
Do you ASK a stripper if she has a BOYFRIEND before spending MONEY on her?

If you go to strip clubs to LOOK FOR A GIRLFRIEND, do you ASK a stripper if she has a BOYFRIEND before you spend MONEY on her?


  • davids
    19 years ago
    AN: I agree it's good not to beleive everything you read either: some is just plain wrong.

    Approach with an open mind, and test in real life. Just realize that some very counter intuitive things actual do work: I think there are reasons for this based on evolution and game theory: See _The_Selfish_Gene_ and _The_Red_Queen_, for instance.
  • davids
    19 years ago
    FONDL's much more guarded about what he posts now after having been beat up so easily in the past but anyone familar with his history will know that he is the most pathetic amongst the PLs:

    Clearly wanting a GF. Willing to paying strippers "For their time" OTC. Settling for friendship and convincing himself that is all he wants. Definitely the worst case ever.

    As for everyone saying they don't want to date strippers: seems many here have (one or two per decade), and the others as soon as their is a hint of a possibility will post "is the stripper really into me?", "how to let go", etc. Hence you'll have to forgive my skepticism.

    (Another interesting contradictory thing is people like FONDL claiming he could pick up young stripper like girls anytime he wants (LMFAO: women do not go for pussies like FONDL) but choosing to pay them for conversation, etc, because he chooses to. Yeah, ok, we ALL beleive you that's for sure.)
  • komey1970
    19 years ago
    Strippers may lie about having a boyfriend in the club to customers, and I'll bet also to the owners.

    One girl I saw working OTC after she quit said that she lied about having a boyfriend when she working at the club.
  • easyed14
    19 years ago
    I thought we were going to ignore all of RL's posts? What happened to "the best way to get him from posting is to ignore all his posts?" I was ignoring this post just like all RL's other posts unti I saw this one keep getting bumped to the top of the page. What's going on?
  • AbbieNormal
    19 years ago
    FONDL, ChiTown, in all fairness RL did set up the premise as "If you go to strip clubs to LOOK FOR A GIRLFRIEND..." I would assume that both of you, like me, would not meet the first criteria, hence our responses to the question are irrelevant to the discussion. davids, while stating his opinions as well established fact, did at least address the question.

    This is why I should never reply to a RL or davids post (same author? I wonder.) All their posts are about picking up girlfriends in stripclubs, how little respect strippers have for customers, or how deluded (and what losers) customers are for giving them money. davids often includes the additional assumption that we all want to pick up dancers and are lying or deluding ourselves if we say we don't.
    19 years ago
    AN, I would agree with you except that everyone on here has made it very clear that we don't go to SC's looking for girlfriends, in fact most of us appear to have an SO and the rest probably don't want one. So RL's question is like asking "when did you stop beating your wife?" And I agree about not reading his crap, I rarely do and this is probably the first time I've ever responded to one of his posts. It was just so absurd that I couldn't resist. Call it boredom. It won't happen again.
    19 years ago
    OF COURSE I'd never spend MONEY on a girl who has a BOYFRIEND. Just like I won't get a haircut, or a massage, or tip the waitress or buy a drink from the barmaid, or pay the checkout girl at the grocery store or Walmart, etc. if she has a boyfriend. What a STUPID QUESTION. RL hit a new low on this one.
  • AbbieNormal
    19 years ago
    davids, a few points. You have to admit that begging the question is a major flaw. I don't think that it is widely known you shouldn't spend money on strippers you want to date, I don't think it is established that they don't respect customers, and depending on what you consider dating, I'm not sure the logic applies that you either want (or care about) their respect or that trying to gain it by not being seen as a customer is going to result in success. These are things you state, and you reference books by people who have "studied" them. I don't believe everything that is in a book. I don't really put much trust in the "how to pick up girls" genre of books because human relations are never that simple. I'd even doubt that any large scale socialogical study could produce any kind of a valid model for the female mentality when it comes to dating, let alone the stripper mentality, hence my skepticism.

    As far as the logical flaws, I know that they are very common in science as early as the Greeks assuming that no observed parallax in the stars meant that the earth was the center of the universe. I'm sure I have a few in my posts, and it would be perfectly valid to point them out in refuting one of my arguments. As for in math, I don't know, I'm not a theoretical mathemetician.

    Perhaps I'm being picky, but I just thought your post stole quite a few bases intellectually.
  • davids
    19 years ago
    JC: Given the patheticness of your "how to let go?" thread, I'm sure you know better than anyone else. Therefore:

    I'll just ignore the data I've got from:

    - conversations with strippers;
    - reading the work of MANY (non-pathetic) people who have seriously studied the subject and are all in agreement;
    - personal experiences;
    - live demonstrations;
    - conversations with guys who have actually dated/been friends with strippers.

    Instead I'll just accept what pathetic loser lap dance buying regulars have to say.

    My long term goal is to post a "how to let go?" or "is the stripper really into me?" thread myself. Hope I can get there, but I don't know if I have what it takes... *sigh*

    Thinking more about things: the fact that I can go into a SC and spend a couple of hours talking to six or eight strippers who I never buy dances from (and have made it clear that I never will) suggests that they have very little respect for me indeed.

    Oh, and the fact they will talk to me on the phone/via e-mail outside of work also shows that they highly disrespect me. (I'm sure they are just thinking they are going to hook me into being their regular one day...)

    Oh! How to let go already?
  • chitownlawyer
    19 years ago
    Why sshould I care if she has a BOYFRIEND, esp. in light of the existence of Mrs. Chitown? I am not getting dances as the first stage of a process of courtship and romance, but for the sensual experience of having her young body rubbed over me. Her entanglements outside the club, like mine, have nothing to do with that.
  • davids
    19 years ago
    AN: Well you just haven't read any of the literature of people who have actually seriously studied this subject (b/c you are too high above it) and are just a pathetic lap dance buying regular loser so of course it all seems unproven to you.

    Now if you want to get into the game of picking apart posts because they haven't been reduced to symbolic logic, let me just point out that a colleague, who is one of the world's leading mathematicians, says that 50% of the world's mathematical papers have logical fallacies in them. (Not necessarily implying incorrect results, however.) Logical fallacies were found three pages into Euclid.

    How hard do you think it would be for me to sit back and pick apart your or anyone elses posts here for not being reducible to symbolic logic? Quit trying to out nerd people here: You got burned badly in that game before. Give it up, man.
  • JC2003
    19 years ago
    The word on the street is that the literature of people who have seriously studied the subject of dating strippers is full of shit.

    It is probable that strippers don't respect pathetic losers who pay for time with them. I'm sure that they don't respect pathetic losers like davids who go to strip clubs and don't buy dances from them either. I'm certain that they would have a special level for contempt for RomanticLover if they even knew or cared that he actually existed.
  • AbbieNormal
    19 years ago
    davids, interesting. Your theory is stated as fact in the premise "it is well known..." This is called begging the question. In addition you use an unproven statement "they don't respect guys who do [spend money on them]" as a non-sequiter to affirm the premise you have already assumed, or rather stated to be not just true, but well known. I count 4 logical fallacies.
  • davids
    19 years ago
    This doesn't make sense: It is well known that if you want a stripper as a GF then don't spend money on her since they don't respect guys who do (or themsleves after they accept it).
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