
Comments by gk (page 10)

  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Strip club visit after effects?
    #1 Makes me want to go back the next day. #2 Yes, it is invigorating sometimes when I'm a little down. #3 Sometimes have the lap dick, but I treat it by moving on to another dancer who does better. #4 Too much caffeine from sodas = jittery the next day. #5 To much alcohol = echo-head the next day.
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    14 years ago
    GMD--Peyton Place! lol. If you get to a club beyond the basic "hello" one of the first things you realize is that it's one big soap opera. Visit a club during the slow part of the afternoon and find the TV that the dancers or bartenders control for their own amusement (while they can)--odds are that you'll see Jerry Springer or Maury Povitch on every day, they love it. That pretty much sums everything up, doesn't it? Knew a manager at one formerly favorite club who would come-on to every new girl to see who would give in to him. If you didn't, the dancer got bad schedules for a while.
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    14 years ago
    Know Any Guys who married strippers? How did it work out? What is your take on
    New a dancer who was a very cute girl-next-door type, slender, shoulder length hair, just the right mix of conversation and shyness. She was always flirty, was a little wilder in her youth, but when she got to be late 20s and then 30 she mellowed out, never did anything crazy but remained a popular dancer with upscale customers. She married a customer who was a successful salesman. She had been studying for a college degree and continued that after she got married, but afterwardss worked mostly as club bartender with spot dancing. That remains the case to today. I don't really know the guy, but she was the better person, he was the jerk. They divorced and she's still pursuing her degree and working as described above. It seems to me that stripper marriages are like any others in this respect: put one jerk in the mix and it's probably going to fail. If both are OK, then the marriage has a chance. You can almost assess them from the start, because we sometimes know these girls better than their boyfriends, or maybe I should say, we sometimes find out mor aspects of their personalities (the hidden weakness or the hidden sparkle) that a normal friend might take longer to spot.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Just a fat, creepy old pervert.
    Thank you, jerks and assholes...
    A little "sugar" and some respect go a long way in SCs and anywhere else. When you figure that out, two things happen: you become an adult and you become successful.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    About Drinks.....
    Rickdugan, you've summed up the core fun of strip clubs. Sitting at the bar, flirting/playing and getting buzzed with a semi-naked girl who is just waiting to get more naked with you and maybe meet you later. While I try to be careful about not drinking too much, it's the whole thing that makes up the fun. Just coming in and nursing a beer and getting a quick lap dance just doesn't do it for me, unless I'm pressed for time. Do I vary from this, sure, but getting back to core values is always the best fun.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    How Did You Find TUSCL?
    Like many others, searched strip clubs and found TUSCL, among other sites. But TUSCL stands out from the others because of the quality of our reviews and discussions.
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    14 years ago
    Tales from the club ...
    Hmmm, maybe that's their limo service. But that's an awkward way to introduce it if that's the case. Never cared for this place that much. I guess when I'm in SF I get spoiled by the MBOT.
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    14 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Sloppy seconds...
    It's something I like to avoid too. But do we always know for sure? I try not to obsess about it too much other than to know who I want to spend time with and when. I do know that some dancers make an effort to clean themselves up during their shift. Others don't and you can usually tell who they are. Of course, once you've been involved in a less than pleasant experience, you never go back.
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    14 years ago
    So what does a dancer do that turns you on?
    Flirting/being seduced like Caralinalocal describes is alwaysw a good turn-on. I don't mind bveing grabbed in the croth, but there is a technique that separate a blatant come-on from flirting and seduction. The latter takes some skill and dedication. The former can be a sign of laziness if not handled in the right way. But I don't compain either way! I like a dancer running her hand down my back while I sit at the bar when she walks up to me. Good ice breaker, better than "want some company?" I also like it when the dancer take her stage tip with her legs split open rather than putting them together and pivoting to the side.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    What are some things a dancer does during a dance that annoys you?
    Good addition Ssnowtime with item #2, talking on a cell phone is a big no-no.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    What are some things a dancer does during a dance that annoys you?
    Moves I don't like: 1. Grinding with full force of body weight. It's supposewd to be light grinding, not-grind off. 2. Pushing my hands away --from anywhere. Definitely a don't invest with her again move. 3. Changing the house price for dances because "they are better" at the higher price. This is BS, if you are not dancing at your best all the time, forget you. I pay for the experience and the outcome, not dances by a unit price. If you're good to me, I'm good to you. 4. The bounce up and down move, hate it. 5. Not taking advantagbe of easy access when it's available. 6. Asking for a tip or demanding one because she knew I had a good time. Hey, that's what you are supposed to be doing. 7. Everything SuperDude said (yes, they've happened to me too, even reaching into my wallet!) Now, all this can be managed by proper rotation of dancers, simple conversational instructions and blatant ignoring of dancer come-ons.
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    14 years ago
    Valet Parking
    I've used valet parking at both Playhouse and Flight Club and have not had a problem. But I'm not a regular there. "A little grease makes the world go 'round." So I would do what PAS suggests, offer the valet $10 to park it up close where you can see it and promise him another $10 when you leave. And I liked the PAS temptation test concept--it would sure clear up the basic question of trust in a hurry. But you have to be prepared to give it up!
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Saw a dancer wear a NASCAR themed/checkered flag outfit once. Really looked great on her. Re themed outfits: however, I prefer them (themed outfits) more for a theme night or theme show or in the context of porn. In the clubs, it's less the theme than the color and style, because the themes are usually too overdone.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Just a fat, creepy old pervert.
    SS1: Yes, porn, which I still enjoy, has lost context and with it eroticism. GMD: -Agree, eyes, especially green eyes. -Agree, peach fuzz on your wife's (I mean a woman's) butt. The curve of the waste dropping off from the butt when a woman lies on her side. -The "butt shelf" as I call it, where the small of the back transitions to her ass. -A thong peeking out above a woman's jeans. -Nipples that get hard from attention. -Clinging stretch pants that hug the ass revealing every contour. -SC dancer who knows how to give you the "you-can-fuck-me" look (very few can do it) -Any cute ass swaying down the sidewalk in front of me. -Women making love/fucking/daty etc etc etc, etc to each other (Etc). -A woman in a sundress with just enough boobs and cleavage showing to turn my head. (Hmmm, that happened during happy hour Friday.)
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    LeBron James chooses Miami Heat (off topic)
    Lopaw: lmao too. Maybe a joint Lebron/Obama press conference to announce that. There certainly would be enough "I's" to fill up the time.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Hey, baby (sweetie, cutie, darling, honey, sugar, doll, pumpkin, cupcake...)
    If I need to speak a flirtatious type greeting, "hey baby" works, but I limit it to dancers I don't know. If I know them they get a hug, sometimes with a "hey". If I haven't seen them in a while, they get a "hey stranger." But I think the "hey baby" thing can get to be too patronizing after a while.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Dancer told me she saw my review on the tuscl
    Why give up your anonymity on Tuscl? When people know what you really think, you lose power. That's a standard business/negotiating maxim. It works in the clubbing hobby too. I would make exceptions in only the rarest of circumstances.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Something that accentuates her ass. A short dress, booty shorts, with or a color that complements her skin tone.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Just a fat, creepy old pervert.
    Permit me to hijack this a little bit. What else is erotic to you? Among many things, one thing stands out for me as super erotic: any visual of a woman undressing who knows you are watching her so she's doing it to entice you. No teasing burlesque hide and seek, just sensual I-know-you-see-it-and you're-going-to-get-it stuff.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Just a fat, creepy old pervert.
    GMD, absolutely! Big turn on me too. And you're examples--they're all great.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    LeBron James chooses Miami Heat (off topic)
    Lebron comes across as more interested in marketing his "Lebron" brand than being concerned with his basketkkball legacy. He's intelligent about basketball but beyond that his street smarts will not make up for his lack of social finesse and some simple human humbleness at the proper moments. He's now a quitter who left his home team to play with friends. Star? ...yes. Some rings? ...probably. True champion? ...never. In the meantime, there's other hands-on entertainment as we here already know.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Just a fat, creepy old pervert.
    Another lame PL plus ATF episode
    Great stuff. Point they al need to understand is this, it s not whether we can "get" the money, it's who we prefer to give the money to, them or the owners.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Is this normal? First-timer's account of a growing resume...
    !) Just starting out, you're taking things too seriously. It's escape. Try to have more fun with it. 2) Is it typical the way you are reacting? Mostly no, but definitely not the smartest way to react. As a relative newbie, you're obsessing too much on the sociological/relationship stuff. It takes some experience to handle that so you can walk the fine line of them playing you, you playing them and detecting any sincerity in all of it (on either side). 3) Sucker? Being played? Well, yes, but don't be so negative. That's what most of them do best: great posturing, seemingly needy, suddenly connecting to you. They're selling--looking for regular customers. Understand that and you can be more alert to what you're buying-and getting. 4) Some dancers do want more, they are looking for longterm security if they don't feel that have it. Those types are not falling for you, they're looking for a roof and potential provider (or a reason to drop their current "provider" and bring you on board). Definitely buyer beware. 5) Do some play it more straight? Sure, they come across as more honest and straight forward. There's a few that you'll find but it takes time and a lot of visits. 6) Did I mention spending money? Spend money consistently and you get to see what's behind every curtain (and I'm not talking VIP). Then it's win-win (or win-lose, depending on how you feel about spending loads of money.)
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Breathe, breathe in the air
    Fast Forward ten years?
    Some rambling thoughts: First, the extremes will win out. Super corporate clubs will survive because they have lawyers and remote owners--they can litigate delays, like a legal Muhamid Ali rope-a-dope. The flip side is likely to be that lower end dive clubs will continue, but more likely as bars that feature dancers and not necessarily as strip clubs as we know them. A lot of the middle ground wannabe clubs might thin out or disappear. Second, politics is like a roller coaster. Today's crisis that is worth enforcing (e.g. the morality forces vs. clubs) is tomorrow's money drain. I can envision that under the right circumstances tight local and state budgets will push some of the obsessive focus on clubs to the side. I hope I'm right. And lastly, the biggest change will be driven by demograhics--the baby boomers are aging and will gradually disappear from strip clubs. So when the marketplace changes so dramatically, something has to give, so there are likely to be far fewer clubs in the future. I think we're already seeing some of that effect begin to take effect. But I think there wil always be some form of personbalized live adult entertainment that fills a gap between passive media and illegal activites likek prostitution. So, a good grind and even extras in 10 years? I say yes. But regulars will be in the drivers seat.
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    14 years ago
    Best ways to put ROBs in their place
    Attaboy! Show then who's really in control.