It is never too late to get your rick on

avatar for rickthelion
True ricks are both born and made, but many of you will be able to achieve a certain level of rickness in your lives. It is never too late. Just think:

Dracula was 412 when he moved to England in search of new blood.

Sauron was 43,000 years old when he forged the one ring.

Cthulhu had already seen whole galaxies flare to life and fade into darkness before he said “hey, time to put some madness into the minds of these damn dirty apes.”

Moral of the story: even if you’re some sort of decrepit fossil you can still grab just a little rickness by learning the system. That is why the dugan shared it with you.



last comment
avatar for BBBC
4 years ago
Hell yeah! Every time Ricky and I are fucking like rabbits he does his incantations! It sounds like, "Gettin my Rick on! Gettin my Rick on!Gettin my Rick on!Gettin my Rick on!"
avatar for DoctorPhil.
4 years ago
did any of u know that I was buds with cthuloo? fun guy. it was during his brief stint as bassist for the damned

or maybe that was lemmie. regardless either cthulu or lemmie was a nice guy. and u should listen to more damned. it will make ur lives better

your welcome
avatar for shailynn
4 years ago
Who are the most famous Ricks?

Rick Dugan

Rick Springfield

Rick Schroder

Rick Astley

Slick Rick
avatar for nicespice
4 years ago
How about Ricky Martin? 😁
avatar for rickdugan
4 years ago
Dear Nice,

As flattered as I am that you started this thread with one of your troll accounts just to get my attention and then eagerly bumped it with this account, unfortunately I just don't think that it could ever work out with us. I'm sorry to let you down like that, but sometimes, as hard as it is, it's best to tackle these infatuations before they become overwhelming.

Now please don't take this personally. It's not you, it's me. My life is very complicated, which is why I have to limit my side dalliances to women who have no expectations besides money. But I'm sure you'll find another guy soon enough who makes you feel like I do - maybe one that feeds into your deep Daddy issues even better than I do.

Again, I hope this doesn't bring you too much pain and I wish you nothing but the best.

avatar for shailynn
4 years ago
Not sure, he’s the most handsome Rick out there but instead chooses to blow guys. That’s a waste of a god given gift. I know gay guys need handsome partners too but Ricky Martin could make Ellen turn straight if he wanted to. My wife cries a little every time she sees a music video with him and asks “why does he have to be gay? It kills my fantasy.”
avatar for nicespice
4 years ago
If I denied that I was the OP, would I be lion?

...yes that was lame. Couldn’t help it 😁
avatar for TheeOSU
4 years ago
avatar for rickthevulture
4 years ago
That is some truly great double bluff trolling rick my friend. I recognize that you don’t want the normies on here to learn any of the rick secrets but you need to remember that you began this by sharing THE SYSTEM(tm)

It is time that we offer to teach the other posters on here to become RICK(tm). What would you prefer - a world of ricks or a world of damn dirty apes.

Squawk! Squawk!
avatar for rickdugan
4 years ago
I know honey, it's hard to let go. But remember, we'll always have Paris...umm...I mean the Rick animals I guess. But I understand if you need a little time to process.
avatar for shailynn
4 years ago
Rickthevulture may be on to something.





San_Jose_GuyRICK(tm) okay kidding

Kinda like a special designation. If you have the RICK(tm) designation you are a ninja warrior when it comes to strip clubs and you have impeccable dining tastes such as Olive Garden.
avatar for ricktheturtle
4 years ago
Well shailynn, if you can really get your rick on you would see that even San Jose guy can become cool by upping his rickness level.

Thus, san_jose_guyRICK(tm) would indeed be cool (not so sure about the zebra that posts as san_jose_gay - even rickness cannot save a zebra).


avatar for rickthecoconutcrab
4 years ago
True dat my turtle bud. I’d also like to add that I understand where out brother from an ape mother is resisting the council’s new effort to be inclusive. The dugan just wants to remain special.

I think the readers can ask themselves what is more plausible: some elaborate trolling operation masterminded by nicespice (by now well established as a non-zebra) or the existence off a council comprising the best specimens of all species. Maybe the elaborate tolling idea would be plausible if it was masterminded by zebras, but even they would find it virtually impossible to master the level of rickness in our posts.

dugan my brother, just remember that no non-rick can become truly rick. The council(TM) just wants to increase the overall rickness of the world, not to raise everybody else to our level. After all, raising normal people to full rick status would be impossible.

Don’t you want a little more rickness in the world?

avatar for rickdugan
4 years ago
It looks like she's not handling the letdown very well. I get that. After being obsessed with me for so long it's hard to let go. 😉
avatar for nicespice
4 years ago
Well whatever emotional pain I’m going through, this thread is doing a great job entertaining me 😁
avatar for DoctorPhil.
4 years ago
i will set up a space geneious analysis of the handwriting in her bewbs photo using a convolutional neural network of my own design to see if it indicates that ms spice wrote rick the lion on her own bewbs. i am confident that my elaborate program will be able to classify the photo appropriately into such informative categories as:

wrote on own bewbs
had friend write on bewbs
had lion write on bewbs

of course it will take some time to train the cnn appropriately but i will report back and this will settle once and for all whether ms spice is mr lion as mr dugan alleges

your welcome
avatar for shailynn
4 years ago
^ if no stripper will volunteer their bewbs Juice has volunteered his and he will write whoever’s name you wish as long as you buy him 6 cans of Four Loko or a $20 Bojangles gift card.
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