Which U.S. city is the best overall

avatar for londonguy
So i'm off to Vegas again this year but I am thinking of going somewhere else after that. Which city do you guys think offers the best overall combination of great clubs, great girls, number of them and high mileage. I'm think international destinations here such as NY, Dallas, Boston,San Diego etc. Which cities should be avoided? Thanks guys :-)


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avatar for txtittyfan
16 years ago
AZ clubs have excellent eye candy with good friction. Extras are difficult until the girls get to know you. Plus you can side trip to Sedona, Flagstaff and the Grand Canyon which are beautiful areas.

Houston, Tx clubs have great mileage that is relatively easy to obtain. The girls are attractive and the clubs plentiful.
avatar for shadowcat
16 years ago
the Texas clubs have a good reputation. As do the Tampa and south FL clubs. The Vegas, L.A. and NYC clubs are expensive. The Boston guys drive to RI.I am so spoiled at my favorite that I will not even go any where else. I doubt that you will ever make it to SC. The Atlanta clubs all suck as most of the clubs in the S.E. US.
avatar for minnow
16 years ago
lg- I think that you should break out of your glitzy rut, and take a road trip up & down I75 through KY, starting with London, KY. (Hey, you're not a world traveller unless you've been to 2 Londons). Check out the various fireworks stands. Have the "Hillary Special" @ KFC. (2 big thighs, 2 small breasts, and a left wing). If you're bored with this scene, Lexington might have some polo ponies. Lexington also has a Spearmint Rhino & Deja Vu Club, 2 corporate chain clubs that you seem to have a hankering for. Please let us know how your side trip goes.
avatar for Book Guy
Book Guy
16 years ago
Depends what you're looking for. There are several cities in North America that are good for certain types of clubs / girls / services. My guesses / experiences / readings at TUSCL / etc. lead me to estimate the following:

1. For a bachelor party where the girls will whoop it up, sit with you and drink, look extremely attractive, and probably charge you more money than they should, some of the high-end clubs in Las Vegas are probably the best.

2. For opportunities for no-restrictions blowjobs and maybe full-service sex, the clubs in the Niagara Falls / Toronto area of Southern Ontario, and the clubs south of Montreal in Southern Quebec, are one good option. Another good option, though much more expensive, is to go to the downtown clubs in San Francisco. A third option are the two or three "kingpin" clubs of the Detroit area; those clubs also have reportedly some AMAZINGLY attractive-looking women.

3. For some above-average women, though no guarantee that every girl will be a stone-cold-10, and for some high-mileage lappers that can indeed lead to sexual services, Dallas and Houston have good reputations, but they go through seasonal funks depending on the jurisdiction and the coming elections.

4. For some straightforward lap dancing with very hot-looking women, but less likelihood than Texas of high-service in the back room, the South Florida clubs are good choices. Miami-area and Tampa have different rules and different ultimate "flavors" of experience.

5. For more "intimate" person-to-person contact in which the girls are experienced and talented at making you feel like you have a "girlfriend for the hour" you should check smaller clubs, perhaps in smaller cities, especially across the South and Sun-belt. The Carolinas, for instance, have some very sweet li'l darlin's.

In the long run, remember that you get the most benefit from doing your research. People will say that you probably "get what you pay for," but that's not necessarily true. In Vegas, for instance, you can pay $200 for a few short lap-dances without actually receiving very much sexual or lapper contact at all; whereas that amount of money in Ontario may be HIGHER than a FS dance at some clubs. So, the real maxim isn't, simply, to pay more in order to get more. The maxim, rather, is, to READ more and then KEEP UP on the reading. I have been reading about Mitchell Brothers' O'Farrell Theater in San Francisco for about ten for twelve years now without ever having been to California in my life!
avatar for chandler
16 years ago
Not as easy to answer as it used to be. Fifteen years ago, Tampa, San Francisco and Memphis had to be near the top of any list. I get the feeling the latter two aren't so good now, and a lot of other cities have caught up with Tampa.

To add to what Book Guy said, for example, Detroit is great for having a lot of clubs with a lot of good looking girls and almost no fuglies, and for high mileage. However, the stage dancing is beyond boring, the stage tipping is tame, and hardly any fun is usually allowed on the main floor. So, it's all about getting dragged off for $25 lap dances, which can get old.
avatar for londonguy
16 years ago
Thanks for the great replies, especially to you book guy - that was great. I am hopefully just about to get a job with a company that will give me plenty of travel opportunities to the U.S. so i'll take all answers onboard as well as doing some research.
avatar for MisterGuy
16 years ago
You should avoid the downtown area of Boston for sure. If you only visit Vegas strip clubs, then you are likely getting ripped off.
avatar for Notsosly
16 years ago
Miami-Fort Lauderdale area has VERY high mileage and isn't that expensive, it's my personal favorite city (of the ones I've been to) for such things.

San Diego has hot dancers, but ZERO mileage, though in some clubs, a lot of OTC action is offered.

Las Vegas is EXTREMELY expensive (in relation to other clubs in Miami/San Diego), but the women are unreal beautiful and there are large quantities of them. However, it's very hard to get actual HJ/BJ/FS type of mileage, but hands can roam.
avatar for londonguy
16 years ago
People are saying that Vegas is expensive but from my experience the dances are the same as most places, i.e $20 or three for $100 in VIP or am I mistaken? I have been to Mons at Tampa and a few in Orlando but am keen to go somewhere new. With regard to mileage at Vegas, I had lots of grinding and was able to fondle about half the girls that gave me a $20 dance (maybe it was the quirky English accent) and had an OTC with the hottest girl there that night.
avatar for Electronman
16 years ago
Excellent scouting report Bookguy. In spite of the auto industry meltdown, Detroit offers a great range of high mileage strip clubs. At the ritzy end of the scale, Flight Club and Penthouse have beautiful women, private VIPs with high mileage and extras if you find the right dancer; it is however but pricey. At the lower end of the continuum, Bogarts and Henry VIII have a mixed bag of dancers (some quite attractive) but ultra high mileage in somewhat open VIP romper rooms. I've been to Tucson (Candy Store), San Francisco (Mitchell Brothers Theater), Adelitas in Tijuana and some of the clubs outside of Niagra Falls. The Detroit collection of clubs is, in my somewhat limited experience (haven't sampled E. St Louis, Miami or Houston), unrivaled for variety and mileage.
avatar for samsung1
16 years ago
Chris Rock called Tampa the strip club capital of the world.

Indiana is another good midwest state besides Michigan. Two of the top ten best strip clubs are located in Indiana.

Tijuana is so close to San Diego, that I would suggest San Diego as another strip club stop.
avatar for txtittyfan
16 years ago
And you can't ignore New Jersey and the Playhouse Lounge with the infamous Erica and Ruby. LOL
avatar for Notsosly
16 years ago
If you want to hit up Tijuana, don't waste your time and money in San Diego strip clubs. No mileage and very little contact there, and full-nude mean you're stuck drinking water/soda.
avatar for Digitech
16 years ago
I've never been anywhere else, but I like the clubs we have in Kansas and Missouri. From reading around, it sounds like we have a lot more legal mileage than other areas. At many clubs, it's fully legal to touch a dancer anywhere except between her legs.

The clubs aren't glamorous at all, but offer great value with many clubs selling lapdances for $10 each.

As far as extras go, a lot of the more rural clubs offer a lot.
avatar for Dain
16 years ago
The Los Angeles area has tons of strip clubs. But FS and BJs are rare. You can get everything else, though.
avatar for someyoungguysomeyoungguy
Go to St. Louis -- specifically East St. Louis -- for extras done relatively cheaply from girls that are, shall we say, beautiful on the inside (for the most part; there are some knockouts at some of the clubs there, though your mileage may vary). Sexual contact for value is the reason I saw the STL is #1!
avatar for pop
16 years ago
The thing about Vegas is that at most clubs those $20 dances aren't worth it. If you go with the $100 session you may get two full dances and they still aren't as good as other cities. If you go to some of the low end places it will be cheaper but then you don't get the quantity and quality of those expensive clubs.
avatar for Clubber
16 years ago
After waiting to read some responses, a lot mention Tampa and Miami, Being in South Florida and working all over Florida, I know the state fairly well. I prefer Miami/Ft. Lauderdale, but that just might be because I am more familiar with Miami. That said, as far as clubs, not much of a difference.
avatar for Danton
16 years ago
How about for us who like up-close nude stage dancing, not so much interested in the "extras"
avatar for Clubber
16 years ago

In my experience, ANY club that is fully nude and has stage seating would do for you. City wise, for what you want, ANY that is fully nude and has stage seating would do.
avatar for minnow
16 years ago
Danton- Imo, Tampa is absolute tops in this area. Best stageside mileage coupled with multiple dancers on stage. San Francisco would be my 2nd choice, specifically Crazy Horse Theater. Honorable mention would go to "Abco" in Phoenix for the tipping stage dives. ESL clubs were good, haven't been there in many years. Most other cities with nude clubs don't have the stageside interaction level of these cities and often only 1 dancer on stage at a time.
avatar for Danton
16 years ago
Other places which I have liked are good guys in DC and club erotica just outside of pittsburgh!
avatar for KootchieKoo
16 years ago
<<...and Memphis had to be near the top of any list. I get the feeling the latter two aren't so good now>>

How true that is. Don't even think of coming here.
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