
Being the "Whale" of the club. What's the experience for you?

Every woman's local ATM while in da club? How else they paying for their Boob jobs?
Tuesday, March 3, 2020 7:56 AM
Even if you only did it occasionally or even for the one time. How much better or worse was it for you than just average budget spending. I am planning on doing it BUT, while the though of being able to afford to entertained by the club's every flavor of women and EVERYONE being happy is thrilling, I grew up an intense tightwad. After all you dont go from broke to well off by being a spendthrift. So thought of blowing a lot of money on girlies all at once is both thrilling and terrifying. So share you sly dogs (and ladies) you!


  • wallanon
    4 years ago
    If it's a club you plan on going back to, just remember they'll remember.
  • IceyLoco
    4 years ago
    It depends. I like the treatment and attention it gets you. But id rather spend money on the club then girls. Get bottle service....vip treatment. The fake attention it buys doesn't do much for me. If I spend money like that on a girl its on someone I'm close to. I have my pride.
  • SirLapdancealot
    4 years ago
    I'm always budget spending. But I'm usually exclusive to a fave. I consider myself a king salmon over a whale. My idea of splurging is getting a 30 min VIP instead of my usual 2-4 dances. I don't come consider myself a tightwad. I just think whale level spending is a waste. What a whale spends in one night is the equivalent of 10+ normal visits for me. I don't see the point.
  • Subraman
    4 years ago
    I've never been an actual whale, but I've been a pseudo whale and part of a school of fish that took on a whale shape :) Pseudo whale: I often SC during the slowest part of the slowest shifts; there's times that over the few hours I'm there, no other girl except my CF has done any VIPs, and some girls haven't even gotten a lapdance. So, "pseudo whale", only by comparison -- my $300-$400 seems like a lot considering the few other customers in the place are spending like $40-$80. Such times have resulted in several of my all-time favorite experiences, from getting impossibly YMMV spoiled by my CF (I assume genuinely thrilled to have a customer who purposely filled her dead times rather than competed with other regulars), to my fave thing in the world: me, my CF, and 1-3 of her friends, all at the table pounding shots and being obnoxious. I just love being at a table filled with the hottest strippers in the place. Typically her friends know I'm not buying dances, but it's so slow they've thrown in the towel and just hang out for the cost of drinks. My whale-shape experiences: I often SC with buddies, and there are times when we hit a critical mass of 3-7 guys, may even decide to go with bottle service if there's a decent special. In any case, as a table full of guys we get attention, but there have been times where my CF is the hottest or most charming girl in the place, and several of my buddies do dances with her also. So, even though I'm not a whale personally, she can have $1000 days (again, keep in mind this is typically slowest part of the slowest dayshift) off me, and I feel like I get rewarded with crazy YMMV, front-room flirting & groping, etc., because of it Anyway, two approaches for you guys who don't have whale money, but want whale treatment. But do it with your CF, not some rando stripper, if you want the full impact
  • SirLapdancealot
    4 years ago
    ^ @Subra I'm also a slow shift PL. Plus I give massages so good that make strippers wanna smack their masseuse. At the right time this can give me up to 2 hours of whale like treatment but at most I'll just buy a drink with a few dances to follow. And I'm talking stick shifting and boner teasing the entire time. Again I don't know what more I would get and want from whale level spending.
  • Subraman
    4 years ago
    SirLap: YMMV extra mileage in the back is what you want :) For me, at the lower-touching clubs I go to, that might mean something like finger banging her in the VIP, which of course the guys who go to extras clubs laugh at. But what the hell, I'll take what I can get
  • twentyfive
    4 years ago
    I’ve been a whale a few times on a slow shift but I usually hang out with one or two gals at the clubs I go to, I generally get treated pretty well and prefer to give some of my favs money under the radar not really interested in the VIP section it’s not necessary for me.
  • SirLapdancealot
    4 years ago
    @Subra I don't seek extras ever and just like dick teasing and LDKs. This is primarily why (for me) it's very much diminishing returns for spending like a whale.
  • mark94
    4 years ago
    In my experience, consistency pays off. Going regularly, cultivating a few faves, always spending some time with each, treating them well is the sweet spot. It guarantees good treatment. No need to spend $1,000 and spread it around.
  • BAngus
    4 years ago
    From what I've seen, if word gets out that you've got 💰, you will end up feeling like 🥩 thrown into a den of 🦁. Not so bad on a 7up night. Otherwise, maybe not so good
  • IHearVoices
    4 years ago
    The one experience I've had was fun. I didn't spend any more money than usual, but everyone else spent so little I was a king in comparison. Problem...for most dancers...was that I had my preferences, which usually meant they were getting all my money. The one time I spent a lot of money (different experience)...I don't remember it that much. That tells me that spending a lot isn't the way to go.
  • Warrior15
    4 years ago
    Everytime I walk into Hong Kong in Tijuana, I feel like a whale. But so can every other US citizen holding US dollars.
  • san_jose_guy
    4 years ago
    If you are going to be seeing the girl outside, then you don't have to go overboard, which is what a whale is doing, but I still think generosity helps. And you don't need to do it very often. She will keep you busy outside. SJG
  • DenimChicken
    4 years ago
    It's all relative. To some people, spending over $200 is being a whale. To others, it isn't whale like until $2000. And up and up. To some people I can be a whale at times but whatever that's my business. I would honestly say this though - if you feel like splurging - like Subraman said, do it with your CF. Let them know you feel like making it a fun time etc. If you think you are going to throw a few hundred on the stage and spend a grand and the night will be memorable forever.....you are wrong. There is no achievement unlocked. You also don't want others to think you will always spend this much and make you a target.
  • san_jose_guy
    4 years ago
    Its relative to what the club's dancers are used to, more than to what the PL is used to. SJG
  • Papi_Chulo
    4 years ago
    I've never gone in with a mindset of "I'm gonna spend big on this visit" - I take it as the visit goes and if I'm having a good time and wanna keep having a good-time, I may spend more than I would normally do - I'm wired to get value in what I spend SC or not, and it's kinda against my nature to try and spend top-dollar so IDK if I could be at peace spending big $$$ and fully enjoying it w/o it being in the back of my value-mind. I could see it being worth it in certain circumstances - but I think I would have to have a plan in place of what it is exactly I-want/looking-for in spending-big - I usually just go as the visit evolves and don't necessarily go in w/ a plan - there's a difference b/w spending big and spending well - I think spending big in the context of spending well is probably worth it in the YOLO view of things - probably seeking out a particular dancer that really does it for you is probably the best-bang-for-the-buck vs getting w/ 75%+ of the girls in the club and spending big that way - part of the problem is that some girls see you spending big and they get greedy and try to milk it and it ruins it.
  • DeclineToState
    4 years ago
    I've never done the whale thing cited in OP's post (spending big money on lots of girls in same visit) and am unlikely to do it. Subraman's M.O. of clubbing with pals surrounded by a bunch of girls with alcohol fueled fun sounds good though. I trend toward 2 types of clubbing, which is mostly alone but sometimes with a pal: (1) hanging with my CF and its YMMV upside which I consider great, or (2) drinking and getting dances from girls that intrigue me, in other words the next CF interview.
  • rickdugan
    4 years ago
    Never have, never will. I'm perfectly happy being a dolphin for the girl I like the most and a minnow to all the rest.
  • DrStab
    4 years ago
    I would love to whale it up with a couple of ladies one day, but my financial goals haven’t been met yet.
  • Muddy
    4 years ago
    Good thread. I haven’t yet but I would love to see what’s that’s like. I would just probably whale with one or two. It would probably involve a lot of drinks and then max whatever in VIP. There are one or two instances where if I could go back I think to myself I should’ve spent more money, that was a special moment. You just gotta enjoy those, that’s what moneys for right
  • JamesSD
    4 years ago
    I'm a budget spender but I see how the whales get treated. There's often drama between the girls over whales who aren't committed to one girl. You'll watch different girls throw themselves at him while he lightly gropes each before making his selection. Doesn't seem like a bad life, but you gotta keep paying to keep it up.
  • skibum609
    4 years ago
    One day many years ago (80's) a buddy and I saw two drug dealers get grabbed by the cops. One ran, but we noticed he fumbled with his pants and threw something behind the radiator in the men's room (Rockighma Park Thouroughbred track). I stood guard, buddy fished it out and lo and behold one-half ounce of almost totally uncut cocaine. $1400 street value if sold as is, but cut it and $3,000 - $4,000 was reasonable. We went to a strip club and gave it away to the dancers. Did two gum numbers each and gave therest away in exchange for lap dances in the open as this was pre-champagne room days around here. Felt great because it was found money, but I'd never do that with money I won gambling or worked for.
  • Cashman1234
    4 years ago
    If you are going to spend like a whale, you should be sure the club offers what you want. I’m a filthy extras perv, and I can get all I want by just spending an average amount. I was at a filthy club one night, and a big fat guy was being a whale. He was still in his suit - and his minions were around him - egging him on. He had his 7 series BMW parked out front - on the street. He kept throwing money at a dancer who I fucked ITC many times before (for next to nothing). He finally got the dancer to blow him in his BMW.
  • Fun_Loving_Fella
    4 years ago
    Sounds like the size of the man is directly proportional to the wallet size needed to get whale treatment
  • DeclineToState
    4 years ago
    -->@JamesSD: "I see how the whales get treated. There's often drama between the girls over whales who aren't committed to one girl. You'll watch different girls throw themselves at him while he lightly gropes each before making his selection." Money is an incredible deodorant.
  • JamesSD
    4 years ago
    Cashman, you're absolutely right that if you act like a whale girls will expect you to pay like a whale. If you've got $10,000, she's not going to want to bang for $300. If you've shown her you only have $200, well, depending on the day and her mood that might be enough.
  • MackTruck
    4 years ago
    I was flopping like a fish out of water
  • Cristobal
    4 years ago
    I have two whale stories: A young muscian type was alone at a VIP table at one of favorite topless bars, he had a few bottle, they brought him about $1000 in singles, it was early as a few dancers partied with him. I was standing right next to his booth watching the entire club, the dancers with him would take a drink with him, lapdance then leave, while a few stayed a little longer. One of dancers was sitting on the booth and some her tips would fall to the ground but she did notice, so I picked up about $10 and handed it to her, the Whale saw this and bought me a drink and later invited me to hang at his table and told me to tip the girls with his money. I hung out at his table for about an hour but I did not use his money, plenty more dancers stopped by but for amount of money he was spending he was getting low mileage. The only advantage I saw was at this club there are about 5 dancers who only go to the VIP booths and I had the opportunity to play with a few of these but still not worth the premium paid. Spend your money how you want to, for me I like to enjoy spending my money but I do like wasting it, as much as he spent I would get much higher mileage for a fraction of the money spent.
  • Cashman1234
    4 years ago
    Cristobal - that is a good example of a guy spending like a whale - but not getting good value for the money. I think some guys like showing off - and over spending for attention. It might be similar to guys who make it rain? It’s more to show off - than anything else.
  • Cristobal
    4 years ago
    Spend your money however you want but to me showing off and over compensating in the club is pretty wasteful.
  • Nidan111
    4 years ago
    I have been such a couple times. Each time was simply because it turned out that way. When there are several girls who seem to be having fun together, laughing, drinking and flirting with flare, I tend to gravitate into the crowd and just begin contributing. Those are the only times that I will become a whale. If the girls seem to be “competing”, I’m not interested in becoming such. When they are having fun together, then the night becomes very enjoyable.
  • Assmanjoe
    4 years ago
    The only time ive been what i would consider a true whale was about three months ago. Wound up spending just under $1000, which is my record for one sitting by far. I went at a slow time not expecting much and really “hit it off” with a dancer whos just my type and i had never met before. We got pretty drunk and i spent about 7 hours with her, another record for me. My whale experience got me two 15-min vip sessions with one truly epic full release the second time, me and my new favorite dancer nice and drunk (not a cheap task), literally hours of boner play and great, interesting convo, god knows how many ultra high mileage lds (7-ish?), atm fees (d’oh!) and hours worth of singles for the other dancers and bartenders. she also fed me at the end of the night (which i may have paid for too lol i was pretty drunk by then). It was a ton of money- i dont make that much - and very irresponsible on my part but you know what? Ive gone back to see her a few times since, am always able to negotiate good prices, still have a fucking blast with her, took her out for dinner and drinks once and theres now real potential for a netflix and chill scenario with my favorite stripper soooo...money well spent imo. Not about to do that again anytime soon or maybe ever but from a YOLO perspective - totally worth it. That was the best day i had had in a long, long time and for what i got, not a bad value. In a situation like that, where both parties are happy and get what they want, “being a whale” aint so bad.
  • wallanon
    4 years ago
    "Not about to do that again anytime soon or maybe ever but from a YOLO perspective - totally worth it." Wouldn't disagree with this. If you can look at a situation and shrug the cost off as YOLO, that's when you're getting the most out of the hobby. If you're sweating what you're spending, stop spending.
  • Cashman1234
    4 years ago
    Sounds like a great time Assmanjoe. Glad you enjoyed your night. That is one of those unexpected great times - and a great memory too!
  • Assmanjoe
    4 years ago
    @wallanon - im good at shrugging lol when i realized i was spending too much with her i reined it in @cashman - it really was man. At one point i thought maybe she slipped me a molly or something i was having so much fun lol. I ruled that out pretty quickly afterwards though. Some of these chicks are really world class at their job.
  • Player11
    4 years ago
    They will flock to whale. They know at some point whale run out of money.
  • Papi_Chulo
    4 years ago
    My M.O. kinda doesn't match whale-behavior: + I'm a variety guy vs sticking w/ just one girl - when the $$$ is spread out it seems to kinda somewhat dilute the whale-ness although you can still get a good amount of attention if you don't turn down most girls and if it's a club/shift where there aren't many dances being sold o/w + never been a big drinker thus have usually shied away from spending my funds on lots of drinks (have never bought a bottle) - I'll buy a drink for a dancer or two on a visit but I'm not a big drink-buyer in the club + I try to avoid over-spending on things SC or not, thus spending north of $500 on a visit starts to put me on edge i.e. I would have to purposely go in w/ a different whale mindset and plan for a visit/experience different than my normal M.O. - might be worth experiencing once to see if it was worth it (I've had 3 maybe 4 visits over the years where I have spent b/w $700 and $900 but it was just mainly getting w/ a whole bunch of different dancers over a long visit)
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