Interesting mix
I've noticed this board seems to have an interesting mix of people. In this country that usually refers to your profession. We have at least one attorney, a few retired, a female engineer, a stripper/student, and a lot of unknowns. Just out of curiosity what is your job? I know we're all boobie inspectors at heart, but if you're willing, share with the group.
Me, I'm a research scientist. Mostly physics/astronomy, but I do a lot of programming and statistics.
Me, I'm a research scientist. Mostly physics/astronomy, but I do a lot of programming and statistics.
Ok Just kidding, voice telecommunications project manager for an international company. Meaning I oversee the installation of large business phone systems and the like. Travel a bit and find that sitting in a strip club having a drink is better than sitting in the hotel bar and having a drink. College degree in business, but I'm technical in nature.
Great topic by the way.
I remember in grad school Dilbert was especially popular among my peers. One in particular was a meeting to organize a group to fight stereotypes of scientists and engineers. Dilbert asked for volunteers for president, secretary, etc with no takers. When he asked for volunteers to run the AV equiptment all hands went up. Some stereotypes are just too accurate. We've even taken strip clubs and made it into a computer related activity.
If it wasn't so damn sad it would have been funny.