
"Farmerart" is on quite a roll...

He has written many reviews recently, some of which are worth reading. Take a look.


  • Alucard
    14 years ago
    I've just read them.
  • troop
    14 years ago
    yup, i read his reviews last night after getting home from my own 2 club excursion, he laid out the details in his reviews.
  • farmerart
    14 years ago
    CTQ: Thanks. I didn't post any reviews until I returned home from my trip and then posted them all at once. You gave me some good advice when I posted a plea for help just after I joined tuscl. You and rickdugan pointed me to Arnie's in Chicago. You don't really need a bullet proof vest to visit that place. I would have liked a couple more days in Detroit but too much time in Chicago cut into the time available in Detroit. If you read my Cannonball Cabaret review please tell me if you have ever experienced anything as hilarious as the janitor incident.
  • samsung1
    14 years ago
    I enjoyed reading his review on the Flight Club.
  • CCRiderm
    14 years ago

    I was there last week and had the same janitor experience. I was in the middle of listening to Billy sing and he shows up. Lil 'CC just lost all enthusiasm after that. What a pain in the ass.

    That combined with those damned wooden chairs will just kill you!
  • farmerart
    14 years ago
    CCriderm: You at least got started. I didn't even get that far. When my laughter started it was game over for me for that particular day.
  • troop
    14 years ago
    oh shit, when i logged on last night only art's 1st 4 reviews were up. i see that i have more reading to do now.. lol
  • shadowcat
    14 years ago
    farmer, I just read all of your reviews. excellent job. I was surprised at what you experienced at some clubs.

    Vincemichaels, have you guys been shitting me about Bogarts?
  • txtittyfan
    14 years ago
    Sounds like he had a fruitful trip. He had a nice perspective in his comments.
  • georgmicrodong
    14 years ago
    Nicely done, FA. Humorous and informative at the same time. Sounds like you had a good time, too.
    14 years ago
    Farmer, you're welcome.

    I regularly skim the recent reviews for clubs I've been to. I am sorry though you experienced the same thing on a Saturday night at Bogart's as I did. That is NOT the night to go there. Weekday afternoons have been waaaaaaaaaaaaay better.

    The Flight Club VIP areas are probably the best such space in Detroit. Their relentless shot girl(s) are the worst. I can't think of ever having run into such bad attitude from the dancers. The worst I've received is the cold departure if I wasn't willing to spend; no deliberate insults.

    The Landing Strip must've really taken a turn for the worst. Both of my visits have been in the evening. You should know you can park just down the block for free and (if it's still posted) print out a free cover pass from their website. That saves $16 before you even sit down = my kind of deal!

    In the humor category I have two: Kelly Bundy working the door at Pantheon in Dearborn, MI. (she had to be paged back to the door by the DJ because customers were walking in without paying cover "Door girl to (pause) the door", and when a prankster flipped on the office-style white fluorescent lights in the ceiling at Bogart's (Inkster, MI.) It went from low, low lighting to "my retinas are burning" as one saw everything as it really is. [Fyi: if you want to have a go, the switch is in the corner closest to the front door, as that's where mgmt raced over to to shut them off asap.]
  • vincemichaels
    14 years ago
    Hey, I'm glad farmerart had a good time on his trip. I had similar experiences when I made my long road trip last winter. A newbie is bound to be disappointed at times in visiting clubs with well deserved reputations for extras. Shadowcat, we shit you not about Bogarts.farmerart's mistake was going late on Saturday night when the dancers are majorly fucked up. It' been my experience, many, many, many, times that mileage is best during the day. I'd testify in court about that, if that wasn't such a bad idea, LOL. Nights at Bogarts tend to be lower mileage in my experience. I've gone to Bogarts plenty of times, and those of us who live in Detroit can substantiate Bogart's high mileage during the daytime. Like wise with Flight Club, the ROB's that work Flight Club can turn anyone off. I go during the afternoon, and have never left unsatisfied. Read my recent review of Flight Club. It's a dead on review from an experienced SC patron.Last time there, I got a great BBBJTC for a reasonable (Flight Club) price. Everyone's mileage will differ depending on time of day, dancers available, etc, etc. Cheers, farmerart !
  • farmerart
    14 years ago
    vincemichaels; After reading your reply I realize that all my good Detroit experiences were on afternoon visits. The Flight Club visit is still a bit puzzling. I have finally decided that a slow night gave these girls entirely too much time to get ripped or blasted and I lucked into being the recipient of their anger and frustration. At my age I am never going to be able to get into the tiny minds of these bimbos so if I do anything like this in the future I will just name a figure that I am comfortable with for whatever it is that I want and if no response I will quickly move on. The bargaining thing is so time consuming and boring that I believe in future this final offer approach is what I will use. For years in business I would always be willing to put contract disputes in the hands of a final offer arbitrator. I was never disappointed with the results of this method. Of course what I was doing then was slightly more complicated than negotiating the cost of a BJ with a moron. So.... in the Detroit SC world - late night = bad and afternoon = good?? It is just highly unlikely that I will ever be in Detroit again.
  • farmerart
    14 years ago
    shadowcat; I would like to meet you some time. But you don't like my part of the world and I detest the humidity of the American South. Guess it will never happen. How about my place on Cote d'Azur in winter?
  • Alucard
    14 years ago
    Develop an ATF, unless you like exploring unknown Dancers & like to gamble with your $$$. An ATF will provide as close to a guarentee as possible. But some guys like to gamble on the unknown & seem to feel that too long with an ATF gets BORING! At my age & after 15+ years of this pursuit, I prefer the KNOWN output of an ATF!
  • shadowcat
    14 years ago
    vincemichaels knows that I was just yanking his chain. I'm a day shift guy too.

    farmerart, if you are talking France, I could fly free to Nice from ATL via JFK. But not likely. After 42 years of working for Delta, I am tired of flying. I have my own little piece of heaven in Columbia SC. However my daughter suggested that I take gridget to Costa Rice. Now that I would do.
  • gk
    14 years ago
    Always be a day shift guy for best results. Day shift dancers know how to treat a customer with more discretinary income than the dumb kids (on average) that populate clubs at night. No offense to any of us who are night regulars, just going by the numbers.

    My next Bogarts trip will be on a Wednesday afternoon, thank you very much CQ. But haven't been on the road to DTE enough to sample the new Bogarts cubicles. Anxious to find out for myself.

    Farmerart: avoid all downtown Toronto clubs. Not worth your time and money if you want anything more than eye candy and want to avoid ROBs. You have an admirable way with words...

  • rickdugan
    14 years ago
    Farmer, great reviews and welcome to the hobby.

    All too often people new to this hobby come onto this board simply to solicit for special intel about clubs and dancers. These people (1) are too lazy to research clubs using the good material already posted; and (2) are sometimes looking for special inside info. that they have done nothing to earn and would not normally be shared on an open forum.

    You, however, did your research using already available information, proceeded to parlay it into a decent road trip, then came back and contributed.

    You are very welcome here in my book and thank you for the good review info.
  • farmerart
    14 years ago
    gk : Thanks for the tip about Toronto clubs. There will be at least annual visits to Toronto for me in the future. Don't like the city all that much though. As for my way with words - just a red neck Alberta hillbilly with a grade 12 education.
  • farmerart
    14 years ago
    rickdugan : Thank you too. Do you accept PMs?
  • rickdugan
    14 years ago
    farmer, I do and I share back and forth with a fair number of tusclers. I will say in all honesty that I am a little careful about how specific I get except with those who have a lot of posts and reviews here, but if there is anything I can do to be helpful I certainly will.
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