More cowbell

avatar for AbbieNormal
I mean really, we need more cowbell.


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avatar for AbbieNormal
19 years ago
I have to admit that given the whole history, cowbell probably wouldn't make my top 10. The standard of "good skit" is a bit lower nowdays. My top 10 in no particular order;

Mr. Robinson's neighborhood
Convict poet (also Eddie Murphy, "Kill my landlord...")
Point Counterpoint (Jane you ignorant slut...)
Chris Farley's Chippendale's audition
The Ladies Man
Waynes World
Belushi's Samuri

Then again, maybe it does crack the top 10.
avatar for casualguy
19 years ago
Thanks for the answers. I will have to investigate now.
avatar for ShotDisc
19 years ago
The cowbell sketch was the #5 skit on SNL according the the E! online website. Here are the top 20

20 Matt Foley, Motivational Speaker
19 The Amy Fisher TV movies
18 The Blues Brothers
17 The Sinatra Group
16 Stand-Up and Win, with Jerry Seinfeld
15 Hanukkah Harry Saves Christmas
14 Black History Minute
13 The Sensitive Naked Man
12 The Church Lady sketch, with Sean Penn
11 The Boston Teens
10 The Partridge Family vs. the Brady Bunch
9 Chippendales Auditions
8 "The Hanukkah Song"
7 "Ebony & Ivory"
6 Barbra Streisand on Coffee Talk
5 The "Cowbell Sketch"
4 Phil Hartman's Goodbye
3 Alec Baldwin's Schwetty Balls
2 The First Show After 9-11
1 Wayne's World, with Aerosmith and Tom Hanks
avatar for ShotDisc
19 years ago
also Operaman, Canteen boy, LandShark, Doug and Wendy Whiner, Lisa Loopner
avatar for ShotDisc
19 years ago
cowbell made the list. also it is available on one of the Best of Will Ferrel dvds

Gotta go with the classics. Cheezburger, shimmer floor was, Chevy and Richard Pryor Word association
avatar for casualguy
19 years ago
Anyone know if this SNL comedy was in the 101 most memorable moments of Saturday Night Live? I noticed E was playing that last night and I saved the top ones to watch later. I was wondering what number it might be if anyone knows or if it made the list at all.
avatar for easyed14
19 years ago
Told you guys I'd be sorry I asked!
avatar for lousybuck
19 years ago
it's will ferrell, man. he's funny in the skit.
avatar for JC2003
19 years ago
More cowbell. OK, not really, but I wanted to top this post because of the latest outbreak of RLitis.
avatar for Yoda
19 years ago
AN: Your right, maybe I do, but that's my point. It's not very topical stuff in my book. Maybe I expect too much from television....probably why I spend so much time in strip clubs!
avatar for Yoda
19 years ago
AN: Actually I'm a huge Christopher Walken fan. I just didn't care for the skit. I may be being a bit tough on the SNL writers. I'm deal with record producers in my work often and the guy portrayed in that skit is a charicature of the kind of record producer that went out of style about 20 years ago.
avatar for AbbieNormal
19 years ago
Yoda, I think that was the point. Perhaps you know too much for the skit to be funny.
avatar for AbbieNormal
19 years ago
OK, opinions differ, and I'll admit that a large part of the skit was physical and the sight of the actors trying to keep from losing it. I'll also admit that the James Brown Celebrity Hot Tub show was ...genius, but I like Christopher Walken (see Fatboy Slim, "Weapon of Choice" video), and these days you take what you can get.
avatar for Yoda
19 years ago
Skits like that are the reason I haven't been a regular viewer of SNL since Eddie Murphy left. How can you put "More Cowbell" in the same friggin league as Eddie doing "James Brown Celebrity Hot Tub"? Now THAT is a freekin classic. OK, I'm dating myself, I know....
avatar for AbbieNormal
19 years ago
I agree it is a bit esoteric, or perhaps idiosyncratic, but it just struck me as funny. When you think Blue Oyster Cult, cowbell isn't the first instrument to come to mind, but there it is. Also, there was a brief "Walken for President" movement. The campaign slogan? "What this country needs is more cowbell."
avatar for lousybuck
19 years ago
That's the best snl skit in 15 years. I've got the fever baby and it can only be cured by more cowbell!
avatar for casualguy
19 years ago
I searched the internet and even got out an old tape of BOC Don't Fear the Reaper listening for a cowbell. I guess I must have missed something long ago since I don't get it either.
avatar for JC2003
19 years ago
It's a reference to an old SNL skit where Christopher Walken plays a producer who wants Blue Oyster Cult to put "more cowbell" in their music. It never really struck me as that funny, but it's an esoteric favorite for some. Maybe you have to be a Blue Oyster Cult fan to appreciate it.
avatar for easyed14
19 years ago
I'll probably regret asking but, okay guys, is this an east coast thing? What the hell do you mean by cowbell?
avatar for FONDL
19 years ago
I agree, it makes them easier to find at milking time.
avatar for chitownlawyer
19 years ago
I'm sorry, I can't hear you over that clanging sound.
avatar for DB Cooper
DB Cooper
19 years ago
Most definitely. You can never have enough cowbell
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