Comments by minnow (page 112)

  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    What is too much Fun?
    w-g; If you don't mind answering: What line of work are you in that you work week on week off?? (pm me if you don't want to put in thread)
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    somone had to do it - so I will - will the Swine Flu change your SC habits anyti
    lp- I visited LA club last night & plan on hitting another around lunchtime today. The closest thing that I saw to a surgical mask was a closeup of a G-string.(lol)
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Overall, I like Asians too. Like any group, has its own downsides. I have found that a proportionately higher % of Thais, and Fillipinas tend to be ROB's compared to other demographic groups. Maybe a carryover of "RAGIS": Rich American G.I. Syndrome.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Any place that interests me.
    Slight Off Topic: NBA Playoff Predictions Based On City Stripclub Merits
    ...(cont) 1st Round West LAKERS VS JAZZ: Hmm, lemme see- a bucketload of clubs, plus COI stalwarts vs a few no contact clubs ??? Can anyone say "sweep"?// L.A. LAKERS IN 4. NUGGETS VS HORNETS: Neither city is really tops, but Denver has 1 club (Cheerleaders, Centerfolds, something like that in upper echelon T100 list// DENVER NUGGETS IN 6 SPURS VS MAVERICKS: The battle of 2 TX cities with good clubs and attractive babes. Thing is, Dallas area has more of 'em, and they're higher rated.// DALLAS MAVERICKS IN 6 TRAILBLAZERS VS ROCKETS: Both Portland & Houston have a lot of clubs, but Houston has more sizeable clubs (Portland clubs mostly small taverns that happen to have a few nude dancers). Some LE trouble with Houston clubs portends Rockets getting into foul trouble, but the strength & depth of Houston clubs (T100 list) should carry the day// HOUSTON ROCKETS IN 6
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    I have seen Strip Club Hell, and its name is Chicago
    "Other Cities": Cincinnati, OH- Only club is Deja Vu (actually Mt. Carmel suburb)- nude, no/very minimal contact, or a few skank dives across the river in Newport, or Covington KY- some of which made Tuscl Bottom 40 list. St. Louis itself has ZERO stripclubs, but PT's & Penthouse club is a virtual stones throw distance across the river in Sauget, IL.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    (off topic) Hostage Rescue-the truth
    Thanks for posting- from the begining, I always had wondered why no intervention when Capt. Phillips first jumped the lifeboat- this sheds some light on that ??
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    What happened to Mitchell Brothers (San Francisco)?????
    So, wallanon, what is your "destination club" in SF now?? Mine is CHT, but as much by default as by choice.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    New Look?
    FOUNDER: I'm still trying to digest the changes, & not quite ready to break out flamethrower. A few of my preliminary thoughts on the pros & cons of new format. PROS: Being able to sort city/area clubs by grade, or type venue (nude/topless/bikini) is a cool feature. CONS: Maybe you're still working on it, but I like the old way of clicking on city, and seeing clubs NUMERICALLY listed, and having map with numeric club listed all on 1 page. Now, I see clubs listed, but not numbered, and must click on map option for a map display of clubs.There's numbers on map for a club. Its a pita enough to have to click back & forth between club & map page, its a bigger pita to see that club #12, & #20 are closest to airport hotels, and have to count to 12 & 20 on club page. At the very least, please number the clubs on city page to match the map page. Lastly, I'm curious why you felt the need for the format change. Thanks for time/consideration.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Here's a list of some of mine, in no particular order: 1) "Buy the lady a drink": Discrete asking OK, but to swoop in within seconds of having dancer sit down, or following one to lapdance area smacks strongly of too much hustle. 2) 2fers & other gimmicks: My main gripe with those is that they tend to break the flow of things, especially if I've already bought VIP. Often, 2fers are a couple of clipped songs. I would much rather have 2fers dispensed with, keep the flow going, and instead offer volume discounts (eg- if laps are normally $20, offer a package like 3 for 50, etc) 3) Clipped songs- Most egregious offenders here seem to be the chain clubs, or certain big cities like Los Angeles. 4) Clipboard Brigade/ High Bouncer Profile 5) Upselling- OK to mention higher priced dance options, but please don't constantly nag me DURING dance about upgrade- just let me enjoy the damn dance. Kinda like taking a test drive in Mustang GT, & having salesman prattle on about how much better a Porsche 911 would be. 6) Some Dancers- Not that many there, but have encountered ROB's, subpar mileage, some fuglies, cockblockers, etc. The good has outweighed the bad, but some of these gripes need not be.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    What happened to Mitchell Brothers (San Francisco)?????
    A lot can change in 5-6 yrs, Officer. The thing I'm discerning from numerous reviews is that MBOT is the kind of place where you can have your wallet & pipes cleaned out in 10-20 minutes. That is not everyone's cup of tea. If that style floats your boat, GKYSO!!!
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Directions to a strip club
    SC- Which portable brand did you use? I've had 2 experiences in rental cars. The Hertz kind is a POS. The factory installed 1 in Toyota Prius is pretty good. However, it doesn't work that well in dense business park environment. For example, unit was telling me to turn right 75 yds too soon, which was also about same distance past some other turn in. My arrival at hotel was announced 100 ft too soon. Meanwhile, I tried a back way to hotel that I knew, all the time with voice keying me back to "Main Blvd". I turned into side entrance, and pulled right up to lobby entry of hotel WITHOUT A PEEP FROM NAV SYSTEM. Looking out the window does work.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Music to screw by
    How about "Ravels' Bolero"? (ala "10")
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    SD: In theory (sometimes), bailing after 1 song & "cutting one's losses" is a viable plan. But, what if you prepaid 1-3 Benjamins "upfront". In that case, you're screwed- the club has your money, & you're probably not getting it back, yet what's the point of spending the whole VIP session with dancer that's not delivering satisfactory mileage. In this case, don't spring for upfront payments, or Minimum dance "packages" unless you feel virtually certain that you'll get the desired mileage.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    When dancer says that "things will get better in the VIP", they really mean it.... as in better for THEM!
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Peppermint Hippo
    Didn't see clip, but name could just as easily been Spearmint Rhino. SR often epitomizes the factors that I find annoying in the corporate chain clubs. While SR DJ's aren't the loudest or most obnoxious around, the clipped songs & frequently changing gimmmicks ( 2fers, 3fers, etc) leads to miscounts or clipped times in VIP (which has minimum dance packs). There are the usual number of "wanna dance" robodancers, no more so than a lot of other clubs. Waitresses are on you like a mosquito on a bleeding dog for the "buy a lady a drink", whether floorside seating or lapdance area. That said, some of my most high mileage sessions have occured at SR.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Busiest clubs to work at from April-August in Sarasota, Tampa, Ft. Myers Miami
    giac: A couple of things: 1) Do you realize that virtually all Tuscl members are MALE CUSTOMERS ?? 2) How "rigorous" is your definition of "gentlemens club". OK, I'll be nice & attempt to answer your ? If by gentlemens club, you mean a club that has valet parking, good meal & drink service, tuxedoed doormen/bouncers, a glitzy/plush interior, a bathroom attendant, and low dance contact factor, I can think of only 2 clubs out of a multitude of clubs in Tampa that fit aforementioned definition.(there's several in So. FL with the trimmings, but with nudity/high contact levels/alcohol thrown in. Not quite like MI Deja Vu juice bars). If you're not averse to nudity/ high contact levels,the most highly rated clubs in review section would be your best bet for working at. Good luck.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    most embarrassing strip club moments
    Ah, MDM had "the monthly visitor". Does TB wear dark slacks now?? My slack moment: Several years ago, my 1st LD prospect of the night & I proceeded to open LD couch. Upon sitting down, dancer got horrified look on her face, stating "I don't normally do that". Asking her what was the matter, she pointed at my crotch- I just noticed that my fly was open. I assured her that was accidental & that I'd correct it. Upon adjourning to nearby mens room (after walking facing the wall all the way), I discovered that the zipper was busted. Fortunately, I knew of a nearby 24 hr WM. I explained my predicament to doorman, asking if I could take leave & re-enter for no charge later. He said "no problem". He probably LHAO after I left. Walking into store, strategically carrying rental car map for cover, I quickly purchased some khaki slacks (don't ask me why), changed in store rest room (I did remember to tear off tags & peel off tape). Upon returning to club the customary revelry resumed. The original dancer was nowhere to be found, though.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    petite or full-figured
    (Almost) equal oppurtunity here. A med./short full figured fave when she left was replaced by a med./tall 5k runner. Another club had a young tight spinner, and a tall lanky 30 something as faves.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    I stick with real name in conversation, but the few clubs that have a sign in sheet, I pick some cute alias like "Peter O'Toole, Jim Nasium, Hugh G. Rection".
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Best Indianapolis Club
    Didn't you ask that same ? a few weeks ago? If the answers that you got weren't adequate enough, how about giving us a clue about your specific tastes, and the factors that are most important to you.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Sundowner or Mons
    What does recent Flight Club visit have to do with this hypothetical ? Are you really asking which of these 2 clubs most closely resembles FC?? Can't help you there, I haven't been to FC or SD, but I'd heartily endorse the Monz, esp. in the winter time.( I look at other factors besides SC's when I travel)
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    What's the most money you ever spent on a single lap dance?
    $60 @ SFCF, nude, good contact. I quit going there in mid 04 when they jacked the price up to $80. Recently on another site, some posts by SFCF dancers have mentioned $60 for nude dance, but $100 for "letting the customer touch". FTS!!!!!
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    If the weather is bad and you need to save money anyway, do you stay home?
    LOL, cg- Staying home & NOT going to stripclubs is a good way to save money, regardless of weather. If I have the motivation, only freezing rain, accumulating type snow, or a tropical storm will keep me from going. If there's much doubt, I look at radar map @ light snow flurries often don't show up on radar. But, if I see a dark blue splotch on radar map, I stay in.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    TUSCL convention...
    s-cat: I'm not always mild mannered (lol)- Will keep this and any potential "mini-conventions" in mind.