Since my last post things have changed. I have been forced to admit one of the SA girls to my wife. She has not told me she hired a PI but I am suspicious she has. She had her name, address, where we met, gifts that I bought her, when and where we met. Funny enough she does not have that information on all of them. She also had my burner phone # though she is not sure what that # is. I am laying low at least as far as not seeing anyone until Friday. The Friday date is a civie girl. My wife has not yet filed papers but I expect her to do so. She has not moved out nor sent me packing. I ignored quite a bit of good advice on here to lay off, but was having too much fun. I am surprisingly calm and OK with my expected divorce. I believe tjis has been coming for a long time, basically I am an asshole who should never have married. I will get taken to the cleaners but money can be made again.
You've probably made a wise decision. All she has really done is come up with grounds for a divorce and as long as you are not disputing that, more dirt can't hurt you. Try to settle out of court to at least save on attorney costs.
At least you now know what the future holds. Don't know your wifes personality, but if she's vindictive you're in trouble. If not you might be able to come to an amicable settlement.
You said you're an asshole. Is that just because you cheated or because of how you treated her in addition to cheating? If you didn't treat her nicely throughout the marriage this could get nasty.
@rh48hr, i have treated her well but this is the 3rd time caught cheating. Not likely she will forgive this one. I just hope she doesn't uncover the rest. In the last month I have cheated with 3 strippers and 3 SA girls. If her guy finds these as well not only will she clean my clock in court but I am a professional in a small community, small religious community. If everything comes out I will be lucky not to be tarred and feathered and at the very least will have to move my practice.
You're unbelievable. Your wife has hired a PI and most likely an attorney as well. Now you know why she was playing it cool earlier, to give them time to get to work. And you're going to go on yet another date with a civilian, because apparently you believe that cheating on your wife is okay as long as it's with a civilian instead of a professional? Wow, I thought Gawker was self-destructive but he's got nothing on you. Instead of preparing for a date you should be packing your bags for a hotel while you find a new city to call home.
It's pretty clear that you didn't want to be married to her anyway. Not because of the infidelity, which is not exactly uncommon amongst married guys with resources, but because of how indiscreet you've been. It seems that you went off the rails some time ago - it was only a matter of time until she stopped ignoring the obvious.
"Another piece of advice. Stop posting here. If she finds your posts here she will know about the others" _____ This is precisely the point I've made to @Dugan and others about why married guys who don't travel much should post reviews under an alias. Maybe the lawyer for Mrs @Doces will come here and find a small-town Doc who happens to live in West Virginia. Send @Founder a check for $35K and maybe he'll delete your moronic posts.
Well, if she's hired a PI, then she's undoubtedly gone through your internet history (through him) and knows about this site, and every single thing you've posted. Should be fun having it read into the record at the divorce hearing.
My advice would be to hire a divorce lawyer and check to see if your posts here can be deleted since your IP address can be tracked. Nothing online is anonymous to the courts and the NSA. Everything is tracked and recorded. The only thing that remains anonymous is your identity to the general public. If she gets a court order or anything legal to track your identity, maybe an ip search, not sure, your posts here could be discovered. Founder or a lawyer may be able to get posts here deleted. Good luck. Not sure if you will owe alimony as well. She may try to take as much as she can from you. If you feel confident you are getting divorced, then I might start looking for a new place to live. Ex's can get nasty. She can take out credit cards, buy a car, etc, etc, in both your names putting you on the hook for all that debt while she has title to the property, maybe. I'm not sure. I think my sister in law took thousands out of an account and stashed in a secret account. She could also get violent. Not as many women do though as men do. Sounds like she already has a plan and is collecting evidence. You are behind the 8 ball. Good luck. If she has access to the computer you logged onto this site, she may already have installed a keystroke logger or password logger and know everything.
Your own computer keeps track of every site you visit in multiple locations. I bet the NSA has computer files on every American with passwords and profiles. It would be AI performing analysis except when red flagged for human investigation. Plus I know they were recording every single phone call. I'm not sure if that's still true. The NSA is a separate agency not subject to existing laws unless a specific law states that it applies to the NSA. It would likely be difficult for a court to get info from them but our information is everywhere without involving a secret agency. They track everything in the name of national security. They probably have a special file on me and millions of other Americans. They can also predict stock market increases and elections if they know how to program algorithms to analyze certain data. I saw a free webinar to supposedly make a million dollars over 4 years using public personal data but I'm not willing to pay $2000 a year for the guys service. He thought the government would catch onto the fact in 5 years and make the use of personal data illegal. If someone knows how to cheaply rank tweets and social media talk on a daily basis by company name. Let me know. I'm willing to collaborate to make money and avoid a 2000 a year charge. Hedge funds and big money managers will be all over this if it has credibility. Sounds like it could be too good to be true though. The guy said no refunds too. If it was as good as the webinar said, he could get people to sign up and pay for the service in less than 3 months and offer a refund if his service was providing the key software info. No one would want a refund in their right mind. Never mind, answered my own question right there unless the marketer hasn't thought it through.
In other news, it'd be nice to have a personal connection to the president and find out if there really was a plunge protection team and if they plan Christmas rallies and later on dips and find out if the president intends to say public stock tips like past presidents.
Nahhh, I just need to perfect the Vulcan psychic remote mind meld and figure out when they plan to do military strikes and make announcements.
If I succeed, I will attempt to get Trump and others to offer a carrot to North Korea that includes a turkey dinner with gravy and mashed potatoes for millions of North Koreans as a message that we do not need to be enemies. If we aren't enemies, please stop threatening us. They could have happier lives and more food.
If Doces300 is for real, he should stop posting now.
If Doces300 is an attention seeking troll, then on Friday he'll probably be back with a story like this: So I met my civie at a local hotel for some fun, but unbeknownst to me my wife followed me there. So just as I was about to consummate the affair, she burst in the door with a meat cleaver and hacked off my manhood. So now I've started a GoFundMe site so that I can get my dick re-attached. Please give. Every little bit helps.
Its all fun and games till someone gets their dick chopped off! Seriously Doces you need to not poke the bear at this point. Short term gratification can wait a few months, otherwise if she finds out you still diddnt stop it may turn into a vendetta and only the lawers will come out smiling.
@Doces300 - I get the feeling you're trying to poke the bear into a divorce. Wouldn't it be easier to just take my original advice and get her to a marriage counselor? If someone needs to say last rites over your marriage, better a counselor than a lawyer or law enforcement.
At this point who gives a fuck?! Try to even the table by bringing one of the OTC girls home and fuck her in your bed. If your wife over reacts and gets physical then you can file assault charges. Let the good times roll now bro! Divorce is war take it to the edge then push even more. Unless there are kids involved. Hell she's probably cheating too. Divorced life is 1000x better than being with an insufferable cunt
You might be okay with this now, but you will regret this down the road. You’ve gone off the rails bc you are being destructive, instead of taking control. You are passive aggressively leaving her, but it’s the wrong way to go about making decisions. Life doesn’t just happen.
Life happens for lucky ones. I have no life, I'm a pathetic POS who only lies all the time to get the attention I so desperately want. I hate all of you !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wasn't trying to derail the topic. Sorry. Thought for a second might be a troll post after one comment. Reminded me of when Juice trolled almost everyone with a fake female poster.
Can we stop the bullshit please. I have practice divorce law for 35 years and have had one case, out of thousands where an affair made a differences and that was only because the guy got vd and gave it to spouse. This is all bullshit.
If I were in your place I’d stop carrying on like a little bitch and grow a pair. Tell your wife what you want and work it out like an adult. She is hurt for sure and a a pair of dueling lawyers will leave you broke without the means to do what you have been doing. If you are proactive you might work in a smart and amicable divorce that treats her fairly and preserves your wealth in the breakup. In other words look for a win-win soloution.
" I have practice divorce law for 35 years and have had one case, out of thousands where an affair made a difference" ___________ An affair? This is mongering. So let's say it can be proven that someone blew $750K, over a period of years, on strippers and whores, unbeknownst to the the spouse. Doesn't that have a bearing on how the judge divides up the marital assets?
Rather than waiting to see how things play out, I'd confront the situation head-on. Simply say, "This is what it is. We have to decide what happens moving forward." Granted this is going to be a difficult confrontation but you'll have to take the high road and tell her that you're into other women and it's an on-going thing. Tell her that you don't want to keep sneaking around. If she wants to leave, you'll understand. If she wants to stay, then you'll have to establish some guidelines of when you're going out to have your "fun" and what she can expect from you at all other times.
-->"If Doces300 is an attention seeking troll, then on Friday he'll probably be back with a story like this: So I met my civie at a local hotel for some fun, but unbeknownst to me my wife followed me there. So just as I was about to consummate the affair, she burst in the door with a meat cleaver and hacked off my manhood. So now I've started a GoFundMe site so that I can get my dick re-attached. Please give. Every little bit helps."
Agree. Well, the GoFundMe would be a bold twist, but beyond that, if you just go back and read all the posts in order, it feels 100% like a pre-written story, with new chapters released every few days. I have a feeling we haven't reached the crescendo yet.
I’m sure - when your wife was acting “normal” - she had a significant amount of evidence already. The confrontation was probably only a part of the expected process - and the only piece that may have been unexpected is when the confrontation was going to occur.
It’s painful to reach a point where a marriage must end, but in many cases it’s necessary. Owning up to most of your affairs might be worthwhile. Keeping away from additional affairs - until you are separated - is advisable too. If she has a PI - your activities aren’t a secret. It’s very possible these postings aren’t hidden from her either. In court - many of your actions could be disputed - as without evidence it’s “he said - she said” - but with your postings here - you are spelling things out directly.
Plan for the worst - and hope for the best - and hopefully the settlement will be better than the worst.
@Doces300. Any update on the situation? Did you have your civie date on Friday? Did your wife catch you on that date? Has she filed for divorce yet? I'm dying to hear more of this train wreck of events.
Not sure how the laws vary by state, but married guys who don't travel much are asking for trouble by posting reviews here and giving away their location and mongering history. If that information falls into the hands of your wife or wife's attorney, the money squandered away on strippers can be used against you during a divorce.
I have heard that mediators are a good way to go. I know a woman who had been cheated on several times and her husband proposed going to a mediator recommended by his manager at work. The figure the mediator came up with was within a few bucks of the lawyers she had spoken to.
last commentGood luck...
You said you're an asshole. Is that just because you cheated or because of how you treated her in addition to cheating? If you didn't treat her nicely throughout the marriage this could get nasty.
This is precisely the point I've made to @Dugan and others about why married guys who don't travel much should post reviews under an alias. Maybe the lawyer for Mrs @Doces will come here and find a small-town Doc who happens to live in West Virginia. Send @Founder a check for $35K and maybe he'll delete your moronic posts.
Good luck. Not sure if you will owe alimony as well. She may try to take as much as she can from you. If you feel confident you are getting divorced, then I might start looking for a new place to live. Ex's can get nasty. She can take out credit cards, buy a car, etc, etc, in both your names putting you on the hook for all that debt while she has title to the property, maybe. I'm not sure. I think my sister in law took thousands out of an account and stashed in a secret account. She could also get violent. Not as many women do though as men do. Sounds like she already has a plan and is collecting evidence. You are behind the 8 ball. Good luck. If she has access to the computer you logged onto this site, she may already have installed a keystroke logger or password logger and know everything.
Nahhh, I just need to perfect the Vulcan psychic remote mind meld and figure out when they plan to do military strikes and make announcements.
If I succeed, I will attempt to get Trump and others to offer a carrot to North Korea that includes a turkey dinner with gravy and mashed potatoes for millions of North Koreans as a message that we do not need to be enemies. If we aren't enemies, please stop threatening us. They could have happier lives and more food.
Thanks man. I'm glad we got all that cleared up.
Some lady in WVa got PO'd at a PL and hired a PI. But you want to talk about NK and the NSA. WTF?
Back on topic, reading stuff like this is why I'll probably never get married. Sounds like a lose lose situation for the guy if anything goes wrong.
If Doces300 is an attention seeking troll, then on Friday he'll probably be back with a story like this: So I met my civie at a local hotel for some fun, but unbeknownst to me my wife followed me there. So just as I was about to consummate the affair, she burst in the door with a meat cleaver and hacked off my manhood. So now I've started a GoFundMe site so that I can get my dick re-attached. Please give. Every little bit helps.
...luckily I'm far too intelligent for the same think to happen to me!
An affair? This is mongering. So let's say it can be proven that someone blew $750K, over a period of years, on strippers and whores, unbeknownst to the the spouse. Doesn't that have a bearing on how the judge divides up the marital assets?
Good luck.
Agree. Well, the GoFundMe would be a bold twist, but beyond that, if you just go back and read all the posts in order, it feels 100% like a pre-written story, with new chapters released every few days. I have a feeling we haven't reached the crescendo yet.
I'd have thought he'd try for "... and then we had an awesome threesome. lol."
But your version could work as well.
It’s painful to reach a point where a marriage must end, but in many cases it’s necessary. Owning up to most of your affairs might be worthwhile. Keeping away from additional affairs - until you are separated - is advisable too. If she has a PI - your activities aren’t a secret. It’s very possible these postings aren’t hidden from her either. In court - many of your actions could be disputed - as without evidence it’s “he said - she said” - but with your postings here - you are spelling things out directly.
Plan for the worst - and hope for the best - and hopefully the settlement will be better than the worst.…
Not sure how the laws vary by state, but married guys who don't travel much are asking for trouble by posting reviews here and giving away their location and mongering history. If that information falls into the hands of your wife or wife's attorney, the money squandered away on strippers can be used against you during a divorce.