
avatar for shadowcat
This morning I made my first visit to my local McD's since before COVID. I'm not a big fan but in the past I have enjoyed a sausage biscuit & coffee on a cold morning. So it was time to check it out again. I was the only customer inside at 9:30AM. Prices have not gone up. My bill was $2.01 and she gave me back 99 cents. ??? One sign said max capacity 39 and another said Play Place closed UFN. The TV was not turned on. I missed not watching the news while I ate. The old atmosphere was definitely missing.


last comment
avatar for Muddy
3 years ago
lol shadow only on TUSCL do us PL's go to Mcdonalds for the ambiance.

But I know what you mean it pisses me off too, some lobbies are still closed near me. Drive thru only with the line wrapped around the building. I'll wait sometimes because it's the best bang for your buck coffee you can get IMO.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
3 years ago
I don't recall ever being in a McDonalds with a TV
avatar for twentyfive
3 years ago
All the MacDonalds here have multiple TVs couches and great coffee better than Starbucks which I can’t stand
avatar for Papi_Chulo
3 years ago
I rarely eat at McDonalds; last time was probably 2 or 3 years ago - the rare times I eat at a fastfood burger place I'll either do BK or Wendy's (but I do buy my Mom McDonalds about once a month).
avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
Viet Coffee has more than that!

But no, its not like a mileage strip club.


Milk'n Blues…
avatar for Papi_Chulo
3 years ago
The McDonaldses near me have all been around a long time and not really remodeled much so maybe why they don't have TVs
avatar for twentyfive
3 years ago
Just coffee for me in the morning don’t care for their burgers chicken and fries I did used to like their chicken fajitas but they aren’t serving them in my area anymore
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
3 years ago
I hatehow they're replacing cashiers with kiosks.

But there's one kinda close that serves beer. Never got it there though.
avatar for ilbbaicnl
3 years ago
I read in a book that a guy went back to his old tavern after The Black Plague, and the serving wench had 47 warts instead of 46. Who would have thought we'd face times as hard as that in the modern era.
avatar for skibum609
3 years ago
couple of egg mcmuffins in the car if we're day tripping skiing.
avatar for motorhead
3 years ago
“I don't recall ever being in a McDonalds with a TV“

I rarely ever go inside. Pre-Covid I stopped at a McDonald’s near O’Hare in Chicago prior to a meeting and this place was very nice. Multiple couches and big screen TV’s. It was like a nice coffee shop. People lounging in the couches checking their laptops and sipping their morning brew.
avatar for blahblahblah23
3 years ago
McDonalds is something else. I just went to one in WA not long ago and a meal was $11???? Holy shit. I guess I am used to mcdonalds being cheaper than $11
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
3 years ago
It's around $9 or so for a meal usually. The nearest subway has 6 inch sandwiches starting at like $8.
avatar for blahblahblah23
3 years ago
Idm $9 or $11 for fast food somewhere a bit better than McDonalds. But for fucking McDonalds this is a ripoff
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
3 years ago
I stick to in n out for fast food. For $10 I can get decent Chinese or Mexican food. Or something healthy from a store deli. It just depends.
avatar for motorhead
3 years ago
In the Midwest we have Culver’s. It’s a bit more on the higher end than McD’s or BK. Food is cooked fresh which means slow service but usually worth it.

A basket meal with dessert (frozen custard) can run as high as $16. Not the days when McD’s advertised you could feed a family of four for under $4

avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
3 years ago
Many years ago, I remember being able to go with a carload of buddies to a Taco Bell drive-thru after a night of drinking. We'd pay $12 for roughly 30 pounds of "food".

That's definitely not possible anymore.
avatar for misterorange
3 years ago
"she gave me back 99 cents"

I don't go to fast food joints anymore, but I used to go a lot. One thing that pissed me off was if your bill was $10.01 and you gave them $20 they'd give you $9.99 back.

It got to the point I'd keep a change purse in my car, and if it was $12.25 I'd give them a $10 and $2.25 in loose change. Literally all dimes, nickels and pennies. Not even any quarters. Tie up the fucking drive-thru a little longer.
avatar for EastCoaster
3 years ago
My hometown had the 13th McDonalds in the world, which opened in 1955. The following year, my mom took us kids there for the first time, and though I was only three, I remember it like it was yesterday. When you went to the window to order food, you were still outdoors! When the food came, I asked my mom where we were going to eat it, and she said "In the car." My response? "Wow, cool!!" I think hamburgers were 15 cents, cheeseburgers were 19 cents, and fries were a dime. I went to kindergarten with a kid who lived next to that McDonalds, and I thought he was the luckiest guy in my school. Obviously, I have always been easily amused -- then and now.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
3 years ago
^ cool story
avatar for blahblahblah23
3 years ago
I finally discovered the joy of in n out burger with the 2×2 and 3×3. But their regular single patty burgers are wack cuz that is just way too little meat what the f.
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
3 years ago
I get a double double with grilled onions no lettuce extra sauce and hot peppers.
avatar for minnow
3 years ago
McD isn't my 1st choice in fast foods, haven't been in one since pre-Covid. Slightly OT, went in a Bob Evans after a 2yr. hiatus. I wasn't entirely enthralled. Menu was noticeably sparser, no more fried chicken patties, baked potato n/a, just mashed, home fries. Previous counter with swivel chairs had chairs removed, counter for takeout orders only. Maybe it's just a few Bob Evans, or system wide, IDK. It seems that businesses are more geared to simplifying takeout orders than previous dining in business model. A pre - Covid FL full service car wash is now drive through, self serve coin vacuums, employs 1/4 of pre covid crew, they just monitor the drive thru with a few dry toweling car for tips. Welcome to the post Covid new normal.
avatar for ilbbaicnl
3 years ago
@blahblah to be fair it would have been much less without the $5 surcharge for stabbing the cashier lol.

If you get a shake and/or items with (unground) chicken breast, it's easy to get over $10. It's worth it for the unground chicken.
avatar for ilbbaicnl
3 years ago
Notice I got us a little more on-topic by mentioning breasts.
avatar for ilbbaicnl
3 years ago
I can remember when their slogan was have lunch and get change back from your (one) dollar. But that was for a hamburger (1/8 lb.), medium fries and a drink. Oh yeah and gas was like 30 cents a gallon.
avatar for Mate27
3 years ago
Crazy Joe destroys their shitters. He hasn’t met one he hasn’t conquered.
avatar for yahtzee74
3 years ago
How do you people end up paying so much at McDonalds? They have a mobile app that always offers buy one get one free sandwiches or free fries with any purchase. Soft drinks are only a dollar.
avatar for Mate27
3 years ago
^^ it cost them $.10 to make that soft drink. Water for me, no thanks, but their coffee is worth it.
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
3 years ago
McDonald's is expensive jn some areas. I know one in Vegas where a fish sandwich is $8.
avatar for shailynn
3 years ago
Another causality if COVID - McDonalds stopped their all day breakfast.

I ate breakfast there (drive thru) way more than I’d like to admit during COVID while on the road.
avatar for blahblahblah23
3 years ago
O yeah I forgot about that. I love their mcgriddles.

I usually don't care for milkshakes a whole lot. It is just usually low quality shit that is straight sugar and not high grade fatty/creamy shit. Idk the correct terminology but you must know what I mean. Like low quality chocolate is straight fucking sugar trash. Ok occasionally but shit is trash. Not even really chocolate.
avatar for motorhead
3 years ago
McGriddles are nasty

I would never order one but got one by mistake in the drive thru. That combination of sweet and savory is weird.
avatar for EndlessSummer
3 years ago
It's BAAAAAAAACK!!! I had my first McRib(s) (yes, I always skip the fries and have my McRib with a side of McRib- don't judge!😋) of the season and they did not disappoint! Yummmy!
The appeal is as much nostalgic for me as anything and in past years I've even driven to surrounding states to get 'em when much fewer locations participated. I'm so glad they all got on board last year because, with the price of gas, I'd be hard pressed to make those trips for a sandwich these days
avatar for EndlessSummer
3 years ago
Oh, and that post about the app is spot on... it's a money saver for sure! 🔆
avatar for twentyfive
3 years ago
Hi Endless Summer welcome home
avatar for Studme53
3 years ago
Ha ha - haven’t eaten in a McDonalds since my kids were little. Everything is drive-thru now. Got the Chick Fil A app and do nothing but curbside pickup now. Downside for society - everyone burns fewer calories to get a meal - but very convenient and quick.
avatar for EndlessSummer
3 years ago
Thanks 25! It's good to be back... missed you all!! 🥰
avatar for skibum609
3 years ago
Someone mentioned mcDonald's milkshakes, which I find off putting. The best fast food milkshake by far is at Jack in a box. Their secret? Real ice cream, not chemicals to thicken.
avatar for twentyfive
3 years ago
^ the secret to Jack in the Box milkshakes is contained in their name I never ate anything from them
avatar for skibum609
3 years ago
When we used to go to Jack in Box, they were owned by Ralston Purina and we loved their "dog food tacos" Still the only fast food place I ever liked.
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
3 years ago
I think McDonald's hasn't been the same since they got rid of the Angus deluxe.
avatar for georgmicrodong
3 years ago
@misterorange: "One thing that pissed me off was if your bill was $10.01 and you gave them $20 they'd give you $9.99 back. "

How entitled do you have to be in order to be "pissed off" at getting the correct change back? Do you really expect some minimum wage worker in a shitty job to risk their register being short, and losing their job, so you don't have to deal with pennies?
avatar for Musterd21
3 years ago
Nicespice did not comment on this one. I want to buy her a cup of coffee!
avatar for rickthevulture
3 years ago
McD’s is so fucking speciesist. Burger, McNuggets, Fries...WTF?

I flew into a McD’s and asked for a three day old possum burger. Would that fix that for me? No. As a rick I deserved the best.

I showed ‘em. Flew into their kitchen and threw up in their deep fryer. If you at from that McD’s after my visit all I have to say is this: those weren’t McNuggets you were eating.

Squawk! Squawk! Squaaaawk!
avatar for ilbbaicnl
3 years ago
What I miss is the salads. If you got grilled chicken and the vinegrette dressing, and washed it down with diet soda, it was a reliable, relatively healthy fast food meal.
avatar for blahblahblah23
3 years ago
They quit salad???
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
3 years ago
Try Jack in the boxs bacon ranch chicken sandwich.
avatar for motorhead
3 years ago
McDonald’s has introduced a few decent items thru the years but they seem to always discontinue them yet keep all the same old crap.

Early 1980’s they had a sandwich resembling a Patty Melt. Caramelized onions, rye bun, and cheddar cheese sauce. I thought it was pretty good

About 10 years ago the had a Southwest Chicken Wrap. I added extra ranch and they were really tasty.

The best thing they ever offered was the McSkillet Burrito. Eggs, sausage, potatoes, cheese and really good smoky chipotle sauce. I loved them for breakfast. Problem was they were expensive. People would rather get their crappy $1 tiny burritos they have now.

avatar for WiseToo
3 years ago
Pre-Covid, I would always stop at a McD when necessary. They were all over, convenient and open late. I could run in use the urinal (never the stall) and run out without having to stop at the counter. I read somewhere the McD's are America's public toilet. Now its hit or miss because some have counter service, but closed the dining area and restrooms.
avatar for ilbbaicnl
3 years ago
Yeah since COVID no salads at McDonalds, at least the ones I've been in.
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