
Recreational Viagra ???

Anywhere there are Titties.
Friday, December 22, 2017 12:54 PM
I don't have an ED problem. If the girl is at least mildly attractive and gives me just a little encouragement, then I am at full attention. But as I get older, I am noticing things about myself. I need longer in between sessions. And I do have my limit on how many times I can do it in a single day or over a long weekend. I miss the days when my girlfriend would say "enough already". So my question is ........ Do you use Viagra for recreational use ? I have done some research on this. There are some serious issues to consider. But most of those have to do with taking too much, taking it too often and taking it when you have a bad heart. Also, I need a prescription. But there are online ways to get around that. I don't think I want to buy the stuff at the " pharmacia " in Mexico. Who's using it, how often and where did you get it ?


  • twentyfive
    7 years ago
    I will give you a harder boner but it won’t increase how often you are able to ejaculate. I personally prefer Cialis as the side effect of Viagra for me is either a delayed headache or mild backache I have never had those reactions since using Cialis.
  • WetWilly
    7 years ago
    I don't understand the question. Recreational use? To me, all sex is categorized as recreational......
  • JohnSmith69
    7 years ago
    Why would you take a medicine that you don’t need? My guess is that if you start using ED meds early when you dont need them, they will be less effective when you get old enough to actually need them. And I sue doctors, so obviously my medical advice is sound.
  • Warrior15
    7 years ago
    I have my limit now. Probably twice in a single day and I"m done. Say I'm in TJ at Hong Kong. I just came down from a session and I see that perfect 10. I want to go again. And again and again. I could do that when I was in my 20's. Will Viagra do what I want ?
  • TFP
    7 years ago
    I have the same concerns as you. Funny thing is, you cited the exact scenario Im thinking of. I have a trip to TJ planned for next summer. And I already know I'm not gonna be able to naturally perform after two arribas. But if I come back down and see that third perfect 10 you best believe I'll be vitamin V-ing it up. And unlike you I have no problem with getting some stuff from La Pharmacia. Wanna get in as much action as I can.
  • Doces300
    7 years ago
    I use Cialis myself. But I like viagra for recreational use. Seemd to work better for me. I have a rx for each.
  • bubba267
    7 years ago
    I recently went through this process. Don’t need it but wanted to go for multiple times in a 3-5 hour period. I went to the urologist and told a little white lie about “Maintaining” an erection during penetration...didn’t mention it was for try 2,3 or 4. He prescribed generic Revatio, same active ingredient as viagra. Cost $64 for 90 tablets. They come in 20mg tablets. I’ve just started experimenting with how 20 vs 40 mg will work. I’m not too concerned about using it for recreational use. I don’t use it every time and haven’t experienced any side effects. Pm me with specific questions.
  • stanley08
    7 years ago
    I also want to Cialis so I can get the full experience on a long weekend trip. If anyone knows of an online pharmacy that they trust, please PM me.
  • joc13
    7 years ago
    I'm looking for a source for a small supply (2 or 3 pills) just so I can try it out. I tried Cialis years ago, but it didn't seem to make a noticeable difference. I can't go thru any doctor, and would need to set up a UPS store delivery box to do any kind of online order. I don't want to go to that much trouble unless I knew for sure it was going to work for me.
  • twentyfive
    7 years ago
    I’m having a difficult time understanding how you guys can spend $100- 500 on average to hit a strip club pay for girls OTC or ITC rent a hotel room or Club VIP and worry about getting a supply of boner pills that cost no more than $150.00 for a thirty day supply on average WTF is up with you, what a bunch of cheapskates.
  • TFP
    7 years ago
    Twenty-five no one is worried about cost. I think the main concerns were the side effects of using it recreationally. Like, using it often instead of just sporadically. Although I can't lie, I worry about cost when they quote that Cialis is $40 per pill. That's absolutely insane. I won't buy it for that price. But that generic Mexican stuff is definitely in my price range. Bubba267 mentioned he gets some stuff online also at a way better price than US pharmacies quote. I'd be with those prices as well.
  • twentyfive
    7 years ago
    ^^^I don’t know where that $40. A pill is coming from I get Cialis (non generic) for about $18.80 copay for 30 pills even at full list price I doubt it’s anywhere near $40. Per pill
  • TFP
    7 years ago
    I shit you not, that is the exact price I was quoted at Walgreens. Has a prescription and ended up not even bothering. I'd be great with the rate you just posted. Hell if you can get me a stash at that price I'll PayPal you the money. Lol.
  • twentyfive
    7 years ago
    ^^^Why don’t you ask your doctor to give you some they usually have a bunch of sample packages laying around. My doctor always gives me a bunch.
  • joc13
    7 years ago
    In my case, can't do it thru prescription, copay, etc. Don't even want to take risk my doctor is going to record me asking for a sample to try in my medical records. And, my insurance sucks on drug coverage. None of my "take these or you're going to die" drugs are as cheap as an $18 Co pay, so something as non life essential as a boner pill is likely to be an even higher cost pay. If I end up having to set up a mailbox at a UPS store (or similar place), place an online order at whatever the best cost is that i can find, then so be it that's what I'll end up doing. But, if I ask a simple question and actually get a response, then it would save me a bunch of trouble if it turns out to not work well for me.
  • twentyfive
    7 years ago
    ^^^Try PMing Shadowcat I remember he mentioned something about a Canadian Pharmacy.
  • shadowcat
    7 years ago
    here is the latest on legal generic Viagra: [view link] The last time I asked my doctors about free samples, they told me that the drug companies were not giving them out any more. Here is the web site for the India pharmacy that I have bought from in the past. [view link] Medicare will not pay for ED meds.
  • twentyfive
    7 years ago
    I had no idea that those meds were so expensive my health plan covers both Cialis and Viagra, and my doctor always has some free samples, that he gives me some, the few times a year that i go in for a checkup and physical exam
  • TFP
    7 years ago
    Yeah the last time I went to the doctor and for that prescription was about 5 years ago and he did give me some free samples, but only 3 pills. Then when I went to try to fill the prescription and heard the price I said fuck that. Haven't been back since because fuck $40/pill. The samples worked excellently though. Thanks Shadowcat and the other posters who mentioned some much cheaper alternatives. I'll be sure to check those out.
  • Rick999
    7 years ago
    I tried out some free viagra samples several years ago. They gave me a bad headache and made me feel hot. I didn't try any more after that. They didn't quite have the effect I thought they might. They did have an effect down below to some degree but the headache they gave me took away a lot. I figured I just need to find a girl who turns me on better. Some girls seem to have that chemistry and I don't always understand why. Some don't. I have wondered if there is something with pheromes going on that makes some girls have some kind of magic effect. I say that because I remember a dancer whom I wasn't attracted to at all seemed like some kind of snake charmer one night and I was like wtf is going on?
  • Jascoi
    7 years ago
    i buy generic 100mg viagra in tj at a farmica near hong kong for about $1.10 per pill. seems to work ok.
  • azdd
    7 years ago
    For those buying online, how do you decide does? Trial and error? 100mg sounds like a decent size dose when they make them as low as 25mg. I’m considering ordering from Canada for delivery to my office. I’ve been told the packaging is non-descript, but nervous about that.
  • shadowcat
    7 years ago
    azdd - I know guys that buy the 100mg and then cut them in half. They do come in a brown package with a U. S. customs label that states the contents is pharmaceutical samples or some thing like that.
  • Warrior15
    7 years ago
    I haven't taken them yet, but have done some research. The negative affects seem to come when taking too much. Read up on them. Google is great. I intend to try it. But I"m going to do 25 mg first. I don't want that overpowering erection that causes damage to my penis. I just want to do it for 3-4 hours straight like I did in my 20's.
  • magicrat
    7 years ago
    The last couple batches I've gotten from India have worked inconsistently to say the least. I now have the 20 mg Rx and take as many of those as needed to get the job done.
  • Subraman
    7 years ago
    I've played around with these. For me, they all have the downside of making it way harder to cum. Viagra gives me headaches, stuffiness, and general unpleasantry. I get few to any unpleasant side effects w/ Cialis (besides the fact that it's harder to cum). It also has the advantage of the effects lasting several days. It also sometimes gives me a bit of teenager-itis, in that, just sitting around even thinking about sex, I get a semi. For that reason, I don't use this stuff very often, since it's more recreational than medical. I think anyone buying online, especially from foreign sources, is fucking insane if not downright foolish, but some of you guys bareback and DATY prostitutes too, so perhaps my risk/reward meter is calibrated differently. My doctor always gives me samples, which usually last until the next time I see him. Otherwise, I get a 6 pack of 20mg pills, which if I recall the copay is something like $60, and then I split them. So I end up with 12 10mg doses, which given how rarely I use them, can last a year
  • JackScott
    7 years ago
    To the OP: You might want to look into herbal supplements and/or dietary changes. I was diagnosed with a couple of mild ailments that I resolved using a holistic approach. The side effect of that was it turned me back into an 18-year-old again. I can shoot my wad and be ready again in less than 15 minutes. I haven't had any women beg me to stop but if I eat and drink the right stuff I'm ready for more action. And I know this because when I was on the road eating a lot of junk food, I was starting to decline. But as soon as I started eating more fruits and veggies and adding herbal teas I started seeing myself getting back to the man I used to be.
  • Jascoi
    7 years ago
    i should add: i bite my 100mg generic viagra in half. usually that amount helps.
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