
Bay Area lockdown = No new SJG posts

Adventures of Assjobman
Thursday, March 19, 2020 6:02 PM
Sirlapdancealot was the first to point it out in another thread. But ever since 6 San Francisco Bay area counties (now 7 with the addition of Solano county) went to shelter in place status beginning Tuesday at 12:01, we've had no new posts from SJG. Some of us have joked that he must get his internet from public locations, which is why his posting times are always during the same daily window. With this series of events however it just about confirms it. Libraries closed, colleges closed, any institutions with public internet access closed. Which leads me to assume this guy doesn't even have a simple smartphone with a data plan, let alone home internet access. How the fuck is he supposed to run an entire sex cult without a fucking phone?!?! All I know is, it's kinda nice to be able to scroll down the list of topics without having to hit mute. Or seeing a shitload of muted topics to scroll past. And not one silly ass 'buying dances is a chumps game' post. I can't wait till this whole lockdown status is over, but at the very least that is one good part of it. Pales in comparison to the best part of this, which is no traffic going to work and coming home. So far the lockdown is scheduled to end on April 7th. If that does happen I'm sure there will be a very anxious guy waiting outside the San Jose public library on that day.


  • PaulDrake
    4 years ago
    While I do agree this absolutely confirms the theory. I bet he will find some free WiFi in a week or so.
  • TheeOSU
    4 years ago
    "Bay Area lockdown = No new SJG posts" Best news I've seen this year! 👍 👍 👍 👍
  • Subraman
    4 years ago
    " How the fuck is he supposed to run an entire sex cult without a fucking phone?!?!" I'm afraid this is all my fault, I had to hock his phone to afford the Takis
  • joker44
    4 years ago
    😲 absence even more dramatic affect on board than I imagined. really SEE home much space it takes up on a discussion page. even when on mute/ ignore
  • ime
    4 years ago
    Its a Wuhan Flu miracle. All we needed was a pandemic, to shut that jerkoff up for a while.
  • Subraman
    4 years ago
    I am shocked he has not hacked into his neighbor's wifi. SJG, the password is 12345
  • IceyLoco
    4 years ago
    All of Cali has been ordered to stay home
  • pistola
    4 years ago
    Hopefully he has sprayed his privacy wall with Lysol. But man, the boards are much more pleasant to read.
  • SirLapdancealot
    4 years ago
    Called it. 😎
  • Papi_Chulo
    4 years ago
    Maybe he's in a secret-location fighting Covid-19
  • Mate27
    4 years ago
    Well , his privacy wall must be tight if he’s using the public library’s tools. However, Lloyd Schoene will go down in history as the best persona of SJG.
  • gSteph
    4 years ago
    Even the darkest cloud has a silver lining. Celebrate what you can, endure what you must.
  • blahblahblah23
    4 years ago
  • Subraman
    4 years ago
    I see my mistake now. I told SJG his neighbor's wifi password so he could get back online, but he can't get back online to see how to get online! Quite a sticky wicket. I want to assure you all that in SJG's absence, his organization will be safe in my caring and competent hands.
  • twentyfive
    4 years ago
    ^ Just send him a PM that should do the trick 😁
  • SirLapdancealot
    4 years ago
    @Subra you're just the organization's treasurer and you squandered the treasury for some hot Takis. I don't see how you can be trusted.
  • DeclineToState
    4 years ago
    He sold the bag and used the $1 to lay at the rail. So selfish.
  • SirLapdancealot
    4 years ago
  • DeclineToState
    4 years ago
    The last post of he who shall not be named was 4 days ago (had to un-Ignore him to discern that). Just think if he never returned. Would we bemoan his absence like we occasionally do shailynn and his assumed alter ego Mamisan?
  • joker44
    4 years ago
    😁 a whole 'industry' has emerged on TUSCL dedicated to reacting to, mocking, or explaining this fictional persona. Members spend time entertaining each other creating bio backstories based on accepting everything its author wrote as 'gospel', sort of like fans of soap opera or 'reality' show characters do on social media. Absent SJG's distracting posts we'll be 'forced' to focus more on strip club topics and political 'discussions'. Still, they'll always be a fresh crop of 'posers' and outright trolls to distract us. 😁
  • wiffle shwaffle
    4 years ago
    Thank fucking God. 👏👏👏👏
  • Fun_Loving_Fella
    4 years ago
    > Would we bemoan his absence No because [view link] will still be around
  • joker44
    4 years ago
    Silence is Golden But............. [view link] T-Shirt for It Who Must Not Be Named...................Pass the chloroform, please
  • SirLapdancealot
    4 years ago
    .......... I'm with Sleepy ->
  • NJBalla
    4 years ago
    Lol great minds think a like, i just commented that in the mute thread. I think we all need to start a gofundme and get SJG one of these houses to get through the tough times.... [view link]
  • Muddy
    4 years ago
    It's rather nice. If txtittyfag could get deleted. I don't see why SJG can't. If you took of vote of any single living organism that's interacted with this site in someway. They would instantly all vote to ban that lunatic. It wouldn't just be a plurality, majority or would be hands down unanimous. He's a cancer to any new member coming here. People don't know who's who when they first check it out. They see that crap and get the fuck outta dodge.
  • PaulDrake
    4 years ago
    @Muddy - Founder has a soft spot for SJG so I don't think he is going to ban him. I think our best chance is the 2% that the coronavirus takes him out. Maybe it's 3-4% for the homeless.
  • Mate27
    4 years ago
    SJG’s underlying health condition is his insanity. He probably contracted the virus from an attempted FRMOS before the lockdown went in effect.
  • Cashman1234
    4 years ago
    I’m guessing once they reopen public libraries is SJG will return with a vengeance. He will have weeks of drivel stored up in his tiny brain, that must be unleashed on us. His first post denying his use of public internet will be a comical and delusional depiction of taking his organization underground because he views this virus as a poorly veiled attempt at government stomping all over our civil rights, and attempting to out his organization before it can get off the ground.
  • Subraman
    4 years ago
    Out of curiosity, has DC/CC also disappeared at the same time?
  • TFP
    4 years ago
    Lol yes he has but he hadn't been posting with the same regularity as he did in the past anyway.
  • Hank Moody
    4 years ago
    I’m amazed so few people have him on ignore. I haven’t read a post of his in 5+ years. Blissfully ignorant of whatever he posts.
  • nicespice
    4 years ago
    —>“Out of curiosity, has DC/CC also disappeared at the same time?” He’s probably out partying and having unprotected sex like the rest of those darn millennials not taking this seriously.
  • Mate27
    4 years ago
    ^^ I don’t think he’s old enough to be a millennial, more like a Gen Z. College boy who spent his allowance on hookers seems to be too young for Millenials.
  • nicespice
    4 years ago
    Hmm yeah, in CC’s case the cut off is borderline and changes depending on who the demographer is. [view link] Either way, I wasn’t being serious. 😝
  • Mate27
    4 years ago
    Yeah, I was just typing out my inner commentary, nothing to take serious like being a blah blah blah alias.
  • nicespice
    4 years ago
  • MackTruck
    4 years ago
    expand_more 😝
  • Roadworrier
    4 years ago
    LOL This thread is hysterical. Actually no one else is posting much either (I just finally tossed off two last reviews) but SJG's absence is deafening.
  • Fun_Loving_Fella
    4 years ago
    > Out of curiosity, has DC/CC also disappeared at the same time? That’s a very interesting observation. I would have thought that the DC character would still have internet access during this crisis
  • SirLapdancealot
    4 years ago
    CC99's last post was on March 14. san_jose_creep's was on March 16.
  • Subraman
    4 years ago
    And Icey comes and goes, but he's gone too currently? I notice the 3 of them often have entire threads where it's just the three of them talking. Maybe they're all at testosterone lifeboat forums?
  • PaulDrake
    4 years ago
    You know before all of this I never fully bought the idea that SJG was really homeless. But now that it's been 2.5 weeks it seems hard to dispute.
  • skibum609
    4 years ago
    They're all the same person Subra. Anyone consider Corona got him?
  • san_jose_guy_
    4 years ago
    I havent gone anywhere guys. Im right here. Front room makeout sessions are where its! With few details on coronavirus cases, Bay Area homeless outreach workers worry [view link] SJG_
  • Subraman
    4 years ago
    "They're all the same person Subra. Anyone consider Corona got him?" Ski, a couple of other considerations. I may have dreamed it, but I could have sworn nicespice told me she'd video called CC, and whoever she conferenced with was very young. SJG definitely told me in private messaging a while back, how "important" icey was to the group. Given icey's total tin ear to actual street culture, plus the devolving to hysterical feminist progressive, there is definitely someone unstable behind him/her
  • Fun_Loving_Fella
    4 years ago
    The dramatic reduction in posts by DC doesn’t align with the character he plays. He should have more time to post, not less. IceyLoco posting less makes more sense since he can’t post while sitting around between SC drug deals. He has already logged in this month though, so he’s still around
  • TFP
    4 years ago
    @PaulDrake I didn't believe the homeless part either. I guess it does rule out my wild guesses of mental institution or jail though since I don't think anything has changed in those places. 2 and a half weeks you'd think he would have at least sprung for some home internet or something for a month and then just cancel the service. Comcast and other cable companies in the Bay area still do home service even though they probably shouldn't. SLD was probably right about that also lol. Do you think SJG will come back and act like nothing happened after the shelter in place and act like nothing happened? It's been extended to May 3rd out here so we've got a while.
  • twentyfive
    4 years ago
    I don’t get why y’all are so interested but hey I guess this is as good a drama as any
  • nicespice
    4 years ago
    —>“but I could have sworn nicespice told me she'd video called CC, and whoever she conferenced with was very young.” Yep, it was one time on Snapchat. I probably could try to message CC, but at this point he will probably block me if he hasn’t already. And sad for Shailynn. Returns back to the board briefly but leaves again. I wonder if he’s disappointed SJG is done.
  • nicespice
    4 years ago
    *SJG is gone I meant
  • Papi_Chulo
    4 years ago
    Could be that for w/e reason SJG only TUSCLed while at work and for w/e reason had that flexibility but now can't bc of shelter-in-place?
  • TheeOSU
    4 years ago
    "disappointed SJG is done." "*SJG is gone I meant" You meant gone but I prefer done. ⚰️ ☠️
  • datinman
    4 years ago
    I envision him sitting alone at some Spahn Ranch type location waiting for the girls he forced to FRMOS for tips to arrive to join his organization, and waiting, and waiting...
  • gSteph
    4 years ago
    Every cloud has a silver lining.
  • joker44
    4 years ago
    Wondered who would break the Wallanon rule = 'DON'T TALK ABOUT SJG NOW THAT HE'S GONE' PaulDrake is the winner of the bored and frustrated PL of the day prize. 😁 Papi makes a good point about SJG NOT posting from home. Several years ago SJG posted several topic about using vpns and other ways to anonymize & mask UR location & identity. Lots of his subsequent post are filled with paranoid trait indicators. Someone so excessively concerned with protection from "external threats" might take steps most of us wouldn't to post on TUSCL.
  • TFP
    4 years ago
    Well Joker since the rule is broken and I am also bored, why do YOU think he would take such steps as not posting from home to avoid being 'exposed'? Someone who acts in that fashion to me is usually doing something illegal or is positive they are being watched by some authoritative figure. But I guess that would be 'normal' reasons why. You mentioned paranoia which it very well might be. And I guess I gotta remember that the dude is off his rocker, judging from both the contents of his posts and the sheer volume of them. Papi might be right about him not wanting to post from home but I highly doubt he was making all those posts at work during breaks or down time. If he had time for all that while working then he has the greatest job in the world. Or the dumbest employer ever. Or he has a privacy wall so great that even his employer doesn't know what he's browsing and how long he does it all day I highly doubt this entire last paragraph. I'm leaning closer to homeless dude who surfs library internet all day. Or lives with mom, who has no internet and he can't afford any himself.
  • TFP
    4 years ago
    Oh and @Twentyfive you're right, I kinda like drama. So you know I've been entertained by both this thread about SJG and your ongoing argument with Dugan in the other thread. Good stuff, although it's kinda turning into a broken record now. Still, I just read and enjoy.
  • twentyfive
    4 years ago
    ^ Dugan is starting to get boring as well. another guy with nothing interesting or positive to say.
  • joker44
    4 years ago
    TFP: "You mentioned paranoia which it very well might be. And I guess I gotta remember that the dude is off his rocker, judging from both the contents of his posts and the sheer volume of them." Actually, being clinically paranoid = being *way* off your rocker in everyday terms. Or to put it another way, Trump, as a mixed antisocial-narcissistic character disorder IS still better organized than a paranoid disorder. If Trump were to start functioning like SJG does in his posts then that would signal that Trump's antisocial-narcissistic disorder is no longer functioning successfully. If and when that happens we're all in big trouble. TFP, you make some good points. As to paranoia etc I'll say more later. From my viewpoint: It's still an open question as to how much the personality of SJG's author IS THE
  • joker44
    4 years ago
    *IS THE SAME AS the persona of SJG on TUSCL. I see malicious troll behavior on TUSCL from SJG's author: sealioning and wall of gibberish among others Being a malicious troll DOES NOT exclude being psychologically disordered too. The SJG TUSCL persona is a very good character representation of a one time narcissistic that has broken down [decompensated] to the level of paranoid disorder functioning. The question still remains how close does the SJG TUSCL persona represent the daily functioning of its author??
  • NJBalla
    4 years ago
    @Papi, at first I couldnt comprehend why someone would have more flexibility at work to post a novel on TUSCL than at home, but perhaps SJG has a wife that doesnt put up with any nonsense at home. Poor SJG might not be homeless at all, but his wife might have fed her ex-husband to the a tiger and now SJG is now forced to take care of her 50 tigers among other duties. Could this be SJG? [view link]
  • Cristobal
    4 years ago
    Whether he is real or a persona, homeless or in his mom's basement without WiFi TUSCL is not the same without him.
  • Papi_Chulo
    4 years ago
    Also, when SJG was posting, perhaps his job's hours were at night vs regular 9-to-5?
  • Papi_Chulo
    4 years ago
    ^ i.e. perhaps he's free during the day to post but at work at night?
  • joker44
    4 years ago
    ^ Papi ✔ I wrote the following before I saw your posts So all you bored TUSCLers put your thinking caps on TFP & others with experience in the vast collective hive of companies and services that feed and support the Internet and the devices we use to connect -- from corporate IT dept to ISPs etc So all you bored TUSCLers put your thinking caps on I assume SJG works somewhere in that vast support network. Where could that be? That's beyond my area of expertise. Calling all TUSCL IT/system engineers etc Parameters: [to my knowledge] SJG generally posts between 11am and 5pm PT. But he's sometimes posted past 5pm PT but not beyond 7pm PT. Sometimes he's only started posting after Noon or even 1pm PT There's always been a weekly cycle. I can't remember him ever posting something SEVEN days in a row. When he first stated posting [ mid 2014] it was strictly M-F. Then he began posting on SAT but with one weekday where he didn't post at all. Occasionally, he's posted on both SAT and SUN though again with at least one weekday skipped and maybe a shorter posting time on another day. Collectively, you guys know more about the positions available in this vast structure than I do. Part-time / full time Employee / independent contractor self-employed in own company shift work office job / mobile worker / on-call I'm sure there are other possibilities. Where does/did he live? Recently he commented on posts about door-to-door solicitation. In them he mentions opening his *front door* to them. Also a front yard --posting signs? Threatening to call the police. etc IF YOU BELIEVE SJG's posts accurately reflects his author's situation, where might he live. It doesn't have to be in San Jose or even Santa Clara Co, author just has to be very familiar with them for authenticity. Lloyd Schoene - SJG's author can just as easily as another TUSCL member have googled san jose guy and found poor Lloyd's Linked-In page, then used the moniker on TUSCL anyway. A cover if someone else googled it. Paranoid individuals can be very sneaky & devious; it's okay to do this to protect yourself from your *enemies* Consider whether SJG's author left his home for "safer" rural digs before lockdown and he doesn't have his elaborate computer protections available. Maybe he was hospitalized, not necessarily COVID-related. Just because you're a troll and psychologically disordered doesn't exempt you from serious medical disorders. Some ideas already mentioned are worth keeping on the TUSCL 'whiteboard' We're brainstorming not writing the definitive explanation. After all, he COULD BE a homeless divorced man whose life was ruined by his marriage. Props to SLD then. But Insufficient info to say it must be so.
  • Uprightcitizen
    4 years ago
    Joker is fast becoming the new SJG
  • joker44
    4 years ago
    ⬆ Ya think so doc freud? I can't imagine aspiring to such greatness. I may be compulsive but I'm nowhere near as paranoid😁 And I just don't have as tragic and compelling a life story😁 Start a secret org? At 70+ I'm just trying to organize my daily life😁
  • Uprightcitizen
    4 years ago
    SLD is our resident psychologist so I could never take that honor. Not as paranoid? Not so sure about that my friend. But yes you actually go to strip clubs so you are clearly not on the dregs of life like our resident king of fools.
  • NJBalla
    4 years ago
    @joker I had to scroll up to confirm it was you on the long post instead of SJG, keep building up your stamina to have conversations with him in july. My only critique is you should include random links to news articles and jazz songs
  • joker44
    4 years ago
    ⬆ "Not as paranoid? Not so sure about that my friend." BUT I AM SURE! [BIAS] 😁 How's that for an SJG rigid, defensive "I am always right' type post....nah need more practice. NJB: Yikes, it is loooooong! Wrote in text editor and posted. Wall of text.............scared me. Jeez, NJB you want fucking links too? Having a 'conversation' w/ SJG is like beating your head against a brick wall. URC & NJB - proposal: you guys contribute to the Where In The World Could SJG work and live contest AND I'll ask my analyst about my paranoid traits and diarrhea of words. Deal?
    4 years ago
    Great point
  • Uprightcitizen
    4 years ago
    How can I argue with that?
  • Cristobal
    4 years ago
    Wow, still no posts from the Organization's founder. I hope the Corona Virus is not impeding The Organization's establishment.
  • IceyLoco
    4 years ago
    I feel like tipping a 40 for the fallen. I miss SJGs posts. #frmos then arriba
  • Mate27
    4 years ago
    ^^ such a silly nigga!
  • TFP
    4 years ago
    Wow talk about reviving threads from the dead. Funny to see me state the lockdown was scheduled to be over in April. Meanwhile 7 months later here we are in CA with a lot of businesses and indoor entertainment still closed or operating at less than half capacity. But SJG is still gone and it's great around these parts.
  • PaulDrake
    4 years ago
    It's weird to me to think about all of this in retrospect. SirLDalot was dead right about SJG, he was just a crazy homeless dude who got on the internet at the public library every day.
  • IceyLoco
    4 years ago
    That's not true.
  • Cristobal
    4 years ago
    @TFP SJG occasionally provided fun discussions, the ranting and raving was fun. It only took a worldwide pandemic to stop his postíng and while he might be occasionally missed there plenty of trolls to mess up the discussion board and enough political discussions to confuse newbies into thinking they logged into a political website rather than a strip club site.
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