what's your longest TIME you stayed at a strip club at once?

avatar for Estafador
No, not how much money you spent in a particular time, simply what's the longest time you've ever stayed at a strip club during one visit. 1 hour, several hours, all day, several days (yes that includes going there immediately after they close and reopen) the following day. Small breaks like a quick smoke break or dinner break (going to get a bite/smoke then IMMEDIATELY coming back) doesn't count against you.

Boy I can only image the perfect combination of constant rotating 8-10s, PLENTY of dough AFTER all my expenses are paid and enough weed can make a man last a good long while.


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avatar for skibum609
5 years ago
2011. My buddies and I arrived at the Inner Room, after golfing on trhe west coast at 3:00 p.m.. When we went to leave at 9, some people we knew showed up. We stayed until closing and then I topped it off with getting stoopped by the police for going 65 in a 30. Excluding the 45 minutes with the police we spent 10 hours there.
avatar for DeclineToState
5 years ago
A little over 5 hours is my longest uninterrupted, and that happened once. My uninterrupted visits are typically around 3 hours.
OT: Have many times done 5 total club hours with long midterm dinner break, that's my favorite way to do it. First catch end of day shift/early night shift when it's low hustle - drink and hang out and get dances. Go to dinner, have a great meal, drink some more. Then back to club for more fun with beautiful women, hopefully club not a sausagefest, but if it is that's when being a YMMV regular can be a big positive.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
5 years ago
About 8 hours at Follies on my first visit there (it was a Saturday) - arrived early-afternoon around 1pm and stayed till about 9pm - me liking variety and Follies having so many dancers and so many different type dancers, I was consistently entertained and actually had to force myself to leave the club after 8-hours.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
5 years ago
^ it helped that Folllies has a decent free buffet in the late-afternoons so I was able to fuel-up
avatar for THE CHAINDOG
5 years ago
I stay until I have seen the full rotation of dancers.
avatar for BitCoinHodler
5 years ago
I once stayed at Desires in Providence RI for like 6 hours. It's a regulars club to the extreme and they have free food plus pretty good drink deals so I went there to watch some nfl games. Entire time I was there no dancer approached me.
avatar for rickdugan
5 years ago
Maybe 7 hours at Pandoras in Dallas. I was having so much fun doing shots with butt naked strippers that, next thing I knew, it was an hour before closing and my large bottle of Royal Crown was dead.
avatar for Subraman
5 years ago
"Boy I can only image the perfect combination of constant rotating 8-10s, PLENTY of dough AFTER all my expenses are paid and enough weed can make a man last a good long while."

I've posted about my longest trip before, but now can't remember the details perfectly anymore! But, it was exactly the opposite of the situation above -- my long trips are always because of a single ATF, and they're affordable because she gives me such favorable treatment, not because I bring so much $. I've definitely had a few trips where I showed up at the beginning of her shift, hung out with her the entire shift, and the particular ATF I'm thinking of, I'd then drive her to the ferry building afterwards. During the trip I'd do a few VIPs with her, including one with extras (these monster trips were with a particular ATF at a "light extras" club), and she'd hang out with me whenever she was between customers.

My longest trip overall was around 12 hours, but that was SC hopping with a buddy of mine, we hit 4 different clubs
avatar for GoVikings
5 years ago
3 hours and some change
avatar for bigman226
5 years ago
2006, Sensations in NJ, I arrived around 430 & stayed until last call at 130am. Never been to a club that had different themed nights that could keep a club above 80-100% full all week long
avatar for shadowcat
5 years ago
Magicrat and myself have done several 12 hour days at the old Columbia SC Platinum Plus. Good times.
avatar for Kudabra
5 years ago
12 hours. Was picking up a buddy from the airport and it got delayed so I stayed at the club the whole time. Day was slow so bonded with a hot chick the whole time. She pulled a double shift so she came by often to keep me company.
avatar for joker44
5 years ago
One day I alternated between two close-by clubs during afternoon dayshift; broke for dinner and drinks [this man does not live only on T&A]; then return for nightshift. Neither club required additional cover for re-entering at night.

Maybe seven to eight hours total. Enough for me

avatar for Cristobal
5 years ago
@papi_chulo likes to SCs are bizarro world and during my first few visits to Satin Topless in COI, I thought I was there an hour or 90 minutes but it would be 3 or 4 hours.

But my longest stay was my first visit to Synn COI, 6 hours, just could not get enough of all the naked beauties (and I did not know extras existed).
avatar for wallanon
5 years ago
I was at a club one time from about 9 at night until sometime around 5 or 6 am.
avatar for Cashman1234
5 years ago
I think one Easter Sunday - I spent 8 hours at a club. I left Easter dinner, after having several drinks, and went directly to a filthy extras club. I found a spot at the bar and proceeded to drink the bar dry.

I think I fucked two Brazilian dancers that night, but it could have been two goats, as I didn’t have a clue where I was. I remember the lights being turned on, at closing time, but that’s all I can recall. Although, I may have passed out in VIP.
avatar for SirLapdancealot
5 years ago
I'm guessing my longest is maybe 4-5 hrs. I used to obsess about getting dances with who I thought was the absolute hottest in the club. And I mean turn down dance offers from strippers I knew were hot but for me it was my thing to get dances from as close to a perfect 10 that was in the club at the time. As such, I've waited up to 2 hours just stage tipping and hanging out until that hottie became available, then I'd get a few hours with her and leave after around 4-5. This wasn't often but it's happened more than once in the past. Nowadays I am more efficient with my time and how I go after my hottie, so I'm rarely at the club for more than 2 hours.
avatar for FLOrange
5 years ago
Seeing as I’ve only been to a SC once the longest I’ve been at one is 4 hours.
avatar for san_jose_guy
5 years ago
Spend my money and leave, see girls I want outside.

At least that should be the objective.

But when I was married there were time I was at our local bikini bars for many hours.

avatar for IHearVoices
5 years ago
The first time I went to Follies, I got there around 6:15 and stayed until the club closed...and then went right back at 12:15 the next afternoon and stayed until 6:45.

Most of my Follies visits are at least 7 hours. I get there around noon and by the time I get anything near my fill, it's already 3 - and anyone who knows Atlanta can easily explain why it's better to stay in the club than deal with that traffic.

I have several 7-8 hour trips to Tootsies too, mainly on the strength of watching UFC events and then staying until the club closed or a time close to it. I still want to stay at Tootsies from open to close once, which would be 18 hours. It'd take a perfect storm of events for me to even try, but it's possible. It'd have to be a Saturday with college football and UFC, that's for sure.
avatar for junglejim221
5 years ago
Probably 8ish hours at the Rhino in Las Vegas. Went in about 10 or 11pm and when the manager walked me out the door to the limo the morning sunlight blinded me.
avatar for TheeOSU
5 years ago
Probably no more than 4 hours and that would have been years ago.
avatar for Muddy
5 years ago
Most probably 5 hours that was early on though when I was more fascinated by the whole thing.
avatar for GGCx2
5 years ago
6 or 7 hours straight. I had nowhere to go and time flew by for real.
avatar for jacej
5 years ago
Probably about 4-5 hours, but I've done almost an entire day of clubbing before where went to 3 different clubs in a row spending 2-4+ hours at each one. Tiring but fun. And expensive. Really expensive. Good thing I don't do that very often.
avatar for Longball300
5 years ago
Aboot 12 hours; morning golf with buddies, to Flight Club for lunch ~1pm so we could stop at a few places before checking into our hotel later in the afternoon....... oops, dinner time, ate again........ whoa, night shift girls....... did not leave until about 1am.
avatar for DandyDan
5 years ago
I remember one time I was in a club for 8 hours. I spent a very large amount of time chatting with one of the dancers and another chunk of time just sitting on the couch staring into space too tired to even get up and leave.
avatar for Dolfan
5 years ago
I've done a few 8-10 hour stints. Some have been Subra style, where I just spent time with a fave her entire shift at a local club. Some have been with buddies in Vegas. A few have been just random strippers.
avatar for rl27
5 years ago
Longest one time one visit at a club, about 4 hours, entered the club at 10:00 PM and left around 2:00 AM.
Longest time two visits same club, same day 7 1/2 hours. Entered at 12:30 lunch time, left at 5:00 PM. Ate dinner, came back at 8:00 PM, left at around 11:PM
avatar for NJBalla
5 years ago
^Funny for my first 5 years of clubbing I felt wierd clubbing at the same place more than twice a month leading me to alternate my favorite club with a subpar club. Then one day the bartender joked that there were some regulars that would come in twice per day. That started my habit of clubbing once per week at the same place for a while.

Ive never spent more than 2 hours, but I have club hopped for 4-5 hours before.
avatar for goldmongerATL
5 years ago
Deliberately maybe 6 hours.

I once accidentally stayed at a club for about 11 hours. I was a newbie and some hard core sales guys took me to a club after we played golf. Got there around 4 PM. I could not keep up with these guys drinking wise. Somewhere around 8 PM ( I vaguely remember shift change) I fell asleep (I refuse to call it passing out) against the wall in a bench seat. Apparently it became a game with my friends and the dancers to see how long I would sleep. My friends eventually left me in the care of their favorite girls. When they turned on the lights at like 3 AM to close that woke me up. I got a cheer from the staff. Nothing missing in the days before cell phones. Took a piss and drove home.
avatar for Jascoi
5 years ago
i’m guiltily of leaving too early sometimes
avatar for McNaffles
5 years ago
I did 8 hours in Cheetahs Vegas back in the day, 1990s. I most remember the sunlight completely dazzling me and welcoming me back to the real world. Must have been a good night, but it was only Dances-LD-Shots-Chat ... rinse and repeat probably a dozen times and with an ATF who graciously extended her shift past 4am.
Better was a 6 hour visit at a dive club. Somehow time got to stand still and me and the 4 girls left at closing treated ourselves to a lock-in. Technically it was a no alcohol club. Happily that was overlooked on that occasion. A super-entertaining front room session followed. Sadly, the vibe snapped when a BF turned-up and started kicking the back door down. We were still good for another couple of hours apart from that. Sigh!
avatar for reverendhornibastard
5 years ago
Probably between 6 - 7 hours.

Usually a “productive” visit only lasts 2 - 3 hours. The longer visits usually occur when I just can’t seem to get the attention I want from the ladies I prefer so I end up hanging around longer.
avatar for Clubber
5 years ago
Used to spend about 5 hours with my ATF. From when I went to the club after work till her shift was over and we would go get something to eat.
avatar for gammanu95
5 years ago
Back when I travelled for work, I would stay for multiple shifts to see as many dancers and as much variety as possible. I think Follies was a particularly long one, definitely over six hours. However, the original Pure Platinum in Oakwood Park is in second place. From about 2PM to 11PM or so for nine hours of debauchery, only leaving so early since I had needed to check in to my hotel. The hangover at the next morning's meeting was hell. The followup visit to Pure Platinum at Solid Gold (after the original PP closed, and before they closed the original SG in OP) is definitely the record-holder, with I don't know how fucking long. It was after my business in Miami was concluded, and I was driving home to Fort Myers, so I got there at 4PM and left after 2. Concidentally, all three are the rare occasion that I had a dream of a happy ending, so clearly my ability to amke bad decisions can be clearly correlated with the amount of time I spend in a club and the amount of alcohol that waitstaff provides me.
avatar for Clubber
5 years ago

Yep, business trips were good IF the area had decent clubs.
avatar for Piggie
5 years ago
One trip to upland to tropical lei, I was there 5 days straight, all night shift from 7 pm to closed, I commented to a regular dancer, I'm here more than you, she laughed.
avatar for TxVegas
5 years ago
I am guessing around 7-8 hours. At a bachelor party in Vegas in the 1990s, we went around 11PM two days in a row and left with the sun being out. The clubs were CrazyHorse II and Olympic Gardens. I remember one of the group called the Burning morning sun in your eyes God’s flashlight.
avatar for rane1234
5 years ago
Was in this racist club in flint waiting all day for a dance...usually bounce if not approached on 15 minutes. PL levels were high that night think I was making a stand or something and was still a rookie little of both.
avatar for gammanu95
5 years ago
Atlanta, Phoenix, and Miami/Ft. Lauderdale were my three largest customers. I had another large customer in Orlando, which fucking sucked. I had to make the drive to Cocoa Beach when there. IRC was amongst my shortest club stays. Went once and it was crowded with too many PLs, too few dancers, and not very attractive ones at that. Phoenix was fine, but shitty commuting. That's why I never clubbed much while there or in Atlanta. I had to try Follie's, though, LOL. I also bid on a lot of contracts in Detroit, LOL, but never had the network that far away to make it happen.
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