
Comments by DeclineToState (page 20)

  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    New York
    Mute Function
    -->@TFP: "where did anyone in this thread suggest that muting SJG is the best option?" I hereby suggesting muting and ignoring are both excellent options. #CAPSLOCK
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    This is the age-appropriate girl for me
    She's 66 years old, for crying out loud. She looks amazing, excess makeup or not.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Depraved Deacon of Degeneracy
    Hormonal Inequality
    ^Consider getting desplooginated. It might replenish your humor bank.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Should a regular expect physical contact before a lap dance?
    -->@PSD: "the other side of the coin is, why do I have to do that stuff, I want to enjoy our conversation without having to entertain, is that expecting too much?" No, not expecting too much. But it depends on the regular. Some of the folks posting above dig the touchy feely in the main room while chatting with the fave. Me, I approach it like georgemicrodong - I don't seek it or require it in the main room, I'm all good with waiting for the VIP fun I know from experience as a regular will occur when we do dances or room.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Cave Creek, Arizona
    Brokered Democratic Convention
    -->"only a total loser would think New York Bloomberg will get any republican votes from Trump supporters." True that Bloomberg won't get votes from Trump supporters. But in a general election, he will get votes from registered Republicans that aren't Trump supporters, especially ones that wouldn't consider voting for Sanders or Warren but would consider voting for a moderate Democrat.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    The best thing about Donald Trump is:
    . . . when he misplaces his phone and can’t tweet stupid shit.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    Baywatch star Yasmine Bleeth, 51, takes her dog for a walk
    ^AnonymousJim ceased posting a few months ago. Hopefully he'll return to finish his contest
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    Mostly Hot Girls. Low Mileage Dances Downstairs. Mileage Higher Upstairs But So Are Prices.
    ^PM sent
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Anywhere there are Titties.
    Why do you come to the TUSCL site. ?
    -->"So if you fuck the robot 730 times a year..." Please say you're joking.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Which state / city has the best bang for your buck?
    Yes, the tuscl mantra - if you're anywhere in SoCal, get the hell down to the border and cross into TJ. Must be experienced to be believed. And the spas there are damn good too.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    I give in to sin because you have to make this life livable
    TJ (Mongering) Hiatus
    ^Or maybe your 37,378 posts have worn you out. Just kidding. But that's quite a lot of posting and educating.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Which state / city has the best bang for your buck?
    In Northern California, best mileage (though without private rooms and the extras opportunities that rooms provide) for reasonable price in VIP chairs is the clubs in Rancho Cordova, which is a suburb of Sacramento. Read tahoecruz's reviews. You can get mileage and some extras at some of San Francisco's divier clubs, but it's gonna cost you. In Southern California, the undisputed winner is City of Industry clubs. High mileage and extras aplenty. Give Portland, OR a shot. Good mileage in VIP, but not really extras friendly. And the FN clubs serve alcohol. No experience with remainder of USA regions. Posts on board address high mileage in some Detroit region clubs, Providence RI clubs, some Florida regions, and some Atlanta clubs.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Anywhere there are Titties.
    Why do you come to the TUSCL site. ?
    Commenced clubbing consistently in 2017. First SC excursions were in 1980s in late high school / early college (pre-21 years old), back when it was possible as a teenager to get served alcohol in bars without ID, and could enter and get served alcohol in SCs without ID if I rolled in with the older guys I worked on construction crew with while putting self through college - gotta love the 1980s - I lament my current middle age but the 1980s were fun as hell, and I lament for the younger generation that didn't get to experience the lax law enforcement that accompanied the 1980s - sorry guys. Still remember the hot and sensual brunette spinner I had a crush on at that club but never got dances with despite multiple visits because I didn't know dances existed (the construction guys didn't tell me, or I didn't see them getting any) - I just stage tipped like them and gazed in jaw dropped amazement at the beautiful women and their spectacular bodies. Had a 30 year hiatus from clubbing until a friend urged me to join him in 2017, which I did and was hooked - it can be quite addictive, getting up close and personal with hot bodied youth 25 years my junior. Then I started googling "strip club reviews" for my geographic area seeking intel and wasted a lot of time reading Yelp review garbage that popped up on google's 1st and 2nd pages of results. One day I got what I now consider to be a lucky break and on google page 4 (or something like that) of results, I stumbled upon tuscl, not sure why it was buried so far in the results. I came for the reviews, but ended up with a top notch mongering education thanks to the quality posts of fellow tuscl'ers (Papi, Subraman, and many others). Early on, had to temporarily wade through some misplaced nonsense (notably, the SJG FMROS stuff) but thankfully did not act on it. Have PM'd with some cool guys I've never met but would be fun to club with sometime. Have enjoyed the dancer perspective (BJ99, nicespice, etc.). Having been a newbie myself at one time, I've tried to pay it forward with intel and reviews. Have enjoyed the stories of others (reverendhornibastard, gawker's escapades, artsbrother's article about tuscl member farmerart who preceded me, etc.), jackslash's semi-regular joke posts, and the smartass wisecracks that get posted here. And with this being my 1,000th post since joining around 3 years ago, I say: -Thank you founder -Thank you fellow tuscl'ers. p.s. be nice to the girls, they're nice to have around
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Dance count conflict - what would you have done?
    announce 3 or 6 *at the outset
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Dance count conflict - what would you have done?
    Situational ethics for me, based on the $ at stake and how certain I am about the count. In OP’s scenario w dances being only $10/song (what a deal, especially if dancers 6+, I want me some o those, it ain’t that cheap where I club), I’d likely have just paid and not bothered with a hassle over $10. If dances @$25+ and I’m absolutely certain of count I would not pay the overcount, but that’s never happened because the couple times I’ve suspected overcount I’ve also had bit of a buzz going and was pretty sure but not 100% certain and paid with no tip after some mild objection (I always tip unless dances were awful). I’ve experienced undercounting more than overcounting cuz at most clubs I go to the VIP dances are sold in sets of 3, so I announce 3 or 6 at the outside. A half dozen times, dancer has said ok that’s it and I said nope that was 2 not 3 (or 5 not 6) because I was 100% certain of count and dancer has always kept going, never disputing.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    Omg ! If i keep up with my maxed out retirement accounts alone I'll retire with
    . . . . not enough to retire on.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    I'll sleep when I'm Dead...😈
    Hot Mom
    ^No, it just means you're horny for milfs
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    I'll sleep when I'm Dead...😈
    Hot Mom
    Mom's face is prettier. Mom's boobs appear to be silicon, and on that factor alone I choose daughter. But the mom is hot.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    If you kept in within a days drive or so, what is the best clubbing region IYO
    Staying within OP’s title of within a day’s drive or so: Pacific NorthWest: Portland has tons of clubs, and FN clubs serve reasonably priced alcohol (Calif = no alcohol at FN = lame). I’ve only been to a few Portland clubs, but they had solid two way contact FN VIP dances; did not experience ITC extras. Lots of hotties, many are tatted. Have never clubbed in Seattle, so can’t comment. SoCal: COI, of course. West LA: Lots of hotties at Belax and 4Play, but both expensive. And mileage too low at 4Play. I intend to venture to other West LA clubs to test drive. San Diego: Skip it unless determined to enjoy some eye candy. Very similar to San Francisco in terms of TL clubs having decent quantity of hot girls but low end mileage.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    I'll sleep when I'm Dead...😈
    Hot Mom
    OT: Longball’s avatars are outstanding.
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    Served it's purpose
    Thanks for the added detail
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    A lawyer got disbarred for using clients' funds for strip club
    -->@Random: "outside of the top 20 or so law schools, just about anyone with a pulse can get in." I think it's more dependent on the difficulty of the particular state's bar exam than the law school's ranking. Some states it's easy to pass the bar exam, and even in states with more difficult bar exam there's a lot of incompetent lawyers. But there's higher per capita quantity of incompetent ones in the easy bar exam states. To your point on law school ranking, there is higher competency coming out of the top law schools. There's also top notch lawyers deriving from lower ranked schools, just fewer on average than the top schools.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    New Hampshire Primary
    -->@skibum: "Bernie the commie, the leading progressive is neck and neck with the tween mayor of a shithole city in the Midwest. He's having trouble winning the nomination and yet you think he'll do better nationally?" My take is Bernie has little to no chance of defeating Trump in a 2020 general election. I remember one of my brothers in law, shortly post-2016 election, contending if Dems had nominated Bernie instead of Hilary, Bernie would've won in 2016. No way. And ain't gonna happen in 2020 either.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Too much of a good thing is never enough
    Dancers and pimps?
    @Ariel713, if the Icey persona you're responding to is IceyLoco, it's a troll. I have no idea what the troll is saying here because I have the troll on Ignore
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    Met a Gem!
    Amethyst’s tuscl profile w pics is here: https://tuscl.net/member.php?id=663660