
Do you occasionally get tired of visiting strip clubs after a while?

Thursday, July 29, 2010 6:05 AM
I believe I am at this point. That may wear off after another week or two especially if I haven't found something better to do. Dancers (other than favorites and I'm getting tired of same ol same ol) haven't been making life too interesting. It seems like the rules have tightened up and dancers keep wanting more money for dances. Favorites still charge the same amount so that's good. Drink prices going up in Columbia Platinum Plus really has deterred me from wanting to visit there again. Well that and no seats sometimes on weekend nights, deafening loud music, heavy smoke, and lots of dancers wanting a lot of money for each dance. I haven't visited in several weeks. So I'm left wondering if I want to find a new hobby. I'm planning on staying home for a while. Do you guys sometimes get out of your routines and just stop visiting strip clubs?


  • samsung1
    14 years ago
    Yes I have got bored of the Columbus clubs and have traveled to Dayton area for something new but still prefer the Columbus clubs because of closer distance and I have favorites. Just wondering what prices do you pay for dances at Columbia Platinum Plus? I have read that dayshift is a better time to visit there.
  • Dougster
    14 years ago
    "Do you occasionally get tired of visiting strip clubs after a while?" No, not really.
  • steve229
    14 years ago
    "just stop visiting strip clubs?" That's crazy talk, man. (lol)
  • potheadpl
    14 years ago
    No, but I live in an excellent area. There are 8 clubs within 20 miles of each other, so I can always switch it up if a particular club is lacking on a given night.
  • DandyDan
    14 years ago
    I don't get tired of going to strip clubs, but I do get tired of going to specific strip clubs. I'm actually burned out on my favorite club at the moment. The last time I visited, a stripper I previously thought was a favorite decided to ignore me all night. There were too many of the same old dancers there and the one they need to get rid of first is the one banging the owner. I've begun to wonder if it's on an irreversible slide. A couple dancers who have left there that I have seen elsewhere told me what a hole it is. The club I visit the most has also gone somewhat stale. There are two dancers, one my ATF, I will always get dances from, but after that, while there is eye candy, most of the dancers there think I'm someone else's regular and ignore me.
  • wallanon
    14 years ago
    "most of the dancers there think I'm someone else's regular and ignore me" Which they'd get over faster than a guy can blink if there's money coming their way. And I don't get tired of strip clubs, per se, but I do get tired of the people.
  • vincemichaels
    14 years ago
    I'm with wallanon on this one. I'll stop going somewhere for a while, when I get disillusioned with all the SS. There's always fresh meat elsewhere
  • Drippy
    14 years ago
    I only get to SCs about once a month on business trips so I don't really get tired of them. Usually, after a month at home, I'm ready for some SC action. I agree with several of the earlier posts that I get tired of certain dancers--even when visiting just once a month.
  • rickdugan
    14 years ago
    I don't get tired of clubs overall, but do get tired of the same club. I'm not really a club attention or connection seeker, so once I have disected and utlizied the various talents and options in a particular club it is time for something fresh.
  • georgmicrodong
    14 years ago
    There are enough local clubs that I haven't yet gotten bored or burned out, even in 15 years. Like others, I *have* tired of a club or the set of dancers there after a time, but taking a break and moving on for a bit is always refreshing, and the dancers always seem to be happy to see someone who doesn't mind spending money. The day I tire of seeing naked women completely is the day they start cutting up my body for scientific experiments.
  • shadowcat
    14 years ago
    I'm bored right now. Being retired and having no financial problems leaves me with a lot of free time on my hands. I am so bored that I am actually thinking of hitting an ATL club or two this afternoon. And I hate them. Unlike Sharkhunter I am never totally bored at the Columbia Platinum Plus. There are times during my visits there, that I am a little bored because none of my favorites are around or available. But like busses, another one comes along shortly.BTW snowtime was there yesterday afternoon and got dances from the most popular day shift dancer at 2 for $30. And loved them so much, he is already talking about going again next week. I can usually get better prices from my favorites. 2 for $20-25 but I sometimes will go as high as 2 for $30. I just say NO to anything higher. It's a 240 mile drive for me. So I try to limit my 3day/2night visits to once a month. And of course, I always coordinate my trips to gridget's days off from her real job, so that she can join me for lunch, etc. Well after I finish my morning hot chocolate and check Fox News, I will deceide wether to visit an ATL club or not. Maybe I will just phone gridget and BS for a while.
  • gatorfan
    14 years ago
    Yes anything can become old with enough repetition. I can always go back after a break.
  • Alucard
    14 years ago
    NO, I don't tire of seeing my current ATF!
  • gk
    14 years ago
    Need new scenery sometimes? Yes. Same-old/same-old sometimes not fun? Yes. Question my spending? Yes. Think about quitting? That's too freaky. Here's some suggestions: 1. Bored: Mix it up. Don't just visit other clubs. Stop going to your regular club for a while. That shakes up the routine. 2. More than bored, tired of the SOSO: Road trip. You reviews suggest that you do move around to other clubs, but ask yourself how far you'd drive for SC fun? 2 hours? 4 hours? From where you seem to be, I would try Tampa for a breath of SC fresh air. 3. Drink prices burning you: Have a double strategy--find a low-price club for getting primed and move on for the more serious stuff. 4. Rules crimping your fun: Work around the rules. Invest in regulars, let them know what you like and expect. Money and consistency slips past rules when you use consistency discretion. 5. Camera's/no wiggle room: Why reward this? It's suposed to be fun. If they are so rigid in oversight that dancers and customers are paranoid, they've taken your fun away. So, take your business away.
  • rickdugan
    14 years ago
    shadow, it sounds like you need a longer road trip. I relieve my boredom just out of sheer variety. Hotels are cheap right now if you know where and how to look, so finding a way to build yourself an extended looping road trip could be the way to shake it off. Hell, a southern state tour swinging through Florida and ending in Texas could be an option for you. Lots of good stops on that particular loop :)
  • rickdugan
    14 years ago
    ^Hell, with $3000 in my pocket plus another $1k allocated to hotels, gas and food I could suck and fuck my way along that route for 10+ days. And if I wasn't married with kids I would probably already have done it.
  • vincemichaels
    14 years ago
    I agree with rickdugan. I thoroughly enjoyed my Southern road trip this last few months before returning home. Florida has many good clubs, it is a drive way down to Miami and it's too goddamn hot in the summer, so that's why I'll do the southern trip in the wintertime. Houston does have great clubs too.
  • imnumnutz
    14 years ago
    when i was younger used to go twice a week to clubs in d.c. area. in ohio now, and clubs aren't much to talk about, so rarely visit them. go to vegas 3-4 times a year, and that's where the vast majority of my strip clubbing now takes place.
  • harrydave
    14 years ago
    I like gk's suggestions. With lots of travel to Columbus, OH over the past few years, I was getting tired of the club scene there (Samsung, why is Columbus so lame?). Then I met Tuscl_Bro by chance (yeah right) in a club that is now closed. I was sitting with a girl at the bar, and I have just described how there is this guy that posts a shit-load of reviews for clubs around town, and this seems to be one of his regular hangouts. She says she knows the guy and she's waiting for him. Ten minutes later, he strolls in. An hour later, I'm in a dance booth with my pants down! Sometimes, you need to apprentice yourself to a grand master. LOL!
  • Digitech
    14 years ago
    I know some of the people here visit a club once a week, or even more often. I go maybe once every 4-5 months so I haven't really felt bored yet.
  • Player11
    14 years ago
    I don't like dropping $60 - $100 for lap dances in a club when the next day I have one text me offering pussy for $80 (Jessica).
  • bhunter5252
    14 years ago
    No, but I need to increase my visit frequency to see if this becomes an issue.
  • lopaw
    14 years ago
    Like pothead, I also live in an area saturated with stripclubs. This is both good and bad. Good, because if you get tired of one club or the girls working there, there is another club right down the street. The bad thing is that with so much variety, your wallet never gets a chance to cool down!
  • sharkhunter
    14 years ago
    It might be good to take a small break from strip clubs. I'll be saving up for a longer trip if I choose to later on. I think a year or two ago I went to the Masters and wasn't going to buy any lap dances the first night or two I visited. I was asked for dances over 100 times. I don't think that bothered me too much because I didn't mind the dancers sitting on my lap. Now if I start feeling like a hit and run victim every 15 seconds or so, that is annoying. I think this oppressive heat is getting to me. Time to do something different.
  • sharkhunter
    14 years ago
    I just remembered someone asked how much I usually pay for lap dances at PP in Columbia. I used to routinely pay two for $25 sometimes as much as two for $30. The last time I visited a number of girls wanted to do two for $40. Some were ok with two for $30. I even turned some down and they said they would give me a good deal and gave that price from the get go. I think one dancer wanted $50 for two dances. I have on just a few occasions (not very often) agreed to do a two for $40. A lot of the time when I paid more, I thought it was a waste of money. To me it usually indicates the dancer is not from the local area and she will often have a lot of rules and be more robotic in her dance moves. I believe the Columbia Platinum Plus club has become too popular with a lot of people willing to pay higher dance prices. The sister club in Greenville is slightly closer to me though.
  • SuperDude
    14 years ago
    After two months, take a one month rest. Then start back at a different club. Then, take two asprin and call me in the morning.
  • tabletopper
    14 years ago
    Visiting a club with a new feature - or something you haven't seen for a while - is good for boosting interest. In Munich recently I went to a club called The Black Boxxx. It had a 2-girl shower show on a couple of occasions during the evening. The shower facility was also available for private shows. (This reminds me to post a review.)
  • shadowcat
    14 years ago
    Out of boredom I decided to hit the ATL strip club scene yesterday. I hit 5 clubs during my 12 hour trip. I'm glad I have GPS in my car as I went to areas that I had never been to before. 5 Is my own personal record. By ATL standards, one club was good, one was OK, and the other 3 sucked. I was bored after the second one but kept it up in hopes of finding something that would arouse me. On the last stop I even stayed for a feature act. UGH! I got home at 1:15A.M. tired and still bored. But the trip gave me a greater appreciation of my favorite club in Columbia SC. I should have stayed home and just called gridget. I will knock out some reviews after I do my morning chores.
  • dudeanonymous
    14 years ago
    I've occasionally taken a "break". I've always returned, though. But for me it's an occasional hobby, not a way of life. I agree with gk's suggestions, especially the point about trying to find a new club if things are getting stale.
  • bumrubber
    14 years ago
    sharkhunter, I go to Masters just to enjoy all that free ass in my lap!
  • sharkhunter
    14 years ago
    Well for me 2 weeks seems like 2 months. Time to get in more trouble I suppose. Sometimes dancers make it hard not to be at the center of trouble.
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