Is stripper shit ever NOT shit?

avatar for farmerart
I recently completely my first tour<also last tour>. My dick got all the action it could take and then some. Every single stripper that saw it raved about its thickness. At one club virtually the whole line up wanted to see the wretched thing while I was busy in the VIP. This was very annoying. I have never had a regular sex life <I was 36 when I first did the nasty> so I am quite honestly ignorant about how my size ranks. Very curious about this.


last comment
avatar for Dougster
15 years ago
Is farmerart a troll? Zero reviews posted.
This gal says she knows you. lol...
avatar for troop
15 years ago
avatar for potheadpl
15 years ago
Gee, I don't know. Have you ever watched PORN? If you compare favorably to the guys in the movies, then you have a big cock. If not, it's stripper shit. Simple.
avatar for Rod84
15 years ago

I too had the same question after a girlfriend in my 20s complimented me on my size. Turns out, if your erection is longer than 7 inches and/or thicker than will fit into a toilet paper roll core, you have a decent size schlong.
I don't think we should go to the bathroom if farmerart is in there taking a leak. LOL
avatar for mikeya02
15 years ago
An escort told me "you need a permit for that thing!" Sure sweetie.
avatar for ClubExpert
15 years ago
I stripped once groped me while saying, "ooh you're so hard" while I was completely flaccid. You can never tell.
avatar for Dudester
15 years ago
I think Dick Johnson has a new alias.
avatar for farmerart
15 years ago
Whew. My naivete sure showed with this post!
dougster: reviews will be posted when I get back to Western Canada at the end of the week.
potheadpl: I actually appreciated your reply. You won't believe this but I have never watched porn in my life.
dudester: Who is Dick Johnson? Probably more of my naivete showing with that question.
I truly have led a weird life so I have learned today to be much more circumspect with my musings on this site.
Hey farmerart, FYI "Dick Johnson" is a merry prankster here that occasionally starts some hilarious discussions with some off the wall posted discussion of some highly improbable stripclub scenario. We actually look forward to Dick's return. Ya never know what he'll think of next.
Ah, in the interest of being a good sport... ;)

SS is almost ALWAYS SS farmer, but that doesn't mean you can't enjoy it. Just make sure she says that with a full mouth - lol.
While SS may not *always* be shit, it is always safe to assume that it is, until proven otherwise.
avatar for brewerfan
15 years ago
Stripper shit is always there. You gotta remember, the girls are trying to sell dances. And the want your money badly, but, honestly, you can't blame them. That's how the rent, tuition, other bills get paid. And the kid(s) get fed. They will tell you exactly what you wanna hear. They will tell every guy that the have such a big cock, whether it is or not. Let me give an example. Went to a club just recently and was approached by a girl. She was telling me that I was hot and sexy and was being very flirtatious the whole time. Then finally, I went back for a couple of dances. I kid you not, her attitude after the dances were done while I was waiting to pay, was completely reversed. She talked in a more normal, regular conversation style. She didn't have that sexy pitch that was there before. I guess when a transaction is done, it's done, lol!! So, it's basically a girl trying to sell a dance and then more dances.
avatar for DoctorDarby
15 years ago
Here's how you can tell if you are really well-hung. When you whip out your weapon, does 70s R&B music start playing in the background?

No? Then its probably SS.

Welcome to our wacky little corner of the world, farmerart.
avatar for jabthehut
15 years ago
To answer the original question, never. Shit is ALWAYS shit.
avatar for gk
15 years ago
What's more fun, listening to stripper shit, which can be very creative, or putting up with the poor-me honesty of 'I've made hardly any money today and my rent's due at the enbd of the week.'

Oh wait, it's all the same.
avatar for potheadpl
15 years ago
When I arrived @ the club on Friday, it was the end of dayshift. I usually don't do dayshift, so I got to see some new girls. One redhead sat down next to me and IMMEDIATELY propositioned me---"I'm getting off in 30 minutes, so if you buy a room that gives you up and down time." or some such thing. She wasn't my type, so I declined.

Then she started the SS, and told me something I hadn't heard before. She claimed that her kids were taken away because her aunt, with whom they were living, was abusing the kids. Stripper said, "Now I'm living in a homeless shelter.". OMG. Homeless stripper. LOL
avatar for steve229
15 years ago
"if your erection is longer than 7 inches and/or thicker than will fit into a toilet paper roll core, you have a decent size schlong"

It was a tight fit, but I got it on. Now how do I get the damn thing off?
avatar for how
15 years ago
It doesn't have to be "shit" to still be hyperbole or mere flattery. A stripper told me last month that when we did the dirty deed, "it felt like I had an elephant's trunk inside me!" That was utter nonsense, but I was happy to hear it.
avatar for steve229
15 years ago
how - I think that would be considered "puffery"
avatar for how
15 years ago
Quite so, Steve229. I only hope she wasn't speaking from experience...
avatar for lopaw
15 years ago
Is a stripper speaking?
Are you both in a stripclub?
Then it's SS.
avatar for curiousgeorgefun
15 years ago
Lopaw LOL

If its big enough to get you off then its big enough
Her: Who you gonna satisfy with that?

Me: Me.
avatar for samsung1
15 years ago
LOL nice ones lopaw and shadowcat
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