What would you do? PL refuses to move from your seat

avatar for Lone_Wolf

My fav club can get busy. Whenever I leave my seat for any reason I leave enough clutter on the table in such a way that it is obvious the seat is taken with expected return. Recently I took a bathroom break and when I returned a PL was in my seat. I pointed to my crap and politely said it was my seat. He got up and left. Cool.

But it got me wondering what I would do if the PL refused to move.

I decided that if that ever happens, I would just slowly gather my table clutter and go find another seat.

Now that would hurt my pride in a big way being punked but I see no upside in getting in a confrontation with some loser over a seat in a sc.

How would you handle that scenario?


last comment
avatar for SirLapdancealot
5 yrs ago

It's not worth the drama. At most I'd probably say something sarcastic like "there's a reason there's an unfinished drink right there" and then pick it up and move. As a regular to most of the clubs I visit this rarely happens and when it does the guy usually moves and apologizes.

avatar for Papi_Chulo
5 yrs ago

The way I see it it's only one's seat if:

  1. the person is sitting there

  2. the person paid for the seat (VIP seating etc)

o/w IMO any other custy has as much right to that seat

avatar for Papi_Chulo
5 yrs ago

People leave crap on tables all the time, so there being half a drink on a table is no sign that the table is occupied.

Some PLs go do a 30-minute VIP and think their table shouldn't be touched bc they left a drink there - they basically wanna hoard the table for themselves even when they are not using it - f' that.- his personal preference and personal-comfort doesn't trump everyone else's

avatar for Lone_Wolf
5 yrs ago

@Papi - Agee with you on the VIP scenerio, but I would think someone could go take a quick piss and expect their seat not taken upon return. But I agree, no reserved seating

avatar for SirLapdancealot
5 yrs ago

My only issue is it getting taken when I'm in the bathroom.

Outside of this I agree w/Papi that one shouldn't ever expect to keep a seat if they go to the stage or get dances.

avatar for wallanon
5 yrs ago

"I decided that if that ever happens, I would just slowly gather my table clutter and go find another seat."

If I leave something at a table, it's always something I've decided I'm willing to lose if it walks. If it's a case where I'm planning to be right back and want the same table, I'll ask a dancer or a waitress to hold the spot. There aren't that many places or situations where I'd care enough where I'm sitting to do that. If anything, usually there's a guy around when I get back because some dude's been wanting to talk with whoever I was sitting with and shot his shot while I was off taking a piss.

avatar for twentyfive
5 yrs ago

I don’t usually sit at a table by myself so this has never happened to me and usually at the bar where I normally sit the bartender will put a reserved sign if you go to the john and if your going to do a dance or a few as long as the bartender is aware your returning there’s never been an issue that I’ve had OTH if I was to contemplate the scenario that the OP suggested pop a cap in they’re ass 😁

avatar for Subraman
5 yrs ago

Think I'd do the same as you. "oh shit I was sitting there", and if he refused to move, I'd go elsewhere, definitely not worth the hassle. Most of the time I'm SCing either with a buddy or two, or on a super slow shift, so this is never an issue -- the 3 other customers in the place would usually grab one of the other 25 tables that is unoccupied, rather than the one that's got drinks and napkins all over it :)

I have in the past done something like left a mostly-finished drink with a napkin on top -- universal symbol of "I'm coming back". When I do come back, I never touch that drink

avatar for Muddy
5 yrs ago

Shouldn’t be leaving drinks at the table tbh somebody could fuck with it. Yeah I’m not concerned when I leave the table if it’s taken I’ll find somewhere else, no big deal. They probably just don’t know. I’m guessing this is BS or HL where they run out of seats fast as fuck. I’m too worried about the girls to spend any mental energy on the seating

avatar for DrStab
5 yrs ago

When I get dances, I gather all my belongings. I consider my seat/table available to the next customer. If I go to the bathroom, I leave my beer with the “tucked napkin in the beer” to designate to the bartender that I want my beer, and to any PLs that is my seat.

avatar for MackTruck
5 yrs ago

I would dump a load in his basement

avatar for FishHawk
5 yrs ago

I have been on the other side of the situation. I recently took a seat at a bar in a strip club and this dude and dancer come up and pick up the coaster and napkin that was in front of me. I apologized for taking their seats but they said no problem and just moved a seat or two down the bar. I kinda felt bad but not too bad and not for long. Shit happens, just be polite.

avatar for Liwet
5 yrs ago

You're not entitled to any seat except for the one you directly paid for. If another PL took a seat which I paid for, I'd just get a bouncer to handle it.

avatar for Hank Moody
Hank Moody
5 yrs ago

Like fish hawk I was sorta on the other side. Got to my local club and nearly every bar seat was filled. The bar meanders in a weaving shape and some seats are better than others. Some have no view of the stage at all, but some dudes like those seats. Anyway, the club was packed full and there were only two open seats opposite the stage, but on the inside of a 90 degree bend in the bar. You can make it out just to the right of center in this picture. https://tuscl.net/photo.php?id=4197 Close to stage but not great seats as it can get a bit tight and no room for girls to slide in next to you. I walked over and asked the guys sitting on either side of the seats if they were open and one said “my buddy is getting dances and is coming back.” I asked if it was ok to take the other seat and got a weird look but ok.

I sit there for about 10 minutes and this big drunk guy comes back and says he’s sitting in the seat. The open seat next to me. I say ok and stay where I am. He then proceeds to stand facing the stage with his back to me and eclipsing my view of the stage. Passive aggressive almost to aggressive aggressive. I ask him if he wouldn’t mind moving toward his seat, the one he had previously pointed out was his seat. He gave me some drunken answer about how if I wanted to see the stage I needed to get up and tip. Whatever. He was being a dick and while it was annoying I am well beyond the point where I need to maintain my “tough rep.” Five minutes later a seat opened down the bar and I moved. No high blood pressure. No scene. No issues. Douches gonna douche.

avatar for skibum609
5 yrs ago

If I leave a drink with a napkin over the top and go to the bathroom; I get my seat back. The only time there was any drama was when someone refused to move and got slightly miffed when I sat on his lap. Long time ago, well 3 years, but now I'd eiither just pick up my stufff with a blank expression and move, or if Iwas at Desires and I wanted the seat I'd have one of the bouncers re-seat them.

avatar for Cashman1234
5 yrs ago

If that happened to me, I’d move to another seat. Clubs get crowded, during prime clubbing hours, and it’s easy for a seat to get taken.

You could always ask if he’d like you to push their stool in for them...

avatar for georgmicrodong
5 yrs ago

I've been sitting at the bar more and more, and the bartender is good about preserving my seat. But were I in a position to have lost my seat like the OP says, I would just move as well.

I remember the first time I was at Follies and shadowcat went to do a VIP, leaving his jacket? sweatshirt? and his drink at the table, and some guy came over and asked "is anyone sitting here" at the same time he was sitting down. When I said "yes, see the jacket" he acted like he was going to sit anyway, but got up and left.

avatar for TheeOSU
5 yrs ago

I'd tell him I'm Lloyd Schoene from San Jose and he should be aware of my reputation. After he died laughing I could drag him to a corner and get my seat back.

avatar for shadowcat
5 yrs ago

georgemicrodong - If you had not been there I would have taken my stuff to VIP with me and then just left the club afterwards. Seats are hard to come by at Follies after 3PM any day.

avatar for san_jose_guy
5 yrs ago

Yeah, I would talk with the bounders and try to let them handle it.

If you try to handle it yourself, then you are still going to have to deal with them. And best not to unnecessarily escalate conflict with strangers or make yourself unwelcome in a strip club.

And I do not leave drinks. They go with me into the bathroom, for safety, and also so I can use water to dilute and stretch them. And dancers have told me that they also do this.


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Yardbirds https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N9ULMxxlbdg&t=324s

avatar for DeclineToState
5 yrs ago

Has happened to me a few times at club that was super busy on a weekend night - was solo, sitting at rail because all tables were full, took a very quick bathroom break and left drink with napkin on top. Returned to someone else sitting there with drink still there and me stating something such as "Seriously Dude?!" took care of it right away. If that hadn't cured it, I would've let it slide.

For anti-sausagefest reasons I no longer club on those busy nights if it can be avoided so hasn't happened since.

When I was a newb, and at same busy club, I left my sweater on chair to try and save the seat while getting VIP dances. Dumb move by me, sweater disappeared, but I did get it back the next next night and haven't pulled that move since.

avatar for datinman
5 yrs ago

"They go with me into the bathroom, for safety, and also so I can use water to dilute and stretch them"

That line is too bizarre to be muted. Pray tell, what kind of cocktail do you add stripclub bathroom sink tapwater to? Any thought to how gross those faucets probably are? If I couldn't afford a drink or three, the financially responsible thing to do is stay home.

avatar for Player11
5 yrs ago

It’s not worth a confrontation - somebody takes your table even though you left your drink there. Just pickup your drink, keep your mouth shut, and find somewhere else. It could be some illegal in the country gang member with a knife - do you want to be gutted? Not worth a trip to jail either or being 2am victim.

avatar for san_jose_guy
5 yrs ago

^^^^ The real issue in a strip club will be if the bouncers are being preferentially hostile to you. Eventually it will have to be solved, but only if it is a home area club.

Not worth getting into a conflict with a PL.


avatar for Nidan111
5 yrs ago

A seat is only yours if you are sitting in it. Thus, gather your shit, tip your hat, smile, move on. Pride is overrated.

avatar for doctorevil
5 yrs ago

The last time this happened to me, I was at a club with two strippers OTC from another club. I went to take a piss, came back, and found a guy sitting at my table in my seat with my two strippers. https://tuscl.net/discussion.php?id=68797 I sure as shit wasnt' going to pick up my stuff and move on.

avatar for dr_lee
5 yrs ago

I’ve had more trouble with dancers sitting at my table than other customers. There was this one in this club in Philly one time where it was a Sunday night and virtually EMPTY and done some unearthly reason, she sat at my table when there were like 50 empty ones. And she wasn’t there to ask me for a dance. She was just being an asshole.

avatar for Icey
5 yrs ago

Unless its a reserved seat youre out of luck. But id call them out on their bitch move

avatar for trapdoor
5 yrs ago

+1 to skibum. I will always push my straw through my napkin (or use a coaster) to cover my drink. If I'm sitting at the bar, I'll notify the bartender or someone sitting next to me that I'm taking a piss and will be right back.

avatar for JohnSmith69
5 yrs ago

Like trap, I ask the waitress or bar tender to save my seat. Usually I’ve been tipping well so they are happy to oblige. But at the very least I do the napkin on the drink thing. But if some guy is willing to fight me over the seat then he can have it. Im there to get my dick wet not to have my face bashed in.

avatar for MackTruck
5 yrs ago

^^ I ain't the one gettin my face bashed in. I do the bashing

avatar for Harderlap
5 yrs ago

I have a friend who had some business size cards printed up that say “Gone to Pee”. He gave me a couple and I put it on my drink when I leave the table. He is a clever guy and had them print it on both sides.

Before the “Gone to Pee” card, I covered my drink with a beer mat or napkin when I left the table. I have been told that is a universal signal to wait staff to not pick up your drink.. Not sure how many patrons know that or care. The card is more effective. I returned to my seat once to find the card missing, but no one sitting in my place. After a few minutes a guy came over and said he saw the card, liked it, and took it on the off-chance I was gone for good. Or he had a guilty conscience when he saw me looking for the card. I told him to keep it as I had others. He bought me a beer.

avatar for Subraman
5 yrs ago

" I have been told that is a universal signal to wait staff to not pick up your drink.. Not sure how many patrons know that or care. "

I think that signal is universal, period; nearly anyone who goes to bars knows what it means. The card idea is cute. The one caveat I'd give is that whether you use the card or a napkin, don't drink the beverage you left.

avatar for rickdugan
5 yrs ago

===> "If I leave a drink with a napkin over the top and go to the bathroom; I get my seat back."

This is the universal signal to bartenders and others that someone is returning and it is what I do as well. I haven't had a real problem in years and when I did, I hovered and smoked a cigarette within inches of him until he got the fuck up.

avatar for CJKent (Banned)
CJKent (Banned)
5 yrs ago

If a “civilian/tourist” try to pull that move; take my seat when my drink and my small hardcover bible is on my table; all I would have to do is stand in front of him and open my coat to let him see my FN Browning Hi-Power Nickel plated 9x19mm tucked in my custom made black leather appendix carry holster.

~ Everything on this site should be considered a work of fiction.

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