifts because they tend to be less crowded and a more relaxed atmosphere. Nights tend to be too loud, crowded, party type environments which are okay sometimes when I'm in the mood for that. You also get a lot more loud, obnoxious, and drunken customers at night. A lot of your better looking day shift girls work days because of the differences in the club environment.
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    19 years ago
    How do you become a regular?
    In addition to what's already been discussed, I've found that getting to know the waitresses, bartenders and bouncers to be extremely beneficial. I've had several dancers that I didn't even know approach me because they've heard from one or more of the previously mentioned club staff that I was either a nice or generous guy. At the club I frequent, I often buy drinks for the waitresses, bouncers, managers or DJ's and have gone out of my way to meet and talk to them. It's also a big plus to know the bouncers when your doing lap dances!
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    19 years ago
    Davids, why we differ: While you seem to go to strip clubs and attempt to gain the respect of the dancers, I go for solely for entertainment. After dealing with the stress of work and life in general, I sometimes need to blow off a little steam and this is one of my perferred methods. Whether or not the dancers respect me, couldn't matter to me in the least as long as they provide me with the services I've paid for. You need to lighten up a little bit and enjoy the SC scene for what it is because it sounds to me like you must have a terrible time each time you visit. Especially trying so hard to gain strippers respect. I'm still trying to figure out why you and RL even go to strip clubs when you seem to hold the whole environment in such contempt. So I need to ask, why do you waste your time there?
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    19 years ago
    There's one song that always reminds me of my ATF everytime I hear it and brings a smile to my face. She plays it for me whenever I go into the club. That song is "Let's Get It On" by Marvin Gaye. Just thinking about the song makes me want to go into the club! Damn, looks like another short day at the office!
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    How to take a vacation from a "regular"
    chitown, I know what you're going through. I've run into this problem on a couple of occasions. Couple suggestions you might want to try. First of all, ask her what her schedule is. There's no way she can be there all the time. Just go in when she's not working. This isn't always the best solution because if your like me, I have no set schedule as to when I go into the club. I like to go whenever the mood strikes. It sucks if you have to schedule your time around a dancer not being there. Second, and this has worked for me in the past, when sitting with her if you spy a dancer that appeals to you ask your friend if she knows who that dancer is. Mention that you find her attractive and would like to get a dance from her some time. I've even had the girl get up from my lap and bring the other dancer over and introduce us then leave us while I had dances from the new girl. I think most dancers understand that we go in there for variety and I also feel that most dancers feel that it's to their benefit to spread their talents to more than just one guy. It could be that she really like you and thinks you go in to see only her and she doesn't want to offend you by leaving you. Ultimately, you are the paying customer and therefore should control who sits or dances with you. Just be tactful and try not to hurt anyones feelings.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    Terminology Questions
    Maybe it's a West Coast term. It's pretty commonly used out here in Califoria to describe petite women. You know, the kind you can easily "spin" around during sex.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Observing paranormal events during your evenings out?
    I don't know if it qualifies as paranormal, but I've always been facinated at how adept most dancers are at making my money disappear.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Is it wrong to frequent SC's if you're involved in a relationship?
    Well, truth be known, the home cooked meals don't seem quite as satisfying as they used to. I've always been the type that appreciates some variety in his meals and tend to get bored of dining at the same establishment after a period of time.