
Bikni Bars& Topless bars vs Full Nude Clubs who has the better looking girls?

Well where I live there is probably a few more Bikini Bars & Topless Bars than all nude ones. What I want to know is in your experience which clubs have the better looking girls on the average? Wouldn't the average girl want to work in a Bikini bar or topless bar where she isn't stripping versus a full nudity? I think it probably depends more on the location of the clubs. I think the full nude bars in my area have better looking girls due to the fact that it is in a larger town in GA versus the Bikini Bars & Topless bars in Southeast Alabama that are in a relatively small city( about 55,000 people).


    19 years ago
    If you consider the amount of money involved today, the fame and glory a player receives (but an ex-player quickly loses), and the fact that most of these guys have never done anything else and don't know how to, it's a wonder that as many retire near their peak as do. I'm surprised that more quarterbacks don't stick around to be back-up quarterbacks, which has got to be the best job anywhere. Get paid millions to stand on the sideline and hold a clipboard? Quick, sign me up.

    I think a lot of dancers stick around too long for the same reasons - money, "fame," and not knowing what else to do. And there seem to be plenty of customers who don't care how old they are, as long as the services are there. I'm sure we've all seen girls who have been dancing well over 20 years. Maybe they don't make as much as they once did, and maybe they have to do a bit more than they used to, but they still make more than they could doing anything else. Neighborhood titty bars are full of such ladies.
  • AbbieNormal
    19 years ago
    phonehome, I stand corrected, you can name one. A case can be made for Young if you count 1998 as his last year. My point is a general one, think of all the others. Jim Kelly, Dan Marino, you can actually extend this to most pro athletes. Most pro athletes don't quit until after it becomes apparent their skills are declining. Even as a Steelers fan every year I say Bettis has stayed one year too long. Thankfully he still has an impact and was willing to take a salary cut to stay. The thing is that it seems most of these guys have spent most of their lives getting better, so they don't quite think its real when they start to decline. They think that once they get over some injury, or if the team gets a better right tackle, or something, they'll be able to play like before. It is too bad. Marino deserved a superbowl, Bettis deserves a 1,000 yard season, they all deserve better than they get, but that's sports.
  • phonehome
    19 years ago

    QB's who went out on top? Well there is John Elway for one! Superbowl winner, and as I remember MVP. On top enough for you ?

    You can debate about Steve Young.

    True about Brett though, seeing the team he had, he probably should have hung it up a year or two ago, if he had most people would say he went out on top. If he had the 97 or 98 team things would be different.
  • ShotDisc
    19 years ago
    Growing up in a state in the NE meant bikini bars were all you had. they skirted the tops on rule by wearing transparent or see thru tops. it was the best we could do and had fun. Was in a "bikini" bar today. Wacko's in Jax. Most girls will not move the top, but some do. Luckily the only good looking girl in the place, a hot 20 yr old blonde had no problem flashing the boobs. but she was the exception to the rule. all the others working today were anorexic, flatchested, tattoo covered, chain smoking skanks.
  • AbbieNormal
    19 years ago
    Will there be cheerleaders? I can ref. I'm still USVBA rated.
  • JC2003
    19 years ago
    Women's soccer and field hockey are also good eye candy sports though you're unlikely to see such sporting events outside a university town.
  • AbbieNormal
    19 years ago
    I own a DVD copy of "Bring It On". Yes, I am ashamed.
  • JC2003
    19 years ago
    casualguy, I know what you mean about cheerleaders. Back when I was in school, I played ball in a gym where the cheerleaders would practice their routines. These girls were wearing tight-fitting sweats instead of their normal cheerleader outfits, which somehow made it even sexier.

    Another great sport to watch is women's tennis. Barely legal athletic women wearing short skirts, glistening in perspiration, running around making grunting noises. Anna Kournikova or Maria Sharapova anyone?

    Hell, I like the hijacked subject better than the original one.
  • chandler
    19 years ago
    It's not the shoes themselves. It's all the good things they do for the girl's appearance: legs, ass, posture, etc. It all ads up to make her look more fuckable.
  • casualguy
    19 years ago
    I don't understand the foot fetish thing either. However the thought has crossed my mind that they must be some really lucky people. All they have to do is watch a shopping channel that is selling sandals to enjoy the show immensely. For me to enjoy the show that much, they would have to go topless or wear extremely sexy bikinis which is not likely considering how the FCC has restricted everything or producers are afraid of not being family friendly. I think the original topic was bikini versus nude versus topless clubs.
  • casualguy
    19 years ago
    While in college, I used to love watching my favorite college basketball games in person. My favorite spot was near the cheerleaders. I thought I had the best of both worlds. ACC basketball and pretty cheerleaders. Of course being a loyal fan, I had to pay attention to the cheerleaders to know what they were saying to the crowd. :) It helped me pay attention when they got raised up in the air.
  • easyed14
    19 years ago
    Personally, I can't say that I really care whether or not a dancer is wearing shoes or barefoot on stage. When I'm looking at a naked or half naked woman, my eyes don't normally go down any further thant the knees, if that low. I think a woman's feet are probably the most unattractive part of their bodies. I don't understand foot fetishes but to each his own. What was this post about again?
  • lopaw
    19 years ago
    Women's beach volleyball...now there is a sport worth watching (even better watching in person). I used to love watching women's gymnastics too (oohhhh! So bendy!!), but then I started feeling like a dirty old lady ogling those flat chested 12 year olds. It just felt so wrong. *sigh*
  • AbbieNormal
    19 years ago
    Back in my youthful athletic days, and on occasion as the spirit moves me, I was and can be a decent volleyball player. I have to admit a weakness for volleyball. I used to ref on occasion too. Women's volleyball... But yes, NBA has killed themselves. NCAA will take over. I will remain silent on the sex issue.
  • AbbieNormal
    19 years ago
    The Raiders are pure evil. Packers, good. Bret, sadly (I agree a winning season would be nice) gone the way of most NFL QB's. Name one that quit on top. Never liked the NBA. Hockey, maybe they can come back. Now women's gymnastics...there's a sport!
  • lopaw
    19 years ago
    **Temporary Thread Hijack**

    I love pro football. My SO is a rabid Packer fan, so I must support them as well or be doomed to spending every night sleeping on the sofa. The poor Packers...I hope Favre plays for at least one more year. It would suck for him to end his career on a season like they are having now.
    I am waiting patiently for a team to return here to L.A., and any would be welcome, except for the damn Raiders & Al Davis. Whatta dick he is.

    I used to enjoy the NBA until the players became arrogant selfish overpaid little divas....screw that. I now focus more on NCAA b-ball, specifically the women's teams (you knew that was coming!). Go Lady Vols!!

    **We now return this thread to it's regularly scheduled programming**
  • AbbieNormal
    19 years ago
    Lopaw, well I'd swear one ex-girfriend got sexual gratification from shoes. The fact that you like them attached to a girl is a slightly different flavor.

    What sports do you like? And lest we go down that stereotype road again, please don't say women's field hockey (although the plaid skirts are hot). I was recently crushed by the Steelers back to back losses, one being to some team claiming to be the Bengals, but they looked more like the Colts with a defense. Then again so did the Colts...
  • lopaw
    19 years ago
    No, AN.....a shoe fetish as in "young stripper lady, please let me lick those shoes of yours and then walk all over me with them", as opposed to "Aren't they adorable!! I simply must buy a pair for myself !!!".

    See the difference??
    There WILL be a quiz later.....

    BTW...I like sports & beer & scratching myself inappropriately! I just look better doing it than you guys do!! ;)
  • AbbieNormal
    19 years ago
    Lopaw, wait, a woman has a shoe fetish?!? That's just crazy talk, like saying men like sports and beer and scratching in inappropriate places.
  • casualguy
    19 years ago
    I believe many girls look a lot better fully nude. However I just responded to the topic here by saying topless clubs at least in my local area because that is what most clubs are in my area and that seems to be where most of the money is at. The better looking girls often go to where they can make the most money. Of course that is assuming the better looking girls have some sense about them (a little pun there). :)
  • phonehome
    19 years ago
    I would say from my experience that therre is no key to the type of club and finding the best looking dancers, I have not been to many nude clubs in quite a while but the ones I have been were pretty much just as hit and miss as any other type.

    I agree that if it's all the same with me she can keep her panties on, it does look sexier that way I think, if she wants to flash it for a quick peek well that is Ok.

    As far as the Bikini bar and do they keep there tops on the last one I was in was eons ago when I was in the Navy in Norfolk, I don't remember the name but it had something like a leprechan in it's logo, and yes the tops stayed on the entire time.
  • JC2003
    19 years ago
    By stripper shoes, you mean fuck me pumps and high heels? They hate high heels, but they all each own over a dozen pair of them.
  • lopaw
    19 years ago
    I love the stripper shoes....I think they are sexy as hell, altho I agree that they are best off during a LD. I once mentioned to a dancer that I thought her shoes were sexy & a little dangerous looking, and during the LD she proceeded to place one of the heels against my throat, I guess for effect. It "effected" me right outta there.
    Hmmmm....I suspect that I might have a shoe fetish.
  • AbbieNormal
    19 years ago
    I prefer they take them off for the LD, just because of the fear factor.
  • chandler
    19 years ago
    I don't mind when girls take their shoes off to lapdance. Onstage, I don't care for it, probably because of the type of girls who typically do it, i.e., hippies.
  • AbbieNormal
    19 years ago
    FONDL, I'm not saying I like the shoes they wear, just that I recognize that they're going to wear them. The stupid shoes do a few things that I like. They make the dancers suck their stomachs in, stick their chests out, shoulders back, and keep them essentially on the toes, making the legs constantly sort of flexed. I understand why they all wear them even though I think a lot of the shoes are beyond parody.
  • chandler
    19 years ago
    AN: Despite my opinions about which is more flattering, I find nude girls sexy, too. I'm all for uninterrupted curves an' shit. I wouldn't advocate bikini bottoms for the Venus de Milo or Manet's 'Le dejeuner', even though the latter was a bit of a porker.
    19 years ago
    I like when they go barefoot. I'd actually rather see many of them take off their shoes than their bottoms. A girl in dancer shoes and nothing else often looks silly. But it depends on the girl - both her looks and how she moves. An attractive, fit and graceful girl looks really good nude, but how many of those do you ever see in a club anymore? If they've got a loose bottom as most do these days, I'd rather they keep it covered.
  • DandyDan
    19 years ago
    I agree with AbbieNormal. Nothing is better than a fully nude woman. Even ones who shouldn't be nude are all right. I remember one night, I was in this dumpy bar in Kansas where nudity is an option. They had 5 dancers that night, and probably the two least physically attractive dancers were doing the most lapdances, because they went nude.
  • AbbieNormal
    19 years ago
    One thing I will say is that I find something very sexy about a fully nude woman. I'm not speaking about on the back legs spread, although as Chitown said I'm not going to turn away in horror. I like to see the womans body naked from head to toe (OK, maybe with a pair of shoes). I like the look of the lines and curves, totally uninterupted by clothes (or tatoos for that matter). I like skin, and want to see it all. It's always ticked me off to see the local girls get on stage and pull up the skirt, pull down the tube top, and consider that enough stripping.
  • AbbieNormal
    19 years ago
    A dancer I used to talk to a lot once had an interesting comment. She was sitting with me and another favorite, they were talking about costumes, a pair of her boots in particular. She said to my favorite, "Well, I don't wear them too often, I tend to open up too much when I squat down." My fave said "Yeah, but they like that" "Sorrry" she said, "they don't need to see my birth canal". I agree with that sentiment, still a bit of pink is nice in my opinion.
  • chitownlawyer
    19 years ago
    It's not as though I recoil and run away in fear, myself. It's just not that big attraction.

    Please, all interior pink parts should remain interior.
    19 years ago
    I don't mind a really good looking girl taking off her bottoms either, although I tihink most girls look better with them on. I just don't like the lay-on-their-back-and spread thing on stage.
  • chitownlawyer
    19 years ago
    I've noticed that the preference for bottoms-on, bottoms-off seems to be a function of age, with guys older than 30-35 preferring they keep them on. I think that, after you've seen a certain number of them, they start to lose their charm as a matter of visual aesthetics.

    If I'm not going to f**k it, finger it, or eat it, I really don't need to see it.
  • chandler
    19 years ago
    Don't get me wrong. I'm not at all against girls taking off their bottoms. No siree. My comment was only in reference to the topic at hand and which is more flattering.
    19 years ago
    I'm with Chandler, I'd prefer that most dancers keep their bottoms on. A little mystery adds to my enjoyment. I don't enjoy the gynecology shows at all.
  • casualguy
    19 years ago
    I haven't really been to a bikini bar that I remember so I will say the topless clubs seem to have the best looking girls. Actually I think the best looking girls go to where the money is at. I just saw one of my favorites the other night and she said she was working at the beach and made $4000 in one week. She said there was a lot of out of town golfers vacationing there but things are much slower now.
  • chandler
    19 years ago
    Officer, your dancer's assurances would be laughed at around here by all the girls who rake in a fortune at the topless clubs. Meanwhile, the few nude clubs are tough for making any money, because they can't serve alcohol and they can't lapdance while nude. It really does depend on what area you're talking about.

    Also, with all due respects to Officer's proclivities, I think the same dancer usually appears better looking with her bottom on. It's simply a more flattering overall form. I'll grant there are exceptions, and I am glad of that.
  • Officer
    19 years ago
    I have been to all four types of clubs. I think the quality of dancer is roughly the same in all four types of clubs. I think the type of club where the girl dances depends mostly on the girl's willingness to take off (or not take off) her clothes. And of course what local laws allow. One dancer has assured me that nude dancers make much more money than topless only or bikini dancers (as they should). I personally strongly prefer nude clubs and would never rate a topless only club any higher than a 7---my top 10 all time favorite clubs are all fully nude clubs.
    19 years ago
    I agree with those who say the two (looks and degree of nudity) are unrelated. My ATF worked in a fully nude place and at that time they had some truly gorgeous girls there (they still have one.)

    I'm not exactly sure how you define a bikini bar. Would the PA pastie clubs be considered bikini bars? (In PA if they serve alcohol the girls are required to wear pasties, but enforcement is sometimes lax especially in the smaller neighborhood places that I prefer.) Anyway I've seen a lot of totaly nudity in such places because they sometimes do pull the G-string aside and they sometimes "forget" their pasties. And sometimes the bikini bars have more contact because there is less supervision in the LD rooms. So girls who don't like contact may prefer the nude clubs. I think girls work where they're most comfortable and can make good money, and nudity is only one aspect of their comfort equation.
  • minnow
    19 years ago
    Varies by area. In LA, nude non alc. clubs have better lookers that TL alc. In Vegas, TL had better lookers, ditto Phoenix. Western Ohio is scattered across the spectrum.
  • chandler
    19 years ago
    A bikini bar opened recently two blocks from my office. The dancer shown on their billboards and ads doesn't work there. She's one of my faves at an out-of-town topless club. All the proof I need.
  • Jpac73
    19 years ago
    Chittown for a person who has been to a Bikini bar lately some of the dancers will pop open the top during a private dance. Not too many will show their pussy although one dancer I know will let me sneak a peak, but she use to work at a full nude club years ago. I guess she still has a bit of the stripclub demeanor in her. The only thing with the Bikini bars where I live is that they are strongly watched by the ABC board. The topless bars are not suppose to have any contact accoriding to the local laws but the Bikini bars can get away with a little more. Although the girls will do what they have to do until they here that the board might be coming through on a certain night. They try to be on good behavior those nights.

    Shadowcat: You stated you didn't know they still existed. There are plenty of them about 200miles south of Atlanta in Alabama.
  • JC2003
    19 years ago
    chitown, they push aside the bikini when they can get away with it, which can be never in a strict club.
  • parodyman-->
    19 years ago
    I think it has more to do with the location, the reigon and the economic possibilities of working in one over the other.
  • DandyDan
    19 years ago
    I don't think the type of club has anything to do with how attractive the girls are. I've seen really good looking ones at all types and really gross ones at all types as well. It all depends on where they want to work.

    As for Chitown's question about bikini bars, I'm on the belief that at some of them, they're allowed to wear pasties, but most of them make the dancers wear their bikini bra at all times. Of course, it's my impression that since the girls have to strip out of something, they wear something over their bra and take that off. I doubt anyone just simply dances at bikini bars.
  • chitownlawyer
    19 years ago
    Just out of curiousity, as one who has never been inside a Bikini Bar: is it standard for a bikini bra to get pushed aside during a dance? Or do the interesting parts truly stayed covered up?
  • JC2003
    19 years ago
    In Tampa, the top full nude clubs have the best looking girls, the top topless club is second, and everywhere else is one huge assortment of mostly mediocre-looking girls: attractive on a basic level still, just not eye popping or stunning.
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