When is a stripper too old to make money?

avatar for docsavage
I've had girls in strip clubs tell me they think they can strip into their thirties and forties. Is this wishful thinking on their part? The strippers I've known for a long time seem to start to have their club income drop around thirty and then they start complaining about it to me. At that point they are competing with twenty year old girls who are 10 years younger. There is a noticeable difference in looks between a twenty year old and a thirty year old. The greater experience of an older stripper helps and a friendly personality helps but is that enough to offset the drop in looks?


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avatar for Bamaeight
5 years ago
Depends on what the stripper is willing to do and what her $$ expectations are.
I have seen lots of 30 year old that give better service for much better price than some 20 year old that has magical numbers in her head about what she is worth.
avatar for wallanon
5 years ago
"The greater experience of an older stripper helps and a friendly personality helps but is that enough to offset the drop in looks?"

The simple answer is yes, but not for every dancer. It sounds like there's a story here waiting to be told.
avatar for Lone_Wolf
5 years ago
When they have to resort to an intimidation or mercy hustle it is probably time to hang it up.
Although 20 year old strippers can be beautiful and sexy I have had more enjoyment from those 30 and above that are still beautiful and take care of their bodies. The ones that last that long are those that have good people skills as well as dance skills. Nothing against younger strippers I enjoy them as well. But given a choice, I’ll go with the older stripper.
I'm with FishHawk, too. I like the young ones just fine, but I've known a number of dancers in their 40s and 50s who have absolutely rockin' bodies and -- to steal a line from ZZ Top -- "they know how to use them." My CF is 46, amazing, and still makes money.

I won't give her age away, but Andrea at the Playhouse Lounge could easily pass for 20-25 years younger than she is, still has a great body, and she is one of the most sensual dancers around. She's a great kisser, too.
On avg a dancer past 30 is gonna have a harder time, they become more of a niche - there *are* PLs that actually prefer MILFs/older-women - if they still look good and have taken care of themselves they can probably still make a living off of dancing it's just that they probably wont' be able to sell dances as easily as they did in their 20s -dancing can often age dancers (late-nights/lack-of-sleep; smoking; drinking; sometimes drugs, etc) - but the ones that are naturally attractive, and take care of themselves and don't give into typical SC vices, a certain # can manage even into their early-40s - of course the odds are against them including many clubs not willing to hire them b/c of their age even if they look good enough for a certain niche of PLs.
Two clubs I've been to seem to have older women that had no problem getting attention: Playhouse Lounge and Hong Kong TJ. In my personal experience they simply give better mileage and their GFE is way more convincing than some young girl trying to pull it off.
I have known a few in their 50's who still had great bodies. At the club I most frequently visit, one of the dancers is 53 (she might be 54 by now) and as far as I am concerned, she can keep going.
avatar for wallanon
5 years ago
I was just saying to one of the TUSCLers the other day I got a dance the other week from a stripper who was probably pushing 50. She was my first ATF, back out of retirement. Ah ha, I have an idea...
avatar for boomer79
5 years ago
People don’t all age the same. Some are washed up at 30 and some may be at their best. Personal habits and the luck of the draw with genetics matter.
avatar for GoVikings
5 years ago
^Black don’t crack 👩🏾

My CF is 42 and I appreciate her professional approach, I told her many times that the younger dancers could learn a lot from her, especially about knowing your customer, I don't like the younger girls that think lap dances are similar to using a pogo stick.
boomer79 +1

To answer your question, I remember one time in a stripclub in Hollywood a older looking stripper walked off stage really mad and really upset, because everyone at the tipping rail moved away almost at the same time at the beginning of her dance....
I was thinking this was another JackSlash type of stripper joke - not a legit discussion!

I’ve been otc and itc with a 43 year old dancer for over a year. She’s the exception to most rules, as her body is fit - and she’s small (vertically challenged).

I think mid to late 30’s could be a limit for most dancers, depending on how much they show their age. Spending several nights each week in a dirty bar doesn’t help the aging process.
As a practical matter, in a strip club with attractive strippers, I think low 30s is about the max before most become niche players, as Papi says, catering to much older guys. There's clear exceptions, of course, I've met strippers in their low 30s who were still just amazingly smoking hot and pulling even young guys
Locally, I knew a few strippers who still pulled in late 20s and older customers. These strippers were in their very late 30s; one worked into her early 40s. All of them were not only attractive but had entertaining personalities,

Among them was locally born Penthouse Pet, Elizabeth Hilden who worked at a local SC into her mid to late 30s. She'd be 46 now.

OTOH, some young and sexy strippers don't age well and become to old in their late 20s.
I've been friendly with a few for years, some have aged badly, the one that looks the best of my long time friends, is about 36 and no longer works in the industry, We still get together often, and every once in a rare while she and I will make a visit to her old club for shits and giggles. It usually ends up being a fun night for both of us.
It all depends on how well she takes care of herself. I knew a stripper that never smoked, never did any drugs, only drank a max of 2 glasses of wine per night, avoided junk food and exercised like a college athlete. She danced well into her 40s and the only reason she left the business about 4 years ago was her oldest kid was about to be a teenager and her and her husband were worried the kid would start to figure out what she did for a living.

She is a bartender at a regular bar now and I ran into her about 2 months ago and I can say her looks still beat most dancers in their late twenties. I'm sure great genetics were a major factor in the way she looks now in her later 40s, but her lifestyle is what has done the most.

With that said most strippers who lead an average stripper life where they may smoke, drink more than an average person and sometimes eat more junk food at the bar usually starts to see their income drop due to aging in their early 30s unless their hussle or quality of service has increased enough to offset it. We all have also seen girls that lead the rough stripper lifestyle of chain smoking, binge drinking, poor eating, lack of exercise and heavy drug use whose body has broken down by 24.
avatar for RandomMember
5 years ago
The college-aged girls are better for raw animal attraction -- but they can be boring and self-absorbed. The older girls are more interesting to talk to. But for strippers or SBs I vastly prefer the former. I'm not looking for a GF.
I remember a fascinating HBO special years ago---maybe in the early 2000's that detailed the stripper life. There was one scene where a veteran dancer who was curvy but aging was trying to convince a club owner to put her on the night shift and the guy told her she could work only dayshifts and he would start her on Mondays at first. She hated it but because she didn't have any other marketable skills, accepted it. The manager was not a cold-hearted guy but was portrayed as just a businessman. The effect was harsh and sobering. Does anyone remember the name of this special?
^ I think I remember that episode - she drove a convertible (Mustang I think) -no way I can remember the name of the show - there used to be a show called G String Divas, perhaps that was it but IDK
I’ve had sever in their 50s that still had it going on.
avatar for bigtim47
5 years ago
I have known some in their 40's, but they were into pilates and yoga big time to keep in shape. Loved seeing them! There are lots of young "snot nosed" dancers out there that just rely on their body to entice you into buying dances, but experience goes a long way for me.
Don’t discount that the older strippers (ones that have lasted a while) have often learned a lot and are much better at hustling and in many cases at saving too. Young ones who succumb to the trappings of quick relatively easy money often look like they have many miles on them much before their time.
avatar for DeclineToState
5 years ago
Would be interesting to hear from the dancers here what is their response to OP's question, which is basically: Is a good looking older than 30 dancer's experience and friendly personality enough to offset a drop in looks that comes with age to continue generating good income?

Answer is you betcha, from some component of the PL population, including me. My CF is upper 30s, fit, youthful looks, good sense of humor. Agree with RandomMember that the raw animal attraction of the younger girls draws initial attention more than the older. But those who have developed into faves trend toward older.
My ATF will be turning 50 on April 4th. She is still dancing and still making money, and can still empty my wallet just about any night.
The show was called Stripper: The Naked Truth. And the older dancer's name was Avalon. This was a documentary before the "staged" docu-series G String Divas.
avatar for rane1234
5 years ago
Depends how they take care of themselves one of my favorites was a cougar since all the young tenders flock to the geriatrics. Lady had all the tricks no pun
avatar for K
New Jersey
5 years ago
The Playhouse in Burlington has at least one dancer over 60 and several in their 40's and 50's. They are some of the more popular because of the quality of service and the steep discount they provide. Oddly, they have better bodies than some of the women half their age.

George and I in Newark has a few in their 50's. or did every time I went. I haven't been in many months.
As I get older, the upper age limit for women I find sexy goes up correspondingly. I hope this miracle of nature continues at least into my seventies.
^^ I agree. My mid-sixties wife looks mighty fine to me.
So does the youngest dancer at the club.

It's one of the advantages of aging.
avatar for booji boy
booji boy
5 years ago
^^^ I know one dancer locally who just turned 40, and she's hotter now than when I first met her six years ago.

Ditto for TJ... I have a favorite at Adelita's who looks younger than her college-age daughter and rocks my world. And another at Chicago Club who is her daughter's age and ditto. Vive la difference. :-)

A hot, young hardbody is a delicious thing, but the older dancers know that the brain can be an erogenous zone too.
When they can't cover their house fee, it's time to hang up their heels.
As these posts suggest, it varies among dancers. Some, from good genes and hard work, stay hot hard bodies for decades. Ultimately, the market decides and they should quit when they stop making money.

I am generally not interested in 40+ year old dancers. I can have sex with women in the 45-55 age range any time for the cost of a night out. When I realized for slightly more money I could pay for sex with a 25-35 year olds it was life changing. Menopause pussy doesn't get wet like young pussy does.
avatar for rogertex
5 years ago
Agree with the posts.
Age is just a number - and a general indication that on an average day - a 20 yr old is likely to be hotter/fitter than 30 yr old - who is gonna be hotter than a 40 yr old.

In a strip club you have the dancer in front of you, if not already on your lap - the entire body - and almost naked I might add. Right there you can determine - hot or not !
Why use that number (age) - that serves its purpose to a limited extent when no other data is available!
At my current club, there seems to be a 50/50 split between the girls my age (under 30) and the older girls (above 30 and a few even topping over 40), and they don't seem to struggle that much harder than the rest of the girls do since most (not all) of them are attractive and either have any decent hustle or are a bit more laid back on stage or VIP. Outside that, I've worked with plenty of girls who were older than they actually looked, so I agree with those who are saying it all depends on how well you've treated yourself over the years to maintain physical attractiveness.

I think I still have plenty of time because despite that I'll be turning 28 this year, people in the club assume I'm barely legal, and those outside the club think I'm an older teenager. I guess having a baby face isn't all that bad.
avatar for NJBalla
New York
5 years ago
As long as she can until she cant make her quota. We have 60 year old dancers in NJ. Not for me, but they keep the newbies and cheap customers away from the hot young dancers.
avatar for TheeOSU
5 years ago
From my perspective looks and fitness matter more than age.
Being younger doesn't necessarily mean they're more fit or better looking.
Always room for a hot MILF (30-something) in a club. Several of my favorites are in their 30s, even in South FL which is ground zero for Generation Z strippers. More interesting to talk to, and they can more closely guess what you’d like. They just need to keep their breath fresh.
avatar for GoVikings
5 years ago
evehartley says "I think I still have plenty of time because despite that I'll be turning 28 this year, people in the club assume I'm barely legal, and those outside the club think I'm an older teenager. I guess having a baby face isn't all that bad."

its all that melanin in your skin. ;-)
At Desires there are a lot of regular customers over 50 and they all seem to like the dancers in the 30 -45 year old range and ignore the 22 year olds.
avatar for rl27
5 years ago
It often depends on the lifestyle of the strippers. I have seen far too many 20 year old burned out strippers, and quite a few dancers in their 40's who were in far better shape and much better looking than most dancers in their 20's. I even knew a few around 50 who were still quite hot.

The sweet spot for dancers, if they can last that long is around the ages of 23 to 32. With two exceptions, every favorite of mine that stayed my favorite for at least 5 years were all within that range.

The first exception was an older redhead with a very fit and tight body who when I knew her worked from age 35 to 42. The second I met started right when she started college and had been dancing about three months, and lasted as my favorite from 18 to 25.
It also comes down to personal-preference.

As we all know by now - PLs' preferences w.r.t. the type of dancers they prefer, are all over the fucking place - just like there are plenty of guys that LDK at the sight of a spinner, there are guys that would not throw them a dollar - similarly, there are guys that are obsessed w/ 18-20 y/o's for whom a 25 y/o is "over the hill" - and there are PLs that are not really into barely-legal looking girls - yes, overall, the 20s are probably the sweet-spot for most dancers, but it's not a universal-truism that there are not gonna be enough PLs that won't wanna get w/ older dancers or even prefer it, they may not be the majority, but likely a big enough # where dancers that still have enough of the stuff (supplemented w/ experience and maturity) can still find it lucrative-enough to dance and they will have enough of a fan-base per se (again this is contingent on dancers that age well and take care of themselves).
I tend to think this is one of the areas where the normal TUSCL average preference is a little different than the normal club goer average.
My across the street naighbor isa fitness instructor at my former gym. Watched her shovel snowthe other day in yoga pants and a t-shirt. Blonde, blue eyes, ripped, just a great proportional body at 5'3" 110 lbs. Sadly we only had six inches of snow so she was done at 45 minutes. She's 56 and if she danced at Desires she'd be top 10%.
I’ve been a PL for decades, and have had the pleasure to know a few dancers continuously for many of those years. I met my ATF when she was 23, she’s in her mid-forties now, and still fucking hot IMHO. She only works occasionally now, but always has customers waiting. I can’t ever recall seeing her in her club sitting around waiting to be asked for a dance. As I get older, I appreciate the life experience that older dancers bring to the table. For the Phoenix guys that know the legendary Mustang (around 50ish), her stripper wisdom coupled with her ageless tits make her a special entertainer. This doesn’t mean I don’t enjoy everything a 21 year old playmate can offer, but it’s rare for young dancers to be able to relate as well to an old PL like me.,
I’m somewhat of a pig, and I’m happy if a dancer stays fit, and provides the services I desire. Age isn’t an issue for me.

One thing that I attribute to strippers aging poorly is when they are heavy smokers. I think that cause someone to age quickly. Since most clubs are non smoking - that hopefully helps too. Probably a very bad thing to dance in a smoke filled club - and be a smoker - as it must almost double the effects of aging.
"... One thing that I attribute to strippers aging poorly is when they are heavy smokers. I think that cause someone to age quickly. Since most clubs are non smoking - that hopefully helps too ..."

Yeah - it helps - but those clubs have smoking areas - but at least they are not smoking as much as if it was allowed in the main-room - but having said that, in the south (GA, FL, etc), most clubs still allow indoor smoking which not only affects the dancers but also the non-smoking custies that more-or-less gotta smoke w/ the smokers against their will (seems also clubs in rural areas still allow indoor smoking)
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