
Comments by JackScott (page 5)

  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Could I start stripping? (Imperfect boobs)
    I agree with everything said so far. You look much better than most of the women I see in the club. I've seen photos of women who got breast lifts, reductions, implants, etc. and the "before" photo always looks much better than the "after" photo. One thing that you have to understand about the mentality of most men is that once we decide that we want you, it's a done deal. Nobody's bringing a ruler or a protractor to the club to measure nipple angles.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    CJKent (Banned)
    “The more a person needs to be right, the less certain he is...”
    Amazon and Microsoft employees caught up in sex trafficking sting They brazenly
    It doesn't surprise me. When I worked in the IT department for a major media company we had a lot of mid-level managers and corporate execs who were fired for using their company email accounts for their "recreational" activities. When you use a fake name for the escort service with an email address that says, "[email protected]" they are going to know that Frank Smith is the "john" that they're looking for.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    How many of you have actuall run into a dancer who was a college student not jus
    I agree that it is indeed a rare occurrence. When I was in college there was a dancer in the club that was in one of my classes. She was shocked to see me but I told her that I would keep things confidential. But I'd guess that more often than not, "money for school" is just as good of a fake back story as PL who says that he's a big time business executive while he nurses that glass of water for the whole night.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    What are your clubbing "accomplishments" for this year and goals for next year?
    My goal is to stop using porn. Just like the OP, I had an ED scare. Everything from a physical perspective was fine with me. But I realized that my ED problem was mental. I learned through Reddit and a few other sites that watching too much porn can cause ED and it can ruin your social life because it overexcites the pleasure receptors in your brain. They say that porn is like a drug where the more you watch, the more you NEED to watch in order to chase that first "high" that you got the first time you discovered the pleasure of masturbation. At some point I realized how stupid it is to watch porn because the guy in the video who's plugging my favorite porn star is the one having all the fun. So now I realize that I need to get from behind my computer and engage in more 1-on-1 interaction with real women. While doing VIP and OTC is fun and enjoyable, it's also therapeutic because it's helping me regain my confidence. Watching too much porn was making me into a creepy PL and I didn't even realize it. I had a hard time looking women in the eye and telling them exactly what I want and over the last couple of years, my social life has been improving.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    North Carolina
    Rules in NC
    I was down in the Charlotte area while traveling on business and I didn't really have any issues with the club rules. One place that I went to had a dress code but they didn't really enforce it. The DJ/bouncer that was supervising the VIP room didn't seem to have an issue with additional mileage but he made the dancers put their clothes back on if they weren't performing an actual dance. I don't know if this is a real rule or if the DJ was just being a dick about it but after getting 5 dances, I paid her and gave her a decent tip so she decided to sit with me a little while afterwards. We started to talk about OTC when the DJ walked up to us and reprimanded her for still being undressed. The dancer explained to me that most of the clubs in Charlotte are owned by the same family even though the rules vary from club to club. One SC just wanted to see my ID. Another was a "members only" SC which really meant that they wanted to put your personal info into their database. Then there was this SC that was searching cars and patting people down as they entered the parking lot.
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    7 years ago
    Whats its about DO dances
    I'm a little leery about the DO thing because I don't know where her hands have been.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Anywhere there are Titties.
    Recreational Viagra ???
    To the OP: You might want to look into herbal supplements and/or dietary changes. I was diagnosed with a couple of mild ailments that I resolved using a holistic approach. The side effect of that was it turned me back into an 18-year-old again. I can shoot my wad and be ready again in less than 15 minutes. I haven't had any women beg me to stop but if I eat and drink the right stuff I'm ready for more action. And I know this because when I was on the road eating a lot of junk food, I was starting to decline. But as soon as I started eating more fruits and veggies and adding herbal teas I started seeing myself getting back to the man I used to be.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    Christmas eve or Christmas day/night SCimg
    The exchange of money and pleasure has its merits but I think that everyone who works in career that's outside of public safety or an essential type of service should take holidays off during the year. For that reason I don't spend any money on Thanksgiving or Christmas.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Probably in the VIP
    Fleshlight: is it worth it?
    Is it worth the money? Not really. You might get a little bit of pleasure out of it but as soon as it stops doing the job that you need it to do, you'll sit there with buyer's remorse thinking about all of the extra mileage that you could have purchased with the money instead.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    You can run but you will only die tired
    A little update for Christmas
    Rather than waiting to see how things play out, I'd confront the situation head-on. Simply say, "This is what it is. We have to decide what happens moving forward." Granted this is going to be a difficult confrontation but you'll have to take the high road and tell her that you're into other women and it's an on-going thing. Tell her that you don't want to keep sneaking around. If she wants to leave, you'll understand. If she wants to stay, then you'll have to establish some guidelines of when you're going out to have your "fun" and what she can expect from you at all other times.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Fat bastard that can afford to fuck hot strippers
    Holiday OTC Hunting Season
    I can't say that this has been my personal experience but it seems like it would make sense being that most PL's, regulars, and high-rollers are probably with their families this week. While I have some work-related downtime until the second week of the year, I'm catching up on bills, putting away the decorations, shopping for after-christmas deals, etc. and the SC is very low on my "to-do" list for a while. Having said that, I'm guessing that there are a lot of other guys who are in the same situation leaving the dancers scrambling to get a few dollars any way they can.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Off again on again PL
    Another newb lap dance etiquette question...
    I would ask. But there's a certain way that I would ask. When she pulled her thong down or to the side, I'd complement her on how nice her kitty looks and then ask her if she likes having it touched or kissed. At that point she'll either offer to let you do it, or she'll explain why she ordinarily doesn't. I can understand possibility of killing the mood but that's one of those things that you work out in the pre-dance conversation. When she comes to sit next to you, ask her these things so that she knows what your desires and expectations are and she'll tell you what her what the boundaries and limitations are.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    On A Booty Hunt
    Can't get emotional when they choose others, but can you feel good when they cho
    I've had that happen to me once. There was this dancer that I really wanted but she stood at the bar most of the night. Anyhow at some point during the evening they lined up all of the dancers and then let them loose to work the room. That's when I got her attention and on our way to the VIP room, 3 other guys asked her for a dance. She had to decline because she was with me. Plus it felt good knowing that after we finished the session, she sat with me for another 10-15 minutes while there were a bunch of horny guys on the main floor waiting for her to come back out.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Off again on again PL
    Newb question about lap dance guidance
    #10 All day. Tell her exactly what you want if there are certain things that you like. Dancers have a prepared routine because most guys expect to be passively entertained. For instance, I prefer her to do a cowgirl and I will tell her as soon as she gets started. If she decides that she wants to show me a good time and do her routine instead, that will be the only dance that she'll get from me.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Knight of the Round Table Dance
    Strippers That Do It Right
    Personally I don't like "wet deck" dances. I know that I'm not going to be first or only guy on her shift but if she's coming to see me the moment after she gets off of 2-3 other guys, it will feel like sloppy seconds. I tend to go for the more "hungry" dancers who might have had 0-1 customers on a slow night.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    My fave is an alcoholic
    I wouldn't feel guilty. Maybe she has to get drunk just so she doesn't feel bad about taking her clothes off for money. But making sure that you pay if she forgets shows character, integrity, and good will. And even though she forgets now, she will remember sometime between the last time and the next time you go to the club. When you don't pay you mess up a good thing so please continue to remind her.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    How much has a Rob or potential Rob pissed you off
    I once went to this club where the girl wanted $40 for a dance, that's ONE dance. PLUS I had to buy her a $20 drink, and tip the waitress $10. No wonder the club was nearly empty.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    TUSCL’s #1 Soothsayer!
    Sex is getting cheaper!
    I figure that if she's coming into an environment that's easy for her to operate in, she'll probably charge a little less knowing that she doesn't have to deal with a bunch of nonsense. Negotiation goes both ways and if she is going to hook up with a guy who is going to treat her nice and make her feel good, then she'd probably rather do a bunch of $150 sessions and make money in volume than to do a $500 session with some asshole who makes her feel terrible. Just like any other service industry, there's a human being on the other side of what you're paying for. Your demeanor has an effect on how well you'll be served regardless of what you're paying. I am speculating this based on the side-hustle work that I do in the tech industry. Sometimes I don't always charge what my services are worth for those clients are much easier to work with. I can go in and do my job and go home. Other clients who tend to give me a headache get charged the full price. My lower pricing is to attract the type of clientele that I want while my higher prices are really to deter the type that I don't. But all in all, a day's work is a day's work. If she feels that she's worth $100, who am I to tell her otherwise? I'll tip her if I was especially pleased so that she'll come again when I call. But as she builds her business and learns the market, she'll start charging a fair price.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Your first porn.
    I saw my first mag in the 70's when I was about 8. My dad accidentally left a copy of Hustler in the bathroom. At the time I was too naive to know what I was it was at first. I thought it was just a regular magazine. Flipping through the pages I enjoyed it so much that I took it to my room and put bookmarks in it. The next morning the magazine mysteriously disappeared and I looked all over my room for it not knowing what happened to it. I never asked about it and my dad never said anything. My first porn movie was at 15. By this time I found my dad's mag stash and used to sneak in his closet on a regular basis. One day I discovered his VHS tape. The box had the "18 years or older" warning label and I figured that in my mind I could pass for 18 so it should be OK. This was my very first time seeing people having hard-core sex. My dick got so hard I thought it was going to fall off! All I could think was, "OMG! I SHOULD HAVE WAITED UNTIL I TURNED 18!!!!!" As if watching porn under 18 was dangerous to your health. ;)
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    If you went to the sc with unlimited funds?
    I'd choose B. I was in the SC a couple of months ago getting $10 lapdances in the general population area. For the fun of it I told her to keep going as long as she could. By the 4th dance she was exhausted and needed a break. THANK YOU. NEXT!
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    How do you not let the threat of STDs stop you from having sex with questionable
    "Dougster@Jack: got any studies to back up what you are saying?" No. In fact I'd guess that if you bare-back, rawdog, or otherwise exchange bodily fluids with a highly infected and highly contagious partner, no amount of showering will disinfect you. But part of the reason why I hit the shower is that even though I can put on a condom, if she has an infection and trace amounts get on my legs, back, hands, arms, etc and I touch my private areas, the risk of spreading it from safe areas to the more sensitive areas is greater. It's like how the experts say that you can prevent getting a cold just by washing your hands because you'll touch hundreds of contaminated surfaces every day while you unconsciously touch your eyes nose and mouth.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Did ya ever take a stripper shopping?
    You guys are teaching me something. Any time I've been in Walmart or Target late at night and I've seen a smokin' hot woman with a less than average looking guy and something seems to be odd about that particular couple, it's probably been a stripper going on a shopping spree. I'd probably take a stripper shopping provided that we were going to get her the basic essentials and that this courtesy would act as being my tip. But I'm not taking her shopping just because she's cute. There are too many other decent women that won't look a gift horse in the mouth.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    How do you not let the threat of STDs stop you from having sex with questionable
    Hygiene is a very important factor when it comes to STD's. After your encounter, you gotta get in the shower as soon as you possibly can. If you go down on her, you should go to the bathroom immediately and brush your teeth and wash your face. Even when I come home from the club after a night of VIP's, as soon as I hit the door, I strip down to my underwear, put my clothes in a plastic bag or directly into the washing machine, and head to the shower. If you go to sleep with pussy on your breath or the bodily fluids of the woman near your private parts, you increase your chances of getting an STD. If you wash that stuff off immediately, you'll probably be fine. But if you let that stuff incubate on your body, you're giving it a chance to get a foothold on you.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Dancers That Don't Hustle
    These are all good suggestions and maybe I am giving them too much credit. But if I was a dancer, I'd figure out how to squeeze in as many PL's as I could between the times that my high-paying regulars would be there and consistently build up my list of clientele. I figure that if I were to get 10 extra dances on my shift for $10/ea. that could cover my tipouts.