Klobuchar and Buttigieg throw their support to Biden

avatar for twentyfive
Living well and enjoying my retirement
So I’m guessing it’s happening now the field is winnowing out Warren and Sanders are still battling for the progressive title, but it’s looking more and more like Biden I think another round or two and Bloomberg also supports Biden, doesn’t look like a convention fight, looks like the Democratic Party is seriously getting ready to take on Trump.


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avatar for DeclineToState
5 years ago
And both of those (Pete and Amy) angling to be the VP on the Biden ticket
avatar for twentyfive
5 years ago
^ Maybe that’s going to be a different discussion though.
avatar for rickdugan
5 years ago
===> "And both of those (Pete and Amy) angling to be the VP on the Biden ticket"

Maybe, but I don't think either one of them was enough of a threat to command that kind of concession. They were both out of money and polling so low in the Super Tuesday states that they weren't going to win many delegates anyway. Now Amy might not be such a bad choice if he's looking to shore up the female vote, but for now he's likely keeping the VP offer in his back pocket in case he needs to spend it on bigger game.

But it's far from over yet. I'm not convinced that Bloomberg is going to go away so easily. And even if he does, he could do enough harm just by sticking it out through Super Tuesday. I'm also not so easily convinced that Biden is strong enough to win head to head against Bernie.
avatar for twentyfive
5 years ago
^ I’m thinking you may be right about that VP offer, but I think the party is taking charge now, and pushing back against that crazy narrative giving everyone free everything and wants to get back in power and they know the Sanders-Warren agenda is a loser.
avatar for Icey
5 years ago
Biden = Trump light

Theyre basically supporting the status quo
avatar for rickdugan
5 years ago
^ Agreed 100% I don't doubt that the party poobahs put the screws to the weaker moderates to get out of the way and stop bleeding votes from the stronger moderates.

The only question now is whether it's too little too late. Sanders has huge polling leads over Biden in both TX and CA, which represent the lion's share of the Super Tuesday delegates. Biden also isn't polling well in NY right now and even if Bloomberg drops out there's no guarantee that all of his supporters will flock to Biden over Sanders.

Tomorrow is going to be very interesting.
avatar for rickdugan
5 years ago
That last response was to 25's comment.
avatar for twentyfive
5 years ago
^ Yes It's going to be enlightening to say the least, after tomorrow, there will be a compass point to look for.
avatar for RandomMember
5 years ago
@25: "it’s looking more and more like Biden I think another round or two and Bloomberg also supports Biden, doesn’t look like a convention fight"


That's a good point. The 538 simulations are showing that it's very likely (70% now) that nobody gets to 51% of pledged delegates. But that's not the same as a "convention fight" with super-delegates since Bloomberg, Warren, could convince their delegates to support Biden, avoiding a *second* ballot altogether.

OT, I would rank Warren, Buttigieg, Klobuchar (in that order), as being the most wonkish and most intelligent -- but all three got almost no support in South Carolina. Warren has no chance at this point and the other two are gone. So much for our meritocracy...
avatar for rickdugan
5 years ago
^ Warren never had a chance with the whole Pocahontas drama hanging around her neck like an albatross. She'd better be happy with ending her days as a Senator, because it's probably going to cost her any chance at the VP nod too.

As far as no "convention fight", if he has a plurality of delegates heading into the convention, anyone who thinks that Bernie's supporters are going to lie down quietly if he doesn't get the nomination is kidding himself. This could splinter the Democratic Party for years to come. There may be riots in Milwaukee and on some college campuses.
avatar for twentyfive
5 years ago
He doesn't have a plurality of the delegates now, with the ending of the three (Steyer, Klobuchar, &Butigieg) campaigns, I don't see that happening, especially with Warren eating at Bernie's support from the wanna be freeloaders, My hunch is best he can do going into the convention is 40-45% and I think that's unlikely,
As far as riots in Milwaukee or some college campus's I think you underestimate the desire of many to be done with Trump, my thinking is there will be an uneasy alliance at least till this guy is gone, the splintering sound you are hearing is actually the Republican Party in 2024, where the actual conservatives are sharpening their blades getting ready to wreak havoc on the RHINO's.
avatar for rickdugan
5 years ago
A plurality simply means more than any other candidate, not necessarily a majority. Klobuchar and Butigieg don't get to automatically re-direct their delegates to Biden, even if they drop out. All they have the power to do is to release their delegates. Same with Bloomberg if/when he eventually drops out, but in the meantime he is going to do a lot of damage to Biden tomorrow.

But ok, good luck. If Sanders takes a delegate haul tomorrow in big states like CA and TX, good luck convincing his rabid supporters to quietly tow the line and support an establishment type like Biden. :)
avatar for twentyfive
5 years ago
Like I said I don't think he (Sanders) has a plurality now , I somehow don't think Texas is going for a Brooklyn, Jewish Socialist, Cali maybe so at best it's a split.
avatar for rickdugan
5 years ago
Alrighty 25. We can take this back up late tomorrow night once the results are in, but as of the latest polls he had wide margins over Biden in both states. It seems that Bernie is very popular with the Hispanics. To be continued...
avatar for twentyfive
5 years ago
Sounds right
avatar for misterorange
5 years ago
For Buttigieg to win he would've needed to pull a rabbit out of a hat, but all he could do was pull a gerbil out his ass.
avatar for mark94
5 years ago
As far as 2024, voters will want to continue the successful policies of Trump but want someone with a much less confrontational style. Personally, I think a certain former Governor of Indiana would fit nicely.
avatar for twentyfive
5 years ago
^ Lol do you mean pray away the gay Mike ?
avatar for san_jose_guy
5 years ago
There are no successful Trump policies, unless you mean trying to drive us to bankruptcy and letting the rich rip off all the money.

Competing Populist Movements

Bernie and the New Populism

Super Tuesday Kicks Off as Moderate Dems Coalesce in Support of Joe Biden

‘The Nation’ Endorses Bernie Sanders and His Movement
We are proud to endorse Sanders, a democratic socialist with a program both realistic and radical enough to meet the challenges of our time.

avatar for mark94
5 years ago
The claims about Pence all trace back to a statement he made in 2000 about helping to change “ sexual behavior”. He later clarified that he meant changing promiscuous sexual behavior that contributed to the spread of HIV. He never said anything about conversion therapy or praying away the gay. Of course, he did strongly oppose same sex marriage but claims of supporting conversion therapy are not true.
avatar for san_jose_guy
5 years ago
But Pence is still an anti-abortion wacko, and a Christian Fundamentalist wacko.

avatar for Evasparkling
5 years ago
Big Ole Joe mopping the floor across Board Tonight,
avatar for Evasparkling
5 years ago
Biden won & won big tonight.
avatar for Evasparkling
5 years ago
As far as I am concerned, Sanders was the biggest loser last night. His path to the nomination is almost non-existent right now
avatar for Evasparkling
5 years ago

He’ll probably receive more trouncing before dropping out.

Wait till we get to Florida, Georgia, Mississippi, Illinois, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, New York & Washington D.C.
avatar for skibum609
5 years ago
Mark, without pathological traitors and liars there'd be no left.
avatar for twentyfive
5 years ago
From snopes the fact checking website about Pence

——->What's True
Mike Pence once supported the use of federal funding to treat people "seeking to change their sexual behavior."
What's False
Pence never stated that he supported the use of electric shocks or "gay conversion" therapy.
Fact is Pence is a fucking weirdo, won’t sit near any woman except his wife whole bunch of crazy emanating from this guy.

avatar for skibum609
5 years ago
Compared to stupid Joe Biden, the plagiarizer, Pence is God like.
avatar for twentyfive
5 years ago
^ Really wow Pence god like, that’s pretty funny 😆 😁
avatar for Musterd21
5 years ago
I would like to run for something! Or maybe from??
avatar for rickdugan
5 years ago
Biden did better than expected, but he still got his ass handed to him in California, Utah and Colorado. CA really hurts since it's going to give Bernie a delegate lead once the mail-in ballots are counted and all the delegates are awarded. So really I would call last night a split decision.
avatar for Evasparkling
5 years ago

Bernie got his ass handed to him.

He was supposed to win Texas, he lost it

He was supposed to win Massachusetts, he lost it

He was supposed to win Minnesota, he lost it

He was supposed to win Maine & he’s on course to lose it.
avatar for Evasparkling
5 years ago

The party spoke loud & clear,

Bernie got walloped in the South Eastern States,

He lost Virginia by almost 30 points,

He lost North Carolina by almost 20 points,

He lost Alabama by almost 50 points,

He lost Tennessee by almost 20 points,
avatar for Evasparkling
5 years ago

Joe Biden had momentum & was competitive across the board,

He pulled a huge upset in Texas and

He’s only running behind in California by 10 points.
avatar for twentyfive
5 years ago
^ I agree with that assessment but I would caution against thinking that the California delegate lead is going to be enough through the next phases of voting I do believe many are underestimating the desire out there to be rid of the chaos that is Trump and people are making this choice, thinking that Biden can beat the sitting president and Bernie can’t.
avatar for twentyfive
5 years ago
^ That was for Rick
avatar for Evasparkling
5 years ago

If you think Bernie underperformed, wait till we get to Wait till we get to Florida, Georgia, Mississippi, Illinois, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, New York & Washington D.C.

After then, he’all suffer embarrassing losses & retire to his socialist enclave in Vermont.
avatar for Evasparkling
5 years ago

We can all agree that the biggest loser last night was Former New York City Major Micheal Bloomberg who spent $500M in this Presidential Race only to win American Samoa.
avatar for twentyfive
5 years ago
Now Bloomberg joined Klobachar and Buttigieg and, ended his campaign, and endorsed Joe Biden
avatar for ime
5 years ago
I guess Bloomberg came up short.
avatar for san_jose_guy
5 years ago
And good riddance to Bloomberg. But will he still run in November? I say wait and see.

Bernie Sanders Wins California as Joe Biden Sweeps the South on Super Tuesday

2020 Democratic Presidential Primaries, shows current delegate counts, Biden ahead

The record turnout in VA, to me this suggests that there will be a heavier anti-Trump turnout in November, than in 2016, and probably nationwide.


CA Results, next results at 5pm

Sanders 32%
Biden 20%
Bloomberg 18%

Not winner take all, but 15% min required to get delegates. Some of the other candidates got votes, but they could have been mailed in or dropped off quite a while back.


OZZY OSBOURNE - "Mr. Crowley" 1981 (Live Video)

War Pigs, Live (I think it was Louis Armstrong who started that abstracted singing on just one note)
avatar for Hank Moody
Hank Moody
5 years ago
25 is correct. Hard to believe but there was widespread underestimating how much dems hate Trump. Votes for Biden were less about thinking he is great. He’s not. He just polls as the best dem option to beat Trump. Hard to know if he has enough to beat Trump but it should at least be better for the house and senate elections.
avatar for san_jose_guy
5 years ago
Trump getting into office is one of the closest brushes our nation has had with disintegration.

Supply Side Economics is a Fraud!

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