Odd Local Customs

avatar for chandler
I like visiting clubs in different cities, because, along with a new group of dancers to discover, there's usually some odd local custom that is common to the clubs in that city but new to me. Anything from a different type of dance or a tipping procedure to a piece of terminology. Even when it's not all for the good, it makes things interesting.

What are some of the unusual SC customs you've come across in your travels? Or what's a different twist in your own home scene?


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I've seen sort of the inverse of the "private dance only" song doctorcatfish describes. For the last song of the night, every girl who is not doing a dance has to go onstage. It winds up being the Dance Of Losers, so you feel obligated to keep the girl your sitting with from having to go up. I try to time my leaving at least one song before that.
avatar for FONDL
19 years ago
I remember being in a club once, and I'm not sure where, where the LD's took place in private cubicles away from the main part of the club, and each cubicle had it's own boom box were the girls played their own music for the private dances. It was nice because it generally resulted in longer songs. Anyone ever run into this?
avatar for doctorcatfish
19 years ago
These may be found in other locales, and may not occur in all clubs in said city, but in each case, I've seen them occur in more than one club.

Kansas City, MO - "Private dance only" songs where no dancers appear on stage. You either buy a dance, or you have nothing to look at.

Wichita, KS - Aforementioned post-stage set "tip walk". One club there has quit doing it I believe. At another, dancers are always running on three stages, even though you can only watch one up close or two from a distance. Dancers on ALL of them will come over to ask for tips though. I don't understand why I should tip for a stage show that occured behind my back.

Oklahoma City, OK - A little "half song" (although more like a one-minute song) that occurs after EACH full length song, to allegedly give stage dancers time to move from one stage to another. One song sets on each stage are the norm here. Kind of breaks up the flow if you're getting a private dance, but the good part is that if you are getting multiple dances, you are not charged for this in between time, and it gives you some time to talk to the dancer "off the clock".

Topeka, KS - Almost all clubs listed as "nude", but a great number of dancers here for whatever reason, don't take off their bottoms on stage. Nude optional perhaps?
avatar for FONDL
19 years ago
I've also seen girls remove their pasties when doing a hands-on private dance. Not that I ever objected. I've also seen them fall off when the girl got sweaty, so yes I have seen one on and one off. And who would have ever thought that a 1/4 inch of Scotch tape could save us from Satan?
I can remember a few where the only thing that needed covering was the girl's face.
In Indiana, I've seen girls with and without pasties in the same club, or the same girl wearing them on one night but not on another. (Can't say I've seen a girl with a pasty on one nipple and not the other.) A girl told me that in her club at least, pasties usually meant that the girl was on probation - not for any violation from dancing, but typically for DUI. That left a few unanswered questions, but it sounded complicated, and we changed the subject.
avatar for FONDL
19 years ago
AN, PA LCB requires nipples to be covered, so if the place has a liquor license they have to wear something but it's often so little that it's hard to tell unless you're up close and personal. They also have to wear bottoms although pulling the bottom aside isn't unheard of. Enforcement of the nipple rule seems to be spotty. So you have the anomoly where one place has pasties and bottoms while the BYOB place down the street is fully nude. Parts of MD and VA have similar rules. I call it effective government in action. What a great use of our tax dollars.
I can't remember where this was, but I heard that in one locality they required that the nipples be covered, so the strippers eventually started using transparent latex or something. Then oddly, a locality that required nipple coverings did not require bottoms to be worn. This may be a strip club urban legend, since I can't remember the source, but it's the kind of thing I could see happening if a locality doesn't write the laws quite right.
avatar for ShotDisc
19 years ago
years ago in No. NJ. there were go-go clubs that did not allow nudity. so dancers got up on stage in see thru tops. almost everything was visible but they were still fully clothed.
avatar for FONDL
19 years ago
Chandler, I don't think I ever sat in those club chairs. Whenever I've been in Nepal's I first sat at the bar, which is probably the nicest bar I've ever seen in a strip club, then when I wanted company I moved to the bench that faces the side of the stage. Lot's of close contact there. Nepal's has more of a private club feel than any other place I've ever been. Yet it doesn't have the clip joint feel of most GCs. I really like the place.

I don't mind club chairs as long as you have a choice. The place I've been going to is a lot worse - not only do they have mostly club chairs, they're in groups of two with a table between them, which along with the loud music makes it impossible to hold a conversation. So not only can't you touch, you can't even talk. I always sit at the bar, which costs the girls money because you can't tip from there in this place. Stupid, isn't it?
Fondl, Nepals had those damn sofa chairs I complained about in the Top Suggestions thread. There was this really cute blonde sitting with me, and it was just killing me that she couldn't sit on my knee or I couldn't put my arm around her. I told her that, so she rested her arm up on her chair's arm where I stroked it. Boy, what a thrill! (I'm only half kidding.) I didn't go for the private dances, just the $10 table dances, which were very good for one-way contact.
avatar for FONDL
19 years ago
Chandler, you're right, it was Nepal's, I couldn't remember the name either. I had a very memorable evening there several years ago with a real sweatheart of a cute little Russian college student. She was one of those girls who, when I asked what her rules were, replied that she didn't care what I did as long as nobody was watching. Wow what a fun night! And the place is supposed to be a low contact club. Nepal's is one of the most fun clubs I've ever been to. It's easily the friendliest gentlemen's clubs that I've ever seen. I don't usually like GCs but I liked that place.

Funseeker, I've been to a lot of clubs where the bar completely surrounds the stage so the tip walk is the only way you can tip the girls. I don't mind it at all when that's the case. Plus it usually ends up being less that $12 an hour because the girls all stop and talk to their friends get pulled aside to do private dances so some of them never make it all the way around the bar.

AN, do you ever go to Crystal City Restaurant? My ATF was a waitress there for a couple of years and I got to like the place better than any of the DC clubs. It's a pleasant place to have dinner.

Actually in DC where there are no private dances and the dancers don't get paid for selling drinks the tip walk is a major part of their income. I always give a tip IF they stop by. I think $12/hour is probably a little high for what I actually spend on the tip walk, but even then, it is a minor expense that I think pays off.
avatar for FunSeeker
19 years ago
$12/hr in tips is still a lot during tip walks. Beacuse, many patrons tip their favorite dancers while they are on the stage. What is annoying is their (some, not all) attitude when we don't tip. I feel, we don't have to unfriendly dancers. Some do ask "Are you tipping" with an attitude.

In addition to tips, dancers also do make money from drinks and lap dances. The absense of tip-walk will be a relief.
Fondl, that sound like a club I went to in Greenville last March called..... [checking my reviews page] .....Nepals! Is that it? I described the membership process in my TUSCL review. Nice place.
avatar for easyed14
19 years ago
I only know of one club out here in So. Calif. that offers annual memberships. It's Larry Flynt's Hustler's Club. It's a good deal for a fairly nice topless club. You can pay a $15 annual membership fee and they provide you a membership card which gains you free entrance for an entire year. Otherwise you'd have to pay $5 admission fee each visit. The only thing I don't like about it is you have to sign a log sheet each visit and provide your membership card and identification. I really don't like providing my name and providing my signature in establishments like this.
The club he was describing is in Wichita.
The annual membership fee is not uncommon. The top Niagara Falls clubs have it. I'm always reading reviews from around the country that mention one.
avatar for FONDL
19 years ago
Chandler, you must not be from the Northeast, our prices are obviously higher than yours. Around here it would cost $12 just to get a beer and a hotdog at the ballpark. Seems to me that watching attractive girls dance nude for an hour has to be worth at least as much. I know a lot of clubs where you can't even walk in the door for $12. At several clubs you have to buy an annual membership plus pay an entrance fee of more than $12 each time you go. These are BYOB places so I guess that's how they make up for lack of drinks income. I wonder how common that is? Anyone else know of clubs with an annual membership fee?
We did a thread on courtesy tipping a while back. I'm closer to FONDL's camp. If they come around to say hi or thank you I'll usually tip a buck out of courtesy. I've found that that little extra bit helps with your reputation as a good tipper and customer, and pays back pretty well in how you are treated. Yes, I even tip the fugly ones if they come by as long as they have a good attitude.
Fondl, $12 an hour is a ridiculous amount when you have no say in how to distribute it. It would be an exhorbitant cover charge. I'll often tip at that rate at the stage, not to mention paying several times that in dances. But it would be entirely different when it's bled from me every five minutes on mandatory tip walks for cut songs.
In the East St. Louis area, the girls use an extra annoying turn of phrase during their tip walk. They ask not, "Would you like to tip me for my dance?" but "Are you tipping?" It's as though they're inquiring where you stand on the general principle of tipping on this particular night. Or it assumes that each customer must be either tipping everyone or no one, so that, if you indeed "are tipping", then it follows that she must be entitled to your tip regardless of how fugly or how bad a dancer she may be. At any rate, I don't think I've heard it asked thay way anywhere else.
avatar for FONDL
19 years ago
Sorry, meant to add - A $1 tip every 5 minutes is only $12 an hour, which seems pretty reasonable to me for live entertainment. But when the girls double or triple dip, then it becomes annoying.
avatar for FONDL
19 years ago
FS, I agree, sometimes the tip walk can be very annoying. It all depends on how it's done and how aggressive the girls are. But if it's the quality of the dancers that is the problem, I'd go to a different club.

At clubs that don't have any private dances and the stage is small, it would be hard for everyone to tip the girls while they're onstage. In such places the girls often then circulate among the crowd, thanking everyone, and usually the guys who didn't tip them onstage will do so then. That makes some sense, since the stage dance is the only entertainment. Crystal City Restaurant in VA is like that.
avatar for FunSeeker
19 years ago
FONDL: In all of the Wichita clubs, bars are in the corner or on side of the club. The stages are surrounded by chairs, and tables and chairs in the remaining space.

Even if we tip while the dancers on the stage, most of the dancers ask for tips again during their customary tip-walks. At Michelle's Beach House, the dancers dance for 2-song sets. The average song lasts only 2.5 minutes (because, DJ cuts the songs short). That means, there is a tip-walk asking for tips every five minutes.

All the patrons do tip most of the dancers, not all. This tip-walk can be annoying, since we are asked to tip unfriendly dancers too. I tip many of the dancers, not all. When we don’t tip, some dancers feel very upset and/or disappointed, and they feel entitled to get tips. I feel, the clubs should do away with this tip-walking.
At a club in San Francisco, one girl who was offstage would walk around with a basket collecting tips from anyone sitting away from the stage for the girl dancing onstage. Some of the guys thought it was heartwarming to see strippers working in cooperation, but it stuck me as wrongheaded for three obvious reasons: 1) The stripper you're tipping can't tell who you are; 2) There's no opportunity for interaction at the point of tipping; and 3) Tips to strippers shouldn't go into a basket - they should go into a thong, cleavage or a mouth.
avatar for FONDL
19 years ago
FS, that's pretty common in many areas, especially in places where the bar surrounds the stage so you can't tip them while they are dancing. I actually like that format because it gives you a chance to talk briefly with each girl and if you like her it's easy to ask her to join you. I even know of one place where after the dance the girls crawl nude around on top of the bar soliciting tips. It's kinda fun talking to a naked girl who is laying on the bar in front of you. It's a real test of your conversational skills.
avatar for FunSeeker
19 years ago
In all of the Wichita clubs - After the dancers danced on the stage, they walk around to ask for and to collect tips from each of the patrons. Most of the patrons do tip, not all.
Yeay, sadly DC seems to have tightened up. I used to get a face full of breasts for a $1 tip from an ATF. She'd make sure the bouncer and manager weren't looking and then bend over and slowly rub her breasts over my face, finishing by drawing the nipple over my lips. Other dancers would get close enough to polish my nose with pubic hair (back when they still had it). At some clubs a decent tip was followed by the dancer pulling my hand up to rub the kitty (for luck). There were some wild times back in the '90's when I started. There are still a few places and dancers who are "old school", but it is a lot tamer than it used to be.
avatar for FONDL
19 years ago
AN, I once saw a guy thrown out of a DC club for touching the dancer on stage with the end of a dollar bill that he had in his hand. I guess DC rules have changed a little but they're still terrible.
"...the stage dive is done topless"

I should clarify: The stage dive is done clothed by the customer - the dancer is topless. (There, now I can sleep peacefully.)
But Canadians do it with coins - Loonies ($1) or Toonies ($2). I've heard there are places where they extract the coins from your mouth with their pussy, but I've yet to see it.

In parts of Michigan and Indiana, the stage dive is done topless, but the girls can really get carried away with molesting you. The exception is Detroit, which has the wilidest lap dances, yet the absolute lamest tipping routine. (Well, outside of Utah.)
avatar for DandyDan
North Iowa
19 years ago
At OutHouse in Lawrence, Kansas, you lie on your back on the foot high stage to give the tip. Oh yeah, she's naked at the time and you get a closeup view of her pussy.
That's a Canadian tip.
Actually in most DC clubs the tip is put in the garter. The dancers are almost always nude except for the garter. At Good Guys they never use garters, and now the tip must be handed to the dancer or left on the stage. Years ago the dancers at Good Guys had many options of where to accept the tip (with their teeth, between the breasts, etc.) Sadly those days are gone.
avatar for FONDL
19 years ago
Clubber, the same is true in DC clubs. I don't think it's all that uncommon.

There's a club in Philly (Show-n-Tell Showbar) where the girls lay on their backs onstage with spread legs and guys crum;le up their dollars and toss them at the kitty - it's the only way you can tip there because there's a restraining rope a couple feet in front of the stage. I've never seen that done anywhere else.
I wonder if this one is more common than I realize: In a couple of clubs near East St. Louis and in Memphis, a dancer is stationed at the door to "frisk" you as you enter. In this case, to make sure you ARE packing a rod.
avatar for Clubber
19 years ago
Only strange one I recall was in Salt Lake City. Tips had to be placed on the stage. he dancers could not take the money from someones hand. Even if you gave money to the bartender, she had to place it on the stage for the dancer. To me...

avatar for mtang
19 years ago
well cali is like pay it and you'll have it, the weird things come off the girl's menus sometimes, like the titfuck I got once which was awesome.
avatar for FONDL
19 years ago
I know of a really nice club in South Carolina that has an annual membership and has you sign in, but if you have a key card from a local hotel they let you in without a membership. I never mind signing in - I defy anyone to decipher the signature that I provide.

Chandler, I guess we're not in Kansas anymore.
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