
Traffic wrecks, please drive careful, saving a minute or two isn't worth it if

Monday, May 4, 2009 4:09 AM
For two weekends in a row I have encountered major traffic accidents in the east bounds lanes as I approach the busier areas in Columbia on the west side of town. Please be careful. I hit the same areas about 10 PM. The previous weekend, fire trucks,etc. were in route and traffic was already backed up. This past weekend near Harbison BLVD if I spelled that right, the police and fire trucks had not yet arrived but I saw a wave of red brake lights. I heard a policeman who just arrived ask if anyone was hurt, fortunately not this time. They were blocking two lanes though and their vehicles messed up pretty good. Traffic wasn't even heavy. You're not saving any time hurrying if you end up in a wreck and it may penalize you or someone else for their entire life.


  • shadowcat
    15 years ago
    I drive 10-15 mph over the limit but only when the roads are dry and the visibility is good. And I keep I keep a safe distance between me and the car in front of me. I do not want to be in the back of gridget's ambulance.
  • mr_33
    15 years ago
    I'm a chronic speeder, and regularly reach speeds 90 to 100+mph almost every time I'm on the highway (and this is in the congested Northeast). Although I will grant you that one of the biggest contributors to accidents is the speed differential between cars, what I see almost every time I'm on the road is a general lack of patience from other drivers. I never pass on the right. When I catch up to cars in the left lane, I plan ahead and slow down gradually without having to hit the brakes and wait at a safe following distance. Invariably (like every day, usually multiple times per day), I'll see some yahoo come up behind me at like 80mph, tailgate me for about 1-3 seconds, before they determine I'm holding them up and attempt to pass on the right. That lane is usually blocked so they swerve again into the other lane and then do the same thing trying to get back over to the left, cutting people off as they go, still doing 80mph when the other cars in the right lanes are moving 65 to 70. They usually only end up a few cars ahead of me and then like clockwork, the left lane eventually opens, and I resume my cruising speed and catch this idiot and pass him. I don't have a problem with speed, even excessive speed. It's the tailgating and weaving in and out of lanes at a high differential rate that really burns me up and is a frequent cause of accidents (and from what I witness -- many close calls).
  • Clubber
    15 years ago
    The old saying that, "The nut behind the wheel causes traffic accidents."
  • minnow
    15 years ago
    If a particular route is prone to accidents or bad traffic jams/construction, it may be worthwhile to take a detour. Might not really save time, but it will seem that way. For boards edification, view "you tube", type in "2008 Corvette Z06 Top Speed on german Autobahn". Driver spends a fair time north of 300 kph (thats 186 mph). You can see speed display on windshield "HUD".
  • shadowcat
    15 years ago
    My son drives a Subaru WRX STI. It came with a 300hp engine. He spent $9,000 upgrading it to 450hp. My daughter almost got sick from the acceleration. Speed its self does not kill. It is the idiots behind the wheel.
  • casualguy
    15 years ago
    I'd love it if they did away with the speed limit. However I don't think I would be going that fast if people kept wrecking all the time blocking traffic. The last accident I saw looked like the two vehicles collided on their sides badly damaging both and blocking most of the interstate going east. I think one lane was still empty. It would be nice if we had autobahn like interstates with a very fast lane.
  • Clubber
    15 years ago
    casualguy, Difference? In Germany, the police ticket the SLOW cars on the Autobahn!
  • deogol
    15 years ago
    Contrary to belief, many parts of the autobahn are not "go as fast as you can." There are also certain times of the day where there is a speed limit. That said - there are parts that are 24 x 7 go as fast as you can! The US will never get an autobahn. The maintenance costs for a road allowing those speeds would never be approved by the taxes or tolls needed to make it happen.
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