From her: "yeah, that was okay." "I hear doggie style increases my chances of having a boy." "that's weird. I have an Aunt Bronywn that lives in Poughkeepsie as well." From him: "Would you mind waiting outside for your Uber?"
My doctor is going to be pissed when I tell him about this. He told me not to have any sexual contact under any circumstances until he get's the test results back to see if this is contagious. I should probably give you his card so you can make an appointment if you start to experience any symptoms.
last commentHer> is that it/are you finished already
Guy: I already did
Still catching our breath, looked over to see our wide eyed 2 year old toddler.
"yeah, that was okay."
"I hear doggie style increases my chances of having a boy."
"that's weird. I have an Aunt Bronywn that lives in Poughkeepsie as well."
From him:
"Would you mind waiting outside for your Uber?"
A) Ask your mom !
Call 911........I'm dying...........touched............real human flesh...............panic attack............[unintelligible]…
Soo....what's your name again?
We won't be doing THAT again!
Me - "I *am* in"
Talk about a performance-killer
Please, inhale deeply from this cloth rag [soaked with chloroform]
After the second time we had sex me and my ATF stop using condoms, because we were engaged (she would refer time as her fiancé)
Does this smell like chloroform to you?
But to really kill it “I should have saved my money, and jerked off instead. It would have been much more enjoyable.”