The cornerstone of American democracy, the premise that all men are created equal, is a blatant lie. Let’s set aside for the moment that America has been shamefully slow in living up to the proposition that all men should be TREATED EQUALLY under the law. The assertion posited in the U.S. Declaration of Independence that we are “all created equal” is utter nonsense. This should be immediately obvious to anyone.
Use any yardstick you want - raw intelligence, creativity, strength, endurance, specialized athletic prowess, height, beauty, singing ability, balance, wisdom, integrity, diligence, poise, courage or tolerance - we are all different. We are most certainly NOT at all created as equals.
Albert Einstein was a brilliant theoretical physicist but would have made a pathetic comedian. Andy Kaufman, widely considered to have been a comic genius, could never have come up with the Law of General Relativity. George F. Will is an articulate and incisive political commentator, but he could not be expected to survive 10 seconds in the ring with Mike Tyson, a fearsome man who could beat the snot out of (almost) anyone but who is an inarticulate beast wholly lacking in political or historical insight. No amount of rigorous training could have ever transformed Danny DeVito into the equal of Michael Jordan on the basketball court.
(… )
But why should our alleged equality matter to anyone anyway? The premise of equal treatment under the law does not require that the members of the populace actually be equal by any measure of raw talent or accomplishment.
With continued hard work, commitment (and a different president), I believe that America will continue to inch closer to its goal of equal treatment for all under the law. But, please, spare me the empty headed political canard about all people being equal.
It’s simply not true.
last commentI know what you mean.
Those guys in the porn films with their dinky Vienna sausages are so pathetic.
I’ll bet his unit puts a fire hose to shame and has the full text of Tolstoy’s “War and Peace” tattooed on it.
Also, keep in mind that said terms had different socio-cultural interpretations in the past than they do now.
The notions about equality didn’t apply to blacks, Native Americans or women.
As for your comment about changing presidents....what has Trump done to treat people unequally under the law?
Who is it that says that certain political speech is hate speech but other is not. Who says that there should be laws to protect certain groups but not others. Who is demanding that some social media platforms silence some groups and not others.
There is this strange view of reality out there that some people hold that calls for equal treatment but only for the people they feel should be considered equal....and that everyone else should be silenced or penalized.
The world is upside down.
As far as equality today, attacking unfair disadvantage means attacking unfair privilege as well. However in some racists' view.... equality means simply saying everyone will now be treated like they're white and can do what whites do... But once they learn that equality entails ridding society of white privilege, well.... they get butt hurt.
As far as the rest, you'd be hard pressed to find an industrialized country anywhere in this world that has less in institutionalized racism and is more diverse than the United States. At some point, any group that feels under-represented in politics and industry needs to stop whining, shed their victim mentality and make better use of the opportunities amply available to them.
As I've posted in the past, liberals are the most open-minded people one will ever meet as long as you agree with them - and the more left they are the worse (look at college campuses that block, at times thru violence, people from speaking on campus that do not agree with their world view) - and in the ultimate left, communism which does not allow any discussion at all or else.
Of course, I am excluding my bud dugan from this statement. He is superior. You see, we ricks are as far beyond the average hairless ape as a normal hairless ape is beyond an amoeba
Are some amoebas better at doing their amoeba shit than other amoebas? Maybe... maybe there is some go-getter amoeba out there that has figured out the best way to inflict amoebic dysentery on hairless apes, but said amoeba is still a frickin’ amoeba.
We ricks view the rest of you the same way. Squawk!
Regardless of your inherited/genetic intelligence, physical prowess, race, etc., all men are born with an equal right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. What happens after that is up to you.
Glad he cleared that up. I just thought he was a giant toolbag. Squawk!!!