
Cops hanging outside of strip club

Saturday, July 31, 2010 11:22 PM
How many of you have gone to strip clubs with cops watching you? I remember about 3 years ago I was going to the Doll House when I saw a cop car hanging around near the back road to get there. Pretty obvious he was there for Doll House because nothing is open at 11PM on the back road besides Doll House. I changed my plans and pulled into Blockbuster to rent a movie for the night instead(now that blockbuster store is closed fyi). I did not care too much at the time because Doll House is not an exciting club anyways. I did start to care after making two trips to one of my favorite clubs this week (Kahoots) and both times were watched by police cars. One was hiding out in the parking lot across the street. I do not mind if they are just sitting in the lot watching but it gets creepy when they are actively driving around and following you into the parking lot. The other night I saw two of them: one in the parking lot and the other patrolling around. The cop even drove through the parking lot. Even if you don't drink, it still sucks having the cops hang around because you know they pull people over for very minor violations hoping they will catch a drunk driver. I am on the fence about going out tonight because it is a saturday and I'm sure the cops will be out in full force. I don't want to deal with the hassle of being pulled over being a suspected DUI simply because I pulled out of a strip club and made a very minor violation. I was talking to one dancer about it and she said they are just there to protect the girls from stalkers...but I doubt it because that is what strip clubs have their own security for and I know how making DUI busts would be pretty easy and profitable for the local police. What are your experiences with the cops hanging around your local strip clubs?


  • vincemichaels
    14 years ago
    Cops hang out by all kinds of bars, I've heard tales of the cops hiding somewhere near the Penthouse on 8 Mile Road. Eight mile is the border between Detroit and Southfield, so 2 cities have a golden opportunity to pull people over. I've never been pulled over after leaving a strip club, but they are everywhere, the cities need the cash, and it's easy pickings to hang out by the bars.
  • gatorfan
    14 years ago
    Did you say cop or cocks?
  • bhunter5252
    14 years ago
    First time I went to Shotgun Willie's in Denver ( well technically it is in Glendale) there was a black and white unit crusing the parking lot. It was 4 in the afternoon and only about 20% of the spaces in the lot were taken. I was on my cell phone so I got to watch him cruise for about 10 minutes. I cold not tell what he was doing or looking for. I am always VERY careful about how much I drink in any club for this very reason. I like a nice cold beer as well as anybody but the SC scene, for me, is not for drinking anyway.
  • Clubber
    14 years ago
    I used to see it all the time on the OBT in Orlando. I guess they still do, but who would go to a club in Orlando?
  • samsung1
    14 years ago
    I guess I lucked out tonight...no cops hanging around kahoots
  • londonguy
    14 years ago
    Why would they be hanging around outside a club if it's not illegal to go into it? What would they be looking to arrest people for?
  • samsung1
    14 years ago
    LG, I would not be worried about being arrested but they do write you a ticket, which is like a fine. I think the police like to follow who is going into a SC because they are suspecting a drug dealer who has a warrant out for his arrest. The cops will pull you over if you even slightly resemble the suspect. Also they want to make their presence known so it reminds you to not get drunk and drive home.
  • DandyDan
    14 years ago
    I've seen them at one of my old favorite clubs. I was always told there that they like seeing pussy just as much as everyone else. The club I visit the most has been known to have cops lingering in the parking lot. I can't say police patrol my favorite club, as there isn't much of a parking lot, but they sure as hell patrol the road back to the interstate, so much so I learned the back road out of town.
  • Dudester
    14 years ago
    Not cops, but I have an amusing story. In 95-96, a local church was trying to shame customers away from SC's in Houston. They were threatening to tell family members and put names and addresses in the paper. When I saw these do-gooders at the parking lot entrance, I parked, walked over, and showed them my driver's license. I insisted on having my name spelled right and asked if they wanted to contact my nearest relative (800 miles away), reminding them that I was "single, and thereforte entitled". I did leave with the threat that if they told my employer, I'd sue them into oblivion and beyond.
  • shadowcat
    14 years ago
    Police presence in the parking lot of my favorite club and on the neighborhood streets is rare. My reliable sources(?),dancers,assure me that they are there for drug enforcement activities. My personal take on it is to get DUI violaters. I have seen a lot of customers that should NOT have been driving. I had one experience while driving back to my hotel room (3 minute drive). I was on the 2 lane access road to the hotel. I had, had 2 or 3 drinks over a couple of hours and felt that I was sober. Well the red lights came on behind me. Scared the shit outta me. Could I really pass a breathalyser? I pulled over. He turned off the lights and went passed me. I guess that he just wanted to get around me. Whew!
  • Clubber
    14 years ago
    sc, Perhaps you know of this. When I was taking a motorcycle endorsement class, the rule of thumb was something like 3 beers/drinks in an hour and you could fail a DUI test. Personally, I DO NOT wish to test this! All, As an aside, if a bar/SC had a breathalyzer you could use for about $1-$5 on your way out, would you use it?
  • shadowcat
    14 years ago
    clubber, I have always been under the impression that the human body could handle one ounce of alcohol per hour. I doubt that anyone, including me, would use a breathalyzer leaving a club and I don't think management, for legal reasons, would want one.
  • georgmicrodong
    14 years ago
    I heard of one dancer at the club I'm at most lately was stopped twice in the last two weeks. Both times, the officers stated that the reason for the stop was "we saw you leaving the strip club". Both times, the officers searched her car, and brought a female officer in to search her person. They also brought a drug dog the second time. Both times, they found nothing. The bouncer who told me this had followed her home both times, and said that she's one of the few that doesn't do any drugs, at least not while she's a work, so the cops just picked the wrong one, I guess.
  • Clubber
    14 years ago
    sc, I know that ANY intake of alcohol will diminish your faculties to some degree. I always wish to remain in the legal area of "diminishment". That said, if I was at a bar/SC and felt I was over the line, I'd like to know so I could stay around an become legal. Perhaps a personal tester would be nice. Maybe there is one I don't know about.
  • georgmicrodong
    14 years ago
    'cat: Don't know about average, but *this* human body can't handle much at all anymore. After years of abuse which, thankfully, never crossed the line into actual addiction (about which I'm frankly astonished, given my family history) and about 10 years of virtual tea-totaling, my body now has little to no alcohol tolerance. I still drink occasionally, with dinner, and a very rare overindulgence on my birthday, but I *feel* it a *lot* sooner than I used to. That's one of the reasons why I don't drink at all when I'm in a club.
  • shadowcat
    14 years ago
    george, I am a recovering alcoholic. I have been through two 28 day rehab programs in the last two years at Anchor Hospital in ATL. I have been sober now for 4 months and going to AA meetings twice a week. I have never had a DUI and was always a functional alcoholic.I never drank heavy in strip clubs. Alcohol and hard ones do not mix well at my age. I feel so much better and am getting support from the strippers. lol...
  • georgmicrodong
    14 years ago
    'cat: Yes, I recall your absence from here, and the reason for it. I know what you mean about the support from strippers. I can't count the number of girls who've assumed that because I'm *not* drinking, that I must have an addiction problem and have just succeeded in fighting it. Not sure why some of them still don't believe me when I explain it, but I'm not going to complain about some of the results, that's for sure.
  • harrydave
    14 years ago
    As for cops at strip clubs, it is not the ones I can see that I am worried about. Recently the Blue Diamond club in Columbbus closed. Now the place was a dive, the girls were a bit skanky, and it was never crowded (my kind of place), but a nice 30-something couple spent time in there off and on for a while. I was there one night when they were there. They sipped their beers and tipped the girls. Undercover cops, of course. And the BD was raided. Girls got arrested for various infractions, including "pimping" !?!? This was probably the final blow for a marginal operation.
  • wallanon
    14 years ago
    If you start seeing helicopters following you around town, it might be time to pick a new hobby.
  • steve229
    14 years ago
    And if you do get pulled over, try and not go all Mel "What are you looking at, sugartits?" Gibson on the cops.
  • gatorfan
    14 years ago
    I try to avoid strip clubs with S.W.A.T. vans parked out front.
  • jabthehut
    14 years ago
    One night when I was in Harper's in W-S there were a bunch of cops in as customers. They were having some sort of seminar. My fave told me she had to be careful what they saw so we had to cool it in the VIP (read reviews to understand why) until they left. Then it was back to business as usual.
  • vincemichaels
    14 years ago
    nice pic, jabthehut
  • gk
    14 years ago
    Went to one of my favorite clubs whille on the road a few weeks ago and after sipping on my drink a short while, I noticed that the manager tells one of the dancers to stay in the back. Seems some cops were there (not visible inside the club) looking for a particular dancer (not her) and he was concerned about any other dancers that might have outstanding warrants. Well, I step outside to use the phone and notice these were not ordinary cops, there were four U.S. Marshalls outside with bullet proof vests waiting around and talking. A little bit unnerving at first, but since they seemed very casual about things, I took the same attitude, went back inside and enjoyed the rest of my stay. They eventually left because they didn't find who they were looking for. All in a days play I guess.
  • supertramp79
    14 years ago
    I was at Spearmint Rhino's in Las Vegas one night - got a few very lame dances early in the evening - very untypical. Much later in the evening one of the girls comes back to me and promises to make it up to me - full touching, anything goes. Said there was an undercover cop there earlier so they were all just playing it safe.
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