What are your clubbing "accomplishments" for this year and goals for next year?

As the end of the year approaches, I spend some time contemplating how things went in various aspects of my life: interpersonal relations, spiritual life, job and professional development, financial affairs, best books read, best movies watched, and (yes) how satisfied I was with the hobby. What was the most satisfying aspect of your clubbing in 2017?
In my case, I would have to say the main "accomplishment" was a return to full sexual function after a little ED scare during the last two months of 2016, when I had very few orgasms or even erections. My first SCORE (Stripper-Related Orgasmic Release Event) of 2017 didn't occur until the second week of January (unusually late), a covered BJ in Washington Park, IL. Since then I've enjoyed about 70 more, about 2/3 blowjobs (the vast majority of which were uncovered) and the rest a mixed bag of lapgasms, HJs, and TFs. I've enjoyed over a dozen OTC dates with three different strippers and have received offers from about ten more just in the last couple of months.
My strip club goals for 2018 include:
(1) pursuit of some of these OTC possibilities
(2) my first threesome with two strippers in a hotel room.
What about the rest of you?
last commentAccomplishments for this year: I managed to get to a club a couple of times.
Goals for next year: Try to up visits to at least monthly. Problem, only a couple of clubs close enough to visit. Lack of time and variety will be a problem.
I got kicked out for pissing on a stage
MrDeuce has been a busy man and has some disposable income! Well played!
Accomplishments this year, all ITC: extras with 12 different dancers, mostly BBBJs and CFS. On rare occasion, covered Greek.
Good to have some goals. Mine:
Getting to see some of London's highedtvratef English escorts. Next year's target is seeing more of them and getting to some FKK's.
I want to return to visiting strip clubs but my side business will likely be my only income. Need to crank it up or find a regular job or start another business. I make end up like juice cutting back expenses and cranking up side business income.
I could try hooking up with local girls instead of visiting strip clubs. I stumbled onto a friend of a friend on a dating site just surfing out of curiosity. I'm wondering if the girl is related to a former dancer I knew. I never tried contacting her.
If my side business becomes successful, I won't need to work a regular job. I need to study and learn skills.
I meant 'highest rated' . Damn phone.
Accomplishments? Goals? Fuck that. This is going out for beers and more if my dick gets hard.
^^^ I guess Deuce feels getting women to take money from men is an accomplishment! ;)
My accomplishments for this year include bbfs ITC with on stripper, an orgy with a group of six strippers, getting free OTC sex from eight ATFs on a regular basis, and negotiating an end to Dougster's vendetta against vincemichaels.
Next year, I will bring SJG into the fold as a deserving, valued member of TUSCL.
Oh, yeah. I'm also going to quit lying so much.....
Happy New Year, y'all! ;-D
meh, i don't really have any accomplishments. but i did get to see my CF FULLY nude this year, which was cool.
That's it.
My goal is to stop using porn. Just like the OP, I had an ED scare. Everything from a physical perspective was fine with me. But I realized that my ED problem was mental. I learned through Reddit and a few other sites that watching too much porn can cause ED and it can ruin your social life because it overexcites the pleasure receptors in your brain. They say that porn is like a drug where the more you watch, the more you NEED to watch in order to chase that first "high" that you got the first time you discovered the pleasure of masturbation. At some point I realized how stupid it is to watch porn because the guy in the video who's plugging my favorite porn star is the one having all the fun.
So now I realize that I need to get from behind my computer and engage in more 1-on-1 interaction with real women. While doing VIP and OTC is fun and enjoyable, it's also therapeutic because it's helping me regain my confidence. Watching too much porn was making me into a creepy PL and I didn't even realize it. I had a hard time looking women in the eye and telling them exactly what I want and over the last couple of years, my social life has been improving.
I plan to re-read The System. Because paying for sex is a lifelong learning process that requires discipline and careful analysis.
Get front room gfe and take a stripper home after.
I don’t have an actual goal. I simply hope to enjoy clubbing as much next year as I’ve enjoyed it in 2017. I’ve definitely had some good times - and I look forward to more.
Damn JackScott that post was enlightening and depressing. I feel like Im in the same boat. I watch a shit load of porn but lately I havent because either my wife is home or Im on the road. Plus my SC activities has increased so that may be a factor. I havent realized any social awkwardness when interacting with strippers or females though because of porn.
Goals for this upcoming year:
Have a CF at each club I visit (a total of 4 in ATL) in which I can get free OTC action if I choose.
Have a more precise SC budget.
Make it rain at least 2k at a club on a slownight so that I can look like a young rich stud.
Things I accomplished this year (and all of this occurred from June till September) :
My first threesome
Fucked three different girls in one night
Bj's from two different women in two different clubs in two different states on the same day.
First itc fs with a black girl.
Got extras from a dancer who had previously not given extras.
For this year
no plans or goals.
Thosa things I accomplished last year were not goals (other than the threesome). They just organically happened in the course of clubbing and afterwards I realized I hadn't done that before.
Civilian bar maid from the hotel we use for otc got to talking to my dates one night. I now meet up with her every few weeks. She thinking of stripping.
I need to think about a goal for next year
My goal this year is to fist a 5 or above at the bar and to FIV two girls at the same time, also while seated at the bar.
The best accomplishment this year was a HJ with a couple of quick licks of my dick at the bar by a civvie who was there with her husband.
None so far, but I'll endeavor to bury the hatchet in fag Douchester's head should the coward ever show up at a meet up. He won't, he's a chickenshit. Challenge stands, faggot, put up or shut up. LMAO
I upped my OTC a lot this year. For next year I want to up the OTC even more and reduce my club visits significantly (maybe like once every month or two).
My biggest accomplishment this year was my first ITC extras.
My goals for next year are to visit more clubs I've never been to, and get a lot more extras with several different girls
If I were to grade this year, it was probably my worst year since 2008-2009. A perfect storm of:
At my favorite club, this year has been one of the weakest years, stripper quality wise, that I can remember. If this one factor was different, it might have changed my entire year, but as it is, it was slim pickins for me, and so it made it easy to transition to:
I spent a bit more of my time and $ on SA than on SCs
I spent a LOT of time with my ATATF... our relationship has gone to, well, I'm not sure what it is, exactly. Not totally FWB, but not really like an arrangement, either. Maybe "a very expensive sort-of friendship with benefits".
I held back a bit on spending on the sex industry overall, for personal reasons
So, no real SC based accomplishments this year.
Goal for next year: Find a stripper I'd consider at LEAST a CF, if not an ATF, by April
2017 SC accomplishments: had fun at various strip clubs including a few that I had never been to before this year while staying below my budget for the year.
2018 SC goals: have fun at various strip clubs including a few that I have never been to before while staying below my budget for the year.
I think that this year was like most others for me, except perhaps that I did not have a chance to see as many new clubs as I would have liked.
My goals for next year are:
Write the next volume of the System titled: "The System, Part Duh." ;)
Try to forget that I ever saw a grown man post this:
*** vincemichaels - November 29, 2017 - You are an idiot. A woman is a woman no matter what age they are, what a stupid POS you are, fag. Lick my asscrack. LMAO ***
Focus on quality a bit more than quantity. Don't get me wrong, my partners are always attractive, but they lack some of the elegance and refinement that I sued to enjoy when I lived in the northeast.
See a few new clubs in places that are a bit more relaxed.
No real accomplishments in 2017 - most of this year I've kinda been burned-out w/ the game and my SCing has been meh - I did meet in-person two TUSCLers I had not met b/f and that's always a cool and a nice change of pace from my regular solo SCing.
My goals for 2018 - feel like I've been there done that w.r.t. SCing and not really feeling too-excited about the game currently - actually would like to SC less and spend less $$$, but it's not-easy for a level-10 PL to change its spots - liking variety I'd like to check out new SC scenes away from my local area, but even that I'm not too hard-up for and would be contingent on spending less locally.
I asked my CF this afternoon if she would take my number for possibly meeting up outside the club. She said yes, but I didn't have a pen and paper on me, so I'll give it to her on Friday. (She said the club frowns on seeing girls using their phones next to a PL.) It took 9 visits to the club to get dances from her for her to say yes. When I offered it before, maybe after our 4th dance session, she said no thank you. So, I look forward to meeting up with her in 2018.
Other than that, I plan to cut back on my SC spending. I went hog wild in Q3 and Q4 this year. I'm going to budget going to the club once every 2 or 3 weeks instead of two or more times a week, which I have been doing since early November.
Rick: You actually sued strippers for enjoyment? I'm not sure that I'd enjoy that part of The System... ;-)
2018 goal: the only thing that matters is to not die working 80 hrs a weeks for the next 4 months.
"My goal is to stop using porn."
I accomplished this without even thinking about it as a result of other activities. Those other activities, several of which I rate as accomplishments, are:
(By a large margin) became an active member of TUSCL. Had read on and off for a while, but I had become jaded with how much BS existed on Atlanta board and Atlanta reviews on TER, so I assumed most everything was BS here too. Then, I joined the conversation, got to "know" people, took a lot of advice, and was able to use it in very good ways.
First ITC BBBJ and CFS. Both at reasonable prices. Thanks Follies. Not counting that orgy club disguised as a theater/strip joint I visited in SF in the late 90s, a tit fuck with a little light licking was the furthest I ever got past a HJ (and many of those were self-service) prior to this year.
Discovery of, and eventually the successful use of, SA.
First OTC encounter, and first really successful OTC encounter.
Survived a couple poor SA experiences and 1 bad OTC and now have the first hand knowledge to reinforce TUSCL teachings on what not to do.
@25, you're kinda the turd in the punch bowl with this charming remark: "^^^ I guess Deuce feels getting women to take money from men is an accomplishment! ;)"
Are you sure you're not letting Douchester or RandomAsshole ghost-write for you?
Avoided trannies at the club for the second straight year!
Didn't RIL even once
Free OTP action walking into a club
Met Miley Cyrus' sister from another mister
Got special treatment for bringing Taco Bell into a dive
Upgrade from a box in the alley behind the club to a motor-home in the strip club parking lot or at a nearby Wal-Mart
Find a CF who will return my texts when rent isn't due
Hang out with a dive club DJ at an upscale club and talk shit about how stuck up everyone is so he plays the 7 minute 11 second version of Hey Jude for my lap dances next time at the dive
Find a worthy cause to post 10 discussions per day about on TUSCL
Pick out new pronouns to get more mileage at the club without having to give bigger tips
@MrDeuce I write all of my own material kind of like George Carlin maybe not as funny but I still get a kick out of it. Sorry about the turds in your punch bowl, maybe you could find a stripper that’ll mix up another one for you of course you’ll need to tip her. ;)
Goals for 2018: Finally visit Tijuana, damnit!
Visit at least 6 new clubs this year out of my home state.
More LDKs this year, and more of my favorite fetishes in the extras clubs.
"accomplishments" 2017:
-visited a SC for the first time
-first lap dance
-first VIP (no extras though)
-getting a girl on SA
"goals 2018"