
Comments by JackScott (page 6)

  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Is valet a deal breaker?
    I had a bad experience with the valet. In both occasions they lost my car. It didn't get stolen or anything like that but because they stack the cars and they share the parking with the neighboring business, they are always moving the cars around and I had to hunt for my own car.
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    7 years ago
    Strippers wanting to do HARD drugs with you
    I'd be against doing anything that would cloud my judgement or enjoyment. If I really wanted to get high, I certainly wouldn't pay a stripper for OTC AND the drugs!
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    7 years ago
    The Art of Negotiation
    I'm new to OTC but not new to SC negotiation. One thing that works for me is when I tell her, "I don't want to be cheap and I'm not trying to take advantage of you, but I'd like to know what's realistic?" If she shoots me a price that's more than I want to pay, I'll say, "That's a little more than what I have now, but I want to be fair so when I get my money together, I'll get back to you." This causes the bird-in-the-hand/2-in-the-bush thought process to kick in. If your price is worth her time, she'll offer to give you the best time for the amount of money that you have. When I did this, it still turned out to be a complete OTC session. I guess it's similar to buying a new car at the end of the month- If you catch her right around the time she has to pay a bill, you just might get a good deal.
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    7 years ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    Bitcoin Blues
    Unless I'm wrong, I thought that the data was replicated among many computers as sort of a peer-to-peer check and balance system that prevents people from hacking the software and giving themselves more than what they really have. Wouldn't that secure your balance in the event of a computer failure? Or as a bitcoin user, are you responsible for your own backups?
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    7 years ago
    You can run but you will only die tired
    As a side note, I wonder why people get mad when they get caught. Like when my coworker got caught cheating on his wife, she followed him to the club and then followed him and the accompanying stripper to the motel secretly taking pictures. His wife was standing outside when they came out and he got mad at her for being sneaky... and said that he wouldn't have been cheating if she trusted him. SMH
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Is it really that hard for strippers to get credit?
    You're right about that consistency. When I applied for a mortgage, they cared less about my credit score and more about my habits. They asked to see my bank statements because it told them the story about how I handle my money. They can see when I get paid via direct deposit and then they can see how often I pay my bills. For instance, if they see that I pay my utilities every 2 to 3 months, that's indicative that I wait for the cut-off notice to arrive before paying. If they see that I empty my bank account every payday, it's indicative that I'm living paycheck to paycheck and/or I'm broke by the following Monday.
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    7 years ago
    Sex OTC - prostitute??
    When I think of the term "prostitution" and its implications, I always think of someone walking the street and doing drive-by solicitations. I liken this to the stigma of people who sell merchandise on a street corner or jackleg contractors who hustle their services door to do with no level of accountability. I heard someone once call that type of person a "trunk slammer" or a snake oil salesman. But the situation is different when the dancer is employed by a SC because you are patronizing the club while building a relationship. Like if I hire Home Depot or Lowes to remodel my kitchen, they'll send out a 3rd party contractor. After the work is done, I might offer them side work based on the relationship we developed while they were working in my house. In comparison to hiring a jackleg, we have some degree of established commonality through the store where I originally paid for their services.
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    7 years ago
    Things went a little too far at Chuck E Cheese this weekend
    I agree. What does Chuck E. Cheese have to do with the price of ass and titties?
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    7 years ago
    Is it really that hard for strippers to get credit?
    Maybe I'm wrong about this but I'd guess that for most dancers, stripping was not their first career choice. This was simply a means to an end because they came into the industry with their share of financial problems. Also, people who get paid daily (eg waiter, handyman, traveling musician) tend to be less responsible with money. If you blow all of your money today you tell yourself that you'll just hustle a little harder tomorrow to make up the difference. But you keep saying that day after day until the 1st of the month and you have to take a payday loan to just to get your bills paid.
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    7 years ago
    Missing An OTC Because I'm An Idiot, But Before Her Shift?
    As said in previous comments, I'd try to get that down to $200 for a half-hour session also. If she takes her time and stays longer without watching the clock, then I'd tip her the other $100 provided that I got full satisfaction out of the OTC visit. The way you negotiate that is similar to buying a used car. They say $300 and you say, "That's a fair price but will you take $200? That's all I have."
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    You can run but you will only die tired
    A little more than fluffing
    I'm sure the manager sees naked patrons on a regular basis.
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    7 years ago
    Monger evolution?
    After club hopping for months, I ended up at a SC where the DJ catered to PL's by spelling everything out for us. He would periodically make announcements to tell everyone that the seats around the stage are ONLY for people who are tipping. And then he would say "If you need money, go to the ATM machine! It's called ATM because its the ASS and TITTY MACHINE." He would announce the VIP lounge and other amenities that a newbie would be unaware of. Also I was fortunate to get a couple of dancers who taught me the ropes rather than trying to hustle me. They explained how the arrangement worked and after a few visits, I was better at choosing the SC and the dancers.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    Memories vs $$$
    The memories and experience hands down. It's something about an enriching experience that energizes me. Lately, now that I've been splurging on VIP dances, the cost and quality of the experience pays for itself. Even monetarily, this new found energy is helping me to find ways of hustling up cash on the side to put into my SC fund.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    How much longer do you plan on doing this?
    Until I start thinking about getting married, I'm going to keep doing it. I had been in a few bad relationships which led me to becoming a PL in real life. I was heavily into porn and one day I realized that if I was going to score with the women, I had get rid of the videos and put myself in front of the real thing. It's like therapy because it's helping me work out the awkwardness that I had around women. The SC also affords me the ability to explore some of my weirdest desires so that I can get it out of my system. I'd hate to walk down the aisle with unresolved sexual issues so this is merely a bucket list thing for me.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    OT: They are dropping like flies:Part II
    I'm not sure exactly what needs to be done about it, but these accusations, allegations, and admissions has me wondering what can be done to fix it. How you press the "RESET" button on a situation like this. Like when we were younger, dumber, and lacked good sense, we probably did some things that we wish we could undo. So it makes me wonder what does someone do to resolve issues from their past so that it does not become a problem in their future?
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    money was invented for handing to women, but buying dances is a chump's game
    To Be Considered a Sexual Minority?
    For whatever its worth, if I went to a club where I discovered that there were both male and female strippers, I'd probably leave and never go to that club again.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    You missed your chance OTC
    When I was 19 it was the first time I had ever gone to a SC that allowed direct contact. Up until that point I had been to places where they only did stage dances. I played it cool but on the inside I was a nervous wreck. The number was no longer good by the time I was able to work up the nerve to use it. It was 6 months later and by that time both the stripper, the phone, and the club were long gone.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    What else can these strippers do?
    What I am hearing about camming is that people buy into it because there is an increasing demand in "custom" porn. Standard porn only allows you to see what they previously recorded leaving the average viewer to fast forward to the exact thing they want to see. Also they have to search for other videos of that porn star to satisfy that need for what they want to see. But the cam gives you what you want made-to-order.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    What else can these strippers do?
    It's still one of the world's oldest professions next to whatever the "john" did to make the money to be able to spend on the stripper. So for as long as there are men and women, and there are men that like women, there will always be a market for the club. But to your original question, it all depends on what they are doing to prepare for their next career. Like with any job or career, the market demands change and your skillsets become obsolete. There was a time when installing TV antennas on the roofs of houses was a very well paying job. Then when cable and satellite TV started to emerge, some of those guys learned the new trades. The ones that didn't got jobs flipping burgers in a fast food joint. So Burger King University might be their next stop if they were lying about dancing to make money for school. ;)
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    Home vs. Road Clubs
    I prefer the road clubs because it affords me the opportunity to control the anonymity. I can make up an identity and a back story about my life. In my local clubs, there is too much of a likelihood that I'll see someone I know who might blow my cover. If I tell her that my name is Frank and I'm a stock broker, and then someone walks by and says, HEY JACK! I'll see you down at the plant tomorrow!" I don't want the awkwardness that comes along with it. I know that the money is the only thing she cares about but I'd still feel pretty stupid sitting there with my cover blown.
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    7 years ago
    Stripper chemistry
    I'll put this into perspective. It's just like any other service industry. When I used to install alarm systems and cable TV there were some customers that I could really connect with. We had good conversations, had a few laughs, and occasionally I'd be offered a hotdog on the grill while I was there working. For the short time that I was there in the customer's house, I was essentially their new friend. But as soon as I was finished with the work and the paperwork was signed, I was gone. So to answer the OP's question, I'd say YES that the chemistry is real. But it's not quite the "I'll call you later" real. I've been in the club with dancers that just felt like a mechanical bull. And then there are others that just felt like the perfect fit. She felt good, smelled good, and her body wrapped perfectly around mine. I've had some dancers talk dirty in my ear as part of the "act" while others get their arms around me and exhale in my ear as to say, "I don't want this moment to end." But unless you have more money to spend, this is where it will have to end. The chemistry is real but the money getting from my pocket to her pocket is what it's really about.
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    7 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Black club VIP vs Mixed club VIP.
    One thing I find interesting is that the strip club is a perfect working model of how capitalism, business, and the free marketplace works. There's that fine line between being profitable without alienating their customers. They have to consider whether it's better to provide value added services for a premium price or if it makes more sense to make their services affordable while making up the difference in volume. And it's also an active learning curve for the dancers. As mentioned above, some of them just want to get as much money out of you as they can for the least amount of time spent while others do a better job of selling themselves so they steadily have repeat business.So the dancers have to consider whether it's better "juice" someone who they may never see again or if they do better investing the time and patience that it takes to win a regular paying customer.
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    7 years ago
    Atl to NC
    Has anyone made a stripper cum during dances?
    The other day one my "regulars" leaned over and whispered, "You can touch my boobs if you want to." Rather than pulling and pinching nipples like most guys like to do I just caressed them and gently stroked them while she was doing a cowgirl on me. During the first song I could tell that she was getting turned on because her nipples became erect and every 20-30 seconds she would lean over and breathe heavily into my ear and say something about how much she liked what I was doing. During the second song she kept talking about how much she wishes I was inside of her. At that point I thought that it was all SS until we got to the third song and she started moaning in my ear. I would stroke her nipples from the cowgirl position and then rub her back when when she embraced me and leaned over. After the third dance, I was out of money and had to quit. So I paid for 3 dances plus a tip and then I went back to the main floor while she settled up with the house and the bouncer. She came out to sit with me and we started talking about hooking up for OTC. She gave me her number and cut the conversation short so that she could go to the restroom. I don't know if that meant that she needed a new thong, if she had to go somewhere and "finish" or if she just had to pee.
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    7 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Strip club dress codes.
    "What would stop someone from removing their undies after entering the club?" That's exactly what I was thinking. But then again, where would you keep them? In your coat pocket?