Black vulture lives matter! Squawk!
Comments by rickthevulture
discussion comment
3 years ago
New York
The end of life is hard
We vultures are holy creatures
Bowing down low
Bared head
Whispers to cold flesh
“Thy old name is no more…”
discussion comment
3 years ago
Also, Meat ape has a point. Georgie lil dick is indeed a creepy old pervert. Not like us ricks. Squawk!
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3 years ago
Well, if you don’t worship rickthedeity you’re in real trouble. What is going to happen whe you show up at the pearly gates and see a handsome saint wearing a stylin’ suit. He’ll send you to see dougthedevil unless you show some damn rickspect. Squawk!
discussion comment
3 years ago
Oh puhleeze. You don’t have a sophisticated palate Skifredo. Most apes would know good food if it knocked on their door holding a sign saying “I’m good food!”
Add to that the fact that Skifredo is a homeless crab. Few crustaceans have good taste. I did meet the cool crayfish named george and we shared some detritus after having crazy sex with a hairless ape whore, but georgethecrayfish was the exception that proved the rule.
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3 years ago
The assholes grinding away on this thread better start showing some rickspect.
Let me ricksplain a lil something to you. We ricks are way up here in the stratosphere. You apes are damn at sea level. Zebras are even worse: they’re in fucking Death Valley. When we ricks say jump you ask “how high?”
You may now return to your pathetic hoi polloi lives. Hopefully with more rickspect for your betters.
Squawk! Squawk!
discussion comment
3 years ago
Atlanta suburb
McD’s is so fucking speciesist. Burger, McNuggets, Fries...WTF?
I flew into a McD’s and asked for a three day old possum burger. Would that fix that for me? No. As a rick I deserved the best.
I showed ‘em. Flew into their kitchen and threw up in their deep fryer. If you at from that McD’s after my visit all I have to say is this: those weren’t McNuggets you were eating.
Squawk! Squawk! Squaaaawk!
discussion comment
3 years ago
I'll act nicer if you'll act smarter.
It would absolute rick victory - a ricktory if you will.
Then the defeated would sit in the Florida sun for a few days and become a yummy yummy yummy in my vulture tummy tummy tummy treat.
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3 years ago
Atlanta suburb
You apes get far too bent out of shape by shit you can’t wrap your heads around. I’m indifferent unless I really want to give a sexy female ape a rimbeak. It’s like a rimjob but I really get my beak up there.
If a female ape wears a plug she’s a sure thing for a vulture beak up the ass. Squawk!
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3 years ago
Well why don’t you just go into every strip club in Jax and yell “hey dugan I’m here to kick your ass” and see how that works for you?
You won’t because you know that the most badass ape on the planet will knock you out with a single blow. Kaaa-pow!
I’ll be hanging out because you’ll be good eatin’ after you’ve sat on the roadside for a few days. You sow the wind and you’ll reap the rickwind. Squawk! Squawk!
discussion comment
4 years ago
My bad.
She was going to send a photo of me and one of my vulture buds - sal - giving beak and getting the old cloacal kiss, if you know what I mean.
I thought that any hairless ape that wanted to jack it would blow a gasket if they saw two vultures and a sexy female ape goin’ at it.
Just email again telling her that rick and sal, both of whom are sexy black vultures, to her to send some film of hot whippoorwill on hairless ape action. You’ll get some great material to spank it too. Squawk! Squawk!!!
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4 years ago
Strip Club Nation
Good point my brother rick!
Damn hairless apes constantly criticizing us vultures as dirty because we like to dine on the road kill. But they don’t even want to wash their own hands. Whiskey tango foxtrot? Squawk!!!
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4 years ago
Atlanta suburb
I grew up with this guy named frankie. Anyhoo, frankie is now homeless and he sells water bottles and various kinds of roadkill.
So if you see a bedraggled lookin’ vulture with some rotting armadillo on a stick take pity on the guy and say “hey frankie, as a hairless ape I don’t eat the carrion, but I’ll take a bottled water”
frankie likes the Fiji water. And the chances are good that he won’t have drank from the bottle he sells you. Squawk!!
discussion comment
4 years ago
You damn dirty apes and your “high end” chain restaurants. Don’t get me wrong (or “rong” as the local hairless ape population spells it), as a rick I like the finer things....
But when it comes to food there ain’t nothing better than two-day old possum on the pavement. Squawk!!!
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4 years ago
Straight outta tha NC, comin' atcha with an AK ready to steal your daughter. ROAR!!!
That is some truly great double bluff trolling rick my friend. I recognize that you don’t want the normies on here to learn any of the rick secrets but you need to remember that you began this by sharing THE SYSTEM(tm)
It is time that we offer to teach the other posters on here to become RICK(tm). What would you prefer - a world of ricks or a world of damn dirty apes.
Squawk! Squawk!
discussion comment
4 years ago
Unfortunately, the bastard is rehired😪
Lemme ricksplain something imitator of the Biden-ape. We ricks can tolerate delusional crap (e.g., the mark94-ape having a breakdown and convincing himself he’s really Biden). But we don’t take kindly to female zebras imitating anybody. And I smell a stripes in your posts.
My lion bud is interested in reality. Like why a person who hates the current generation wouldn’t vote for the political party that he considers bad? The lion makes a cogent point, so either get with the program or get out. Roar... cough... Squawk! Squawk!
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4 years ago
In my case the panic is sincere. The sexy female hairless apes can’t get enough vulture jizz. Squawk!
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4 years ago
They never tell you what you need to know.
Shailynn that is inappropriate and politically incorrect. That is not Juice in a wig.
Juice clearly grew her hair out and started taking hormones. Squawk! Squawk!
discussion comment
4 years ago
Straight outta tha NC, comin' atcha with an AK ready to steal your daughter. ROAR!!!
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4 years ago
Depraved Deacon of Degeneracy
Let’s leave aside skifredo’s incessant attempts to inject politics into the front room for just a minute.... But... if you read his comment through apolitical lens it seems like Skifredo is actually confessing to being a BAD bigot!
Glad he cleared that up. I just thought he was a giant toolbag. Squawk!!!
discussion comment
4 years ago
Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
Aah... I though Papi Ape had misspelled that charming comedy-rock group. Good call. It would be fucked up to enslave Zombie Davy Jones! Squawk!!!
Still fucked up to enslave the monkeys. You need to go all wildebeest on the slave master’s asses. roar... Squawk!
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4 years ago
Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
Some of you damn dirty apes are beyond the pale (or, as skifredo would put it, “beyond the pail”)
Free the frickin’ monkees! I thought two of ‘em were dead anyway. Squawk!
discussion comment
4 years ago
We ricks have our own rick morality and don’t care what the average ape thinks.
discussion comment
4 years ago
Who the fuck is Ninabambina?
Seriously chess-playing-ape, you need to calm down. Maybe take a few muscle relaxers and drink a rickarita and a gin rickey. And then another gin rickey.
Good movies....
Well, I quite like Madagascar because the animals are portrayed realistically.
And Silence of the Lambs. I went in expecting a documentary about lambs but I really liked the hero. Too bad he didn’t get to eat the villain played by Jodie Foster in the end.
Finally, there is “When Harry Met Sally”. Gotta love 💕 that one! Squawk!!!
discussion comment
4 years ago
Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
BTW, does anybody else find it kind of sick that you apes refer to hot adult female hairless apes as “chicks”? I mean really, “chicks” should be reserved for... well... frickin’ chicks!
Come up with a better slang term for sexy ADULT females. Squawk!
discussion comment
4 years ago
Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
As usual it is rick for the win!
Remember Juice-Ape, Never never NEVER involve cubs, chicks, or apelings in any of your fun and games. Squawk!