
Comments by DeclineToState (page 19)

  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Off again on again PL
    Buy a dance from her? 1-10? (Martyna Balsam)
    8.5 and for sure getting dances. Looks almost like a CF I had who was my only legit 10 ever seen in a club.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Adventures of Assjobman
    Bay Area lockdown = No new SJG posts
    The last post of he who shall not be named was 4 days ago (had to un-Ignore him to discern that). Just think if he never returned. Would we bemoan his absence like we occasionally do shailynn and his assumed alter ego Mamisan?
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Adventures of Assjobman
    Bay Area lockdown = No new SJG posts
    He sold the bag and used the $1 to lay at the rail. So selfish.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    slip a dollar in her g-string for me
    TUSCL Feature Requests
    ^I'd like clubs to re-open so I can get my package stimulated.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Southern Boys Spring Break trip March 31-April 3
    -->"The bay area will be on a “soft lockdown” starting at midnight. This will be enforced with misdemeanor citations. " I've been out and about in Bay Area today (work for essential business not subject to lockdown orders, and personal activities like exercise and food shopping is exempt from lockdown). Haven't seen any misdemeanor citing LE.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    San Francisco ordered to shelter in place.
    ^Strict enforcement isn't feasible for LE. I've read the "shelter at home" orders imposed in 6 NorCal counties. Won't bore the audience with ALL the details, but -For business operations: there's a list of 20+ business types exempt from operating restrictions because they're deemed "essential" businesses. Non-essential businesses can operate a skeleton crew to maintain inventory and process payroll and employee benefits. -For personal stuff: Outside of home, you're limited to "essential" activities - food and supplies, medical, family and pet care, and working where authorized. But there's no limit on outdoor activities (getting some exercise) if social distancing 6 feet where feasible. There's no shelter at home police force out there, and even if there were it's not too hard to validate why you are where you are outside the home
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Here we go again
    Closed club due to virus
    Busiest club in San Francisco (Gold Club) is shutting down for 2 weeks. It's a DejaVu club as are most all clubs in SF, so I assume all the other DV clubs in SF will close too.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    FUCK IT!
    What's the SHORTEST TIME you spent in a strip club?
    Absolute shortest was under a minute but probably doesn't count because I only observed in to the club from the cashier stand. It's a club that has pretty good weekday day shift but this was a Sunday around 6 PM. Club looked empty and I asked cashier dude how many chicks were there. He said 2 girls and it'll be a 2 drink minimum (it's an alcohol club and there's never a drink minimum). I stuck my head into the club, the 2 chicks were 4-5 rated, said no thanks and split, went to a different club and had a fun night. Shortest legit visit was under 10 min, took a walk around, didn't see anything I was interested in and split to another club and had a fun 4 hour visit at the same club noted above.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    what's your longest TIME you stayed at a strip club at once?
    A little over 5 hours is my longest uninterrupted, and that happened once. My uninterrupted visits are typically around 3 hours. OT: Have many times done 5 total club hours with long midterm dinner break, that's my favorite way to do it. First catch end of day shift/early night shift when it's low hustle - drink and hang out and get dances. Go to dinner, have a great meal, drink some more. Then back to club for more fun with beautiful women, hopefully club not a sausagefest, but if it is that's when being a YMMV regular can be a big positive.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    What to do in this situation with a "regular"
    If you wanted some certainty whether she'd be there before you began your drive to the club, and if you only wanted to go if she'd be there, your "I'm thinking of visiting you either tonight or tomorrow night" text is not direct enough to confirm it despite her prior text saying she was working all that week. If you wanna club even if she's not there, then go without expectations. If you going depends on her being there, text her a few hours before saying you will be at club if she's there and will she be there and by what time - and if she ghosts you, don't make the trip. And if she says she'll be there but isn't without texting that, fuck that, it'd be game over for me. Don't get uptight about the events as described in post, and don't be an RIL.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    What would you do? PL refuses to move from your seat
    Has happened to me a few times at club that was super busy on a weekend night - was solo, sitting at rail because all tables were full, took a very quick bathroom break and left drink with napkin on top. Returned to someone else sitting there with drink still there and me stating something such as "Seriously Dude?!" took care of it right away. If that hadn't cured it, I would've let it slide. For anti-sausagefest reasons I no longer club on those busy nights if it can be avoided so hasn't happened since. When I was a newb, and at same busy club, I left my sweater on chair to try and save the seat while getting VIP dances. Dumb move by me, sweater disappeared, but I did get it back the next next night and haven't pulled that move since.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Looking for an organization to join...
    Looking for an organization to join
    ^The debacle is your Merkle's Boner. Shame.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    The absolute worst type of customer 😡
    -->@lopaw:"I used to show up at work with so many headcolds from contagious strippers that my co workers started referring to it as the "stripper crud". But it was all worth it, lol." That's hilarious. None of my coworkers have any clue about my SC activities.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Every woman's local ATM while in da club? How else they paying for their Boob jobs?
    Being the "Whale" of the club. What's the experience for you?
    -->@JamesSD: "I see how the whales get treated. There's often drama between the girls over whales who aren't committed to one girl. You'll watch different girls throw themselves at him while he lightly gropes each before making his selection." Money is an incredible deodorant.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Looking for an organization to join...
    Looking for an organization to join
    It's having funding challenges and cannot afford to acquire its second bag of Takis.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Every woman's local ATM while in da club? How else they paying for their Boob jobs?
    Being the "Whale" of the club. What's the experience for you?
    I've never done the whale thing cited in OP's post (spending big money on lots of girls in same visit) and am unlikely to do it. Subraman's M.O. of clubbing with pals surrounded by a bunch of girls with alcohol fueled fun sounds good though. I trend toward 2 types of clubbing, which is mostly alone but sometimes with a pal: (1) hanging with my CF and its YMMV upside which I consider great, or (2) drinking and getting dances from girls that intrigue me, in other words the next CF interview.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    The absolute worst type of customer 😡
    And I thought my kids' elementary school was germ warfare central. What a douchbag, going into the club all sick and infecting our babe spicey.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Living well and enjoying my retirement
    Klobuchar and Buttigieg throw their support to Biden
    And both of those (Pete and Amy) angling to be the VP on the Biden ticket
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    Out of Towner Pt 2
    Nice review. And funny closing line about not running for office haha.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Fucked a stripper thought it was a relationship
    ^Me either. New member, first post,. Why OP would pay for VIP for what appears to be troll thread is a head scratcher.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Biz trip to Boston
    Here’s that thread: https://tuscl.net/discussion.php?id=68316
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Biz trip to Boston
    There’s 2 clubs, both on same street, Centerfolds and Glass Slipper. Centerfolds has hot girls and air dances on the floor. Its primary purpose is having some drinks and seeing some boobies, which has its upside if you can’t get out of town, and is what I limited myself to here. Reviews say you can get some 2 way contact but no extras in the rooms, but expensive. Glass Slipper is below average girls per the reviews, so I didn’t bother to visit. There was a thread on the board several months ago about clubs in driving distance without going all the way to Providence but as I recall most of the responders said go to Providence.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Changes coming to Amsterdam's red light district - Female mayor.
    The one time I was there, which was a long time ago, I found the following things to be notable: -The hottest chicks (9+) were all in windows overlooking the canal in the nicest part of the district -There was a dark alley off the main track that had the fat ugly chicks (there were only a few of those windows and those chicks were beckoning in the passersby, in contract to the hot chicks who just stood there looking hot) -Saw one girl emerging from a closed room with window curtain drawn and onto the street after she had gotten some lesbian action. She put her head down and scurried away quickly upon exiting (didn't see any guys coming out of closed rooms but if I had, I suspect they would have emerged all grinning and high fiving).
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    For a site made up of mostly middle age men...
    -->"Old people tend to bicker - sometimes we have nothing else to do." And talk about the weather. And their physical maladies.