Day vs Night Girls

avatar for davids
I prefer the night girls myself. I found the ones who work at the busiest times to be the friendliest too. What differences have you noticed between day and nights girls and at what time do you prefer to attend? I'll get you guys started

- more lifer/losers work during the day
- older girls during the day
- less college girls during the day, for obvious reasons
- better looking girls at night
- day girls are mostly boring, although a ringer from night occasionally sneaks in to collect some easy money from the weak competition


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avatar for chandler
19 years ago
Hot day shift strippers are rare finds to be treasured. Hot night shift strippers are to be expected.
avatar for T-Bone
19 years ago
You can have a great time either time of day.

In what I've seen - There's less girls during the day, and sometimes less hot ones....but on the bright side the competition is lower since there's less customers.
avatar for komey1970
19 years ago
I think it depends on the club whether the day shift girls are as good. One club I go to the girls are as good as the night (some of them do day shifts). Oen club that I make random trips to, the day shift girls in general leave you less than wanting.
avatar for ShotDisc
19 years ago
I am partial to day girls since that is the only time I visit strip clubs.
avatar for Yoda
19 years ago
JC: What you are hearing is not a lie, it's an opinion. There is a difference.
avatar for JC2003
19 years ago
I hear this all the time about day girls being just as good, and occasionally I buy into that lie and try a dayshift. Always disappointing with one exception that proved the rule in my opinion. I'll admit that the women I like have to be in excellent physical condition, and I'm very picky/shallow/whatever.
avatar for lotsoffun201
19 years ago
Ah what you fail to remember is that a lot of girls who are single mom's or married will dance during the day so they can be home with their children or husband. Trust me, I know this firsthand.
avatar for easyed14
19 years ago
At the club I frequent, I find that the day shift tends to have the better looking women although the day shift also tends to have the more mature women as well. I don't mind older women, late twenties-late thirties as long as they take care of themselves. They also tend to have better personalities and the ability to carry on intelligent conversations which is one of the reasons I'm there. I also prefer day shifts because they tend to be less crowded and a more relaxed atmosphere. Nights tend to be too loud, crowded, party type environments which are okay sometimes when I'm in the mood for that. You also get a lot more loud, obnoxious, and drunken customers at night. A lot of your better looking day shift girls work days because of the differences in the club environment.
avatar for FONDL
19 years ago
I'm with DD, there is no difference. A lot of clubs require girls to work a certain number of day shifts or they aren't allowed to work Friday or Saturday nights. So in most clubs the same girls work some day shifts and some night shifts. The only reason they look better at night is because you've had more to drink.
avatar for DandyDan
19 years ago
I'm not sure there is a real difference except there are more girls at night, based on the couple of clubs I've been to during the day. It's my belief most of the day girls hang out with regulars too much, but on the other hand, 90% of the people who go during the day are probably regulars.
avatar for LonelyExec
19 years ago
day girls put out
avatar for Officer
19 years ago
I think the night girls are 7's whereas the day girls are 5's
avatar for JC2003
19 years ago
I'm not much of a day guy, but the few times I've been over the years have always been disappointing. The one exception was a club in Fort Lauderdale that has excellent talent whenever they're open. The only difference between their dayshift and nightshift is that there are more girls and a ton more customers at night.
avatar for Yoda
19 years ago
There really isn't that much difference in the quality of women. Most of the dancers I know have worked both. Obviously the younger college girls are going to be working at night but I'm not looking for them. I find the hustle factor to be much higher at night and the dayshift to be a bit more relaxed. You can certainly make money on either. In the past there where definitely girls who management considered "day girls only" because of their percieved inferior looks. Those days are pretty much gone as clubs scramble to schedule as many dancers as possible at any time in order to increase tip-out revenues.
avatar for Doverman
19 years ago
I like all of the ladies... but I tend to go more during the day than the night. It's like a mini-vacation, sneaking out of work early to go drink beer and look at nude women. Also, at many clubs there are less bouncers during the day which allows the ladies to take liberties with the rules in the VIP rooms.
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