
Comments by easyed14 (page 3)

  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Is it wrong to frequent SC's if you're involved in a relationship?
    I too have no problem with my meals and I've grown very fond of the chef as well. It's just that occassionally, I prefer to have my meals prepared by a different chef. I shouldn't say meals, I should say snacks. I'm perfectly fine with sampling the snacks at the Strip Club and coming home for my meal.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    To each his own, but I'm with Chandler and messaround on this one. I also prefer them to be on the lighter vs. darker.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Girls that look better far away than up close
    I've often marveled at how some dancers can look so beautiful in the club but fairly ordinary or down right homely outside the club. The wonders of make-up and lighting can be very deceptive.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Big dicks or big pussies?
    Like Yoda, I like them all sizes. But I love a woman with large labia. Gives me something to nibble and suck on when I'm doing my favorite thing.....DATY.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    Let's talk about assholes!
    I can take em or leave em, it really depends on the girl. T-H20, excuse my ignorance, but was the laser treatment to smooth the skin or to remove hair in which case I assume it would be smoother as an end result?
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    Least favorite stripper costumes?
    I hate the goth look. Gowns are just so-so, it depends on the girl and I also hate the dominatrix look. I'm not a leather, whip and spiked heels kind of guy.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Any place that interests me.
    How many miles to get more mileage?
    My favorite club is only 10 minutes away but is rather low mileage. When I get the urge for high mileage, I've got at least 8 clubs within a half hours drive. I've made the 2 hour drive to San Diego a couple of times but it's mostly for the variety since the mileage is much lower than L.A. standards.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    Yay or Nay? Strippers walking around the club naked.
    I say Yay! But only if the dancer has a nice body. Unfortunately, I don't know any clubs out here that allow nudity other than on stage or in the VIP. I have seen it in clubs I have visited out of state and it was a big hit with me.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Is it wrong to frequent SC's if you're involved in a relationship?
    Well, problem resolved. As soon as she can find her own place, she's moving out. After having given up my weekly Friday night poker game and cutting my Sunday golf outings in half to twice per month, I basically told her I had given up all I was willing to give up. After all the other things I had given up for her and now being asked to give something else up, I just couldn't do it. I could have lied to her and visited the club without telling her but it just seemed like too much trouble to conceal and I would have felt guilty. I was hoping should could accept it because I am, who I am. On the plus side, I have my Friday night poker games back and the freedom to go look at naked women anytime I chose!
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    How many of you have degrees?
    Bachelor of Science in Business Administration, Masters in Public Administration. All that education and I still have problems with grammer, punctuation and spelling. Thank God I have a Secretary! Unfortunately, I can't use her for these posts.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Hobbies other than SC
    I golf, bicycle, play poker, and shoot pool. I've started having back problems so my doctor recommended yoga. I start classes next Monday. I bought the Nude Playboy Yoga DVD, and although it made my heart rate go up, I found it wasn't helping my back a bit! Hence the yoga class!
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    Have you ever complained to management?
    At the club I frequent, I'm fortunate enough to have a friendly relationship with the owner. Every time he see's me there he'll come over and shake my hand and usually buys me a drink. Because of that relationship, I feel very comfortable expressing any concerns I have to him regarding the operation of the club. I've complained about the music being too loud, it being too cold inside the club and the lights too dark in the club. Each instance, my complaint was resolved at least for that evening. I once also complained to him about a dancer that stole $30 that I had sitting on my table. She just picked the money up as she was walking by. I was having a lap dance at the time and I think she thought I wouldn't notice it. When I confonted her about it, she denied it even though I told her I saw her take the money. The manager fired her on the spot. She ended up being rehired about six months later and was eventually fired again for stealing from one of her fellow dancers.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    How many of you have degrees?
    Nope! Not on purpose. See, I told you! This site really needs a spellcheck feature.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    Who has been to strip clubs in the most states?
    I count nine: California Nevada Arizona Texas Colorado Minnesota Illinois Michigan Wisconsin It seems that the common denominator is California. I guess anybody who travels for business, ends up traveling to California at least once. No wonder the clubs out here are so crowded all the time!
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Favorite State
    I've only been to eight other states, but so far for mileage, I'll take California. Although, I thought Arizona had the highest percentage of beautiful women.
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    19 years ago
    Favorite State
    When I was growing up out here in California, the "hot commodity" girls were the ones that liked parking at the beach to watch the "submarine races!"
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    Quotes From Other People's Reviews, 2006 Edition
    This one was rather amusing from the Hawaii Theater in City of Industry, CA: Then there was Barbie. She remembered me from my visit there on Sunday and asked in her heavy Mexican accent if I liked dncing with her in the VIP. I told her that it was very hot but did not tell her the reason why I probably wouldn't dance with her again. Barbie is a beautiful girl with that sexy latina look that I love. One thing that she needs to work on is her personal hygiene. After seeing her on Sunday and then re-confirming on this trip, Barbie has a case of the B.O. and her breath could use some mouthwash too. It was to the point where I was holding my breath when she was sitting on my lap chatting. She had her arm draped around me with her bare armpit rubbing on my shoulder. Remember that Seinfeld episode where Jerry couldn't get the stink out of his car after he gave it to the valet? That was all I could think of. I thought I needed to toss my shirt after I got home. Barbie kept pressing for a VIP but I kept politely saying no to her. Luckily, she was called on stage and allowed me to finally exhale. Are any of you guys bold enough to tell a girl that she is smelling funky and the reason why you will not dance with her? You would think one of her colleagues would give her a head's up on something like this. Oh well...
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    slip a dollar in her g-string for me
    New Ignore Feature
    I'd have to go with 2 myself. I had stopped reading this board because of those two. Great fix! Now, is there anyway to keep them/he from piggy backing on others posts?
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    What do you prefer regular Bikini, Thong, or shorts during a LD
    I too prefer a nude lap dance but if not available, I'll take a thong. On the subject of nude lap dances, there are several, I can think of at least eight off the top of my head, here in So. California. All offer liberal two way touching with at least a couple offering full service. There are none within City of LA limits due to an ordinance and strict enforcement of it but most of the clubs I'm talking about are within an hours drive of downtown LA.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Worst lapdance ever
    That's easy. Without a doubt, my worst lap dance was about 4years ago. It was at an all nude club known for ultra-high mileage. I was approached by this very attractive, tall blonde. She came over to me reached down and started shifting gears through my pants and then asked if I wanted to join her in the VIP room. At about that point, I was unable to say no. VIP's at this club are $40 each with a three song minimum. She took me back to a very private room, stripped off all her clothes and asked for payment in advance. I paid her my $120 and as she began to dance. As she began her dance, I noticed a very repugnant odor from her as she got closer. At first, I thought it was body odor but in just a short amount of time, I realized she smelled like shit! She got up on the couch I was sitting on and straddled my face from a reasonable distance. At that point, I noticed she had a small, but powerful, piece of toilet paper hanging from her butthole. At this point, I began to pray that she would get no closer, but God rarely listens to me. She turned around with her ass about a foot away from my face and started moving towards me. As she moved closer, my head moved further back until I had the back of my head up against the wall. There was no further retreat. As she moved closer, I kept hearing the theme from "Jaws" in head. There's no doubt in my mind that she planned on sticking it right up into my face and I didn't know what to do! Finally, with her about four inches from my face and me ready to blow chunks, I asked her to stop! With nearly two and a half pre-paid songs still remaining, I made up some lame excuse that I had just remembered I had to be at a friends house 15 minutes ago. I apologized for cutting our session short and told her I didn't expect any refund. I just wanted to get out of there ASAP and didn't give a shit (pun intended) about the money. Too bad! She really was a fine looking woman!
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    I enjoy looking at tits, but I'm really much more of a leg and bubble butt man myself. Although I have to admit, when I see a girl with large erect nipples, it's a major turn on. Even when I see women out on the street, large tits in themselves don't really do much for me but when I can see their nipples popping up through their tops, Wow!