Outdoor Sex

avatar for gSteph
We definitely need something else to talk about. I hope many tuscl’ers are writing articles or posts about something besides the virus, the response, and politics thereof. You know, strip club or sex related stuff. Here is my modest contribution – the topic of Outdoor Sex.

I don’t have decades of experience of clubbing (just been playing this for 3 years or so), to have lots of wild times to tell of, but I am blessed to have a long term marriage with an outdoorsy gal who loves getting down in the outdoors, doing the Adam and Eve thing right here, on the ground, the way god intended.

We’ve done the deed along a mountain stream, atop a 6’ diameter conifer stump, in a river while perched upon an underwater rock (only our faces above water), in our treehouse, on the shores of many a mountain pond or lake, on a huge floating log, on top of a (minor) mountain (before mountain biking the decent), and on our massage table in a remote campsite. Once while creek walking, she spotted some gnarly tree roots that, amazingly, accommodated a comfortable reclined seating position. “What do you think?” I drop my swimsuit and kicked off my sandals. As did she. Minutes later cries of joy mixed with bird song and gurgling creek noise.

What’s so great about outdoor sex?

1. It’s different, it’s outdoors. The feel of sun on your face, while a cool breeze alternates with warm breath on your sucked cock is a feeling not easily forgotten.
2. It sticks in your memory. I’m married 40 years, have shared thousands of joys. But I can only really remember the last one, the 1st one, maybe a couple others. But the outdoor times, very many of these I can recall easily, and reminisce the pleasant memory.
3. It’s exciting. Though we’re both comfortable with nudity by ourselves and with like-minded others, being caught in the act would be embarrassing. Even a slight possibility adds to the excitement.

Pro tips. Around or near water is good; depending on circumstances, all or parts might need a rinsing off. There’s nothing like diving into a cool river pool to banish the sticky. And watch out for bees. Post pleasures, there’s something in wife’s scent that attracts them. Good for laughs when remembering, but not so funny at the time.

So, what about you, done the deed in the outdoors? If so, what’s your best story? If this thread takes off, I’ll write about mine – it starts with following a beautiful bare ass for a couple of miles of trail.


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avatar for Huntsman
5 years ago
There is something about fucking outdoors with the sun shining bright and a gentle breeze through the leaves. My favorite was driving to the campsite and being all horny having been handy in the car the whole time. We got to the campsite both wanting to fuck fast. We dropped the tent out of its bag. Then we dropped our clothes because neither she nor I could wait. We hoped no one saw but also didn’t much care if they did. She was an exhibitionist anyway.
avatar for gobstopper007
5 years ago
I have a pretty isolated cabin in the mountains. Good sized deck that you cannot see at all when leaves are on trees. I think my second child was conceived there. 😎. My wife and I would go up there at least once a month for long weekend. Doesn’t count as public outdoor sex but still felt more exciting
avatar for ATACdawg
5 years ago
Anchored out in the cove behind the yacht club, my wife and I did the deed out in the cockpit under the stars.

One thing that makes it memorable us that our older daughter was conceived despite the fact that she was on the pill.

Some eggs are just too good to be wasted!
avatar for twentyfive
5 years ago
Did the deed under the boardwalk at Jones Beach in the evening one August when I was young, too much fucking sand, I don't even like to go camping, never did it again except for a few backseat encounters, and those were directed to a motel to complete the deed.
avatar for BabyDoc
5 years ago
I haven’t thought about this incident in many years. I’m sure that I’ve suppressed it because it is soooooo @juicebox-like.

There I was in North Carolina (no really it was no shit North Carolina) where I met a girl on the dance floor. An hour later we were in a trailer park (seriously, I’m not shitting you) and she led me up on top of a single-wide which had the roof covered in astro-turf (100% true). We stripped down and fucked like bunnies under the stars. Now that I remember it I loved the feel of that cool breeze across my naked ass while buried balls deep in some girl whose name I didn’t even know.

Kids today sitting in their parents’ basement should put down the electronics and go out to enjoy nature. But then again maybe it wouldn’t be the same with a blow-up doll instead of a real live (and consenting) female.
avatar for shadowcat
5 years ago
I agree about the beach. Did it there once at Long Beach Ca at night. Also did it once with my GF in the mountains around Ensenada, BC, MX during the day light. Nobody around. That was good and would have repeated.
avatar for SteveSutton
5 years ago
Never done it ... definitely a bucket list item. Thought I had a shot with a SA girl once, but didn't work out. It won't happen with my wife, so it'll remain a bucket list item till checked off ... and it will get checked off someday. Agreed the beach isn't interesting to me at all though, I hate sand on my feet let alone everywhere else.
avatar for bkkruined
5 years ago
I grew up in Alaska.
If it was warm enough, there were too many mosquitoes.
avatar for DeclineToState
5 years ago
In an outdoor jacuzzi at night, several times.
Those winding pools at some Hawaiian resorts that are landscaped with lava and natural habitat plants - in a lava cave at one of those type pools.
In a wilderness area on rolled out sleeping bags under the stars and also in a canoe in the middle of the lake in that same wilderness area (canoe did not tip over, thank God, and it was difficult to not tip).
On a small island in the middle of a lake in British Columbia.
avatar for gSteph
5 years ago
^Yeah, under the stars is great.
Once, we took turns going down on each other watching a meteor shower. Every 10 meteors we'd trade places.
avatar for Goodclubrep
5 years ago
Sex in a canoe is fucking near water!
avatar for Musterd21
5 years ago
Watch for poison ivy! Just saying!!
avatar for DeclineToState
5 years ago
-->"Agreed the beach isn't interesting to me at all though, I hate sand on my feet let alone everywhere else."

Have never done it on the beach. Where I grew up in SoCal, there was a beach community with super uptight police force. Had been making out with girlfriend on beach, no sex, we fell asleep. At 2AM, the police dept. chopper flew up and down the beach floodlighting the beach with LE officers on loudspeaker screaming get the hell off the beach you're all violating curfew. Woke us up and as the floodlights scanned and lit up the beach around us there were several couples fucking, all properly socially distanced from us. It was highly entertaining.
avatar for EastCoaster
5 years ago
While it's been several decades since I had sex outdoors, I used to do it all the time when I was a teenager -- especially before I got my drivers license at age 16 -- because as a kid living at home, being out in the woods, or by a secluded lake, at an abandoned quarry, or in the middle of a midwest cornfield was practically the only way to get any privacy with a teenage girl (also living at home). I continued to seek outdoor opportunities through my 20s or 30s, even after I got married. Most daring was probably the time my wife and I had sex in the pool at a motel in Joplin, MO. Probably had sex (in one form or another) outdoors more than 100 times. Nothing like it.
avatar for Cashman1234
5 years ago
I’ve lived close to NYC for most of my life. So, my outdoor sexual adventures were mostly in areas with houses nearby.

I met a girl at a summer party while I was in college. I had no place for us to find privacy. We played a bit in the back of my fathers Ford Fairlane, and then decided to try the nearby golf course. That worked perfectly. It was the first time I ever set foot on fancy country club turf.

After graduating college, I had a place with several buddies. I was the youngest, and had to sleep on the living room sofa. I brought a girl back, and tried fucking her in the grass - just past the end of the patio. It was kind of great until she saw rats running around about 20 feet away. It killed the outdoorsy romantic vibe!
avatar for bruceleeroy
5 years ago
Had sex on a beach in Hawaii at like 1 or 2am, wasn’t near Waikiki. Also got head on the pirates of the Caribbean at Disneyland
avatar for DeclineToState
5 years ago
^That's hilarious. Were you in the back of the boat on the Pirates ride and were there others in the boat?

I grew up in SoCal and the Adventures Through Inner Space ride was makeout central because it was dark and moved slow and had those semi surround pods that fit 2 people. Always wondered if the guys watching the security cameras got off on that or it bored them.
avatar for RiskA
5 years ago
Aaah, Disneyland...when 18 in 1976, I get kicked out & “banned for life” for getting blown by my slutty HS girl WHILE smoking a joint on the Sky Buckets. I went back once in like 1996, but they let me in. No more Sky Buckets tho.
avatar for gSteph
5 years ago
^ lol, that sounds like it's worth the cost of the ticket.
avatar for ATACdawg
5 years ago
Sounds like that must have been the "O-ticket" ride....😜
avatar for JackScott
5 years ago
I don't know if this counts as being outside but when I was a teenager in the 80's, we lived in a new housing development where new home construction went on for several years. So my friends and I were always playing on the sites pretending that the houses which were under construction was some sort of fort or battle station. After a while, the girls wanted to know where all the boys were going off to so they found their way down to the construction site also. So me and one of the neighborhood girls did it in a house that was just a skeleton and a roof. We were "inside but the house was barely complete.
avatar for gSteph
5 years ago
My wife and I were talking about this the other day.

She reminded me of the time we were doing it along side a mountain lake one time, and just as we reach maximum 'altered consciousness' our little Papillon pup start puking up its guts. All of breakfast and whatever mountain foliage he's been eating. "Who ordered the violins?" she says.
avatar for goldmongerATL
5 years ago
Does behind a dumpster outside a strip club count? Gotta love clubs with back doors.
avatar for bkkruined
5 years ago
^^^ "behind a dumpster outside a strip club count" ...

How romantic. What a way to impress a girl!!!
avatar for Icey
5 years ago
Ive had sex
behind apartment dumpsters
Parking lots
Apartment stairways
A cemetery
Church grounds
avatar for skibum609
5 years ago
Best bj ever from wife was just below the summit if Mount Jefferson in New Hampshire's white mountains.
avatar for goldmongerATL
5 years ago
The $100 made it romantic. Green was her favorite color.
avatar for wiffle shwaffle
wiffle shwaffle
5 years ago
I've never had outdoor sacks and I want to. 😭😭😭 I also want to have beach sex by the ocean. 😭
Not fair to those who have!
avatar for FishHawk
5 years ago
Waffle Waffle, let me know the next time you come down to NWF. 🤪
avatar for Longball300
5 years ago
While on hikes in the woods, roof top decks, outdoor showers of beach houses, on the beach (they don't make a blanket big enough), and TBT once in my own back yard on the picnic table at dusk. NO fencing and if any the four? neighbors on either side looked out they would have seen us going at it.
avatar for bang69
5 years ago
I don't see any thing wrong with having sex in the woods
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