
can you say "oopsie"?

Thursday, May 14, 2009 1:05 AM
im a pretty careful guy. careful and orderly, which makes this that much more embarassing. I went out to the club, and as i normally do, gave my credit card to the bartender to start a tab. and when it came time to tab out, i used the card. without realizing that it was my company card. the organization that i work for. where we have to itemize every purchase. and where our purchases are visible to ohso many people. mercifully i called the secratary and told her about the "sports bar" that i watched the game at. and when it showed up as an innocuous charge from a nondescript location, she just put it down as a travel charge. the worst part? i cant really tell people which bar i used it at. but they still get a good chortle about the company card covering my brews.


  • wallanon
    15 years ago
    sounds like a lot of paperwork. someone else can bang the pots and pans about the virtues of cash in this hobby.
  • mreef
    15 years ago
    I often question the wisdom of bringing my whole wallet into clubs. But I figure when it's on me I have more control rather than leaving it in my locked car.
  • shadowcat
    15 years ago
    I have never used a credit card or ATM at a club. I always take more cash than I intend to spend. Ironically those that do use credit cards at my favorite club are billed by "shadow" management.
  • mreef
    15 years ago
    >> I always take more cash than I intend to spend. I always spend all the cash I take, intentions be damned. :)
  • minnow
    15 years ago
    Must have been an expensive "brew". With clubs making it a pita to use CC in club, what with handing over your drivers lisc. while they run a check on it, and in some cases a "fee" for using card makes a good case for bringing cash.
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