
My fave is an alcoholic

Friday, December 22, 2017 6:39 PM
Should I feel guilty that when she's drunk at the club at 1 PM, the mileage is awesome and I have to remind her to take my money?


  • vincemichaels
    7 years ago
    Yes, one should have compassion for another human being, regardless of their occupation. Please make sure she gets her money.
  • rattdog
    7 years ago
    feeling guilty meaning that you don't have to pay for your dances or that her guard is waay down for you to take advantage of her regarding mileage? i'd give her the money as she's earned it. but if she's drunk or stoned that gas pedal will be stepped on.
  • vincemichaels
    7 years ago
    I CAN'T DRIVE 55 !!! (credits to Van Halen)
  • Papi_Chulo
    7 years ago
    You should feel guilty if you're encouraging her to get drunk and/or pushing drinks on her knowing she has a problem, but doesn't sound like that's what you're doing
  • Htxx
    7 years ago
    One of the craziest chicks I met was an American Indian. Hotter than hell, gorgeous met online through SA. Raging alcoholic. Was a hellish two years with her. I became Capt. Save a ho. One night her bac was .47 I mean crazy physical dependence borderline death wish. While I shot her a text just tonight, if highly recommend staying away. The crazy drunk ones are the most trouble. So much easier to find a new lady
  • JamesSD
    7 years ago
    I don't actually feel guilty and yes I pay her in full. But she kind of reminds me of this girl.i used to hook up with where the sex was phenomenal when she was drunk and just ok otherwise. You can't really tell someone who drinks too much "you're more fun drunk".
  • Liwet
    7 years ago
    As long as she's getting paid more than you would make in the same amount of time at your own job, then I'd say have your fun.
  • twentyfive
    7 years ago
    How do you know she’s an alcoholic, maybe she’s just a drunk.
  • warhawks
    7 years ago
    ^^* Or,how do you know she’s a drunk? Maybe she just has alcoholic dependencies.
  • JohnSmith69
    7 years ago
    Why should you feel guilty? She’s a grown woman who can make her own choices in life. But you do have an obligation to pay her even if you could get away with not paying.
  • 4got2wipe
    7 years ago
    I'm going to be completely serious about this because I really don't think excessive alcohol or drug use are ever a good thing. If you are only indirectly contributing to her alcohol use don't feel guilty. Imagine an waitress that goes home and drinks herself silly. Would it be immoral to tip her? Of course not. You tip because that's the right thing to do and if she goes away and blows it on alcohol that's her choice. Sad, but her choice. Same deal with your fave. Only difference is that you know she's abusing alcohol. If you are doing something to directly contribute to her alcohol use, feel guilty and stop. Direct means trying to get her drunk. Buying her drinks in the club is a gray area. But as long as you aren't urging her on it's ok. But think about how involved you want to be with this girl. I know that I've probably tipped girls that have blown said tip money on drugs or alcohol or both. That's their choice. If they asked me I'd tell them to moderate their drug use and avoid illegal drugs (so marijuana in Colorado is fine, albeit bad to use in excess, but in Oklahoma it is not good). But I just don't want to involve myself in negativity. A tipsy girl during a single visit is ok. She could be an alcoholic or she might just be drunk that day. Who knows? But repeated visits where the girl is blitzed would lead me to find another girl.
  • Jascoi
    7 years ago
    my favorite usa kriptonite girl is absolutely fantastic when she has a bit of a buzz... but can be 'mean' when drunk. and too 'businesslike' when sober.
  • JackScott
    7 years ago
    I wouldn't feel guilty. Maybe she has to get drunk just so she doesn't feel bad about taking her clothes off for money. But making sure that you pay if she forgets shows character, integrity, and good will. And even though she forgets now, she will remember sometime between the last time and the next time you go to the club. When you don't pay you mess up a good thing so please continue to remind her.
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