TUSCL Feature Requests

avatar for founder
Well, I ain't got much to do. What are some features you would like to see on tuscl? Give me some suggestions. Also, if any of you are designers, send me a mock up if you want.


last comment
avatar for doctorevil
5 years ago
I would like to see the club/places count come back. Also, I liked the top 40 lists. Finally, would like to see the club ethnicity listed again.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
5 years ago
^ 👍
avatar for Papi_Chulo
5 years ago

Glad to hear/read Founder is well and keeping TUSCL running thru these times (he had not posted for a while)
avatar for SirLapdancealot
5 years ago
A "mute" picture function would be great.
avatar for twentyfive
5 years ago
I requested a PL stimulus package can that be done founder ? 😄
avatar for DeclineToState
5 years ago
^I'd like clubs to re-open so I can get my package stimulated.
avatar for gammanu95
5 years ago
Yes, mute the pictures. I find the gratuitous nudity in all of these avatars to be inappropriate and offensive. All of these bared breasts and bottoms have no place on our urbane and cultured site.
avatar for SirLapdancealot
5 years ago
@gamma LOL for the record I want to mute the dick pics and tranny pics that some of our male PLs like to put up for some reason.
avatar for Huntsman
5 years ago
I’d agree on bringing the dancer directory back.
avatar for wallanon
5 years ago
Having a publish-by-vote feature for articles similar to reviews would be helpful.
avatar for Liwet
5 years ago
These are just in a random order.

* Can we get easier access to a club's discussion page? <a href="https://tuscl.net/discussion.p…

* Don't archive the comment sections of photos. <a href="https://tuscl.net/discussion.p…

* A better "Start a Discussion" link at the top of the discussion page. <a href="https://tuscl.net/discussion.p…

* More discussion posts per page. <a href="https://tuscl.net/discussion.p…

* Merge VIP and Verified Members boards. I don't see the point of having them be separate. All I see the need for is the political board, a TJ board, and a board for general posts. Only reason for the VIP stuff is due to lack of moderation.

* Put a 24-hour hold on all published reviews to give them time to get rated (reviews don't need to be instant). If they have more negative ratings than positive after 24 hours, automatically reject them. If they have more positive than negative but they have a specific number of negative ratings, have it sent to you for final approval (habitual down voters will become more visible to you).

* With unpublished reviews (I haven't actually looked at them in awhile), let us see how many reviews the person has written to judge if the account is a shill or not.

* Make daily reviews free to see (if they aren't already). <a href="https://tuscl.net/discussion.p…

* Night mode. <a href="https://tuscl.net/discussion.p…

* Fix the glossary (I'll rewrite the whole thing for you if you tell me how to bold text).

That's all I can think of.
avatar for joker44
5 years ago
Upvote for dancer directory. Not as useful for me in my home area but I appreciate how useful it is to other members.

Bring back posting date/time stamps on Comments list. Similar to member's Discussion post list.

All Discussion tab lists posts from all 'groups' together. On this page'Start Discussion' defaults to new Front Room post with no option to create post in other group. Invites unintended posting to wrong group [meant political but posted to front room by mistake]
Any change to prevent will create a little more work on posters part. So it's a toss-up and depends on how many 'wrong group' occur now to justify change.

Personally Neutral but no objection if lots of others upvote; IOW if it useful to lots it flies; if not it dies:
* Night /dark mode -personally don't need but ok if it's an *optional* setting
* top 40 - no use to me, too out-of-sync with current club status. Okay, if lots of members feel its useful to them. If it's designed as a 'tab' just ignore clicking on it 😁
* More discussions per page: I'm neutral but okay if lots of members upvote. One way would be to shorten all ops and comments to same # of lines with 'more / expand' to view full post/comment.

avatar for shadowcat
5 years ago
Show last comment by a person that is not on your ignore list. Most of the time SJG has the last comment but I have to scroll through all of the comments to see if there are any posts prior to his that I want to read.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
5 years ago
"... Having a publish-by-vote feature for articles similar to reviews would be helpful ..."

avatar for Papi_Chulo
5 years ago
When viewing discussions in "All Discussions" view, have the option to opt out of certain groups - this gives the flexibility of viewing more than one group at a time w/o having to also view groups of no interest
avatar for SirLapdancealot
5 years ago
In order to have forum posting privileges, you must submit and have at least one approved review within the last year.
avatar for SirLapdancealot
5 years ago
^ excludes dancers.
avatar for whodey
5 years ago
I can't believe this discussion has gone on for 4+ hours without someone asking for an edit button (unless it was mentioned by someone I have on ignore). LOL I guess people have finally caught onto Founder's not so subtle hints that it will never happen.

My only suggestion at this point is to do whatever you want Founder.
avatar for CJKent (Banned)
CJKent (Banned)
5 years ago

What about those times you want people to swipe through some photos rather than go back to the album?

Just think about all the time you will be saving, like saving lives/lifetimes...
avatar for Papi_Chulo
5 years ago
There is a mismatch of a review's stats b/w the unpublished and published views - in the unpublished view, review stats (visit date, # of dancers, etc) appears at the top b/f the review; in the published-view, it appears at the bottom - they should both appear at the top that way the reader has the info going into reading the review and has some context once they start reading the review.
avatar for Daddillac
5 years ago
I would like a mapping feature.... so I know if I am driving from Atlanta to Miami what clubs are on my way without having to know each florida town. I do this with TVfoodmaps.com so I know where I am going to eat
avatar for Papi_Chulo
5 years ago
A Quick-View for the unpublished-reviews view - I am aware of your reasons for not wanting one but not having a quick-view all it does is make it harder for me to view the unpublished reviews since I still won't read unpublished reviews of clubs that don't interest me.
avatar for Hunter2019
5 years ago
The ability to be able to "Close Out" a discussion by the discussion initiator.
avatar for wallanon
5 years ago
"I would like a mapping feature.... so I know if I am driving from Atlanta to Miami what clubs are on my way without having to know each florida town. I do this with TVfoodmaps.com so I know where I am going to eat"

While not as tidy was what you're probably asking for, if you click into a spot on the map it will pull up nearby clubs. I've done that for some of the larger states where there might be one or two clubs in between the well known towns.
avatar for IfIGottaBeDamned
5 years ago
I know we have plenty to say about stripperweb.com, but the site feature I like is the link at the top of a thread that takes me to my first unread comment in that thread.
avatar for IfIGottaBeDamned
5 years ago
Also, when looking at the list of clubs in a given city, make “closest” club the default option instead of “random” order. And provide several distance options (“5 miles”, “10 miles”, “25 miles”, etc.)
avatar for IfIGottaBeDamned
5 years ago
A couple of months ago in another thread, there was some brief discussion about the large number of localities shown under each state. Often more localities listed than actual clubs in the state. There was some speculation why the change was made, but no definitive answer. Would it be possible to thin out the list? I’ve tried to use the lists while I planned some business travel but found it rather unwieldy. This sort of ties in with my previous post.
avatar for IfIGottaBeDamned
5 years ago
Along the lines of SirLapdanceAlot’s suggestion, when it comes to the photos, I would like to see my ignored list applied to the photo’s (rather than mute.)

While I enjoy the vast majority of posted photos, there are a couple of posters whose periodic photos I just don’t want to see. (If I had any hand sanitizer, I’d be cleansing my eyes...)
avatar for Papi_Chulo
5 years ago
"... A couple of months ago in another thread, there was some brief discussion about the large number of localities shown under each state. Often more localities listed than actual clubs in the state ..."

Yeah - the list of cities screen is way too-busy - it should be like in the past where only the cities w/ clubs in them are listed - then have an option in the same-screen to enter a city or zip-code to get a list of closest clubs if a particular city is not listed.
avatar for joker44
5 years ago
⬆ Just checked Kansas and Missouri city listings. Both are down to about 20 city/town listings. For MO LL only cities/town WITH clubs or suburbs of those place.
Before MO had 100+ listing including unincorporated places and those with ZERO pop.

Interesting fact: Conception, MO & nearby Conception Junction were listed as having NO NEARBY strip clubs. Considering the town names seems like a very good idea. 😁
avatar for Warrior15
5 years ago
Have a way for the dancers to post naked photos of themselves. Then an easy way for us to give them tips. They have to be hurting with the shutdown.

avatar for Nidan111
5 years ago
I would like to see either the identity of the reviewer or at least some way to determine history of the reviewer’s activity. I think it could assist in determining credibility.

I too would like to see an edit function at least for the reviews. Mainly to allow the reviewer to go back and edit if something is determined to be inaccurate or if the reviewer is requested to remove a dancer’s name that got published if it is determined to be potentially damning to said dancer. ... Or some method to allow for dancer identity to be protected after the fact.

avatar for Muddy
5 years ago
Definitely Wallanon’s article idea. We haven’t been able to write an article for about 6 months now, so I would love to see it at least back in some way.
avatar for founder
5 years ago
Working on articles first.

The edit button will be available on April 1.

avatar for SirLapdancealot
5 years ago
LMAO April 1. I can't wait.
avatar for nj_pete
5 years ago
Would like to see a return of the top 40 reviewers and the top and bottom overall rated clubs.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
5 years ago
Would like TUSCL to give an alert when the stock-market has hit the bottom
avatar for jackslash
5 years ago
I want free beer along with that edit button
avatar for GrayFox
5 years ago
Would like my membership expanded since no clubs are open in mass , conn, NJ, etc. Can't add a visit.
avatar for DrStab
5 years ago
Agree with the Fox.... we need a stimulus for the economy from Founder to extend VIP status for another month or whenever this virus is over and the clubs are open.
avatar for twentyfive
5 years ago
Just curious founder why was my comment muted?
avatar for gSteph
5 years ago
Another vote for mute ability on photos. Maybe after they were up a week or so.

Could have quite a personal gallery.
avatar for Liwet
5 years ago
Can people on our ignore list automatically be muted in threads we start?
avatar for bubba267
5 years ago
25, you should switch out your Kenny Rodgers avatar :).

founder, no suggestions at the moment, but thanks
avatar for founder
5 years ago
Liwet, that should already happen
avatar for samiel
5 years ago
I'd like to be able to delete messages again. I have a long conversation and it takes some time to load.
avatar for ThreeDollarBill
5 years ago
What technology are you using? Django? React? Angular? Something else?

I might try some concepts in my free time but given today's situation, they will may all look like boobs.
avatar for founder
5 years ago
It's all homegrown software.
avatar for twentyfive
5 years ago
Yea I guess he expired
avatar for Muddy
5 years ago
That idea warrior mentioned would be pretty transformative of the site. Pro's and con's probably but would certainly addict the dancer to TUSCL, there is no question about it.

I wonder if uploading video is possibility on here though. I'm not really too knowledgeable with programming, but that seems like it's inevitable feature at some point.
avatar for Liwet
5 years ago
Can we have rules and a moderator or two to enforce the rules?
avatar for MackTruck
5 years ago
^^^ If I were a moderator I would not only dump a load in your basement, I would also ban your ass
avatar for BAngus
5 years ago
A mute "group" feature would be nice so that all posts in a group would show as muted in the "discussion board" view.
avatar for Muddy
5 years ago
Warriors idea that’s a intriguing idea though. Times might get tough on TUSCL with all these clubs closed for who knows how long. Maybe it’d be smart to get in on a piece of the calming world? Not something I would be interested in personally but it sure would increase traffic year and lure in a fuck ton of dancers. It’s an interesting idea man.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
5 years ago
Bring back the clubs reviewed metric to a user's profile
avatar for BuckMcNutter
5 years ago
My Fav Clubs (follows) are not listed in any particular order? I believe in the past you had them listed in the order that they were recently reviewed. I liked that a lot.
avatar for Liwet
5 years ago
Can you squish some of the links on the right-hand side of the screen in the black bar area together? They don't fit my computer screen requiring it to be scrolled. Either combine the links for "unpublished reviews" and "unpublished articles" or slightly reduce the distance in between links?
avatar for MackTruck
5 years ago
^^^ If I were a moderator I would not only dump a load in your basement, I would also ban your ass
avatar for Clubber
5 years ago
TUSCL 2000! :)
avatar for Clubber
5 years ago
I mentioned this a long time ago. I assume it might be to difficult to accomplish, but I'll mention again.

When one comes on TUSCL, they are notified of their being mentioned in/on a discussion board.
avatar for joker44
5 years ago
*When one comes on TUSCL, they are notified of their being mentioned in/on a discussion board.*

founder's humorous response: 'XXX, your name has been taken in vain 7 times in discussion forums
If you're vain click *here* to see
avatar for NJBalla
5 years ago
Would love if there was a way the site organized dancer ratings for each club. It would be nice to rate or detail thier ability to perform the following (Quality of Barside talk, looks, dance quality, schedule). Note that I did not say the review would include if they perform extras. I say that as each club has a girl or two that goes above and beyond and should be rewarded with more customers. Would be a nice way to identify the ROBs as well. Each club has a few of those girls who you, if you don't do enough research beforehand, can ruin the first time for many.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
5 years ago
The "Post Your Comment" button does not need to be the width of the entire screen (this applies to different views) - at times I hit post by accident as I scroll b/c the post button is so big - it should be the size of the Publish/Reject buttons in the Unpublished Reviews view.
avatar for booji boy
booji boy
5 years ago
I can think of three things:

1. For an unpublished review, indicate via icon if the reviewer is verified
2. Ability to sort the clubs in me follows list
3. For a club in a summary view, list the last comment along with the last review

avatar for wallanon
5 years ago
Posted by NeverEnuf: Founder: We need a button to flag inappropriate comments.

Just saw some mean stupid shit comments posted on photos posted by dancer trying to drum up some business.

avatar for Papi_Chulo
5 years ago
List of publishers for articles should be listed like it is for reviews
avatar for Muddy
5 years ago
I’m just gonna add one, How about the ability to use bold and italics. I find when I’m writing I have to urge to use them a lot.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
5 years ago
^ yeah - being able to have different fonts (even different colors and underline), would be nice
avatar for Muddy
5 years ago
Yeah definitely. And I don’t even know if it’s possible but I wonder if we would be able to post photos right here in our posts. Instead of having a link to it.
avatar for Eve
5 years ago
On the topic of bold and italics, I've been wanting to point out the Founder that if BBCode or HTML was something that could be utilized in posts (for those of us that like more decorative or organized looking text or format), that would make me a happy woman.
avatar for wallanon
5 years ago
On my phone I am seeing three icons now in the upper right. On the message icon, the number of new messages is scaled very small now. I can read it, but imagine that others might not be able to.
avatar for mark94
5 years ago
Top 40
avatar for Hank Moody
Hank Moody
5 years ago
I like the ❤️ for follows. Thanks Founder.

And Wall, nice humblebrag that you have unread messages and people like you. 😁
avatar for Papi_Chulo
5 years ago
The heart looks a little gay for a site mostly of dudes - it should be something like an arrow
avatar for IfIGottaBeDamned
5 years ago
Founder: Are there any plans to sort the “follows”? i.e. Random, Alphabetically, Distance, Last Seen, etc.
avatar for Frankcastle
5 years ago
Just want to say I like the new update. Especially being able to sort favorites by most recent review.
avatar for wallanon
5 years ago
Is anyone else seeing threads with last comments from March mixed in with today's updated threads?
avatar for founder
5 years ago
That's a bug
avatar for Clubber
5 years ago

Social distance your code!
avatar for jacej
5 years ago
A feature I'd like to see would be a way to mute/suppress pictures in the photo gallery. I don't want to see any dick pics, so if there's a way to keep those pics out of my feed, that would be nice. And if there is a way to undo an accidental pic mute/suppression, that would be good also just in case of user error (or second thoughts) after having muted a pic of a hot chick.
avatar for jacej
5 years ago
Oh - I see that SirLapDanceaLot suggested the same thing. Well, then I second his request.
avatar for ime
5 years ago
How about a snooze feauture, so instead of just ignoring someone, you just kind of do a partial ignore for like 30 days and then you see there posts again.
avatar for founder
5 years ago
We already have that ime. It's called unignoring.

avatar for ime
5 years ago
I guess it would be automated unignore
avatar for founder
5 years ago
lol... you're on lockdown.. you got nothing else to do. go back and forth between ignoring and unignoring SJG. Won't make any difference since he's on SEVERE lockdown somewhere.

avatar for ime
5 years ago
Its just a suggestion
avatar for founder
5 years ago
And not a bad one. I may implement it
avatar for wallanon
5 years ago
How much work would it be to add a bookmark on individual posts? Sometimes I do find myself wanting to track down something I'd read on one thread when reminded of it later.
avatar for wallanon
5 years ago
I know this isn't a "bug" thread, but the first thread I found to report bugs is from 2007 and locked (anyone remember someyoungguy? He was the last commenter on that one).

When I look at reviews on an Android phone this error is showing up: "__get attempted to read non-existing property entity::listing::Sticker"
avatar for Cashman1234
5 years ago
Since SJG stopped monopolizing discussions - the site has improved tremendously!

I see no new features needed at this time.

Since I’m not clubbing right now (due to covid closings) - I’m only using the discussions and photos.
avatar for misterorange
5 years ago
Founder - One thing I would like to point out is that including "counties" in the strip club browsing feature is somewhat of a road block to searching. For example, if I wanted to look up clubs in a particular city, I click on "United States" and then on the "State" where the city is located. But then I get a list of "counties." I have no idea what county my target city is located in. It would be better (and I think it used to be this way before) if choosing a state just gave an alphabetical list of towns and cities. Just a thought.
avatar for founder
5 years ago
Thanks. Will get that fixed
avatar for Musterd21
5 years ago
Keep up the good work! This is a good site!
avatar for Oliver_Clothesoff_66
5 years ago
Maybe bring back the search box? Other than that agree with Musterd21 above^^. Thanks.
avatar for orionsmith
5 years ago
When I enlarge text on the iPad it would be really nice if the side block on the right in black with topics etc did not enlarge as well and take almost half the screen.
avatar for orionsmith
5 years ago
A way to minimize the side block so it's not in the way would be nice.
avatar for wallanon
5 years ago
When an article is rejected with the "not an original article" option selected, that should send a notice to Founder/others with mod permissions to make them aware that something was borrowed from elsewhere and passed off as original content.

Example of copied content as a published TUSCL article: https://tuscl.net/article.php?…
avatar for Garfield84
5 years ago
I just want the top 10
Strip clubs in the United States and world back. That’s how I found out about Phoenix Hi-Liter club and Indiana’s brad bass. Not to mention Hong Kong constantly being no.1
avatar for gobstopper007
5 years ago
How about increasing size of title space. That way the title can say it all
avatar for wallanon
5 years ago
At the moment I can't see any profiles other than the account I log on with.

Was trying to message somebody and can't get to their profile. Tried a couple of other profiles and the same thing happened. It goes back to the TUSCL main page instead of a profile page.
avatar for wallanon
5 years ago
More info.

"https://tuscl.net/member.php?i…" works.

"https://tuscl.net/author.php?i…" returns to the main page. This is the link that users click through from the discussion forums.
avatar for wallanon
5 years ago
More info. 2nd try.

"/member.php?id=" works.

"/author.php?id=" leads back to the main page. This is the link from the discussion forums to get to user profiles.
avatar for founder
5 years ago
This should be fixed wallanon, thanks for posting.
avatar for 79terrier
5 years ago
How about a simple way to pull up new unread reviews of the club s in my favorite list, rather than having to go through all of each days reviews.
avatar for 623
5 years ago
At least there is no shortage of things ppl want to see .....

Add my vote to the “top 40” feature
avatar for TxVegas
5 years ago
Add my vote for the top 40 or top 100 coming back. That included clubs in all three categories and some review counts for the customers as well. I always found those entertaining, even if they were not always accurate. It was something else to look at and did give me ideas on clubs. You still need to read reviews.
avatar for Dolfan
5 years ago
If you're still listening, maybe something to remember preferences? Examples would include the sort order in My Bookmarks. It always defaults to Random order, I always want to see it in Most Recent Review order. It would also be useful if that option also included any Discussions comments in that Club's forum. Just a way to note clubs I'm interested in and see new stuff posted about them.
avatar for PutaTester
5 years ago
I miss the direct links to club websites.
Also the ethnicity of the majority of the girls: Black, Latin, White, Asian.
avatar for TheeOSU
5 years ago
Too many posts to read the whole thing. Did someone mention the haphazard order of reviews?
If not someone as now. 🤪

re: today's reviews, ATM in order there are 2 TX, 2 NC, 1 OK, then other TX reviews.
It would be easier to find what you're looking for if they were alphabetical by state and cities in said states like it used to be.
avatar for TheeOSU
5 years ago
"has now"
avatar for Papi_Chulo
5 years ago
^ yeah - I had noticed that also over the last couple of days - since there were only a handful of reviews, not a big deal - but having them in alphabetical order as b/f is better IMO - seems they are currently being displayed in the order they are published.
avatar for founder
5 years ago
The new layout will allow you to see reviews from a certain area (from State level on down to neighborhoods) sorted by date. It's pretty slick.

avatar for CowTime
5 years ago
Hi Founder,

Not a feature request, but a bug report. It appears in the club listing page, the "Most Recent Reviews" sort order is not working correctly. For example,

Try order it by "Most Recent Reviews", the end result seems kinda random (definitely not ordered by "Most Recent Reviews")
avatar for gobstopper007
5 years ago
How about a one month ban for anyone posting political crap in forum other than the political one? Only partially kidding
avatar for Eve
5 years ago
Seemed to have found a bug when it comes to approving/rejecting reviews. No matter what I click, a message will pop up saying "unable to load review". There is a long list of reviews that haven't been published yet, and a good number of them are duplicates.

I attempted this on the computer, my phone, and different browsers just to make sure it wasn't just me.
avatar for founder
5 years ago
That should be fixed Eve, thanks

avatar for JustDude
5 years ago
Another bug to report. The sorting feature under the clubs within a state seems to be miss-sorting when you use "Most Recent Review" but looks to work as intended on the others. Tried on phone and computer with different browsers.

I also noticed from my phone that your one-free view before signing in doesn't seem to function as it used to. Might be intentional? Not sure that I'll be able to get into clubs with COVID going long before my membership lapses again, so being able to check at least one club is helpful...
avatar for skinnywhiteboy
5 years ago
Regional discussion boards. I live in Washington ST so there's little I can offer to anyone asking a specific question about a club in Atlanta
avatar for shanny72
5 years ago
Not sure if mentioned yet bc no way I'm reading all that, but I'd really like to see the sort by most recent review work properly again
avatar for Lone_Wolf
5 years ago
Pin a note at the top of the screen which expresses outrage over the death of George Floyd and the need for justice.

That way us folks can just reference the note "note4" instead of having to write two paragraphs of platitudes before we talk about it.
avatar for wallanon
5 years ago
Barney says he wants avatars when looking at lists of articles.

avatar for wallanon
5 years ago
Something unexpected happened when I tried to put a web address inside parentheses in a discussion forum post. The right parenthesis was added to the web address instead of displaying as text in the discussion post.


avatar for the mighty quinn
the mighty quinn
5 years ago
I'd be thrilled to have the ability to delete things that I have posted.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
5 years ago

The counts in a TUSCLer's profile are no longer listed (i.e. # of reviews, # of listings, # of comments, etc) - it'd be nice to have to those back
avatar for greengate
5 years ago
avatar for rick33
5 years ago
How about post covid ratings/rankings so old world isnt mixed with new world..
avatar for Techman
5 years ago
# of reviews is helpful in establishing the credibility of the reviewer.
Sort by recent review.
Map view is necessary.
avatar for rickdugan
5 years ago
I like the new functionality of the site overall. My only complaint is that the sidebars are so wide that they compress the content area too much. It take forever to scroll down comments or reviews.
avatar for mikeym
5 years ago
Annual awards such as Gold, Silver, and Bronze stars for whoever contributes the most to the website.

Lifetime achievement awards for past contributions such as papi, shadowcat, and wallanon.
avatar for Uprightcitizen
5 years ago
A link on the homepage for the classic PL question of "Have you seen my favorite dancer?" Type in the stage name of favorite dancer in the box and it produces a message (random) response like...

1) She is busy with me right now. Give me a few minutes while she finishes up.
2) She is having a baby and is looking for the father.
3) She became a nun.
4) She heard you were stalking her and is hiding.
5) etc.

avatar for Muddy
5 years ago
Maybe something I’ve seen on other sites where you can upload photos, memes and GIFs directly in your posts. Don’t know if it’s possible but would bring some more flavor to the DB.
avatar for Subraman
5 years ago
Did we lose our link that lets us go to the LAST response in a thread, right from the front page? Super super useful, would love it back (or someone tell me if it's still there)
avatar for loper
5 years ago
1. An edit button (just kidding)
2. There seems to be a bug where clicking on a photo just brings up a blank page. New bug today.
avatar for Jascoi
5 years ago
it is a work in progress.
avatar for Jascoi
5 years ago
in progress since 199x whatever

(founder. you have done excellent.)
avatar for wallanon
5 years ago
Unpublished reviews and articles links are not working from the menu on the mobile site.
avatar for Muddy
5 years ago
Maybe the ability to use a little bit longer gifs. I think that would be cool and benefit longball big time too.
avatar for Frankie Jay
Frankie Jay
5 years ago
I'd like if the photo section wasn't Google image searchable. I pulled down my pictures because I didn't want someone to search my name and get the free pictures here that I was charging for on onlyfans.
avatar for nicespice
5 years ago
A translate feature. Idk how possible it would be but try to attract the blue collar Mexican crowd?
avatar for IfIGottaBeDamned
4 years ago
Sorry to bump an old thread, but…

@Founder: +1 on the Feature Request to extend the “Ignore” function to posted photos.

I greatly appreciate photos posted by most users. But for a small number of users, I’d much rather not view their postings.
avatar for Michigan
4 years ago
I concur with the previous poster.
avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
4 years ago
Yeah ... it's not a bad idea.
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
4 years ago
People you block to not be able to post on your threads.
avatar for skibum609
4 years ago
^wah. Not reading too hard for you?
avatar for SirLapdancealot
4 years ago
"People you block to not be able to post on your threads."

^^^ This makes zero sense unless you're the type to read posts from someone you've ignored.

If you have someone on ignore already then you won't see what they've posted in your threads. DUH!
avatar for gSteph
4 years ago
1 also like the ignore pictures idea.
avatar for san_jose_guy
4 years ago
Founder, this is an awesome forum!

I think a fast menu option to get directly to your own profile would help. Often you want to find your threads and comments, to see if anyone has responded.

avatar for founder
4 years ago
All noted

Welcome back, sjg
avatar for san_jose_guy
4 years ago
Also, think for putting the post id's back on the post URL's. And your "more..." way of getting the id number is good.

Only other way I can think of is in a post you put a link graphic, then if someone clicks on it, it takes them to that post, and the full url goes into their browser window. That way they can copy it to the clip board to past it in another post which will refer to it.

But very good having those post id's in the URL again.

Tyler Cowan

He talks about a future where porn, video games, and virtual reality merge.

I love it, and I am going to be a part of it, especially photographing the women and selecting their slut uniforms.

This is the only place in the world I know where I can say that. Even online, for most people, "porn" is still a dirty word and talk about sex still needs to be very constrained. And f2f it is even worse.

TUSCL is the only place where I feel I can speak freely.

avatar for san_jose_guy
4 years ago
I didn't have the exact quote in front of me:

from Tyler Cowen, Average is Over

"Before long, video games, virtual reality, and pornography will merge into new forms of immersive experiences that will be more and more compelling."

Quoted in Andrew Yang's, The War on Normal People, 2018

Where else except TUSCL can I voice my support of this?

For myself, mechanical sex gadgets are not that interesting, nor is anything which would substitute for real sex with real women. Not interested in WAIFUs.

For me, the issue is laying out a sexual aesthetic, and then realizing it with real partners.

avatar for joker44
4 years ago
Feature request: Ability to mark MULTIPLE of your photos and delete them.
+1 on ignore extended to photo posts
avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
4 years ago
I suggest the following with a great degree of trepidation ...

I'd like to be able to tag other users when I comment. But, users should also be able to ban other users from tagging them. Because whenever a new feature gets rolled out here, typically the first thing that happens is someone tries to weaponize that feature. I think that this feature would be useful (especially in comments to reviews) to most, but instantly abused by others.
avatar for six300s
4 years ago
Adding to what SkinnyWhiteBoy said "Regional discussion boards. I live in Washington ST so there's little I can offer to anyone asking a specific question about a club in Atlanta"

I have no idea what COUNTY I live in, let alone the county I am visiting. So I would rather see it by "major city" I also would love to see a grouping on the discussion board (or maybe a search) that would let me look at a state, so I know where I should or should not be going when I am out of town.
avatar for san_jose_guy
4 years ago
It would seem that it would help to have an alphabetical listing of dancer member handles. That way if one maybe has seen a handle from clicking on a front page photo, but does not have the spelling right, they could go to that alphabetical listing and probably find it.


Tag Line Suggesting: No law against pumping loads into women, or against giving them money!

Robin Trower, Hannah
avatar for loper
4 years ago
An edit button! (Maybe if I keep asking ........?)
avatar for wallanon
4 years ago
Add tags to discussion forum posts and photos to make them easier to search and categorize. Search by clicking on tags.
avatar for nicespice
4 years ago
One idea: whenever somebody comments on a club review, there is a little symbol, or the post itself is colored, or otherwise marked in some way to indicate whether the commenter has ever previously reviewed the same club.

Just so that when reviewers/reviews get criticized, may be easier for some to gain perspective of the ignorance they are dealing with.
avatar for Dolfan
4 years ago
^ Like it, but maybe reviewed the club recently is better than ever. In the last 18 months maybe?
avatar for nicespice
4 years ago
^I agree
avatar for san_jose_guy
4 years ago
How about condom reviews. I asked about this a long time ago. Who better to convince guys to use condoms than boisterous TUSCL mongers?

We know that TUSCL has tremendous socially redeeming value. How about letting everyone else see this.

avatar for Dolfan
4 years ago
Another bump in a long thread, but how about indicating the city and or state of a club in the forum name area for the club specific forums. As it is now, if someone posts in a "Spearmint Rhino" forum it's not obvious on the front page which one it's about. Not that it's all that hard to click through to read it but I'd think the experience would be enhanced knowing it on the front page. I'm much more likely to be interested in a thread about my local Rhino than the COI one for example.
avatar for twentyfive
4 years ago
@founder I'm not sure if this is the cause but since you allowed these old threads to be opened the site has slowed down considerably, it seems to take forever for threads to load, and many of these threads have hundreds of posts dating back several years, Hide removes the thread from your feed but overall the site is becoming extremely slow and cumbersome to use.
avatar for san_jose_guy
4 years ago
Twentyfive, open old threads are how we get topical diversity and some order. Otherwise it is just like drunks in a bar, and people starting new threads anytime they want to say anything. I limit myself to one new thread for every 100 posts of my own.

Founder, remember tag lines:

Where the men are PL's and so are the women

Where the minimum income is $350k per year

Where condoms are reviewed by experts who fuck strippers 4 at a time

avatar for 623
4 years ago
I just want to read the reviews of each day without having to click dozens of times. (Like before)
avatar for rentz2
4 years ago
Able to see all reviews expanded when you go to reviews. It's helpful when searching on the page.
avatar for wallanon
3 years ago
Would be nice to select multiple threads to hide at a time. Or maybe to hide all threads ever started by one user at the same time? But it's easy enough to hide them one at a time as they get bumped. Not a biggie.

It's funny when an account is banned before we can hide all their spam threads. Or maybe it's just efficiency?
avatar for CandymanOfProvidence
3 years ago
Collapsible comments in the thread, maybe have a default at login whether to show the thread in collapsed mode (nothing but username, posting time, and maybe a few words).

With a bit more effort, a comment tree similar what is done in sites like reddit.

Emojis / gifs at the ready for the text entry of comments.

avatar for CandymanOfProvidence
3 years ago
One note about the edit button, if attempted:
there should be a time limit for editing after initial posting, otherwise a whole comment could be edited at an arbitrary future time to the point of disrupting the flow of following comments.
avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
If people gain the ability to lock down threads, then anyone who still has something to say will just make their own thread. TUSCL is best when threads are open for reuse.

The future of strip clubs is in the Private Party Membership Club model.

Best if in listing and reviews their was a designation for such venues and the ability to search for only these.


The Kinks - Till the End of the Day (1965) I like the images of the old cars in the beginning

70's Soul - Al Green, Commodores, Smokey Robinson, Tower Of Power and more
avatar for TheeOSU
3 years ago

Nobody here, or anywhere online for that matter, cares about what you have to say, try saying it to the people using the bridge above your box.
avatar for wallanon
3 years ago
I looked up this thread so I could add a suggestion I'd already written lol.

"Add tags to discussion forum posts and photos to make them easier to search and categorize."

Having the threads be a little more searchable would be a nice feature. If you could limit a search by time that would also help (past year, 2020, etc).
avatar for georgmicrodong
3 years ago
@SJG: "If people gain the ability to lock down threads, then anyone who still has something to say will just make their own thread. TUSCL is best when threads are open for reuse."

Prove it. You make this claim repeatedly, and repeatedly fail to show any evidence at all supporting it.
avatar for wallanon
2 years ago
Have a new Top 40 metric that shows Top 40 users with the most threads hidden (and the total count for all the times their threads were hidden). Suggestion, if a user posts one thread that is hidden 10 times, that should count as 10 not 1.
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
2 years ago
A way to report fake reviews
avatar for Dolfan
2 years ago
^ That's not a bad idea, I still favor the Thumbs up/Thumbs down kinda thing and a way to sort or filter based on those ratings though. The same could be used for threads in the discussion boards, at least to hide threads with multiple thumbs down votes.
avatar for wallanon
2 years ago
There isn't a way to vote up or down on an entire thread. That would also be a great feature.
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
2 years ago
I like a thumbs up thumbs down option on reviews but it would be abused by many on here
avatar for BubbleYum
2 years ago
Not really a new feature, but is it possible to stop allowing extras dancers to be named in reviews? It seriously puts girls in danger.
avatar for Dolfan
2 years ago
Is it possible to add review comments to my feed for clubs I have bookmarked? Today if someone posts a new review in a club it shows in my feed. But if someone makes a new comment on that review I don't see it.

Similarly, if it's not already that way, it would be nice to see discussion comments that that clubs discussion board in the feed too.
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