
Strippers That Do It Right

Knight of the Round Table Dance
Saturday, December 23, 2017 7:00 AM
The other night I went to see my backup CF and was very disappointed and ended up leaving pissed. I had been waiting an hour already and so when she was eventually on stage I got to talk to her finally and specifically asked if she was available after her set. She said yes. During her set three other guys came up and also tipped her. Just as her last song ended I go back to my table next to the stage and wait for her to get dressed and come over. I proceeded to watch her go over to another one of the guys at the stage and sit with him a minute and then they go together to the VIP room. So at that point I'm realizing that she's forgotten me or she just got bought out by the highest bidder. I'm not too happy since I had been waiting on her and she did tell me that I was next. But before I left she did come running out of the VIP room and went over to my table apologizing and saying that she was juggling three guys waiting. I reminded her that I was the first in line per her own agreement that she wasn't busy, and I warned her that it's not cool to burn a potential regular customer like that. I told her I hate bull shit stripper hustling and I don't support it. And being pissed I didn't care that she offered me free dances and to make it up to me another night. I thought it was more of her SS. So I left pissed with her just saying she hopes to see me again and moving on. LOL at the time I vowed never to go back to her. Fast forward to the next day, my ATF DS is unfortunately not working, I am horny, so I go back to either see my backup CF or find another stripper. My backup CF is there and is busy but when she sees me she comes over and we make amends. I realized that she is a very high demand stripper and she explains that she is constantly juggling other customers and it really is difficult to make all of them happy and so we put the issue in the past and work it out that she will always come over when she sees me and let me know her availability status ASAP. Then after some good civie dick teasing time at the bar, we go get some dances that were super high mileage. She grinded her pussy on my dick in various ways and let me grind back and hold her like I want at my own pace and pressure. She also gave me an OTP BJ that was awesome. She had half my dick in her mouth and she was rubbing my balls OTP that it felt like a decent real BJ. I have had some good OTP light BJs over the years, but hers was easily the best. And then she also stick shifted and rubbed my balls without shame or subtlety. By the end of the fourth song she was jacking my dick and rubbing my balls so good I had to LDK and she knew it. And so as my cock is involuntarily pulsating, she strokes slower and slower and smiles at me as she does it, and then she sits on my spent dick in cowgirl giving me a very slow and sensual grind and being careful not to overstimulate me. Wow she is a pro lap dancer. And for all of it she said the first two dances were on her as her make up for forgetting about me the night before. I would have paid her full but she insisted that the first two were on her. That to me proved that she is sincere and not a ROB. I will be seeing her again frequently moving forward. Ever have a stripper genuinely make up to you for something she screwed up before?


  • Mate27
    7 years ago
    What was the damage? $100 or $200?
  • SirLapdancealot
    7 years ago
    It cost me $60 total for 10 minutes of teasing my dick at the bar and 4 songs of lap dances. (2 x $25 plus $10 tip.)
  • rh48hr
    7 years ago
    That's a great story. That's a well earned LDK. She's a good saleswoman. She keeps you cumming back. Lol
  • ppwh
    7 years ago
    > Ever have a stripper genuinely make up to you for something she screwed up before? Yes. I ended up spending more on her than I have on any other stripper over the months that followed. She started giving me right of first refusal, even. I have a regular who about half the time comes over to say hi and then walks off so I don't hang out with her or get dances on a particular night. It actually works out OK, because I don't really want to feel obligated to spend $$$ every time I see her. She offers me a better value than any of the other dancers at her club and is also cuter and sweeter, so I think of it as paying half the fee in chill, patience and drinks.
  • JohnSmith69
    7 years ago
    I try not to be a little pussy and get all emotional when my fav dancer chooses other guys over me. I know the good ones can have lots of guys after them and I’m sure it’s sometimes hard to balance. But I don’t stand for this from a DS who I pay enough to expect exclusivity when I visit. I remember once that DS II asked me ITC if it was ok if she did a lap dance for some random loser. I told her it was fine but reminded her that I had to leave in an hour and wanted to play with her soon. The guy ended up buying a half hour of dances and I was very pissed that she didn’t break it off and at least come back to ask me if it was ok. I have no right to expect that from most dancers but I pay DSes so much money that I can and do insist upon their attention whenever I want it. This was the only time I ever got mad with her. I spelled out exactly how good she has it and made it clear that the money would stop in a heartbeat if she ever again treated me like some ordinary customer who has to wait his turn. She is a smart girl and nothing like this ever happened again. And she made it up to me that night by breaking the rules in the VIP before I left.
  • larryfisherman
    7 years ago
    She’s a keeper. Most strippers that say they will make it up to you won’t make it up to you.
  • SirLapdancealot
    7 years ago
    @rh48hr posted -> "That's a great story. That's a well earned LDK. She's a good saleswoman. She keeps you cumming back. Lol" Yeah it was my third visit and I knew she was a good stripper from the first two. She's good at all aspects of it. She's an 8+. Perfect ass and legs. Perky all natural B cups. The body of a fitness model. Also her attitude is awesome. She truly seems to enjoy what she is doing and is genuinely friendly and attentive to all customers. She's always flirting, laughing, and smiling and I see this with all her customers. And her service, as described, is top notch. Mileage with her is as high as any dancer I have ever met, higher even than my beloved ATF DS. I consider her a "total package" stripper. There is a reason she is popular. She does all of it 'right'. And LOL many guys seem to 'cum' back to her for more. Strippers reading should watch and learn. Once you meet a stripper like her you don't want others with lesser service or attitude.
  • JackScott
    7 years ago
    Personally I don't like "wet deck" dances. I know that I'm not going to be first or only guy on her shift but if she's coming to see me the moment after she gets off of 2-3 other guys, it will feel like sloppy seconds. I tend to go for the more "hungry" dancers who might have had 0-1 customers on a slow night.
  • SirLapdancealot
    7 years ago
    @JackScott I agree but she keeps her shit clean. She doesn't even break a sweat when she works constantly. And she cleans up in the bathroom between customers. But yeah I prefer seeing my ATF DS more because she works at a slow club and often I have her fresh from just arriving. It's more of a psychological thing but I can't deny it. I want the fantasy that my stripper is 'all mine' and fresh for me.
  • theDirkDiggler
    7 years ago
    You've certainly come a "long" way. A former onegina PL now getting upset because the backup favorite wasn't available to you. At least you gave her a second chance and she definitely appreciated it. I guess in these times, even popular dancers can't burn good customers. I can't imagine my ATF (or any favorite really) ever giving me free dances and insisting on it as i would probably try to pay her anyway. I also can't imagine it ever coming to that situation that she would even offer. Now you have decisions to make. Do you spend more money and time than you're used to (on both girls) or do you cut time (and money) with the ATF potentially causing a strain on that end (or less enthusiasm/effort on her part) and even a possible situation like the one above with her? You two do have a long history together so it would probably take a lot to come to that. The backup is probably expecting a certain amount from you a month or whatever if she's going to keep giving you preferential treatment over others. She pretty much has to if it's going to be worth it from her side. She kind of knows that she already has you, but those free dances was an very good gesture, at least at face value. But that might always stay in the back of her mind concerning her future dealings with you.
  • Mate27
    7 years ago
    Hey SLD, she sounds like a keeper!
  • GoVikings
    7 years ago
    no, i haven't had any of them make up something to me. but i know exactly what you mean about having to wait for your fav. last night, i was sitting with my CF for little while and then she asked me is it OK if she leaves for a little while and goes to talk to another guy that she promised to talk to. so i reluctantly let her go. luckily, she wasn't gone very long at all. i don't get too upset about these things because i know its a business and she has other people to see. but it can be very frustrating at times. also, while i was at the club last night, a dancer i wasn't interested in plopped herself down beside me and started talking to me. by this time, my CF was no longer occupied and was basically just waiting for the other dancer who was sitting with me to scram. i try not to be rude, but next time i just gotta speak up and tell her i'm not interested/i'd like to be left alone
  • SirLapdancealot
    7 years ago
    @theDirkDiggler No matter what, I've aways invested in looking for a backup to my onegina favorite. This game changes constantly and so I never want to be left high and dry where I have no guaranteed LDK stripper to go to. This just happens to be a situation where I found a worthy backup nearly on par with my ATF DS. So I am taking advantage of it by keeping my investment in the backup CF up. And to be clear, there is not going to be any change to my relationship and routine with my ATF DS. The only time I will go to the backup CF is when my ATF DS flakes from work and doesn't show up. Only then will I go see the backup CF. And I don't really expect preferential treatment from her. Given all her customers waiting and buying half hour VIPs with her and all I want is 2-3 dances, there is no way I am moving to the top of the food chain with her. All I expect from her is to know that I'm there for her as soon as she is available and to let me know exactly where I stand in the queue. I just don't want to be jerked around. I understand that strippers be busy with desperate PLs lusting after them, but don't play games in the process. Be honest and don't string me along. I will reward that behavior and you will get a lot of business with me. If not, good-bye and good luck.
  • SirLapdancealot
    7 years ago
    @GoVikings when a stripper plops herself beside me uninvited I take that as a sign that I can get up an leave her in mid conversation and leave uninvited as equally as she sat down with me without asking. LOL without shame or hesitation, as soon as I see the stripper I want is available, I simply get up from sitting with the other stripper, excuse myself, and walk away from her and go over to the one I want. It's really not my problem if she gets upset for sitting with me uninvited. "It's just business."
  • twentyfive
    7 years ago
    I’d use the stripper that sat down as a warning to my CF that if she appreciates my spending on her that she’d be smart to be more careful about leaving me unattended.
  • SirLapdancealot
    7 years ago
    @twentyfive It is funny that you mentioned that because when I went back the second night I actually had a second agenda which was to find another hottie and start being her regular instead. It almost happened too. It was after she had already told me that I was next, and so as I was waiting for her this gorgeous all natural 9 came up to me that I had never seen before and starts flirting with me good and we strike up a good conversation and she lets me rub her back and upper ass as we talk. As we talk, my backup CF has to go on stage after finishing with a customer, and so when she asked me if I would like a dance I take her up on the offer, and as we pass my backup CF on stage we smile at each other and I motion that I still want to see her later. So as I sit down with this new hot as fuck 9 in the dance room, she also "does it right" by saying up front that she charges $40 per fully nude dance or 3 for $100. The house rate is $25 and also fully nude, but she wouldn't budge when I told her I only pay the house rate and never more. And so even though she was up charging me like a ROB, I appreciated that she stated her rates up front and not after the dance. I kindly told her that her rates were too much and that it was really cool that she told me up front. And she had no issue with me either and understood my position as well. As we left each other without any dance I told her not to count me out and she said oh for sure and smiled as she walked away. As to her affect on making my backup CF jealous, she couldn't have cared less. I got my time with her after a while, and as we talked I learned how in demand that she was so it doesn't matter if potential customers get dances with others. LOL she even has another stripper friend on the same shift and they constantly tell their regulars waiting to go to the other for dances just as good. But still I get the tact of using a stripper to make another think twice about leaving you. But LOL it doesn't always work.
  • twentyfive
    7 years ago
    would It works trust me, she’s just got a good poker face. If you want to have fun with these girls you need tow demonstrate that you are in charge and not let a young girl in her underwear push you around. Always remember the golden rule. “The one who has the gold makes the rules”
  • SirLapdancealot
    7 years ago
    @twentyfive my issue is that I don't really want many of the other strippers in the club. I am a nitpicky motherfucker about the strippers I want so I don't really have much leverage because there are never that many others that I would even consider. And honestly this one could not care less about losing a customer like me. She gets unreal business at a club I know very well. I sat and watched her for three nights now and she is constantly in demand. LMAO she doesn't even need a poker face. And she didn't push me around at all. She was honest that she can't always prioritize any customer because she is always busy and she was honest about making things up to me. That's what I'm saying about her. She doesn't need to be hustled or hustle herself. No need for a poker face. She just gives as many guys as possible the best stripper experience that she can offer and the business of it takes care of itself. There's not many strippers in the game like this. And to your point I haven't spent one dollar on her that wasn't totally worth it to me. To me both sides have power though. A stripper can walk away from the guy with the gold as much as he does. That's why I chose to leave the first night and chose to come back the next. It's also why she chose to go to the other guy the first night and chose to give me two free dances on the second.
  • twentyfive
    7 years ago
    Just enjoy it doesn’t matter as long as you are good with it.
  • SirLapdancealot
    7 years ago
    ^^^ That's the Golden Rule right there.
  • Darkblue999
    7 years ago
    Sirlapdance, So consider you spent $120 for 4 dances( including $60 at the bar) Why did you pay $60 for ten minutes? -------- 7 Hours Ago It cost me $60 total for 10 minutes of teasing my dick at the bar and 4 songs of lap dances. (2 x $25 plus $10 tip.) --------
  • Darkblue999
    7 years ago
    Are those topless dances??
  • SirLapdancealot
    7 years ago
    @Darkblue999 I paid a total of $60 for everything. The 10 minutes of dick teasing at the bar was free. I also got a total of four dances, of which she gave two for free and so I paid her a total of $50 for the remaining two plus I gave her a $10 tip. Again $60 was the total for all of her services. And no they weren't all topless. LMAO she got fully nude during the wait time for the current song to finish, and a high point was her in a doggy position and me grabbing her by the ass with both hands and spreading her cheeks open so that I could see her tight little pussy grinding the underside of my hard cock as she pussy stroked it by popping her ass. She let me press and thrust my dick up into her pussy lips all I wanted. It was awesome. She is a nasty lap dancer and as mentioned she does it right by her customers in all regards. A total package.
  • gawker
    7 years ago
    My ATF did several dances with another PL before going to VIP with me one time. After I gave her a younger lashing in VIP she swallowed my ejaculate (which she hated to do - strictly a spitter) to make it up to me.
  • SirLapdancealot
    7 years ago
    ^ That's doing it right oh for sure. Right down her throat FTW!!!
  • hump_my_leg_12346
    7 years ago
    This is some serious PL shit right here.
  • rogertex
    7 years ago
    Great ending to the story - or should I see a great resumption. Actually both of you did your part to patch things up.
  • JamesSD
    7 years ago
    My fave is very popular and sometimes gets bought out when I'm just there for lunch break. Especially if she and another girl carpool together and she's not on the floor until well after 1. Usually if she misses me once, she works hard to make it up next time.
  • Jascoi
    6 years ago
    man. don’t know how i missed this thread. some of you guys make me feel like an absolute newbie.
  • flagooner
    6 years ago
    I didn't realize this was a bumped thread. I was about to tell OP not to be such a whiny bitch but that wouldn't make sense now.
  • georgmicrodong
    6 years ago
    The word is “ground”, not “grinded”.
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