
Another 2 for 1 special...

Atlanta suburb
Tuesday, August 24, 2010 8:46 PM
I heard this one last Friday at my favorite club. Buy 1 hour in the Champagne Room and get the second hour absolutely free. Now the 1st hour is gonna cost you at least $250 plus whatever the dancer charges. To my way of thinking, if the stripper is any good, you she be very happy in 30 minutes or less. WTF do you do for the other 90 minutes?


  • Dudester
    14 years ago
    I need about an hour, maybe an hour and ten minutes. Anything beyond that ? I dunno. It's why I prefer OTC. In Otc, it's not just about sex. We can enjoy music and/or a movie + conversation. Also, I'm a tetotaler, and most VIP rooms include a required bottle, which I don't want or need.
  • steve229
    14 years ago
    shadowcat, Along similar lines, when a dancer suggests a 30 minute VIP, my stock answer is, "But what are we going to do for the other 28 and a half minutes?"
  • Jmoney007
    14 years ago
    if the woman is that good, i will only need 10 minutes tops the champagne room is a waste of good money to me. like shadow said "WTF do you do for the other 90 minutes?" in my case its more like 110 minutes.
  • samsung1
    14 years ago
    That sounds like a better deal than what the bullshit in Columbus is. VIP session is 30 minutes for $200. Then they raised it to $250 and promote that they include a free round of drinks. I have heard that for some clubs the VIP room is major source of income. It is like an unnecessary evil in my opinion.
  • harrydave
    14 years ago
    I have not received value for money in the VIPs I have tried, so I no longer do them. Old attitude: I would like some extras; how can I get them here? New attitude: I would like some extras; where can I get them?
  • Player11
    14 years ago
    $250 would should be able to get one an otc session at motel. At club where I am VIP (VIP / CR free for me, otherwise $120)I got FS there last week from 20 yr old Miami blonde for $100 (3rd time with her). The first two sessions she had to have $200 but I have been able to talk her down as she wants to c me regular. Frequent flyer miles payoff. A lot of ROB's will try to upsell you to expensive VIP Rooms where it is a crapshoot what you will really get. They know once they have you up there they are in control.
  • LeeH
    14 years ago
    Diamond Club here in Atlanta does 2-for-1 VIP rooms, but it's pay for 15 minutes ($35), get another 15 free. That's much more reasonable than 60+60. Of course, that's just the room. The dancer isn't 2 for 1 (dammit).
  • troop
    14 years ago
    regardless of the 2 4 1 special, like i said before, i'm not comfortable with having sex in a club, i like to be able to relax and not worry about someone walking in during the act. regarding the 2 hour time period, i'm not a 10 or 30 minute guy. going back to my relax comment i like to take my time and savor the experience so i want an hour mininum and 2 hours would be twice as good.
  • samsung1
    14 years ago
    troop, not only is having someone walk in a potential problem but also being caught on camera. Some strippers say they only have cameras to keep track of dance counts...but I think it is SS.
  • troop
    14 years ago
    ^ yup sam, i was going to mention cameras and other privacy issues too.
  • gk
    14 years ago
    Not to mention that she's usually on top and you have no control! Of course, it's hard to turn down candy if you have a sweet tooth.
  • RickWood
    14 years ago
    I have a different take on a 2 hour VIP. You will have to find the right girl for this to work. Take her up and fuck her in the first 30 minutes. Relax, cuddle, talk, whatever for an hour and then let her provide a parting BJ. Two pops for the price of one, if she's getting a cut of the room fee, it could be worth it...if she won't do OTC.
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