
Ever had a stripper read her review?

Thursday, August 5, 2010 4:15 PM
Had an unsettling experience last week. Went into a club I've been to a half-dozen times and got questioned by my favorite dancer there. Another stripper had showed her this board, and she was highly pissed about being mentioned as someone who offered "extras." I managed to convince her that I was not the one who posted the review, but I was taken aback at the idea that women mentioned here might actually read the reviews. Has this happened to anyone else?


  • mr_33
    14 years ago
    Many folks are a bit more discreet, not mentioning names and only alluding to extras. I've had folks PM me about a girl mentioned in a review, but if you don't have a lot of reviews/messages, I don't respond because it could be management, another dancer, or police.
  • potheadpl
    14 years ago
    What kind of asshole would mention a girl's name in connection with extras?
  • rickdugan
    14 years ago
    ^what pothead said.
  • harrydave
    14 years ago
    I've read more reviews lately that are explicit about extras. Does anyone not know you can get a blowjob in the dance room at Bogarts? I have mixed feelings about this. I want to know about those clubs in general. I don't want LE to know, and suspect TUSCL is as useful a reference for them as it is for us. As for mentioning girls by name, I rarely find that relevant to my interests and personal preferences.
    14 years ago
    Interesting. Just entered Bogart's in the search box atop this site and received the following result: "No matching clubs or members found."
  • harrydave
    14 years ago
    Bogarts is at [view link]
  • troop
    14 years ago
    potheadpl says: Posted: 08/05/10 What kind of asshole would mention a girl's name in connection with extras? --------------------------------- a couple nights ago some moron with zero reviews and posts posted a blog here bad mouthing a dancer even giving out her real name. i called him out on it and he sent me a threatening pm also indicating that he would give his name and address if i wanted to settle it like a man. i called him out on that too and he sent me another pm acting like a tough guy but didn't have the balls to give out his name or address. a little while later his blog disapeared, i'm guessing that founder saw it and removed it. waiting for the next pm.. lol
  • vincemichaels
    14 years ago
    YOU DA MAN, troop !! When I write my reviews, (I have a new one coming in shortly) I'll put it in discreet terms whether or not extras are available. I'm not about to OUT a dancer, ya never know who is reading the reviews. I can't recall any dancer bitching me out about my reviews, I don't tell them that I review the clubs. It serves no usefull purpose
  • shadowcat
    14 years ago
    CT, enter Bogarts lounge. Yes I have shared reviews with favorite dancers. It did blow up in my face once about 4 years ago. Her name was/is Avery. I did not write the review but thought that she might find it interesting. The review was IMO flattering and made no mention of extras, etc. After I showed it to her she came over to my table. I was sitting with Toni. Avery read me the riot act for 5 minutes. About how she had to work and live in the area and did not appreciate me slurring her name all over the internet, etc. Then Toni read it. "There is nothing wrong with this". Awhile later, Avery came over in street clothes, and chewed my ass again for about 1 & 1/2 minutes on her way out. A year later we were having a mini TUSCL convention at the club. 6 guys in attendance. A dozen strippers taking care of us. Avery asked Toni if they were making money. She replied "yes, $300+ for me. All you have to do is apologize to him(me). Well she didn't and still hasn't. Her loss. I still show reviews to my favorite dancers but I am discriminatory. Many of the dancers know who shadowcat is and that I write reviews. Most ask me not to mention their names. A couple have asked me to do so. "I could use the business". I don't mention names or acts unless a dancer pisses me off. Then she gets my "bitch of the month" award. I do share private information with my TUSCL buddies that I have met and trust, by PM and email. Ones I do not know only get cursory information.
  • magicrat
    14 years ago
    Shadowcat I had a new to me dancer ask me to mention her in my review and I did, but obviously just as a recommendation with no details about our dances. One other dancer mentioned reading the reviews and the complaining of loud music. She told me she printed them out and showed them to the manager, telling him that it (loud music) was costing her money. She told me this after I mentioned that the music didn't seem as loud that trip. Some do read them here, but it's rare I believe. As most have mentioned, I would never mention specific acts or extras in a review. I rarely mention a specific dancer by name in a review unless it's just a recommendation or she asks me too. As you say, PM's and emails are a different story to guys we know.
  • troop
    14 years ago
    i've met one lady from this site who pm'd me for advice. she's the only one that knows who i am and that i write sc reviews here. her info will remain private and i trust that she will do the same with my info. the employees of the clubs that i go to have no idea that i'm reviewing them and i plan to keep it that way.
  • Otto22
    14 years ago
    Troop- You were completely right about the obnoxious flaming about a specific dancer on the blog. Alleging that someone has an STD is a serious charge. I'm glad Founder removed it.
  • magicrat
    14 years ago
    Also, I'm aware of one TUSCL memeber who ran into some real issues mentioning a specific dancer on here, so I would not recommend linking a dancer to a specific act.
  • troop
    14 years ago
    thank you vince and otto. ;) he joined tuscl for the express reason of badmouthing that dancer. whether that info he was throwing out was true or not he had no right posting it here.
  • potheadpl
    14 years ago
    @harrydave---If I was a total newb(which I was a year ago), I would have no idea that extras were available at strip clubs, period. I have no problem with a review mentioning extras, just associating those extras with a particular dancer. Police all know that SCs have extras going on. That's why there are busts from time to time. I fully expect my club to be busted on some Tuesday afternoon, as the sheriff is up for re-election. LOL
  • scatterbrain
    14 years ago
    I think I'm being discrete in my reviews, but now I'm going to have to re-read them to see if that's true. I do mention dancer's names but try not to reveal too much about them or their mannerisms. I just assume the LE, management and the girls are trolling for as much information as they can get. Just like we all do. But I've never had anyone call me out on it. Probably 'cause no one really knows my tuscl identity in the clubs...helps to be an out-of-towner, I think. I, for one, like to see the girls names with some details about them. Saves me time in the preliminaries. And putting names in my reviews allows me to re-review on my next visit so I can remember myself who I enjoyed spending time with.
  • Player11
    14 years ago
    I don't think Dancers are very interested in reading this site. IMO they are more interested in Hustle Hut on SW.
  • steve229
    14 years ago
    " I managed to convince her that I was not the one who posted the review" Clouded her mind, Lamont?
  • imnumnutz
    14 years ago
    having gone to clubs across the country for more than 25 years, and having had only 1 dancer mention this board (in a positive manner), my guess is that the vast majority of dancers don't know this site exists...
  • mlyn1
    14 years ago
    As a dancer myself, I will let you know that we commonly check up on sites like this curious to see if we are ever mentioned. Strip clubs are reviewed daily so our chances of being involved in a review are quite high. Also, we're not always looking for reviews and post that involve only ourself. Reading about other dancers I know is just as entertaining. Especailly when names aren't mentioned (we love to investage). The way a dancer "behaves" always affects the other dancers' income at the club. We usually have a hunch about who does "extras". The reviews just help us confirm it. It's quite common to hear "Hey, I found a review about you..." in the girls' dressing room. If the review is bad. We usually don't inform the girl, just use it to label the "dirty dancers" and as good locker room gossip :)
  • gatorfan
    14 years ago
    I'm sure strippers read reviews here and elsewhere all the time. Whats worse is when club management is reading reviews about extras.
    14 years ago
    Gossip? I thought that was at the high school level... Strip clubs, I thought it was all about smoking dope in the dressing room!
  • vincemichaels
    14 years ago
    CT, yeah, that and them talking about how to hustle us for money.
    14 years ago
    VM, and here I thought she had my best interest(s) at heart! I'll have to rethink who I give "power of attorney" to...
  • troop
    14 years ago
    in line with what gator said, i think guys posting about extras are cutting their own throats. club owners/managers that read those posts and fear getting busted will have bouncers keep a closer eye on things which in turn cuts down on the extras.
  • dustyshoes
    14 years ago
    gator: I'm sure strippers read reviews here and elsewhere all the time. Whats worse is when club management is reading reviews about extras. I wouldn't want to disagree with you, but the question comes up, if the management reads and pays attention to reviews, why is it that extras would be the only thing they notice. Why not things like thugs in clubs, loud music, dance prices, etc.
  • georgmicrodong
    14 years ago
    dusty: Because the other things you mention won't get the club shut down or the owner thrown in jail. Owners and managers can argue that enough customers like those things to justify not changing. They can't, legally, use that justification with something like extras.
  • shadowcat
    14 years ago
    In my experience, club owners/managers are ignorant about TUSCL. Awhile back, I printed up a bunch of reviews that complained about the music volume. I presented them to 2 mangers and a bird dog. Only one of the three was even aware of TUSCL. The owners philosopy was to create a party atmosphere. Yes they are concerned about dancers doing extras and if they suspect a dancer of doing them, they are watched. And kicked out, if caught. This usually happens when snitches(other dancers)tip off management. They don't want to compete. Recently 5 dancers at my favorite club, got the boot. I got 3 of their names. One was a favorite. One was a ROB. That put a scare into the other dancers and things cooled down a bit. Things have since picked up again but the dancers are being a lot more discreet. It helps to be known as a trusted regular.
  • vincemichaels
    14 years ago
    CT, good point !! YIKES, my ATF is my attorney !!
    14 years ago
    VM, make sure you didn't sign the 'organ donor while in a vegatative state' form, otherwise it's curtains for sure without them parts!!!
  • gk
    14 years ago
    We use nickmanes on her for a reason. The same reason strippers use stage names. They can do or say something behind the front of that stage name that they don't want associated with teir real self. I've said it before on here, why give up our anonymity by showing a dancer what we write about a club or specific person. And as for real low down extras, why reveal names that could get someone into trouble, especially when you understand that nothing on the Internet, including this forum, is private.
  • Notsosly
    14 years ago
    I used to go to the same club regularly, and would post what extras I got and how much. I never mentioned dancer names (other than maybe their ethnicity and a vague physical description) in connection with them ...at least I don't remember doing so. I've written more than one review while drunk off my ass, so it may be possible. I've always had a bit of anxious-ness going into that club after I'd written a few reviews of it. I never got accused of it (or even heard someone bring this site up), but if I had, I would have channelled my inner politician and deny, deny, deny! Nowadays, I try to keep descriptions of extras to a minimum unless I'm reviewing one of the TJ brothel/strip clubs. Also, I've had the opposite experience with the TER website for escorts. Almost every escort I've been with from that site knows about it and reads their own reviews regularly. Several also requested that I would give them a good review after services were rendered.
  • gatorfan
    14 years ago
    dustyshoes, I think club management is worried more about prostitution because of how the local public communities villify it and local police can sensationalize it to close nuissance clubs. Clubs would likewise be interested in reviews that say drug distribution and gang violence too. Loud music is not something they would care about.
  • Player11
    14 years ago
    Never had such a problem but can you imagine her husband reading a review about her LOL.
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