Comments by minnow (page 111)

  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    UK/US Terminology Differences?
    Thanks for enlightening us, lg. On a more mechanical note, a US "valve" would be an English "cock". So, the manuals will say "open/close the cock" instead of the valve.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Breathe, breathe in the air
    Which U.S. city is the best overall
    lg- I think that you should break out of your glitzy rut, and take a road trip up & down I75 through KY, starting with London, KY. (Hey, you're not a world traveller unless you've been to 2 Londons). Check out the various fireworks stands. Have the "Hillary Special" @ KFC. (2 big thighs, 2 small breasts, and a left wing). If you're bored with this scene, Lexington might have some polo ponies. Lexington also has a Spearmint Rhino & Deja Vu Club, 2 corporate chain clubs that you seem to have a hankering for. Please let us know how your side trip goes.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Dance Cost? Shadowcat, please ignore this thread
    My honest opinion: I think that you should start your own website- some suggested names:, (It might put some bookstores out of business, so please be careful.)
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    South Florida club raided.
    RE: Clubber & laxplayer: Cash is indeed a universal "communication medium." I wish more businesses had the "Clubber Approach", as US in general cater too much to "Habla Espanol". Anyone call a toll free customer service center, withdraw cash from ATM, or call for lotto results lately? How much productivity is lost having to wade through the "para espanol" spiel? I would guess at least 300 million seconds per week.//end of threadjack.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Clubbing on Holidays?
    Not this year. When I've been on the road holidays, the clubs have maybe been a bit slacker, but have had several good experiences. Re- Mem. Day, Labor Day on Monday, which is a slow night anyway, so can't say if holiday had effect or not.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    Things You Aren't Supposed to Say to a Stripper
    30) I'll buy some dances from you after I get drunk. 31) You look like someone who owns enough shares in a silicon/ink company to fund your college degree/retirement 32) I'm not tipping because I've already shot my wad.* * Can be taken at least 2 different ways.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Female customers not welcome?
    Runner- Have you considered joining "the pink site" & asking that ? there?? See what the dance givers might have to say? If you've taken the time to pore over the reviews of Houston (or any other cities) clubs, it should be obvious that 95% plus of reviewers really couldn't give a crap whether or not club is "couple freindly".
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Strip Club Substitutes
    I'd probably spend money on some expensive toys, more frequent vacations, and, er, some other "therapists".
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Do you enjoy real crowded clubs where it's hard to find a seat?
    Up to a point, I don't have a real heartburn over crowded clubs. I personally draw the line at waiting lines outside the club, or where it gets to be "almost impossible" to get a seat.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Any place that interests me.
    Slight Off Topic: NBA Playoff Predictions Based On City Stripclub Merits
    ss1- I should elaborate that I consider "long distance help" to be: 1) A reasonably close NON- NBA City. 2) "Reasonably close" I'd peg at 1-2 hrs driving time. Detroit & Indy not considered long distance help. Besides being beyond the 2 hr driving range, both respective cities already have NBA team. I don't think a Pacer or Pistons fan would have a charitable disposition towards the Cavs. Columbus arguably slides in under the 2 hr driving window, and rounds out Cleveland clubs somewhat, but they simply don't measure up to Tampa offerings, imo.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Any place that interests me.
    Slight Off Topic: NBA Playoff Predictions Based On City Stripclub Merits
    syg- Looks like I did better in the East this time- how many points to I get now................ Moving on to "TIC"// ROUND THREE CAVALIERS VS MAGIC: City vs City, clubwise, Cleveland wins hands down over Orlando. But, 1-2 hrs. driving time outside both cities is entirely different. Yes, Orlando gets some awesome long distance help from Tampa, and Cleveland gets, what??? However, some Tampa hoops fans are Miami Heat fans, which dilutes long distance help for the Magic. Still, the awesomeness of Tampa will push this to a 7-game series, but, in the end the merits of the primary city clubs, coupled with the dilution of long distance fan base results in// CLEVELAND CAVALIERS IN 7. LAKERS VS NUGGETS: Both cities have clubs in the Tuscl Top 100. However, the sheer number of L.A. Metro area clubs coupled with higher contact levels imply L.A. edge in rebounding, inside game, and bench output.// L.A. LAKERS IN 6.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Pole Dancing
    If dancer is good at pole dancing & gives them positive vibes, I'm fine with it, so long as appropriate patron interaction takes place. Its' when dancer gets fixated on PD with little or no patron interaction that it gets to be a turnoff.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Founder - I like the new look
    I like lopaws latest avitar! Also cool is seeing total reviews that a member has, and also the capability of bringing up ones posts.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    can you say "oopsie"?
    Must have been an expensive "brew". With clubs making it a pita to use CC in club, what with handing over your drivers lisc. while they run a check on it, and in some cases a "fee" for using card makes a good case for bringing cash.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    North Iowa
    Can a good personality or stage presence overcome bad looks?
    Up to a point.... Yes. Defining that point is like saying how warm it must get before one takes jacket off. Just like driver skill can overcome horsepower disadvantage, so it goes in club environment. Yet, can anyone picture Mario Andretti driving a stock Aveo beating an average Porsche owner on a road course??
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Favorites versus luck of the draw
    Good subject, s229- For several clubs that I go to, I'm in that twilight zone whereby I'm "recognized" by several dancers but not quite into the true regular or fave category. I think that I know what you're thinking: The dancer that sat down next to you was better than, say 2/3 of the dancers out there, but you're wondering/thinking that a couple of prospects might be better than 3/4,& 4/5 of the dancers out there, resp. Kind of like "I won $500 at this blackjack table, I wonder if I'd win $1000 at the corner table". Mostly, my club visits are drama free, the dancers at the "semi-fave" clubs know that I like to try different dancers & are mostly cool. There have been a couple of clubs over the last yr. where I've been "cockblocked", [cockblockers are good, and have been on past occasions, but there are clearly other prospects I'd like to sample]. One of the CB's is "OK" if I buy a 3fer from her & move on, but that's 1 less new dancer that I try a 3fer with. But until I do, she's on me like a tick on a bleeding dog. Such is the hazards of clubbing.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    OTC Rules
    Dudester: No "stone throwing" intended. Sorry if my thoughts/critique had a "stony edge" to it. I have not forgotten that there will always be someone with a bigger dick, bankroll, or more rwhp on his ride than oneself. I've also not forgotten that even monkeys can fall out of trees, or an All-Pro QB can throw a key interception. In case anyone was wondering about my "MT Level" Security Clearance, I'd tell you, but then I'd have to kill you..... With Laughter!!!!! MT= Mushroom Treatment= Keep me in the dark, and feed me a bunch of manure.// Good day.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    OTC Rules
    Dudester: Well, I have a "MT Level" Security Clearance, and I have this to add: In last post, you brush off the potential blackmail angle from former co-worker, but seem to be forgetting something else. Did it occur to you that an individual out & about facing felony drug charges just might be an interesting target for LE to monitor? Or that your "fcw" just might be carrying drugs around, and how inconvenient it would be for you to have that fact "discovered" in hotel room ? Or that the individual "checking up" on her may well be the bigger fish in the drug drama, and thus the subject of a wiretap?? Yes, we all have had "the little head" do the thinking for us at times. On the punctuality issue, I'll answer your ? with another ?: If you go to a club, and things aren't quite off to an ideal start,(but there's maybe some promise, what is the maximum time that you'd wait for good things to happen before bailing?? Apparently, your OTC date still works in club. I'm guessing that you have interest in a continuing patronage of club, likely VIP sessions with other dancers, and don't particularly relish the prospect of mixing that with potential drama with "ex OTC interest". I can only say that "its business". Ultimately, she has to make income, and will have to focus more on individuals who will spend money on her NOW, vs. someone who used to. Good luck.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Travelling cross-country and need SC recommendations!
    lp- When you say "cross-country", I assumed that you were going coast-coast. Were you looking at any cities west of El Paso, or were you planning on going non-stop El Paso- CA (guessing L.A., given your handle)? I have a few ideas for Phoenix, if interested.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Favorite after the club visit meal?
    I'll take a meal that offers pie for dessert on the menu.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Traffic wrecks, please drive careful, saving a minute or two isn't worth it if
    If a particular route is prone to accidents or bad traffic jams/construction, it may be worthwhile to take a detour. Might not really save time, but it will seem that way. For boards edification, view "you tube", type in "2008 Corvette Z06 Top Speed on german Autobahn". Driver spends a fair time north of 300 kph (thats 186 mph). You can see speed display on windshield "HUD".
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    What is too much Fun?
    ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Smart move, sc. I'd hate to see you caught up in "money laundering" problems.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Any place that interests me.
    Slight Off Topic: NBA Playoff Predictions Based On City Stripclub Merits
    s-cat- Are you angling for a retirement job as a bathroom troll?? syg- Well, not perfect, but all in fun. T_B- If lap dancing becomes an Olympic Event, I'm sure you'll be Chief Judge. O-o-o-o-o-kay, ROUND TWO, Tongue in cheek predictions. CAVALIERS VS HAWKS: Cleveland has 1 club in Top 40, so does Atlanta. Atlanta has more clubs, but Cleveland has the edge in contact. Look for Cleveland to have the edge in rebounding & steals, Atlanta to make some nice shots. In this close series, contact will carry the day.// CLEVELAND CAVALIERS IN 7. CELTICS VS MAGIC : Both Orlando & Boston are weak contact stripclub cities. Both have very strong "sister cities" (Tampa, Providence). However, Tampa is stronger with #3 rated Mons Venus, & # 31 rated S-YS.// ORLANDO MAGIC IN 7 LAKERS VS ROCKETS: Both cities/metro areas have strong clubs, with Houston Treasures(20) & St. James (59) being most stellar for them. No downtown LA clubs made T100, but got plenty of long distance help with COI stalwarts, and a some top OC clubs. This portends LA sinking several key "treys". This, coupled with Houston getting into foul trouble (some area club LE problems), gives the edge to....// LA LAKERS IN 6. NUGGETS VS MAVERICKS: Denver has 3 clubs in T100, so does Dallas. The later are more highly rated (22,25,44) vs (24, 74, 76). Dallas city/metro area has more clubs than Denver city/metro, and higher contact levels to boot.// DALLAS MAVERICKS IN 6.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    strip clubs w/ an 18 year old admission?
    Didn't someone ask that same question last year, except that it was 18 yr. olds?? Sheesh, go back to SCL already! Offhand, I'd say you're "SOL" for juice bars in IN, not any offhand that I know about. I'm too distracted by those stripping ladies on new format page to go hunting down IN juice bars for you.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    The norm for Atlanta clubs seem to be nude with alcohol. Personally, I'd hit the clubs where I wouldn't have to drink any alcohol to get a dance from typical dancer in the club. Otherwise, as "w" says.