Club Websites with Scary Looking Dancer Photos

avatar for chandler
Does this ever happen to you? You've been to a club where the dancers are not bad looking, you hear they have a website, so you browse it, and YEEEEOW!! Can these rather scary looking creatures you see pictured possibly be the same women you blew a couple hundred bucks on in the club? To what degree is bad photography to blame? Is lighting in the club deceptively flattering? Do we kid ourselves that dancers are better looking than they truly are in the cold light of reality?


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avatar for FONDL
19 years ago
I look mainly for 3 things: directions and hours of operation, if I've never been there. And I used to go to a place that posted dancer schedules and it always seemed to be pretty accurate. I also prefer to avoid special features. The place I've been going lately has a chat section where a lot of the dancers post their own schedules, which is nice. The also have a photo section where a lot of the dancers post their own photos, and they are accurate, but I think that's pretty rare.
SC: I only look out of perverse curiosity or maybe to print out a free pass. I don't expect to learn anything about the club's talent.
avatar for FONDL
19 years ago
I think one of the problems that some clulbs have is that many of their better looking girls won't allow their pictures to be taken or used on the web site, so they end up with a bunch of the second stringers. Another problem is that photos often make people look heavier and a lot of today's dancers are already too heavy.
I saw an interesting set of dancer photos on one website once. It was advertising for a club in the midwest somewhere, but the photos were from JP's in DC. I know for a fact because the same photos were on JP's (now gone) website for years and I'd seen many of the dancers in person. One was an ATF of mine. I've also seen some with pictures that are obviously porn stars or men's magazine models. It's to the point where the only photos I trust to be real are the ones that are amateurish and make the dancers look bad.
Clubs can buy any photos they want and post them. We hope that these hotties are there and, if they are not, well they quit last week. OK? Dancers can really do extraordinary things to look good and we enjoy the look.
avatar for Clubber
19 years ago
Of the dancers I've seen outside the club, I would say about most look worse outside. Most of this would be due to lighting and what they are wearing. My ATF, who I often saw outside the club, would turn heads outside. Even seemed moreso than inside. Go figure!
avatar for DandyDan
North Iowa
19 years ago
What's really annoying is that since most clubs don't maintain their sites real well, most of the dancers they do have pictures of are ones who have long since moved on.
Easyed, I've seen the type of scam you're talking about, too. Sometimes, you can tell they're not house dancers, but maybe features who appeared in the club once. For that matter, I doubt if there's a law that prevents clubs from running any photo they get the rights to. It's like when you go to the supermarket, do you feel betrayed not to see the actors from their commercials working there? The photos I'm talking about are definitely house dancers, usually shot in the club with harsh lighting. Not the best conditions for a flattering photo, and I think Chitown's answer also accounts for a large part of the mismatch.
avatar for lc693le500
19 years ago
That's been my experience, too. I'll frequently look at a club's website before I go, just out of curiosity more than anything else. Specifically, I remember looking at the websites for McDoogal's in Baltimore, and a place in Providence (the name escapes me at the moment). The girls at the clubs were MUCH better than I was expecting.
My experience has been that most clubs sell themselves short with the women whose pictures are posted on their websites. I think that this is because those photos are not a representative sampling of all dancers at the club, but only of those who are willing to have their photos posted. A lot of dancers aren't willing to do so, for reasons of modesty, discretion, or just not wanting to give it away for free. In any event, I can think of several clubs I have been to that have pictures of 3-5s on their websites, but 8s and 9s actually at the club dancing.
avatar for easyed14
19 years ago
My experience has been the opposite. I'll visit a club's website where they have photos of the most beautiful, Playboy material type girls then you show up to the club, pay your cover charge, and discover there's nothing but old, fat, fuglies dancing there.

I have also experienced occasions where I've met a stripper who I've found to be stunningly gorgeous and had a great time with her in the club but I'll see her outside the club and can't believe it's the same woman. Through experience I've discovered that lighting, make-up and alcohol can seriously affect the "eye of the beholder."
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