What Makes Her Your ATF?

Just wanted to know from the TUSCL wisemen....what makes one of the girls your favorites and when do you decide to move on? Have a favorite that I see, but the dances while still fantastic, there are others that maybe better..have invested about two years in this one, and it is great, but could it be better???
last commentMy second ATF, for the first eight months was great at being playful.
Last year, OTC Gal and I had great chemistry in bed.
I think the key thing here was being able to actually enjoy spending time together, then, great sex.
Because she told me I was and I'm not allowed to buy dances from others.
OP: " and when do you decide to move on?"
I guess I'll move on when she tells me I'm allowed to, or I run out of life savings.
I already have an SO @ home - don't need another one in the club(s).
honestly i think the atf description is a little misleading. how can anyone really have more than "one" all time favorite?
unless you're refering to alcohol, tobacco, and firearms of which i like all three.
lopaw's flavor of the month term is probably more accurate even if a particular flavor lasts more than a month.
anyway.. going by the loose atf description, i've had several. some i just tired of, one got fat, some quit dancing or just disapeared.
anyway.. the thing that can make a girl an atf for me is she has to appeal to my senses. :)
Chemistry, respect, mutual interests, few or no boundaries.
Good luck Dave...
Lloyd: The first time I set eyes on Mary Swanson, I just got that old fashioned romantic feeling where I'd do anything to bone her.
Harry: That's a special feeling, Lloyd.
ATF #1: Great chemistry. She was closer to my old fart age, so our interests and references were closer. She had a rocking body and was a great dancer too, but that didn't play into ATF status as much.
ATF #2: Great chemistry, DESPITE the fact that she's half my age. Some of the nice stuff that she said wasn't SS (there was no value in it being SS) but even when she lapses into SS, it's so well-crafted that I don't give a damn. On the physical end, I often forget to breathe when she's dancing on stage. As far as VIP, you know how the Stones said "you can make a dead man cum"?
As to others who have vied for the title:
T: The first night that I met her, she hung out with me (including a lot of surreptitious stick shifting) for the last hour til closing, even after she knew I was tapped out.
C: Starts affecting a British accent when she gets nervous or drunk. Cute as hell, too. (She has an awesome body, yet I sometimes catch myself looking at her face as she dances nude in front of me.)
I: Her mere presence can "center" me. She's the one dancer that I don't feel weird about giving money just for her time (ordinarily, I've gotta buy a dance or three).
P: Free HJs in VIP, just because I'm not an asshole. ;-)
But it's funny because I want to disentangle AND still get some action from her.
Doesn't make a lot of sense but there it is.
ATF has always been used, in my experience here, referring to dancers. And yes, there is a sexual and sensual component to dances in a SC. To me, a "sexual relationship" is a far cry from a "sexual dance". That is why I posed the question.