It's Inauguration Day at last.

avatar for ATACdawg
The day is *FINALLY* here!

In honor of the occasion, I will be removing the t, r, u, m and p characters from my keyboard.

So, if *y *os*s look like *his f*o* now on, yo* will all know why! 🎊🎉🤸😁🥂



last comment
avatar for latinalover69
4 years ago
Enjoy your delusion. Them Nat Guards aren't there to protect Pedo Joe.
avatar for datinman
4 years ago
It is shocking to me that there is a group of Americans that consider themselves patriots and yet would support a violent government coup leading to a totalitarian regime.
avatar for skibum609
4 years ago
It never ceases to amaze me that the party of criminals who riot, burn and loot, while pretending its a protest, cannot see that they're looking in the mirror when they bitch about others doing it. The difference is when the right protests against the Government, they go after the Government and when the left protests they steal, loot and throw concrete. Losers should move to California, liberal heaven and get Covid.
avatar for twentyfive
4 years ago
We waited patiently for this and now we get to say
avatar for skibum609
4 years ago
Yes we need a bigger flood of illegals because nothing destroys democracy fatser than importing foreign welfare cases who will vote for your pathetic sad sack party. Lets let in more Muslims too lol.
avatar for twentyfive
4 years ago
^ LOL typically brainwashed Trumpublican
avatar for Warrior15
4 years ago
Yes, today truly is a bleak day. The start of something very terrible for our country. I'm not going to miss the media constantly bashing Trump and telling lies about him. But I fear senile Biden is about the give our country's future away. Truly horrifying days are ahead.
avatar for Cashman1234
4 years ago
I am hopeful the country can move forward in a direction that benefits our citizens. I am waiting to see how the Biden administration handles its first few days.

Each president begins his term with an agenda that is set during the campaign process. The Biden agenda must focus first on getting the country healthy - to emerge from this horrible pandemic. In my view, the rest of the agenda is futile if the citizens are not safe and healthy.

President Trump was a disruptor - and he was brash - and his policies were helpful and important.

The country must now unite - and that will be one of the most important challenges of the new administration - and one of the most important challenges in our country’s history. We simply can not move forward unless we unite around our basic principles. In my view, it must happen from both directions- from the President and members of both houses - and from the people in all areas of the country.
avatar for skibum609
4 years ago
Someone who uses childish phrases like Trmupublican should understand how absolutely ridiculous it makes them look and stop wondering why others feel their opinion on anything is inane. Biden's first step is to make filthy scumbag illegals citizens. Where the fuck is covid when you need it?
avatar for Hank Moody
Hank Moody
4 years ago
Trump’s farewell speech today included the line “I hope they don’t raise your taxes, but if they do I told you so.” Who does he think handed the democrats two GA senate seats and control of Congress? I won’t miss the ‘all Trump all the time’ media coverage, but I am expecting a lot of back seat driving from him. Glad they put his twitter account in the principal’s office.
avatar for skibum609
4 years ago
Trump handed the democrats the Senate and in 3 months or so will never be heard from again.
avatar for Uprightcitizen
4 years ago
I agree Cashman. It's good someone came there to shake things up when there was little political will to make some challenging decisions. But Trump's own deep personal flaws were his undoing in a catastrophic way to the party and the country in general. Unfortunately the only uniting moment of his presidency was united condemnation of disrupting congress.

Those who he pardoned says allot about his personal character and the duplicity of his rhetoric of "Draining the Swamp".
avatar for twentyfive
4 years ago
Someone who constantly labels everybody else deserves a label of his own hence Trumpublican, it the label fits wear it proudly.
avatar for jackslash
4 years ago
Wednesday 1-6-21 Tr*mp whips a deluded mob into violence, telling them the big lie that he had won the election. The mob attacks the Capitol, threatens VP Pence and Congresspeople, and murders a policeman.

Wednesday 1-13-21 The House of Representatives impeaches Tr*mp for fomenting the insurrection.

Wednesday 1-20-21 Joe Biden is inaugurated as President of the United States.

Our democracy has held.
avatar for misterorange
4 years ago

"We simply can not move forward unless we unite around our basic principles."

I agree completely, but I don't see it happening. Biden, Harris and the rest of the leftie leadership have not the slightest intention of "uniting" this country, that's just a bullshit sound bite they like to use.

The problem is that half this country actually IS united around our basic principles, and the other half wants to exchange those principles for new "progressive" ones. If you think we were a divided nation under Obama and Trump, I hate to say it but, "You ain't seen nothing yet."
avatar for skibum609
4 years ago
Only a childish retard uses words like Trumpblican and its pathetic to pretend otherwise. Wow the House of Representatives lol. Mueller report lol. Ukraine lol. Impeaching an ex president lol. democracy ended when the left decided filthy foreigners are entitled to the money earned by American taxpayers. Time for a civil war dumb fucks on the left. This is the beginning, not the end.
avatar for twentyfive
4 years ago
LOL civil war don't stop with those lines, comedic gold.
avatar for datinman
4 years ago
I just read that Trump is thinking of starting a new political party, the patriot party. Best political news I have heard in 3 years. GOP might take a hit in 2022, but distance from Trumpism is what is needed now.
So, if you think Pence, Barr, and McConnell are RINOs, join the patriot party. If you think anonymous posts on 4chan are encoded messages about deep state cannibal pedophiles, see ya. If you think dressing like a bad Minnesota Vikings fan / Native American parody and taking selfies while you storm the Capital Building is a good idea, don't let the door hit your ass on the way out. Time to transition from Drain The Swamp to Flush Out The Crazies.
avatar for Cashman1234
4 years ago
Justintolook - I agree. If Trump moves to form his own party, it might take the loons masquerading as republicans along too.

The damage will be done - and the Republican Party may see a drop in numbers. But they may be able to offer appeal to a broader base of centrists.

I had thought Bernie Sanders would do something similar when he moved to the far left. Sadly, the Democratic Party shifted farther left and embraced his crazy ideas.
avatar for twentyfive
4 years ago
It really doesn't matter what ***** does, the Republican Party has lost a large portion of their funding, Sheldyn Adelson has passed away,he was the largest individual donor to the Republican Party, the surviving Koch Brothers have stated that they will not provide funds to election deniers, many of the large corporations that have PACs have rescinded their funding to the Republican Party, and until the obstructionists are purged they will continue to withhold needed funds, Mr. McConnell realizes this, and is going to find some common ground, to be able to work with Biden, so that when the mid terms come around in 2022 he has something to run on, if the Republican Party does nothing but obstruct they will become very quickly a minority party and the 2022 mid-term election will become their Waterloo, and any party that MR***** tries to start will be DOA.
avatar for skibum609
4 years ago
yawn. This has been predicted time and time again. Lets see what happens because all y'all are simply repetitive children at this point. How are the Democrats doing with Covid in California? The economy? Two years is a long time for feeble joe and fifth place kammy.
avatar for twentyfive
4 years ago
Sure seems like the guy who claims he hates Trump is taking this loss very personally.
avatar for HunterBiden
4 years ago
Time to suck my hairy crack addled sack Trumpettes!

The whores in the Ukraine are gonna be showing me some love when the Biden’s triumphantly return!
avatar for CommanderinThief
4 years ago
Hunter stop smoking so much crack c'mon man, and your not my favorite son, the dead one you know what's his name was. I even like your sister more, go read in her diary about the inappropriate showers old Joe made her take with me. Sure we Biden's are a disgusting and degenerate lot, but now we can make good to Papa Xi and the CCP for all that cash.
avatar for HunterBiden
4 years ago
You mean Bono? Or Bobo? I keep forgetting...

Can we buy a few Chink whores from Papa Xi? It will be like when Nixon brought back those pandas!

As long as those showers were golden - it won’t be a problem.
avatar for CommanderinThief
4 years ago
The Chinese women are free and you know it, though I wish you would ask for ones that are older than 12. But then again the CCP doesn't give a crap about the life of the Chinese people. We are gonna start that here America soon, or what is left it once we get through with it.
avatar for CommanderinThief
4 years ago
Wait Hunter that was supposed to be a private message can you fix that. And how do a download a PDF?
avatar for HunterBiden
4 years ago
When can we spit roast Kamela again - while her cuck husband watches?

Her lips are silky smooth and her throat is so deep for sucking dick. She loves the white meat!
avatar for CommanderinThief
4 years ago
You can have that dried up ole bitch, fuck her as much as you can until she pushes me down some stairs or you know the thing? Where is my pudding? I am a Senator I deserve respect.
avatar for HunterBiden
4 years ago
It’s time for you to put on your pajamas and have some lactose free warm milk.

It’s been a long day. You’ve already made enough pudding - as the secret service has been working to get the skid marks off your chair in the Oval Office.

You can call your buddy - Bill Cosby tomorrow. You always shit your pants when he does his fat Albert voice.
avatar for rickthelion
4 years ago
This rick normally avoid the political threads, but I do have one question...


Before the mark94 ape writes a 500 page essay on the state of the world I’d like you non-ricks to understand what I’m getting at. My rick contention - ricktention if you will - is that voting Democratic is the logical thing for Skifredo to do GIVEN HIS BELIEFS..

Remember what Skifredo believes:

1. The current generation of Americans SUCK!!!
2. Democrats will borrow money and run the country into the ground.
3. Democrats will give said borrowed money to undeserving losers.

Now let’s add in a fact: Skifredo claims to have received one of the $600 gummint checks (i.e., some of the borrowed money).

So, Democrats have given Skifredo money (I’ll leave it to the readers to decide whether that makes Skifredo a loser, given his own assumptions) and he thinks that they will destroy America, screwing over the current generation.

Seems to me that Skibum is voting wrong given his own assumptions. Why not take free money and destroy the futures of those you hate?

Now, this rick considers cubs and apelings to be the future and does not agree with Skifredo that the current generation sucks. But remember that we have to consider Skifredo’s beliefs, not reality. And I say that given his beliefs it should be straight ticket Dem for him!

avatar for CommanderinThief
4 years ago
Listen Jack, us Democrats just tax, print, and spend. Our favorite way is called redistributing wealth. We are like Robinhood take from the middle class and piss it all away, ha ha, how you like that fat? You want to see who can do more pushups? I haven't sniffed a lion in a long time.
avatar for rickthevulture
4 years ago
Lemme ricksplain something imitator of the Biden-ape. We ricks can tolerate delusional crap (e.g., the mark94-ape having a breakdown and convincing himself he’s really Biden). But we don’t take kindly to female zebras imitating anybody. And I smell a stripes in your posts.

My lion bud is interested in reality. Like why a person who hates the current generation wouldn’t vote for the political party that he considers bad? The lion makes a cogent point, so either get with the program or get out. Roar... cough... Squawk! Squawk!
avatar for CommanderinThief
4 years ago
Zebra's Epstein had a girl who he painted with Zebra stripes. Billy Clinton was a big fan of her, too young for my taste but Billy Boy and Hunter like them real young. And listen her vulture jack, us Bidens will beat you up like I did corn pop.
avatar for JamesSD
4 years ago
It's truly a new day in America as even the mainstream Republicans shun Trump.

What's next? Fleeing the country? Bankruptcy? Or conviction in NY state courts?
avatar for sclvr5005
4 years ago
^all of the above
avatar for JamesSD
4 years ago
"Only a childish retard uses words like Trumpblican and its pathetic to pretend otherwise"

Everyone else sees the hypocrisy here, right?
avatar for sclvr5005
4 years ago
Hypocrisy is one of the glues that keeps the Trumplicans and their ilk together. The other glues include lies, greed and cowardess, just to name a few.
avatar for sclvr5005
4 years ago
avatar for JamesSD
4 years ago
I mean we've had crazy inflation the last couple years. The pandemic just made energy prices fall which hid it. Food especially has skyrocketed the last couple years.

Should we start talking about "Biden's" national debt yet?
avatar for Uprightcitizen
4 years ago
Inflation will have zero to do with any party. Both support the same monetary policy. The fed is gonna keep stocking their fingers in the dike until we have a new economic renaissance or they have no more ammo and the damn explodes. Best to hedge your bets on either side of the outcome.
avatar for Uprightcitizen
4 years ago
When I picture Janet Yellen sticking her fingers in the dike I find this very plausible.
avatar for ilbbaicnl
4 years ago
Biden's the lesser evil for now. We need some fresh ideas. Not more Clinton/Obama fake-change. Not more supply-side that we've been waiting 40 years now for it to work. Not more KKK warmed over. Yes hundreds rioted at the Capitol, but that was out of thousands who came to DC. 90+% wanted no part of rioting. Just like how 90+% of BLM doesn't want to loot or throw shit at the cops. I got some hope there are people on different sides now, who will come together when the see the chance for some real positive change. That's going to give opportunities to people who don't have enough of them as things stand.
avatar for nicespice
4 years ago
Lol the mention of the lesser evil made me remember this one thing:…
avatar for misterorange
4 years ago
So, in other words, the tail wagging the dog.
avatar for WavvyCain
4 years ago
Skibum still ignorant as hell, if those black people he represents finds out he talks like this he’d be flat broke living off welfare like trump will be doing soon. 😩😊
avatar for skibum609
4 years ago
SCLVR and JimmySD prove time and time again that all you must be to be a progressive is a sissy with a jar of vaseline to make it easier on each other.
avatar for sclvr5005
4 years ago
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